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Goddess Reborn

Planet Alboris

*THUD* *THUD* The loud sounds echoed around the room as the assembled scientists yelled in what had once been a civilised debate. Everyone had a theory, None of them agreed. Lina Folcroft, Chair of the committee banged her mug against the hard metal desk, silencing the room to order. “SILENCE!” She cried as two more loud thuds punctuated the room. She turned to face the projected display, the top four ideas laid out across the top. “Volcanic Activity, The geological patterns do not fit this theory, We can dismiss it!” there were some harsh mutterings as she moved along the line, “Alien Probes! There are no signs of any energy coming in from elsewhere, either on world or off. This is dismissed also.” The room started to rise in volume more as Lina rounded on them, “I have heard it from all of you, These are how we stand, Now please be quiet.” she said sternly, eyes moving around the room. Turning back to the display she fingered the third option, “The planet is being jerked around in its orbit, This is my going theory as we lack the technology to track such phenomena.” Her eyes lazily swept to the other option, “The planet is alive...I’m not sure how this passed the first stages of selection but I’m happy to rule it out here.”
  Two more thuds boomed across the room as a violent quake shook the assembly from their chairs and sent the room into wild disarray.  Lina pushed her way past the panic Inteligencia and pulled back the blinds to the world beyond. The city they called home had been shattered, its foundations cracked into shards as buildings started tiling and collapsing. “We were too slow! We spent weeks arguing and now it's too late!” she cried as she struggled for the door, the room now swaying back and forth as if it were afloat on water. Finally escaping the building onto the open field Lina stared in awe as the fields and forests on the horizon shifted and broke, the landscape collapsing, the quakes shaking the crust of their world, millions of people were fleeing across her vision. “There is nowhere to run, this is the end, gravity finally tearing us asunder” she observed, the death of her world as something shifted more rapidly, huge long pillars dragging themselves up from the planet before her, moving the forest covered hills back with them as moved into the distance. In their wake huge shining green surfaces appeared, a large black hole in its centre, in the far distance large white plains. Lina was awestruck by the strange sight as the huge black pillars in the distances came crashing back down at a terrifying speed, sending her sprawling against the hurricane winds.

Goddess Charlotte

The Goddess woke slowly, her mind foggy and her vision blurry. As she opened her eyes it felt as if she was pulling back a covering, her lids being stubborn with their first movement. As light filled her vision once more she blinked a couple of times, clearing the dust from her tired eyes. Instinctually she opened her mouth to yawn before she caught herself choking on a large chunk of dirt that took the opportunity to slide between her lips. She sat up in a coughing and choking mess, dirt and plants falling from across her body. She took a moment to look over herself, caked in a thin layer of mud and moss, green and grey forests patched across her naked form. She felt dirty and itched to be clean. Brushing down her chests and breasts with her slender fingers she cast the majority of the filth from her as she looked around the area. This planet was small, very small. She sat with her hair brushing space as fidgeted, her imprint being filled with water behind her. “Urgh, Okay, So, I was a country…” she mused as she started to enjoy brushing herself down, wondering how many had called her home. “Not how I was expecting to be reborn but I’ll take it…” she said aloud, her awareness slowly returning to her as the fog in her mind cleared. “How about it little fucks? You’re witnessing the birth of a Goddess, you should all feel honoured!” she said smugly as pulled her legs free of their underground resting place. Pushing herself to stand as chunks of the world fell from her celestial form. Mountains, forests and cities, brushed aside like dirt as she casually wiped herself over. “Right, not much left here,” she said with a wicked grin, gazing over the broken world, a new Goddess-shaped sea forming before her. “I have business to take care of, So I need to clean up properly, If it helps, Your sacrifice is appreciated.” Charlotte stood, hands on hips, just feeling the power, letting the tingles of what was to come tease her. The next act would extinguish this world of microbes but she really didn’t enjoy feeling like a swamp monster.  Lifting her hands before her she conjured her inner will and the water started to swirl, rising from the surface of the world in a huge spiralling spout of water. She could see the small sea life, ships and other assorted marine establishments all dragged up into the two colossal pillars of water. “Time for a shower!” she cheerfully declared as she drew the water around and over her body. The dry barren world below stripped of its oceans as the Titaness massaged her reborn body. Charlotte lost herself in thought as the water swirled up and down her nude form, washing away any lingering terrain that had become lodged in crevices or under her nails. It felt liberating as she finally released the water, the planet's oceans all crashing back down at the same time, mile high waves sweepings across the remaining landmasses, purging whatever population may have survived. “Aaaah, That feels better,” Charlotte exclaimed, kicking off from the world to float in space above it. “I’m missing a great deal of power, This is a good start though.” Her skin tingled with power as she watched the waves on the planet. “I missed this.” she grinned as her power swirled around her nude form, letting her mood take her. Tight fitting black denim jeans and comfortable purple underwear clung her to lower body as a loose black tank top fell over her chest. “That’s better!” the called out into the universe as she stretched herself out. Her bare feet sliding back into the atmosphere of the broken world. “Mmm I think I want some with a bit more...tread.. For the next step.” The Goddess crooned to herself, as thick doc-martin boots, her favourite from her origin world took shape around her beautiful feet. “Lets see if I remember how to do this…” she mused as she stamped down hard, her new boots cracking the world under her like a massive grapefruit. The deep fissures expanding out from where her boot had impacted, the planet cracking through its center, sending its broken chunks splintering into space.”Fuck yea, Still got it!” she celebrated as the powertrip spread through her. “I AM YOUR GOD!” the words loud and projected across the universe. “Now where are those troublesome maids, We need to have words!”

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