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As mentioned before, John and Gaby's relationship is not doing so well. Now, join John as he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime as he tries to fix what has been broken.


It had been a little over three years since John was shrunk to get the attention of his then crush turned girlfriend, Gaby. As of right now, it was nearing fall break at the local university that most, if not all of his old friends from high school were attending. He was waiting patiently outside of Gaby’s class. It was tad chilly as the longer he waited outside for her, the more he began to feel sick. His nose was beginning to run, he was shivering but all that went away when he heard the massive crowd exit the building he was waiting outside. He dusted himself off as he stood straight up, reforming himself from his slouched over form. He looked around the crowd to try and find Gaby but yielded nothing. He sighed and hung his head low.

‘Just like yesterday.’ He thought to himself as he walked over to a bench to set his stuff nearby on the ground. Over the past week or two, Gaby had been increasingly distant to John, starting when she would leave him on read whenever he texted her. Then it became full on avoiding him until she wanted to out to eat. John felt used by the once love of his life, his dream girl was treating him more or less like a glorified slave. Granted, he wanted to serve her and her feet but not like this. Not when he was normal sized and especially paying her just to hang out with him. It felt humiliating going from Gaby’s number one best friend/boyfriend to just an acquaintance she would occasionally want to hang out with.

John soon felt a tap on his shoulder and he looked up eagerly, expecting to see Gaby but it wasn’t, much to his disappointment. It was in fact Daisy, a friend from his chemistry class. She wasn’t too dissimilar from Joana who was also in one of his classes with her light brown skin, perfect smile that showed off her stunningly white teeth as well as he naturally plump red lips. She had an amazing set of breasts that stuck out of her her chest like medium sized balloons, plenty for some guys on campus but too small for others. John tried his best not to imagine himself diving deep into her chest or any other place he could imagine himself going as a tiny person. Her shoes, her mouth, anywhere she wanted him to go, he couldn’t think of saying no to her. Especially to Daisy when she’s three hundred times his own height. It made sense since Daisy and him were starting to become a tad closer than his own relationship with Gaby but even if Gaby and him were drifting apart, John still wanted to be with her even if she didn’t.

“Hey John, where’s Gaby? I thought you two were like two peas in a pod, always going out, getting dinner around this time. What happened?” Daisy said as sat down next to him, putting her arm around him for a brief second before John gently brushed her arm off. Daisy blushed as a sign of embarrassment. “Sorry, got carried away.” Daisy said as she tried to laugh it off. “So where is Gaby? I thought you two always got food around this time.”

“Yeah well I wish it was like that. She only uses me for carrying her bags, buy her food and other things that a friend would have a bitch boy do, not exactly a boyfriend. You wanna know the last time we actually went on real date that didn’t end within the hour?” Daisy got closer as she shook her head. “It was what, two weeks ago? Before that we used to go on dates almost every day. Hang out in her dorm, just talking about our days before the bitch of a roommate she has kicked me out.”

“What, Gaby’s roommate doesn’t like you?” Daisy asked as she moved her jean covered legs around, moving her boots around to keep warm. John was about to answer but what caught off guard by seeing this display of teasing that Daisy was performing. John was always nervous that his secret would be exposed to the whole college, so he only looked at Daisy’s boots for the briefest of seconds. All he thought was just worshiping Daisy’s feet as they moved around ever so slightly, he squirmed around slightly as he imagined the feeling of having Daisy dominating him as both as a regular sized person as well as a tiny person, thinking back to only time he was that size. When he awoke the next day in his bed at his regular height, he thought it was all one big dream/nightmare. It was a confusing few hours as he realized it was real and John hadn’t imagined the weekend he’d had “John? God, you zone out too much, you know that? You know sometimes I think what goes on in that pretty little head of yours. Maybe you can tell me one day, maybe it could be the breakthrough I’ve been looking for. How to figure out how men tick.” Daisy giggled to herself just as John came to his senses.

John was soon snapped out of his train of thought as Daisy caught his attention once more.“Oh sorry, I was thinking about a question from Calculus. Yeah, her roommate doesn’t really like me. I don’t know why but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the one behind Gaby ignoring me lately.” He then heard a slight cough as he looked up to see Gaby waiting for him holding her books from her class. “Oh there you are, I’ve been waiting for you since class ended. What kept you?”

“I was talking to someone. Now come on, I’m starting to get hungry, I was thinking that chinese place down the street. How’s that sound?” Not wanting to start something in the middle of the courtyard, John simply nodded his head as he gently grabbed hold of her hand and held her books with the other. He waved then goodbye to Daisy as they headed off in the distance.

At dusk, John and Gaby had gone their separate ways with Gaby heading to her dorm while she left John to walk around campus, alone. He soon returned to the same bench that Daisy and him had talked earlier. He set his bag down on the ground once more and leaned his head back. At dinner, Gaby seemed even more distant than she was before. Out of the hour and a half they were there, she only talked once and that was to tell the the server what he wanted while the rest of the time, she was on her phone. It was so disheartening for John as he was getting desperate to get Gaby’s attention once more. “Why can’t we just go back to the way we were back in highschool, when we were inseparable?” John said out loud as he assumed no one would be around but he was wrong. Out behind a tree nearby, a slim jacket wearing figure walked towards him, hands in their jacket pocket. John instantly knew who it was just by the way they were walking. He rolled his eyes ad yelled out to the figure as they got closer. “Why do you have to be creepy like that Joana? You couldn't have walked up to me like a normal person?”

Joana laughed it off as she sat down on the bench next to him. “So you want things to go back to the way it was in high school right? Well so do I. Especially with you at our feet.” As she said this, John’s eyes lit up with excitement as he once again thought back to his time as a tiny person. “Don’t you think that’ll solve all your problems with Gaby and school? Think about it, while you were the size of a thumb tack, you had the time of your life. And so did Gaby. I remember her telling me what you two did that Sunday after you left my house. I can’t say I would do different.”

“Yeah, you’re right, me being that small would definitely help her relax and actually talk to me. I mean, she’ll have no choice but to talk to me, right?”

“Exactly. Now, how did you get that small last time because if you take me with you, I can hand deliver you to Gaby if you want. I can only imagine how hard walking around is while you’re that small. A few feet is like a mile down there I’m guessing.” Joana got closer as she was about to bring her sandal covered foot up to John’s crotch until he stood up, grabbing his bag.

“You’re right, come on, let’s go get me small. If I remember where it was.” John looked back at Joana who got up with an eager smile on her face. He couldn’t put his finger on where he remembered the face she had on but if he did, he wouldn’t have agreed with her as Joana had plans for him. In fact, he would’ve definitely left Joana there alone had he had the hindsight he wish he had in a few hours.

After remembering where he went to see Haley three years prior, the pair headed to the abandoned theater where she used to do her magic acts. Joana looked up as they stopped in the front the signs as John went to the door. She had some timidness to her voice as she looked around to see the wood split as well as the paint peeling off. “Are you sure this is the right place John? I mean this theater hasn’t had a single show in almost two years. I mean, is your relationship with Gaby more important than our safety?”

“Wasn’t this your idea anyway? Sides, I’m sure this is the place. I remember it like the back of my hand. Now if Haley isn’t here and she moved on then I’m almost entirely screwed.” They then heard some scraping behind them as both of them got closer to each other. There were two robed individuals looking at them, with only the street light as a light source. “Umm, Haley, is that you?” John asked as Joana stood there in silence, clenching on to John as if her life was in danger. As far as she knew, the two were muggers ready to take everything they had on them.

The taller one stepped forward and looked at John and Joana before unveiling herself to the couple. “John? I haven’t seen you in such a long time.” It was indeed Haley, the same woman that helped John get to the size he now desired. Both of them took a breath of fresh air as they thought they were safe. “What brings you to my old theater?” Soon, the other hooded figure soon walked up behind Haley, uncloaking herself to John and Joana. She had a soft face of white with an uneasy look as she looked at John, almost as if she’d seen him before. “Come apprentice, don’t be rude to our friends, introduce yourself to them.” Haley said as she brought her apprentice closer to the pair.

The apprentice shyly walked towards them, her hands beginning to tremble. “Hello, I’m Marissa, Haley’s newest apprentice, it’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Marissa then slowly moved back to her master’s side, waiting on her next move.

“Now John, what brings you and your friend here, again?”

“Well, Haley, Marissa, I was wondering if you could shrink me again.” John asked both of them. Haley seemed to be unphased while Marissa had a look of surprise on her face as she looked to her master who had a smirk. “Is that in the realm of possibility or no? Are you retired or what?”

As Marissa looked at the pair confused, Haley raised her finger in the air in a circular pattern directly in front of the pair. Joana backed up slightly as the circle formed into exactly what Haley wanted it to be. On the other side of the portal was a house and it shocked both John and Joana as the master and apprentice walked inside. “Come on you two, we can’t do this in public. Step inside our domain.” Haley gestured as they followed and as they stepped inside the strange house, the portal collapsing behind them. “Now John, you wish to be tiny once more, correct? I guess you and your paramour here need some excitement in your lives? In all my years, I have never thought a mortal would actively seek to be diminished in size quite like you. Out of all the things we could do to you, you choose to be shrunk. We could make you god of this world, a superhero or even ruler of this universe. Seems...rather boring but who am to judge, right?” Haley said as she was gathering her equipment to shrink John until she looked over at her apprentice who was busy reading a book she gave her for her birthday, ‘The Entire History of the Universe’. Haley had always done this type of thing whenever it needed to be done but never Marissa. Soon, an idea popped in her head. “Marissa, can you be a dear and shrink him for me?”

Marissa looked up at her master and set the book down, stammering her words as she was thoroughly confused with this order. “M-Master? B-But I’ve never successfully shrunken anything before. I could ki-” Marissa was cut off as Haley put her finger on Marissa’s lips as the master and apprentice walked over to the pair.

“Marissa, take a breath. This is for your training. I know you’ve never shrunk anyone successfully before but you have to learn eventually, don’t you?” Haley got behind her apprentice and looked at the pair. Haley got close to her apprentice and whispered into her ear. “I trust you to get this done. And if you fail, well let’s just say there’s always more people like John here. You know what I mean.” Marissa looked back as Haley walked away from the trio as John cleared his throat and stepped towards the apprentice.

“So I guess you’re shrinking me. Alright. I can’t say I trust you as much as Haley but it’s definitely worth a try isn’t it?”

Joana soon chimed in as well, giving her two cents in as well. “What’s the worst that can happen right? Just get this guy small for me, I mean Gaby alright?” John was too focused on making Gaby happy with his future small stature that he didn’t notice the small slip up that Joana had.

Marissa was still shaking as she walked over to grab a few items. “So, John, how short do you want to be?” She said with a small stutter.

John was about to answer until Joana stepped in to speak for him. “Let’s make him half an inch and please make sure he can’t die, ok Marissa?” Marissa nodded as she grabbed a crystal, a book and to finish off her attempt at shrinking John, a diamond encrusted necklace with a ruby eye in the center. Marissa put the necklace on, brought the crystal up in that with one hand while she read the book with the other.

“Alright, here goes nothing.” Marissa said as she started saying chanting in a strange, almost alien language and suddenly there was a bright flash of light that filled the whole room. Marissa dropped the crystal and book to cover her eyes as even when she finished saying the words, the light still persisted. She soon heard her master come behind her just as the bright light disappeared from sight. The master and apprentice looked at where the couple once stood, expecting to just see Joana looking at them but there was no one there, just the furniture that was behind them. Haley looked at her apprentice while she brought a pinkish aura on her hand up to bring two specks to the air in front of Marissa. All she could think of was how much she screwed up. “Oh no. Master!”

John was the first to be wake from his slight unconsciousness as he looked to his left, where Joana was standing, expecting to see her black converses looking right at him in his new tiny form but he only saw what was supposed to be behind her. John’s heart sank as he realized that Marissa’s error while shrinking him. He ran to where he assumed Joana had ended up until he was brought up by a pink force as well as who he assumed was Joana in her tiny form. He looked in front of him to see the giant figures of Haley and Marissa, the former of the two having her hand extended the same color as the bubble he was currently in. John then looked to his left to see Joana trying to punch her way out of her own bubble. John pounded on the bubble, yelling at Joana to make sure she was safe and secure, as well as to tell her not to pop her ‘security bubble’ as he dubbed it in that moment. He figured popping it would result in a very long fall down to the ground resulting in a very messy accident. Then, the two bubbles met up fairly close to one another as they were brought close to the two goddesses.

“Well it seems as though my apprentice might’ve gotten the wrong spell out. Let’s see Marissa, you shrunk John, congratulations are in order but you also shrunk the girl too. A small oversight.” Joana might’ve been small now but it didn’t change her aggression she held in for so long.

“A small oversight?!” Joana yelled to Haley as she explained to Marissa what she’d done to both of them. “That better not be some sort of joke! You were only supposed to shrink him! He’s the one that wanted to be this size, not me!” Joana yelled to them, Marissa showing signs of embarrassment as well as guilt mean while Haley looked at them both with curiosity. She smirked as she watched the now tiny girl yell at her. “Change me back, now!”

“Joana, they’ll get you back to normal, I promise but you have to keep a cool head.” John said as he watched Haley look at Marissa with curiosity. “Please Haley, Joana didn’t want to be this size. Turn her back to normal size and we’ll be done here.”

“Oh my poor little John. I would revert this but this whole adventure of yours was set in motion by Marissa. Only she can figure out how to get your friend Joana here back to normal as well as teleport both of you out of here and back to your world.” Haley moved the two bubbles to be hovering directly over Marissa’s open palms. Haley soon popped the bubbles and Marissa scrambled to make sure she didn’t drop them on the ground. “She will get you back to normal once you are done with whatever you are planning on doing at this size, John and friend. If she kills either one of you, well it can be chalked up to her still learning how to use her powers.” Marissa looked down at the two tiny people in her hand with a confused look on her face. She’d never shrunk people before quite like this before. If she ever messed up while on an adventure with Haley and they needed to shrink people, Haley would always help her make them return to normal, if they needed them for later or if they remembered that they shrunk them. If they didn’t, at least one of them would just step on them by accident. Now, she had to do it alone and face the consequences if she messed up.

“Marissa, please, I don’t think Joana wants to stay like this like I would.” John said as he looked up at Marissa’s face with a small sign of her worried what she might mess up. “After that you can bring us to the local university. If you please.” John said with the most respect he could muster. He knew first hand the results of being rude or ever slightly annoying to a girl that was three or four hundred times their own size. Joana, used to being the opposite of her current position, yelled to Marissa to return her back to normal with whatever popped up in her now tiny and miniscule head.

“Listen here you giant bitch, you will get me back to normal right fucking now or else I will...I’ll rip your throat out the millisecond I get back to normal.” Marissa just rolled her eyes as she set them both down on a desk nearby as she grabbed a few more items a few feet away from them.

“So, I guess let’s start with getting your feisty little friend back to normal. Then I’ll send you back to your school. Any specific place you want me to send you to? A certain room? Maybe even to a certain person?” Before Joana could interrupt once more, John spoke up.

“Room B167, it’s Gaby’s dorm. She’s the reason I wanted to be this size in the first place.” Marissa soon set another crystal down on the table where the pair were standing while she set a small pyramid separating them both as she started the ritual.

“That sounds so sweet, John. I wish I had someone as dedicated to me as you are with this ‘Gaby’. Now, please, neither of you move an inch. One misstep and one of you might end up in a very terrible place, trust me. Just let me concentrate.” Marissa said as her hands began to glow a bright yellow as she closed her eyes and concentrated on making Joana normal sized. And after a few seconds of imagining Joana being the same height as her old height or close to it, there was a small *poof* that came from the table. Marissa’s heart dropped once more as there was no poof when resizing someone. The only spell she knew of that had a poof was a teleportation spell. Only two words came out of Marissa’s sweet mouth as she opened her eyes and saw that both of the tiny people were gone from the table as well as her sight.

“Oh shit.”
Chapter End Notes:
Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of The Dream Girl 2, if you liked it, please leave a review as well as what you might want to see later on. I already have a few ideas but I'd love to hear what you guys have to say! A lot of the characters from the original are returning such as Gaby, Joana, Jenny and some new girls I hope you guys will all love as much as the returning cast.
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