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“Excuse me, could you take this away please?” Lynn asked, handing a plate with a scantly picked at slim of toast on it. She shook her head at the slowness of the service but was happy enough to get a seat so far from other people. Lynn liked her space and she was not ashamed of it. She spotted Ava at the buffet with her husband and son, gathering their food. She had just had the worst headache when she woke up that she couldn’t face the throng of people fighting for their breakfast. Instead she had opted to find them a place to sit. 




Micheal Davidson had been the first to notice the minute shaking of the table. His sisters were still very much glued to their phones, ironically messaging each other despite being within reach in person. Their parents were across the vast expanse of the table, so the little boy was left to his own imagination, as he hungrily tore into his bread. They were sitting on the plate, set in the middle of the circular landscape and largely away from the rest of the guests. But Micheal felt the vibrations and heard the gentle rattling of the cups and saucers as a faint booming grew and grew.


He nudged Nicole to communicate his concern, but she shrugged him off. It was only when the shadow fell over them that the twins looked up, but by then it was too late. An enormous hand shot towards them, and all the two girls grabbed hold of each other, leaving Micheal to stare alone at the train-like fingers that approached. Nicole’s heart fluttered as the fingers fell short of them, but then started racing again when she felt the plate move.


“EXCUSE ME, COULD YOU TAKE THIS AWAY PELASE?” boomed a familiar voice, and Nicole went ice cold with fear. The children tumbled to the side and plate tilted ever so slightly, their bodies crashing into the slice of toast. There was another jolt as the plate passed hands and then just as quickly, they were being carried away from the table.


“Mom!” Micheal yelled out, but she was too far away to hear.


Donald Davidson noticed the approaching figure at the same time and turned away from his wife. He watched through rage-filled eyes as the same beastly blonde woman passed his children on a plate to a server, neither of them seemed to notice them. 


“Hey! Wait! My kids are on there!” he yelled, starting to run towards the middle of the table. Unfortunately, at that moment, Lynn chose her seat. Stepping around the table, the colossal blonde gently bumped her wide hip against the surface, blushing as the plates and glasses rattled with the force. The effects on the two tiny Davidson parents however was far greater.


Donald felt the table jump out beneath him and he was flung over the edge. Throwing out his hands in desperation, he managed to grasp the cloth, halting his drop. HIs wife was less fortunate. Allison felt the ripple of moment hit her like a wave as she was tossed away from her perch, whipped from the overhanging tablecloth. A silent screamed passed her lips as she fell, before landing in a a heap on the chair behind her. Allison raised her head as the chair was pulled back, and she too recognised the towering figure above her. 


Lynn’s blonde hair was tied up in a bun in an attempt to keep it off her neck in the already warming morning air. Allison could already see the turquoise tank top sticking to her back, but its sleeveless nature hid the fact that the giantess was most beneath the arms. What scarred the tiny woman however was the monumental domes of Lynn’s butt that now blocked out the light, hovering above her. The massive boulders of hulking flesh were contained in a tight pair of tan cargo shorts, ending just above the knees, the openings stretched by her massive thighs. Allison had seen her ass up close before, but she once again marvelled at how the vast expanse seemed to span the entire width of the chair she was lying on and more. She had little time to contemplate just how big the woman was, even to a normal sized human, before she sat down.


The tiny mother had just enough time to realise the futility in running; she had landed quite near the middle of the seat, before the bone-crushing weight of Lynn’s booty enveloped her. Allison was pinned flat on her back, her legs twisted at unnatural angles, and then compressed. It was like being inside a car-crusher, or so Allison thought, at the pressure rose and rose, pushing her into the hard wooden chair with no remorse. 


Lynn Pearce staled into her chair, wiggling her bottom as she got comfortable. She had no idea that her little dance was grinding Allison’s puny body, excruciatingly and violently under her right buttcheek. Donald watched on helplessly, clinging to the table cloth that hung between the legs of the titan that had just sat on his wife. 




Anna plummeted for what seemed like hours, watching the monstrous ass of the giantess fly away from her as she sailed down alongside her colossal thighs. The water falling around her even seemed to slow as she kept pace, helplessly falling towards the sea below. The diminutive redhead struck the floor fo the shower cubicle with a pathetic splash, her body still refusing to move. She instantly felt the current gather her up and she shot along the with it, spinning out of control as she was dragged to the drain. She watched her colossal tormentor moving above, her wet breast swaying and her gut jiggling as she did. Just as Anna was sure she would disappear into the drain, to be lost amidst the sewers forever, Becca saved her life.


While it may not have been the nicest way to stop her, nor was it in any way intentional, the fat goddess had timed her movements perfectly. She switched off the water with one hand and turned to open the shower door. Her left foot carelessly swung around and stamped down, right on top of Anna. Her sky went black as the heavy sole of the giantess came down on her, but the shear width of her foot was enough to swallow Anna up and halt her progress. She felt her body crunch, and despite knowing that the medicine she had taken would keep her alive, Anna truly felt the sensation of being crushed as what felt like the weight of an entire planet came down on her. 


Becca reached out and grabbed her towel, getting as much of the water off her body as she could before stepping out onto the tiles. In that time the water was able to drain from the shower floor and leave the puny Anna under Becca’s flabby foot. As the massive sole rose, Anna remained against it, held on by the essential oils oozing out of the freshly cleaned pores. The tiny girls face was pressed into the thick, hot flesh and all she could feel was a rush of air on her back as she was picked up for the ride. 


The giantess’s foot came crashing down on the cool tiles, once against crushing Anna’s body beneath it and grinding her in as it took Becca’s weight, only to pick her up again for the next step. Becca wrapped the towel around her hips, leaving her tremendous breasts bare as she walked out into the room.


“Morning,” Emilie grinned, her gaze glued on Becca’s jugs as she walked. The brunette was still lying in bed and still very much naked, her legs spread slightly so that the Irish girl could see her clean shaven crotch. The enormous redhead averted her eyes and nodded her reply as she went to get some fresh clothes. As she dragged her feet along the carpet, Anna’s body rolled off, left in a heap in the wake of the goddess, like a piece of dirt marking her trail. 

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