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Author's Chapter Notes:

Chapter inspired by Kosmita and TitanThiera in reviews for Chartlottes Universe. Request welcome

Fiona’s Homecoming

Alyssa’s Bedroom

As she dug through her underwear drawer seeking the tiny woman cowering at the back, she let out a frustrated grunt until she finally gripped one of the girl's legs and dragged her slowly from the assorted garments. “You really shouldn’t fight this, For some reason, the Goddess remembered you existed” Alyssa complained as she dangled the girl before her face. “There is one thing that needs to be made very clear, You’re still mine,  This has not changed, If I say lick you say nothing and lick. Do you understand?” Watching the girl squirm and cry out made Alyssa feel a little better about the situation, She was still irritated that her Goddess had effectively freed her toy although she would never question the decision. Carrying the girl from her room she made her way to the temple where Sarah would officially promote her former sex slave.

 Sarah was showing Arianna the ropes of the Planetary Management System when Alyssa came in to join them. “It’s getting crowded already and we still have this one to go” she announced, waving the tiny girl in her hand to the others. The Goddess had recently added Arianna and Fiona to the ranks of the maids seemingly on a whim, Alyssa was annoyed at first but even she had to admit it was nice having others around to talk too and she could always grab another toy for her darker urges. Sarah walked Arrianna slowly through the steps that would enhance Fiona, Training the girl to replace the more mundane aspects of her maid responsibilities.  As Alyssa dropped Fiona onto Sarah’s desk she slid backwards to lean against the wall and feign disinterest in the whole process as she listened eagerly. Arianna smiled down on Fiona as her fingers glided around the temples interfaces before she looked over to Sarah as a red warning flashed up before her. Sarah looked sternly at the warning and nodded “Senior Handmaid Sarah Confirming Ascension”, She spoke with as much clarity as she could hoping the temple would accept her authority, Moments later Fiona started to glow a deep gold as she slowly grew. Sarah breathed a sigh of relief as the red warning turned green. “That would never have worked unless the Goddess had willed it, I get nervous every time, I would hate to think what would happen if she thought I was overstepping my boundaries” As Fiona reached full height she slid from the desk and stood before them, New robes shining as she felt herself all over.

 “Don’t forget what I told you” Alyssa snarled from her corner before striding from the room to let Sarah induct the new maid. Fiona turned to Sarah and Arianna with tears streaming down her face. “Thank you, Thank you so much, You saved me from her” as she said it Arianna smile fell away as she excused herself from the situation and left the new maid alone with Sarah. Shaking her head with a smile still on her face Sarah gripped the crying girl's shoulder. “We haven’t saved you from her entirely, She is right in that she is still your senior, You are still to serve at her pleasure.” the tears of joy on Fiona’s face seemed to become genuine tears of sadness as Sarah spoke, she continued before the girl broke down “HOWEVER, You are also now a handmaiden of the Goddess, You answer only to Alyssa, Me and the Divine in the entire universe. Your ascension has opened the universe up to be your playground while you are not serving your mistresses. Alyssa will also have much more limited control over you as the Goddess demands we treat each other with a certain degree of respect. This also means you towards her.” Fiona nodded slowly as Sarah explained her new role to her, She was to serve Alyssa, the girl who found used and abused her for months as if she were not a monster with the upside being that she had the opportunity to be said monster to a universe of mortals. On the scales of the universe, it was actually a rather good deal. No time to start like right now, before Alyssa had a chance to start laying down the chores. Poising herself she looked up at Sarah. “I heard that the Goddess spared my world after forcing an evacuation, Planet Ustolla?”. The head maid took a few minutes to think back before nodding in remembrance “Yes, The Goddess used your population for breakfast one morning and found herself too lazy to snuff out that particular world”. Fiona felt the small grin tugging on her lips as she posed the next question. “Can I go back? Just to finish up business and bring back some souvenirs?”. Sarah started to giggle like a school girl as she replied. “Of course, that sounds like a lot of fun, Here, let me teach you how to draw the temples powers”

Planet Ustolla

Director Elias was sat at the head of the planetary assembly, It had been years since his planet had stared into the playful face of their apocalypse and survived by pure apathy on the part of their diety, Ever since that day the whole world had reaffirmed their commitment to worshipping the Goddess and populations were more than willing to offer themselves as tributes to save their world. The last tribute had gone through entirely on volunteers and they now had 6 months to prepare for the next one. Taking a long drink of whiskey from his glass he dismissed his dignitaries from their long meeting, Thanking them all for their hard work. The room was silent as he lowered his glass, None of them had returned his toast or made any sound at all, their faces were all still as if trapped in time. Standing up he moved around the table waving his hands in peoples faces confused, everyone was as still as a statue other than him. He only knew of one being that could exercise such power, Straightening up his jacket he returned to his seat as his inside twisted and fear coiled around him. Speaking into the air with his hands flat on the table he tried to keep the quivering from his voice “How can we serve you today….Goddess”. A lilting sinister laugh echoed all around him as he finished speaking, then a familiar voice came from the door as it swung open. “Oh, I’m no Goddess, I would never claim as such with the company I now keep” Fiona announced as she strode into the large board room, her white dress flowing around her. “Hello Elias, Remember me?”. Elias felt his rage swell within him at the arrogance of the woman, he leapt to his feet and yelled at her as he strode down the room, seemingly forgetting about his frozen dignitaries. “YOU! YOU’RE THE REASON MILLIONS OF OUR PEOPLE WERE SACRIFICED! YOU NEARLY ENDED OUR WHOLE EXISTENCE! YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO YOUR ENTIRE WORLD! YOU WILL FACE JUSTICE!”

Fiona was taken back by the sudden outburst of pure rage from Elias, processing his words quickly, everything he was saying was true, The whole reason the goddess came to Ustolla was that her revolution had blocked the tribute temples. It was also the first step on her path to ascension as well so she had rationalised in her mind as acceptable collateral damage. Fiona was about to offer a rebuttal when Elias’s fist collided with her face, The larger man's fist impacted hard but she felt nothing as he crumpled to ground, gripping his broken hand and crying in agony. Fiona glanced down on him with a small frown of pity. “Oh yeah, I should have said, I’m back with our Goddesses blessing, You see, you’ve gone and missed another tribute and I am here to collect” the feigned sympathetic tone wasn't really covering the joy in her voice as talked down to her former world leader. He glared up at her from the floor with anger plastered over his face as he gestured to the wall clock behind him. “We...We..Still, have SIX MONTHS! He finally got out as he turned to look at the timer he was pointing at...then his face dropped and he started mumbling nonsense as the clock behind him clearly indicated they were in fact 1 day late, a state of affairs he was sure was not the case only 5 minutes prior. Fiona’s face beamed into a grin as she looked where he was pointing. “Aha, See, This time, I’m taking you and all of these wonderful state leaders as part of the tribute. So let's see about getting you all into a bowl so I can have some lunch before I head out into Ustolla proper.“ As Fiona muttered words in a language Elias had no comprehension of he felt himself diminish in size before the robed woman. She stepped forward and he found himself laying on his back next to her huge brown sandals, his laying form the same height as the leather soles, Fiona’s grinning face looking down on him as she squat over him, reaching down with large fingers to extract him from the floor.

 Fiona gathered the tiny people from the chairs as they were all still frozen in time, She had forgotten how to make time resume for them as she dropped them all into the bowl with Elias. Pulling her necklace she began to scroll through holographic help documents while her tiny prey crawled amongst the living statues crying in pain from his broken hand. “Oh shush, You're a snack now, You’ve sentenced enough people to become snacks, now its simply your turn, besides, I’ve never had the chance to actually eat living people before, so this is a first for us both”. Having finally found the section she was looking for she started muttering in the celestial language to the temple that always monitored them, a few moments later and all of the former dignitaries now squirmed to life in the bowl before her. “Welcome back folks, I was just explaining to Elias here that I’m just going to have a quick bite to eat before I bring some divine fury to the city outside.”Smiling sweetly down to the 15 two inch people in the bowl. Her eyes went wide as her hands rushed into her robes and withdrew a small bottle from her bra. “I nearly forgot, A friend gave me this spray, apparently it protects you for a while so I can enjoy your squirming inside of me for longer, She also said it adds flavour and if you knew me, you would know I am a girl who loves spicy food” The tiny people began to scream and clamber of each other to get out of the bowl as she started to spray them all down, making the whole mess of them wet and lubricated, causing them to slip and slide in a mess of limbs. Fiona found herself unable to contain her giggles as she prepared a pair of chopsticks to tuck into her meal.

 Elias tried to slide himself to the bottom of the pile as he felt the large trees lock onto his calf and painfully drag him from his screaming writhing people. It was a moment later when he found himself face to face with the smooth pink lips of the titanic rebel, her warm breath washing over him as she spoke him one final time “I want you to know Elias, I am going to enjoy every second of this” and then her lips parted in earnest and he flailed everything he could to get free of the huge wooden logs locked on his leg. As the lips got closer he reached down for them, gripping the edges as the logs released him. Quickly pulling on the lips he tried to launch himself from her mouth, only to find himself trapped between the soft lips with his head stuck on the outside as a loud “MMMMMM NOO NOO” boomed from behind him. Then he felt the huge wet muscle squirming its way under him before a great suction pulled him inside. The darkness and heat struck him as he was tossed around and crushed into various soft surfaces as large tongue toyed with him, finally he landed hard on what he assumed to be a row of teeth, rolling onto his back he choked back his tears and braced himself for the end he knew was coming. The teeth hit a moment later but he only felt the air squeeze from him and they dug into his skin along the length of his body without piercing his skin. Loud sounds boomed around him, he was unable to make out the words although the intonation of pleasure was clear, his life was being toyed with and she was loving it. Vainly he pushed at the large teeth pinning him down and to his surprise, he was able to lift them off of him, then the tongue surged back and he was swept up and away once more to be swirled and sucked in the pools of saliva, time felt like it had stopped as he was tossed, turned and squeezed before finally his long torment came to an end as he felt the monstrous tongue toss him up into the air, when he landed he hit the soft surface hard and fast as the darkness gripped him on all sides and forced him down her long throat. An audible rumbling of pleasure came from all around as he slid down her oesophagus to his final resting place. The acid splashed around him while he braced for the expected burning, standing in the shallow acid pool he was amazed that he was able to see, his skin was glowing an eerie orange where his skin had touched the juices in her stomach, The spray the insane bitch had coated them in was glowing as it mixed with the stomach acid granting both protection from the substance that sought to dissolve him and illuminating his prison with a sinister orange hue. Elias was done, this madness was the final humiliation that broke him into a wild primal fury, He lunged at the stomach lining with hands, feet and teeth as sought to hurt this sadist woman as much as possible before the acid finally broke through his illumination. A rush of air flew past him and he heard the distant rumbling of a belch coming from his capture, then the muffled sounds of giggles as two large slams sent him flying from the wall he was attacking. “Sorry about that guys, he was yummy, whos next” was the last thing Elias heard as he passed out from his impact on the other side of the huge stomach.

 Fiona had enjoyed every moment of her first tribute meal, She slowly savoured each one and loved teasing them as they squirmed inside of her, It was now time to sate the urge that had risen between her legs as she played god with the lives her planets leaders.  She started down the steps of the assembly building as she began to chant out commands in celestial, feeling the power of the temple embrace her as her height increased dramatically until she towered over the skyscrapers of the capital. “Hello Ustolla, I’m home for a visit and I’m more horny than I think I have ever been in my 27 years of existence” As she moved her sandals around the city she felt shivers running up her legs as the buildings broke apart and crumbled beneath them, She struck a pose that in her mind felt powerful, swinging the front of her robes around behind her as she exposed herself to the city below, legs apart she planted her hands firmly on her hips and threw her head back laughing.  “You are all so very literally fucked, I understand why the Goddess does what she does now”

 Rachel had just clocked out when the earthquakes and loud booms from the sky began outside her window, joining her colleagues at the window on the 45th floor of the assembly building she gaped in awe at the giant sandal sweeping around them, ploughing through buildings and streets like dirt beneath them. “What...the…” was all she could say before following the pointing hands upwards towards a titanic woman sweeping her huge garment behind her legs revealing a giant glistening pussy for their world to see as she announced herself. Rachel back from the window as the Titaness glared down at her with lust burning in her eyes, she felt the large woman was staring right at her as she fell backwards. “The dildo…” she muttered under her breath., as the woman next to her began to scream and ran for the elevator. Soon everyone was running as her words were repeated over and over, The Dildo was the affectionate name given to the assembly building as is was what people felt it resembled from a distance and now there was a woman large enough to make it more than a playful joke, glaring down upon them with fire in her eyes. The loud words that came from all around confirmed there fears as loud slams shook the ground as the colossal knees shattered the ground either side of the assembly building. “HAHA, I SPENT YEARS LOOKING AT THE DILDO WISHING NOTHING BUT PAIN ON THOSE INSIDE, NOW I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU ALL FULFILL YOUR MOST OBVIOUS PURPOSE, TO PLEASURE ME”. Rachel couldn't move as she saw and felt the shadow fall over the room she was in, Her whole world began to shake and shiver as the building broke and buckled around her, rushing to grasp her arms around a pillar she held on praying to the Goddess that she could survive this horror as light was stripped fully from the room and the windows smashed inwards flooding the room with a thick odour and horrible heat that made Rachel fully believe she was in a actual level of hell. She cried and screamed as she gripped onto the fire equipment bracket, the whole building shook and crumbled around her, holes were cracking in the floors and ceiling as she wept and begged a higher power to save her. Occasional flashes of light outlined how much damage was being done just before darkness reigned again, each time thrusting more and thicker viscous liquid into her part of the building, The torment just went on and on as the liquid slowly crept its way towards her central part of the building, Rachel knew that if that reached her, she would be forced to let go and then she was most certainly dead as she was given one final blast of cool air she heard an ear-pounding scream of pleasure that made her scream in agony as a reply as one final time her world went dark and she heard the building finally give completely as the huge walls of flesh spasmed together crushing Rachel into her life-saving pillar and reducing her to a smear.

 Elias had just come too when Selene had poked at him to see if he was still alive, Sitting up he looked around at the glowing figures trapped in there with him. “How long have I been out,” he said looking across the defeated faces of the world leaders. Selene shook her head in resignation “You were the lucky one, you didn't have to sit through her masturbating with our building, The bitch has gone power mad and she's taking it out on our world” Elias looked over at Selene trying to figure out if she was joking about the whole masturbation thing before the terror of the reality sunk in. “I see, So she’s doing what now? Feels like we’re moving” The whole chamber was shaking and occasional giggles and jolts reminded them of their situation. “From what we can tell, She’s stomping around the city playing god” Selene replied with tears streaming down her face, the others all nodding their agreement while waiting for death. Elias stood before his people and closed his eyes to steady his voice. “We can do something, I attacked her and she felt it, If we all attack together maybe we can make her throw up or maybe even rip her stomach open and the bitch can bleed to death internally, One more stand, not for us but for our people” The people stirred from there resignation and one by one stood, Selene looked over to her leader “Well, We literally have nothing left to lose, Lets make her pay” and they all charged a wall with whatever energy they had left in them looking to inflict damage and pain from within. It wasn’t long before they heard an “oooo” from outside followed by some impacts to knock them all back from her stomach walls but they got back to there feet and charged again. A few minutes of what felt like a savage attack on the stomach lining was rewarded by the huge woman speaking to them again “You little snacks asked for this” and then they heard the sound of rushing water crash in from above them. Elias found himself swept around a rapid whirlpool gripping Selene's arm as they swirled. The water kept coming without end as their lights went out and they were left floating as a tingling sensation came over them all followed by screams of terror as reality washed over them. “The water has washed the coating from us, Our light..our lives..its over” Eliascollapsed, exhausted from their efforts as fate finally caught up with them, bubbles surged around and pushed them all about in one last humiliation.

 Fiona let out a small burp as she withdrew her glass from her lips and giggled stepping through the Goddesses kitchen feeling the tiny defeated people inside her. “That was fun, A Good Day” she cooed as she looked down into the sack of Ustolians she had brought back with her as a personal tribute from her homeworld. She found her new rooms in the temple and emptied the sack into the top drawer of her new dresser and gave them all a cheeky wave as she pushed the drawer closed, memories of Alyssa doing the same to her not too long ago. Striding back out of her room she felt the inevitable finally come, Alyssa's voice in her head, beckoning her to service “I stepped in some people and I need you to lick them off my feet, Cant be having the power going to your head”. Fiona sighed in frustration but was finding it hard to be in a bad mood after earlier events, Overall she felt she had found happiness.


Chapter End Notes:

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