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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of SharpieQuill. SharpieQuill is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.  This story and everything within is fantasy and not based on living or past persons.


 Author Notes:

This story contains extreme sexual depictions and humiliation/domination.  If not your kettle of tea, I understand.


For those who are easily bored, like myself, skip to chapters 5 and 8-end.





        Even before he glimpsed the world, he smelt it.  Salt and iodine, with a hint of green.  Then, as the destination neared, the occasional cawing and the habitual advancing, receding, of something frothy.  These experiences taunted Adnah, locked in his dark prison, now just 6 inches tall.  The sun had finished its unknown pilgrimage and its commencing rays pierced gently through the large key hole.  He placed his proportionally minute hands in the light.  His black skin had become noticeably paler through his bondage.  Primarily his duties were indoors, servicing the two giantesses who dominated him, his mother Sauda and his wife, Nia.

        His thoughts were all he had for company during the long journey they had undertaken.  Sauda, with her foreman Jelani, were traveling for business.  He had overheard of the trade deal between their village and some distant port city while massaging Nia.  Money was to be paid, bribes secured and given, and small intrigue instigated to procure a caravan route through their region.  He paid scant attention to any of the details, as pleasuring the specifics of Nia’s body were more relevant to his physical wellbeing.  Now their caravan was arriving at their inn.

        His storage chest, amongst others, was lugged inside, up the stairs by the accompanying servants.  His chest was dropped, thudding into some other wooden object, launching Adnah into the front of the lid before he crashed back onto the clothing also stored inside.  His daydreaming ceased, and he stood up.  Through painful familiarity he knew to be ready to serve.  Sure enough, the light disappeared as the skeleton key was inserted, metal reverberated as the right mechanisms were torqued.  The key was removed, and a softer metallic clink of the latch being undone was heard.

        Light flooded with the quick opening of the lid, a huge masculine hand grabbed him by the waist and tossed him effortlessly through the air.  His eyes glimpsed colors and blurs as they failed to adjust fast enough.  Adnah hit foundation softly and tumbled several feet on a soft fabric.  Dizzily, the small man stood up, rubbing his eyes.  He had been thrown onto the only bed in this small room.  The room had a table, chair, bed, and the chest that had contained him.  There were two doors, one leading to what looked like a hallway, and the other leading to a larger, far more opulent and adorned abode.  His mother walked out from that door.

        She looked at Adnah and commanded, “Sit.”

        He fell to his ass; his mother’s face wore a scowl.  Sauda looked at Jelani who was rummaging through the chest.  His hand shot out holding a thick bulging purse.

        “Here it is.”

        “Good,” she said, walking over to the bedside, “You will take that to the merchant guild, if anyone asks, it is for dues owed.  No matter what you are asked, it is for dues owed.”

        Jelani nodded and for the first time looked through the door into her room.  The scarcity of his situation contrasted sharply to the abundance of hers.  His eyes agape, he turned to say something.  Sauda narrowed her own eyes in response, her gaze being far more menacing.  Jelani smiled in submission, his hands raised as if it were vital that she see his palms.

        Sauda smiled and looked at her toy son, “Mommy is going to conduct a very important deal, and tonight you are going to service her, and a few of her merchant friends.  No matter what, you will indulge us without fail and without tiring.”

        Her stern eyes softened.  She patted the quivering creature.

        “If you do well, maybe I will not wear you on the way home.”

        She turned and walked through the door, stopping as her eyes widened.  She looked back reproachfully.

        “Jelani, be quick with the payment.  Also do not make use of Adnah, he will need his full strength for tonight.”

        Jelani sneered when she was out of sight.  He looked once more into her luxurious chamber, and at his own meagre room.  He cursed and went over to Adnah.  He raised his hand to slap him but held back.  He cursed and pounded the bed as a substitute.  Adnah ran to the foot of the bed, leering over at the almost 4 story drop.  He prayed he didn’t need to risk it.

        “Is everything satisfactory, sir?” a small portly man interrupted from the doorway.

        Jelani looked at him darkly.  The shorter man cleared his throat before speaking again.

        “I am the manager, the lady left before I could speak with her.  Is there nothing that you require?”

        Jelani began to utter something rude when a thought crossed his mind, “I will need food; meat and alcohol.  And the best whore you have to offer.”

        The manager looked at him disbelievingly, but the weight of the two silver coins in his pocket reminded him that it was best to err on the side of caution.

        “Of course, we will have your foodstuffs delivered within the hour, the…  Woman, you requested may take longer to procure.”

        “Can you retrieve her before the afternoon?”

        “That can be done.”

        “Then be on with it.”

        The manager bowed, leaving Adnah and Jelani to wait.


        Jelani sat, flush and satiated.  After the meal was delivered, Jelani had Adnah serve him.  Every glass of wine guzzled, poured by Adnah, every slice of meat inhaled by that sneering mouth, cut by Adnah, and every scrap that fell, licked off the floor by Adnah.  Jelani had particularly enjoyed watching Adnah use the giant’s own dagger to cut the meat, having to hold the handle in his arms and use his body to move the weighty object in a sawing motion.  The titan now sat digesting, waiting impatiently while Adnah sat despondently on the floor. 

        Their respite was cut short by a loud knock on the door.

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