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My treck continued on a good note.  While still unpleasantly warm, I was even further from the blistering sun and the ground was no longer painful to walk upon other than a lingering stinging feeling from my feet.  I continued to hug the wall closely.  I wasn't really sure if I was making the right call but Ash did seem like the safer choice.  Melanie struck me as probably safe, but that meant getting in reach of Lucy as well and something about her just struck warning bells in my head.  Maybe I was being overly worried as the only flaw I knew about was that she was overly concerned about her phsyical appearance, which said nothing else about her, but I was trusting my instincts here.  

As I continued along the wall I saw a dark green object rising high in the distance, jutting from the wall.  Another purse.  Presumably belonging either to Melanie or Lucy.  As I got closer, I could see that fortunately while resting against the wall, it had a clear path behind it.  A tiny  barely noticable crack for most people.  But at this size a wide street with plenty of room.  

I walked between the purse and the wall, hugging closer to the wall.  If someone decided they wanted their purse I didn't want to get smooshed by accident.  After a couple of minutes I came to the other side without incident.  I started moving at a brisk walk towards Ash's table.  I stayed close to the wall just in case but soon I'd have to take at least some risk.  There was no way she was going to see me if I stayed pressed against it.

Finally seeing my chance I bolted as quickly as I could across the ground, running towards Ash's chair.   I ran with all I was worth, I needed to both get out of the open ground and also get her attention as quickly as possible.  I heard a strange sound coming from my left.  A weird sort of rapid thumping.  Looking in it's direction I saw what looked like one of those boulders from an action film.  Only much bigger.  And bright red.  And it was bouncing up and down as I headed towards me.  I ran even harder, starting to gasp from the exertion.  Suddenly a shadow was over me and I didn't have a chance to even look up as I felt something slam into me.  

The first thought I had as I was impacted was why whatever it was felt so sticky.  The second was the feeling you get when on those carnival rides of rapid motion that press you against the wall.  I seemed to be on the side of the ball it rolled, finally hitting a wall and then continuing it's roll until a brief fall and sudden stop told me we'd gone off the cement and into the yard itself.  

I took a few seconds to calm myself before attempting to peel myself off of whatever was holding me to the ball.  The faint whiff of punch hit my nose I realized that one of the kids had probably had his or her hand coated in the stuff when they threw this.  Getting off was even more important.  The worst thing that could happen was being spotted by a child.  

I tugged even harder and felt myself slowly coming free.  Freeing my left arm I started wiggling back and forth, attempting to get my back off as I heard a loud thundering sound coming from behind me.  I hadn't managed to pull free before I saw a massive feminine finger slam into the ball not too far from me.  I wached the ball press in slightly under it's strength and shuddered at yet another reminder of the difference in sizes created.  Just this woman's casual holding of the ball was putting it under pressure that could leave me injured.  

Suddenly I was flying up in the air and spinning rapidly, I got a brief glimpse of Ashley's face as I started falling towards her, her left hand reaching out towards me.  Or at least the ball I was stuck to.  A loud thwacking of ball hitting hand echoed in my ears followed by the sound of Ash's voice.  "Yuck!"  

At that I looked and saw that I was sitting between two massive fingers.  The closer one just inches away from my perspective, a silver band wider than I was on it.  Clearly Ash's reaction was to feeling the punch.  The world started moving rapidly as Ash lowered her arm and felt her stride as she started walking towards some destination that I couldn't see.  

A screeching sound of metal rubbing against something followed by a sudden blast of cool air told me that we were heading inside.  I couldn't really see much but we quickly covered what looked like a wooden floor until we entered a room with white tiles.  We came to a stop in front of what at first I thought was a wooden cabinet until I heard a screech followed by the sound a veritable waterfall.  

I felt myself rising once more and stared at a sink, water gushing out of it.  Based on the dishes I could see piled on the side I was in the kitchen, not a bathroom.  I had no time at all before water came crashing down on me and I felt myself falling along with the torrent of water.  As I felt the water and myself hit bottom I struggled briefly against the pull before pulling myself out of it.  I turned and watched what before would've been a tiny little drop, but what was now bigger than myself as it rolled towards the drain where most of the water was pouring down in a veritable whirlpool.  It was pure luck I'd been flung off to the far end of the sink.  Not wanting to take that journey I started running towards the wall, staring in horror as each monstrous drop that bounced off the ball above as Ash washed it came crashing down around me.  

Then Ash's arm reached over and I sighed in relief as she turned off the sink.  But I realized I had an entirely different problem as Ash's face exited my vision and I listened to the sound of massive footsteps getting steadily fainter.  I was now at the bottom of the kitchen sink all alone.  Massive white walls with drops of water slowly descending down them extended far above in each direction, all perfectly smooth with nothing to hold on to.  If anyone did return it would be to wash dishes.  I was screwed.  


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