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Author's Chapter Notes:
Yeah, so the family gathering got canceled. Sucks for me, but hey, you get to read more new chapters. How great is that?
Monday, January 3rd, 2011

I wake up, I'm in a fleshy tube with digested food on top of me, the mix of everything she had the night before. From the sound of gurgling from her stomach above me, and her intestines constantly moving the food deeper inside of her. "Oh great, I'm in her like, intestines?" I mumble to myself, I try to swim back up but there's liquid keeping me down. I fall down and get a taste of digested hot dog, I spit it out and almost vomit.

On the outside, Samantha is at school, sitting in her desk in her 3rd period, to the right some kid named Fred who looks totally stoned out of his mind, and to the left is a red-haired girl named Melissa who seems to be hungry, her stomach gurgles every 5 minutes. The US history teacher, Mr.Harris is talking about what he did over the break, no one is really listening but everyone is glad they don't have to do any work.

"And also by the way, where's David Reid? It's odd to me he isn't here, he never misses any days." Mr.Harris says, adjusting his glasses.

I faintly hear the words "David Reid" and "days" over the sounds of her intestines, a couple of chewed up pieces of apple from her breakfast apparently softly float a couple of inches past me. "I haven't missed a day of school since the 5th grade, what's wrong with me" I say, sarcastically.

On the outside a couple of things being said like, "I saw him at the new years party talking to this punk chick in the backyard" says Jacob, a tall black guy with a ear piercing, or "Yeah, I saw him at the party too. He probably got sick or something, he'll probably be back tomorrow" says Katelyn, a blonde girl who's on the school's cheerleading team. And other quotes like "Maybe he got in a accident and died on the drive home" and "Maybe that punk girl kidnapped him and has him in her basement" and all other types of rumors.

About 20 minutes later, the bell rings and it's time to go to 4th period. Samantha gets up with her books and walks towards her locker down the hall and exchange books from her backpack for French, which was the next hour. As she's switching out books, Judy comes by and taps her on the shoulder, Samantha looks at her "Yeah?" She says.

"So where's Dave?" Judy says, pointing towards Sam's stomach. "Oh shit" Samantha says, whispering.

"You didn't digest him, did you?" Judy says, with some fear in her voice (You can hear a couple of kids down the hallway blasting "Black And Yellow" by Wiz Khalifa through though one of their friend's Beats Pill, a teacher confronting them about it).

"NO SHE DIDN'T" I yell, they both hear it but it sounds like a whisper to them.

They both sigh in relief, but before they can say anything, the teacher confronting the kids walks over to them and tells them to go to class and hurry up, there's only a couple of minutes left. Judy and Samantha quickly hurry off to their respective classes.

Samantha walks into the classroom and sits down, the teacher Ms.Blouin, the teacher from Quebec City who's only been at the school for three school years, she was considered "The Hot Teacher" by basically all the straight boys and a couple of lesbians in the school. She was only 28, had long brunette hair and a strong Quebecois accent. Ms.Blouin smiles at her and asks her if she had a good break in French, Judy answers back with a simple "Oui".

I notice the food moving slowly deeper into her intestines, luckly for me. I can kinda move up, nearing her stomach. I climb out, I end up back in her stomach. Apparently, Samantha feels all of this, I can feel see her hand on her stomach, making the space smaller. Her stomach contents is up to my waist, the apple/banana nut muffin and water mix. Her stomach actually smells pleasant. I walk around in the sludge, I see a burn mark on the bottom of her belly from my phone that I dropped yesterday, I feel kinda bad but then I realize the phone's probably deep in her intestines now.

On the outside, Ms.Blouin is talking about her trip to her hometown of Quebec City and driving from there to Montreal with her family go to see a show, and even going to Maine to visit a family friend. After that she asks around various students to describe what they did in French, most of the students roll their eyes when asked. Most say it in English, including Sam. But a few people engage in. After that she hands out a couple of worksheets.

On the inside, I'm just floating around in the food mix, "I'm fucking bored" I say to myself. A couple of small waves of acid mixed with the food and water splash onto me, I wade around a little, I see a orange Tic Tac splash onto me, the size of a park bench. I grab onto it and stand onto it. I hear a faint "You're welcome" from above. I stand on it, and kinda just talk to myself. The orange tint from the Tic Tac starting to fade from her acid.

On the outside, Samantha's classmate to the right of her, Jeff had a orange Tic Tac container on his desk. Samantha asked for one and he said yes, being the jokester that he is he handed her literally one. She rolls her eyes and takes it. After about 32 minutes class gets out and Sam's off to her 5th period. Samantha sees Judy and they smile at each other, Samantha leans into Judy's ear and says "Ok, so I figured he was in my intestines but at one point he must of climbed his way back up and now he's back in my stomach".

Judy says "Alright, but I think you're gonna have to figure out away on how to get him un-shrunk though" She says. Maybe there's something in the science lab that can get him back to normal?" She says before she quickly scurries off.

Her 5th period class, algebra wasn't really anything much. It was taught by some woman in her mid 50s, Mrs.Leman. After that it was lunchtime for her, I was kinda scared. Her acid started getting really intense again. She walked into the cafeteria, got her food and sat down with Judy and a couple of other girls and two guys. Chewed up french fries and bites of a cheeseburger lands around me. Her stomach starts to kick into overdrive again, a waterfall flows out of her stomach opening, and a couple of carrot chunks. All this food and liquid is now up to my shoulders. I tap on her belly as a way of letter her know that she needs to take it slow. She does, and food doesn't fall as frequently and she seems to only sip the water. After about ten minutes or so, I notice her stomach start to become really upset, I feel her body immediately move up and she starts to run. Her food is slowly rising to the top, along with me "Finally, freedom" I say to myself.

Samantha runs into the girls bathroom and leans into a sink, I fly up her throat and out her mouth, along with the other contents of her stomach. I quickly climb out of the pool of vomit before she starts throwing up more. I run toward across the counter to another sink, I push the left faucet around, turning on the lukewarm-hot water. I stand under it for a few seconds, washing off my jacket and jeans and shoes before it gets too hot for me to stand in it. I'm soaking wet, but at least I'm clean of acid and digested food and everything else. Samantha throws up a couple of more times, in the sink. But after that she seems to be fine.

"So, how was it?" She says, turning her attention towards me.

"Eh, it wasn't all bad inside your belly and stuff. I can't say I'd want to go in there again though" I say, shaking water off of me. Samantha grabs me and puts me under the air dryer. I'm not totally dry after this, but enough to the point where it doesn't drive me crazy.

Samantha wipes her mouth and washes her hands and dries them. She puts me in her jacket pocket and tells me not to do say or do anything until we get home.

After this event she goes back to lunch and whispers in Judy's ear about what happened, she shakes her head and says okay".

For the last ten minutes of lunch I hear everyone talk about what they did over the break and what they plan on doing for spring break. And then the bell rings and everyone goes to their 6th period classes. Judy and Samantha have science together, and they happen to be going to the science lab today. "So, uh Judy?" Samantha says.

"Do you think they're might be anything that might turn Dave back to normal?" Sam says, looking at the beaker on the table.

"I don't know, I'm not really that good at science, I have a 67 in this class" she says.

"We're going to have to get him back to normal somehow though, he can't stay like this forever" Samantha says, a couple of people give her some glances about the weird conversation they're having. The science teacher, Mr.Morrison doesn't seem to care, as he's reading a TIME magazine from April 12th, 2010. while sipping on a Pepsi bottle from his lunch.

The two stop talking about it and start on their project. The pocket is kinda moist and I can feel her leg through the fabric, very soft to be honest with you.

After this class her last class is P.E, she goes into one of the bathroom stalls to change "I'm sorry Dave, but I'm gonna have to leave you hear. Just stay put until, like 2:45 when we get out. Ok?" She says starting to put me in her hair.

"Alright, just remember me ok?" I say, falling into her hair.

After 5 minutes or so the P.E teacher for the girls, Mrs. Johnson screams at her to hurry up, or she'll be running laps around the school. She drops me on the ground and onto her pile of clothes. She quickly runs out and closes the stall shut. I wait until the two are out of the bathroom and start to wiggle out of her shirt on the floor. "Great, I'm stuck in here" I say to myself, noticing a tampon package wrapper on the floor not too far from me. I sit on her pile of clothes for a couple of minutes, I hear someone opening the bathroom door and running into this stall.

I quickly hide in the clothes, I get a peak of who it is. It's the French teacher Ms.Blouin. I hear her pull down her pants and panties and sit on the toilet. "Oh fuck me, but hey. Some guys in school would kill to have this view" I say in my head.

"Damn it, Jennifer. You really shouldn't of ate that many of those nachos they had in the teachers lounge" she says to herself in Quebecois french.

I try to ignore every sound that I hear after that, the smell is kinda killing me at this point, and I slightly gag. After she wipes and flushes and pulls up her panties and pants she steps in the clothes after she gets up. I get stuck on her ankle and quickly climb up her leg, going through her pants and up to her panties waistband/lower stomach. I can hear something brewing in her intestines.

Jennifer scratches her stomach and is a bit annoyed, but she quickly dismisses it off as a tag and walks out of the stall and goes and washes her hands and walks across the school to her classroom. I climb up her shirt as I climb soft enough to the point where she can't feel anything, I can faintly see her belly ring through the dark, I feel the gurgles and growls in her belly on my hands as I climb up. There's a tattoo on her left ribcage saying "Live Fast, Die Young 2005" in french. I climb between her bra, and lay my head on her chest for a minute as she rushes through the halls trying to get to her classroom before the bell ring, her heart is beating super fast under me and through my ears, sounding like a marching band drum.

I climb up her shirt, seeing the light as she quickly rushes into her classroom, there's about 15 out of 21 in the class. I climb quickly up the side of her face, her eyes dart towards me but she only sees me for a second before I climb past her ears and into her hair.

"Who threw that?" she says, her voice slightly louder than usual.

For about 30 minutes I stay deep in hair, right into her scalp. She grabs her Montreal Canadiens Cup and bends her head down to start drinking the Diet Pepsi in it. I fall out of the top of her head and I land in her cup, luckily Jennifer turned her head towards her computer to check a email response when I fell.

"Goddamn it, please don't let this go the same direction I think this could go" I say, swimming up from the Diet Pepsi. As she types out another email, she slowly lifts up the mug. "Oh god, here we go again" I say, as I float out of the metal cup and through the slit into the teacher's mouth.

I land in her mouth along with the Pepsi, I notice the inside of her mouth is much smaller than Samantha's.

I fall down her throat with the rest of her Pepsi, I can see traces of yellow nacho cheese along her esophagus. I land with a plop with all of diet Pepsi she drank earlier, and then some chewed up nachos from lunch and liquid cheese. Her stomach is slightly smaller than Sam's but not by much. For the rest of the class period I just float around a piece of a chip she didn't chew.

After class I slosh and move along with her food and liquid as she walks down the hall and through the school to get to the parking lot. She has a small conversation with the Band Director about Quebec on the way to her car, a 2006 Toyota Camry that she drove from Quebec to Oregon, the original Quebec licence plates on the back window.

She gets in her car and drives towards the entrance of the school, in line with a school bus. I feel a burp bubble come up and take me with it. "Freedom again" I say, as I fly up her throat. I fly out of her mouth with the burp, luckily she had the window open and burped out of there.

I fly through the air, I land inside the bus, coincidentally into the window Samantha is sitting in.

I land on her face, she smiles in relief and says, "What happened?" "I explain everything as she puts me in her hair as I talk, explaining everything.

"Sounds eventful" She whispers, as she puts in her earbuds.

"Yep" I say, as the bus pulls out of the school and into the road.
Chapter End Notes:
Yeah it's a long one lol, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter if you'd like to.
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