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Rei saw a small version of the woman she had been fantasizing about all this night. Her face became intensely flushed as she asked with a stuttering voice. 

“What were you doing down their?”

“I was trying to get your attention.”

Rei felt her heart skip a beat as she thought to herself, trying to get my attention. That must mean that she’s been with me for quiet some time, oh God, I must know.

“How long have you been this small?”

“Since our eating out at WcDonalds ended.”

This was one of the most humiliating things that has ever occured to Rei. She realized her crush watched her as she smelled her own foot, wrote about it, and even that she has a toenail jar. Her face went from it’s typical pale skin color to a dark deep red. 

“Oh my god this is so embarrassing I’m sorry.”

“Hey, theres nothing you need to apologize for. We all have our own strange hobbies and ticks!”

Asuka tried to be nice about the clearly humiliating things she had just witnessed, but wasn’t gonna deny that it was some grody stuff she witnessed Rei doing. But this was what loving someone was about, being able to see past the strange and weird. 

Rei had felt comforted by what Asuka had said to her and tried to pretend all that happened never did. But what didn’t cross her mind until now was this. Asuka had to have been the one that made her orgasm. 

“S-so, you’re the one that went down there and…”


“Oh my, I’m so sorry if there was a smell or anything.”

“There wasn’t don’t worry, I wanted to apologize about the whole WcDonalds thing.”

“What for?”

“I felt like I was sort of coming on to you a bit too strong.”

“No don’t be sorry! If anything, I’m sorry. I wish I would’ve been more responsive to your flirting. The truth is that I’m not very knowledgeable or professional about this whole swaying someone of their feet.” 

“It’s okay! I know you’re a shy woman, and I’m sure the prospect of someone of your own gender hitting on you was probably strange.”

The feelings they had for each other was becoming progressively noticeably mutual by each passing second. This sort of social barrier had finally begun to crumble itself down. 

“Ya know, you’re sort of intimidating at this size.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s a nice change of pace. You could be authoritarian with this size.”


The thought of being a dominant person was a very strange one to Rei. Her whole life she’s always assumed the role of being a sort of submissive type of woman, but a dominant one. What a strange thought, but it wasn’t any less strange then the circumstance she was in. 

“Here I wanna try something out.”


“Put me in your mouth.”


“You’ve always had such a pretty mouth, I wanna admire it more by being inside it. But don’t eat me!” Asuka said as she snapped her tone with that last sentence.


With that Rei, slowly started to open up her mouth, her tongue unveiled itself outward like a ladder. Asuka hopped off Rei’s hand and grabbed onto her tongue, using Rei’s various taste buds like a ladder of sorts to enter her friends cavernous mouth. 


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