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The loud ring of the bell echoed through the science classroom at Bryanstein High School as the last students shuffled into advanced anatomy. Unlike most days there was an excited buzz about the classroom as the end of the semester had rolled around and the students finally had the chance to apply everything they had learned in the class. Near the back of the room Katie and Cassie snickered amongst themselves.

“Do you think it’ll be hot?” Katie said with a devilish grin.

Cassie laughed, “Maybe it can be my little boyfriend”

It was dissection day and they were both antsy to see their specimen. The class was the first of its kind to offer an introduction to tinies and their anatomy, particularly how they were different and how their bodies worked. They were a rarity and they would be among the first high schoolers to have the chance to work with them. At the front of the classroom, their teacher, Mrs. Bluff, opened the class.

“Hello everyone, I know you’re all excited but this is to be taken seriously. We’re here to learn about them by research and dissection, so please be careful and please do as your workbooks instruct”

With that she gestured the class to enter the lab area and begin their class. Cassie and Katie giggled as they pranced over to their corner station. A small box in the middle of the lab station held their tiny. They put on their gloves and removed the lid.

“Ho-ly shit” Katie said in astonishment. Class videos and illustrations were one thing, but seeing an actual tiny – only about 2 inches tall – was another thing entirely. Even as a high schooler she towered over the tiny figure huddled in the box, staring right back.

Cassie felt a similar astonishment. “I’ve seen bugs bigger than that” part of her remembered crushing bugs as a child and imagined how easy it would be to stomp the tiny into the ground. Part of her actually felt a small sexual thrill from the idea.

“Okay so next we sedate it” Cassie announced, but looking through their kit, she failed to find the eyedropper she was meant to sedate it with. “Let’s just skip that step, it’ll be dead soon anyway”

So they began making progress through their workbook.


T-1263 stood in the shallow box, terrified. He didn’t know it but he was a similar age to the giantesses above him. Most of his time was spent in a giant brightly lit lab being carefully observed along with a large colony of his peers. He had made friends and build a stable life in the big lab, but after being put in this box and a very bumpy ride, he found himself looking steeply up at two young women.

They both had similar features, small noses and quick, darting eyes. They also looked down at him in a certain way that the lab techs never did. They stood over him with a power he hadn’t experienced at all. Their hair and breasts hung over him threatening to crush him all by themselves. He was afraid but had hope that they would look him over and send him back, he would not be so lucky.


Cassie and Katie performed their basic observations. It looked exactly like a small version of a human, they noted, and acted like it too. They took careful note of the size and behavior of it as they both remained amazed at it’s size.

“Here comes the fun stuff!” Katie announced as she flipped the page of their workbook. She read it aloud:

“Dissection, step 1: Use mini scalpel to make shallow incision in the chest of the tiny.”

Cassie picked up the scalpel and with a grimace scooped the tiny up and dangled him upside down. She used her finger to hold him down on the table as she began cutting. Neither of the young students expected the high pitched screaming that ensued.

“It keeps moving” Cassie complained aloud.

“Just cut I don’t want to fail Cassie” Katie retorted. Cassie did her best to cut down the middle but the struggling and screeching made the end result crooked and messy.

“Aww look at our little Frankenstein” Cassie laughed as she pulled the scalpel away. Katie came in with tweezers and pins immediately, as the workbook explained. She carefully pinned the chest wound open to further blood and screams from the tiny.

“Make sure you note that it’s coughing up some blood – or maybe don’t, I think you might’ve fucked that up” Katie commented.

“It’s fine who even cares” Cassie replied, perfectly content as she made further notes and observations of the tiny. Katie, meanwhile had taken her phone out and was taking pictures for her Instagram page. She got a few up close pictures, laughing at the awkward struggling of the tiny. “What should the caption be” she asked with a look to Cassie.

“Maybe: New Boyfriend Material?” Katie snickered.

“Ooo good one!” She posted it.

Looking over the instructions, Katie ordered Cassie to carefully prod the tiny with a metal prod included in the toolset.

“Just poke it with the thing or whatever” She said, looking intently at Katie.

“I kinda wanna feel it” Katie looked back “I’m gonna use my finger” She declared as she extended her finger and poked the open chest of the tiny. The screams, which had died down as they observed, returned as she pressed down on it’s ribcage. After a moment, she removed it, the screams continued. Katie looked at the blood on her finger, she smiled grimly and showed Cassie.

“Look at this, isn’t it gross!”

“Cassie that’s not gross that’s my BOYFRIENDS blood” Cassie laughed back, she grabbed Katies wrist and seductively wrapped her mouth around the finger. Katie laughed in shock.

“OH MY GODD GROSS” She recoiled as Cassie licked the blood off.

“Well it tastes like normal blood write that down” Cassie said jokingly. She didn’t mention it to Katie, but she actually felt a thrill from licking her finger. Something about the total dominance over the little thing got her blood rushing.

After a few more observations and notes, the two reached the final step.

“Place the tiny in a sealed baggy and deposit it in the biological trash at the center of the lab room.” Katie real aloud. She looked down at the still writhing tiny pinned down before them. “Well its gonna die soon anyway, we should do something fun with it so we can brag to people about it. Like it’s gonna die anyway right?” 

Cassie realized this was a unique chance for her. “What if I ate it?”

Katie laughed and smiled. “Oh my god you should”

Cassie looked down at the tiny with a smile. “Come here little boyfriend” she said as she removed the pins. In a normal situation the tiny would run, but it seemed exhausted and out of energy. She scooped it up in her giant hand.


T-1263 was in complete agony. He had been bleeding out for half an hour and the pain was extraordinary. His voice was hoarse from yelling, which did nothing to stop the sadistic giant teenagers from their fun. Now he found himself on a soft surface the size of a large bed, hurtling upward, the wind battering his jagged wound. He found himself rising past the giant orbs that had dangled above him. When it stopped he stared up at a giant face. Ostensibly, the girl was cute, with a tiny nose, big eyes, and wide smile, but given his experience, he had never felt truer terror looking into her blue eyes. Her thick breath washed over him as her perfume drifted unto him. He watched as her lips parted and her massive tongue reached out to him. He would’ve run, but he couldn’t even stand as it scooped him up.


Cassie felt the tiny on her tongue as she pulled it back into her mouth. The taste was immediate and made her blush with pleasure. She didn’t even think about it as her tongue immediately dumped the tiny in her mouth and began prodding it. Each prod was even more flavor and it began making her horny. Katie couldn’t hear it from the outside, but she knew the tiny could hear her suppressed moans, which somehow made her even more horny. Her hand rested on the outside of her leggings and without even thinking she began massaging as she tossed the tiny around. She snapped out of it when she heard Katie.

“Wait wait stick your tongue out I want a picture!”

Cassie obliged and stuck her tongue out with the crippled tiny lying on it. Katie laughed hard as she took pictured of it’s last moments” Cassie brought it in and swallowed with a loud gulp. She felt the distant cries as the tiny made it’s was down to be digested. She could feel the wetness begin to seep through her panties.

“Do you think I could hear it?” Katie asked as she bent down next to Cassies exposed belly, putting her ear to it. She actually could hear a distant muffled scream as Cassie tensed her abs. “That’s so gross”

Cassie and Katie proceeded to turn in their report, inside of Cassie the walking tossed T-1263 around with old food as he was slowly and painfully digested, his nutrients working towards Cassies growing body.


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