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I was in my plastic box when the daughter arrived. I heard the three of them talking for a while, moving around the house, and hanging out. Later in the day, I overheard the mother say she was going to make dinner. The daughter (whose name was Izumi) wandered into the bedroom. She was talking on her phone with a friend.

Izumi was dressed in fairly professional clothes, and her hair hung straight down, with long bangs. Her dark grey skirt swished as she walked. She had a round face with large cheeks, although she was thin overall and had a small butt and boobs. She was pretty hot, and I guessed she was some years older than me. If I were her size, I wouldn't be able to tell, but as a tiny, I could see some slight wrinkles in her face as she moved around the room.

"Yeah, I had suuch a great time going back to McGill. Yeah, what?"

She twirled around, and her butt slammed into the side of my box. Even though her butt was pretty flat, it hit hard enough to knock me over. The huge ass shifted under her skirt as she walked away. She was totally oblivious to what her butt had done.

"Yeah, my job is going well. Once I make Senior Financial Researcher I'll be making a lot more money, maybe enough to buy a couple tinies of my own."

She laughed and glanced at the other box with a tiny in it. "OMG what's the worst thing you've ever heard happen to a tiny?"

She listened for a while then laughed a soft, smooth laugh. "That's great! Once when I was a Master's student at McGill, I heard this one girl went to the ladies room to mess around with her tiny, and she... she dropped him in the toilet!" She giggled cutely. "She was too grossed out to stick her fingers in the water, even though it was clean, so she just left him!" She giggled even harder, her cheeks flushing pink. "What? Yeah, I dunno she was rich. I don't know what happened to the tiny, but I can imagine haha."

She walked closer to my box. "Yeah, my parents each have a tiny. I wouldn't touch them though. They would get mad. What's that? I wouldn't know where they've been either? Yeah, I guess haha. Ew."

She walked out of the room. Later, I would eat dinner with the three of them. They set me on Izumi's plate, because she was curious about the tinies. The other tiny ate scraps from the parents' plates. Izumi seemed embarassed at eating in front of a tiny, and she took care not to grab me with her chopsticks as she ate, and she tried to take small bites. "Haha, it's so interesting watching him," she said. She leaned closer. "He looks pretty hot too."

The daughter then left, promising to visit again soon. The mother wasted no time in grabbing me and taking me back to the bedroom. "I've been waiting for her to leave, I can't wait any longer," she grunted.

She pulled her clothes off her form, then her underwear. Her thighs and stomach jiggled as she shook her panties the rest of the way off.

"Same as yesterday," she said. I tried to grab her clit again, but this time, I slipped off. I struggled to find a handhold, and eventually found one, digging my fingers into some large brown wrinkles. An orifice opened in front of me, easily large enough for me to squeeze through, and a smell of shit wafted out of it. The thick brown skin slowly expanded and contracted slightly as I tried to hold on.

"Whoops, not there. Not yet," she laughed, lifting me back up. Her asshole gaed at me with its wrinkled eye, flanked by two fat thighs. The vast expanses of light yellow skin surrounded me, and I looked down her more tanned arm. She returned me to her clit, and I performed well as usual.

"Now," she said, raising me to her thin red lips, which exhaled warm breath smelling of the dinner. "I have another task for you. This one involves my other hole that you were so eager to climb into..."


I stared down at the brown hole in front of me. On either side of me were the huge golden mounds of Mrs. Fujiwara's ass. There was a small wooden rod propping them open, but if she just plucked it out, I would be smushed between her sweaty asscheeks and unable to escape. Each one weighed unfathomably more than I did. She had placed me inside her mighty, fat ass to clean deeper inside her. She had taken a shit, then tried to clean and dry her asshole as much as possible. Her husband had wanted to eat her ass tonight, so I had to get rid of any remaining bits of shit in hard-to-reach places.

I turned on my flashlight, grabbed my tiyn-sized shovel, and crawled in her asshole. She let out a long moan as I did, and her asscheeks shook and slapped against me. The moan was vibrated through her body and mine.

In the pink interior of her asshole, it was pretty clean. The whole place glistened with some kind of mucus, but there was hardly any shit to be found. I crawled over a large pink obstruction that went up to my hip. Slipping on the wet material, I fell face-first into a leftover piece of shit. It was nearly the size of my body, and it clung to my face and chest. The smell from before was a lot stronger, and I fought the urge to vomit. I managed to shovel the shit into a large bucket I had brought with me, and then I dumped it closer to the entrance of the asshole. I tried to wipe off the excrement, but it just stuck to more of me.

All around me I could hear more moaning. It was so loud, and sounded like it was coming all around me. I could feel the slow movements of the asshole and hear the squelching sounds deeper down as her body processed her giantess-sized meals. I found more excrement and shoveled it near the entrance. She rolled over three times, once on each side and once on her back, so that I could get all around the circumference of her colon.

After I was done, the giantess dropped me in a bowl of soapy water and bid me wash myself, and then she cleaned out the lump of shit by her entrance. "Thanks for getting all the hard to reach places, my tiny pet," she said before depositing me back in my box and putting her clothes back on.


About an hour later, she and her husband came back to the bedroom, undressing themselves. As they climbed onto the bed, the husband grabbed a book and propped it open around my box, blocking my view of the sex (though I didn't really want to watch anyway), but not before he said that if he got shit on his tongue he would punish me.

As I lay back on my bed, I could hear the deafening grunts, and the slapping of their skin. She moaned, and it seemed to surround me. The wet slaps of them fucking was incredibly loud, as their giant limbs and organs slammed against each other. Then, I heard her turn over with a series of loud thumps as her huge limbs moved, and I heard a series of smacks and moans as his face presumably went to work on her back entrance. I had noticed that the other tiny prison hadn't been blocked, so I wondered if she liked to watch them.

A little while after they were done having sex, they removed the book and went to bed.


I awoke to the sound of Mr. Fujiwara's snoring from the other side of the bed. I rolled over and started at Mrs. Fujiwara, asleep in her underwear. Her mouth was held in a tight-lipped frown, and she slept silently. I could just hear her breathing out her nose.

As I was falling asleep, I heard what sounded like a mini-earthquake in the distance. I whipped around, then realized it was Mrs. Fujiwara's stomach growling. I fell asleep watching the pudgy yellow belly softly rise and fall.

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