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"Say it, dont SPRAY it!"

"Check this out Krista" I say, taking a blue spray paint can out of my drawer, "This is going to be the wave of the future..."

"Uh Bob?" she said hesistantly "They already HAVE spray paint..."

"This is no ordinary spray paint, stand back" I said, and pointed the spray paint can down at a big box on my bed. I sprayed it briefly, making sure not to hold the trigger down too long and watched the box shrink down to about half it's old size.

"Wow!" Krista exclaimed, stepping back further now, as the magical mist dispersed. "It shrinks stuff?"

"Yep!" I beamed, "I got it in the mail as a free sample, theyve come up with a way to miniaturize things, they say it's going to be the new way to store things or pack for a big trip, just shrink it down and you save space!"

"But how do you re-enlarge it?" Krista asked.

"Thats a good question" I said, while shrinking more of my things down "You probably need to order a growth spray, thats how they hook ya..."

I shook it up again and was about to shrink more stuff when Krista asked, "Hey could I try it?"

"Uh...sure" I said, and handed it to her instead. "Hey, I'm just gonna go upstairs for a sec, don't shrink too much while I'm gone"

I turn around to go downstairs, when suddenly, I hear Krista say "Think fast Bob!"

I gasp and turn around as fast as I can but before I can see much I'm covered in mist.

"Krista NOO!" I shouted, but it was way too late, and worse, she was holding down the trigger on the spray can. I gasped as my short friend grew taller and taller still, and I shrunk down to miniature size. Because she had held the trigger and sprayed me for longer, I shrunk more, to a size no bigger than her thumb. "Ack!!"

I gasped and looked down at myself, then waaay up at her, and then down again. My mouth opened but I could say no words. I had a feeling that even if I could speak, it wouldn't be any louder than a mouse squeaking. I was tiny!

"Wow Bob" Krista said, chuckling nervously "That stuff really works, huh?" she hid the can behind her back and flashed the same nervous smile at me again. I glared up at her, but I was actually more scared than angry. How would I be re-enlarged?

"Krista, what were you thinking?" I sighed, finally forcing some words out but my voice was much quieter now, as I thought it would be.

"What?" Krista said, looking down "I can't hear you that well..."

"I said WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" I shouted.

"Im sorry, Im sorry" Krista sighed "I couldn't resist, I wanted to see what happened... I didn't know if it would shrink humans or not..."

"Well I guess it does..." I sigh. Krista looked down at me with a questioning look. She couldnt hear me. "Never mind..."

"Well dont... dont worry Bob" Krista said, scanning over the back of the bottle of shrink spray. "It says here if you call this 1-800 number they'll send you the growth antidote for 19.95"

"I'M NOT SURE I'LL BE ABLE TO USE A PHONE LIKE THIS!!" I shouted up to her so she could hear me.

"Well duh, I would use the phone for you..." Krista said. "Now c'mhere..."

I gasped as she reached her hand down towards me. I cowered but didn't have much room. I was already in the corner of my small bedroom and hit a post that belonged to my now giant bureau. I looked up and gasped, it seemed to go up forever.

"Cmon Bob" Krista sighed "Im NOT gonna hurt you, you can trust me... besides dont ya remember? Im the one that was always small, so I know what it's like..."

Krista smirked a bit when she said that.

I reluctantly climbed onto her giant hand as she slowly picked me up. "Youre enjoying this, arent you?"

"Kind of" Krista chuckled, "I mean, I dont want to see you STAY that way, but you have to admit it's kind of funny..."

"Maybe someday I'll look back on this and LAUGH..." I sighed, looking over the edge of her hand and seeing how high up I was "But right now is not that day..."

"Okay, okay..." Krista said "I'll just call the number and I'm sure the spray will be here soon..."


"2 WEEKS?!" I gasped, now sitting on the table next to Krista.

"Yeah... I'm sorry" Krista said "Apparently you're not the only one to be shrunk by this stuff, theyre sending out shipments left and right because people have been shrinking each other, so at least you're not alone... if that makes you feel any better..."

"Oh great, now we can form a SHRUNK PEOPLE SUPPORT GROUP..." I sighed, burying my head in my knees.

"Oh cmon, it's not that bad... I mean, you can do things you couldnt do before..." Krista said.

"Like what, get squished?"

"You're always so negative Bob..." Krista sighed "You can uh... I know! You can ride in toy race cars...!"

"That does sound kind of fun..." I said, perking up a bit.

"Yeah and you can uh... eat giant food and uh... uh.... I know, you can explore the tight spaces under the couch and stuff where you could never go before!" Krista exclaimed. "Being small doesn't have to be ALL bad"

"Yknow I wouldnt be small if someone didn't spray me... even if you just hit the trigger briefly I wouldve only shrunk a foot or 2..." I sighed.

"Hey we can play the blame game..." Krista said "OR we can ride in HOT WHEELS!!"


"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked, as Krista gently dropped me into the driver's seat of a hot wheels car. My hallway had been cleared of obstacles and I would be able to glide across the hardwood floors with ease once I got momentum, but it was only so long until I would run into the living room where the carpeting started.

"Bob, would I put you in something that wasn't safe?" Krista asked.

"Well you shrunk..."


"Okay, okay, but just give me a gentle PUUUUUUSH!!"

Krista shoved the hot wheels car with a pretty strong force. Strong enough to send me flying at what felt like at least 80 miles an hour. Still it was a fun experience riding a toy car down my hallway, even though I was going so fast it was kind of hard to tell where I was. The car began to lose speed, but I noticed I was heading quickly into the carpeting. Before the carpeting started was a small gold bar but it would act like a speedbump and throw me off if I couldnt somehow stop in time.

"KRISTA! WHERE'S THE STEERING ON THIS THING?!" I shouted as I tried to turn away from the obstacle.

"Theres no steering on a hot wheels car, silly" Krista chuckled.

I screamed and closed my eyes, bracing for impact. The bump itself was fairly soft but the aftermath had me flying out of the car, which apparently doesnt have seatbelts or airbags and I landed on the carpet which was less than forgiving. I rolled over on myself a couple times, and landed several inches from where the car struck the bump. Krista walked over slowly and cautiously, being sure not to step on me.

"Bob? You okay?" she asked.

"That was.... NUTS!!" I screamed, part in euphoria from the speed trip and also in fear that I could've died if I was going faster and something else had been in the way. Just then a shadow is cast over me. A familiar shadow.

Just then, from the corner of my eye, I see the shadow grow larger until finally, my giant cat is upon me. I scream as his hot breath is on my face and he lifts his giant paw. I run away as quickly as I can but I can't get out of his range in time and he swipes the bottom of my leg, tearing off the bottom of my pant leg with his swipe and knocking me to the ground.

"Bad kitty!" Krista said, pushing him away "No killing Bob!"

Dazed, I got back up and looked up with Krista, thanking her for saving me. "This isnt my day..."

"I know I know... but you'll see, things will work out..." Krista said.


Krista came over to check up on me to find me on the kitchen table.

"So how's it going?" she asked

"Okay I guess..." I sighed, "Besides almost being dropped, eaten by my cat and killed numerous times... I hate being this small!"

"Yeah I know but hey, the mail truck's here!"


Krista came back in after getting the mail and she was holding a big box. Inside it was several cans of spray. Finally, I could be re-enlarged.

"Okay, Krista, spray me back to normal!"

"Yknow I've kind of liked being the tall one here..." Krista said, thinking to herself.


"Ok Im kidding, im kidding... hold still Bob!" she said and sprayed me with the growth spray. It surrounded me and I felt something but I wasn't growing. Nothing happened.

"What the heck?" I asked when the mist finally cleared, "I thought that was the enlargement spray..."

Krista read the bottle "It says... "'Enlargement Spray Primer'"


"It says I have to spray this on you first and then spray the growth spray...which... isn't here......" Krista sighed, revealing more bottles of primer.

"What? So Im stuck this way longer?" I gasped.

"Until they send the real stuff..." Krista chuckled "So uh... uh... want to ride the hot wheels car again?"

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