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Author's Chapter Notes:

Gets a bit bloody.

The clouds in the sky visible parted from her movements, the long billowing white robes and leathery white boots accentuated by golden metal filigree and black threading and secondary coloring all moving in such a slow yet powerful motion that they threw winds that reformed the sky.

“I hope,” THOOM, her foot landing erupted the landscape, “you don’t mind me joining you.” The trees that Adriel and Seri had cracked and tickles with their walk were ground to a literal pulp beneath the step, the other nearby trees being sent out from the gust as wind. A cracking and rumbling erupted in the distance as the townsfolk looked around to notice the mountains on the horizon were spilling up landslides and avalanches.

Adriel felt her heart nearly beating out of her chest, and not just from the steps, but from the fear. She glanced over to where Seri once was and she sprinted over towards her, her boots landing on pockets of people with a horrific crunch, and while she was typically opposed to wanton killing or destruction, this had a purpose.

Perhaps it was for the best, those people beneath Adriel’s boots may be lucky, they couldn’t even make out the high elf off in the distance, she little more than a natural disaster to them, above the clouds and commanding the Earth itself, and so as Adriel sprinted through, her green boots flattening person and home alike, kicking through inns and markets and churches as they reduced to splintered rubble and pebbles from her jogs.

THOOM came the next step, and Adriel tumbled, losing her balance and rolling through the edge of town like a boulder, crushing people and infrastructure beneath her entire self. A snicker from heaven on high followed her embarrassing tumble as she crawled onto all fours. Arriving at where Seri once was, the smaller bustier elf saw the green eyes of her friend replace the once-blue sky.

Peering and looking on all fours for Seri, Adriel was oblivious to the high elf doing the exact same, kneeling herself down and leaning over the town, she had assumed the most recent booms and shakes were more footsteps.

Seri watched as the area behind Adriel became filled with the golden eyes, the black hair, the smug grin. The lips parted, as the other elf let out a low laugh, soft and warm, her breath made the air on Adriel’s neck stand up. “I believe I’m in a position to kill a few thousand birds with one stone.” Adriel quickly tried to turn over, scooting herself backwards and away from the looming face, but with the high elf over fifty times her size, and tens of thousands times the size of a normal person, she made insignificant progress before the white-gloved fingers pinched at her.

“It’s nothing tough, miss, just be my stone.” Whatever that meant held horrible implications. Perhaps it was the sadistic sneer, perhaps it was the tone of her voice, perhaps the devilish look in her burning golden eyes, but it pushed Adriel’s heart into the bottom of her stomach. Two of the high elves fingers ran up to pluck at Adriel’s legs, pinching around her knee-section while the other two fingers of the other hand held her waist.

The massive high elf couldn’t stifle her laughs with both hands full, and as she pulled apart the wood elf she laughed, her bellowing yet girlish voice collapsing many of the buildings, wood cracking, splintering, heaving and groaning from the way her mere voice shook the town. The groaning of those inanimate objects was nothing to the screams and protests of Adriel, though.

Tears and screams seemed endless, as did the few moments that it lasted, her protest falling on deaf ears as the large mage pulled more and more, eventually seeing a red sinew form as Adriel was splitting at the seams of her hips. “There…” she pulled more, eventually splitting the wood elf in two, “..there.” Adriel was crying and thrashing her arms, blood pouring out of her as she was haphazardly dropped, along with her legs, into the center of town. “Feel free to go save your friend, now. My work is done.”

Blood, like a flooding river, flowed out of Adriel and into the streets of the ruins of the town. Unchecked flooding was dangerous, but the thick blood was even more so, people could hardly swim out, and anything checked by it’s force and inertia was floored, demolished or consumed within it. It was mad only worse by the way Adriel crawled through town, allowing it to spread and fill more and more areas, her once cute seated position with hands-in-palms and elbows-on-knee and butt-on-heels now adopted by the high elf who had a beaming smile.

The macabre endeavor continued on for a few moments, the high elf not being able to make out the weak cries of Adriel that she seemed to say to her small friend, but that didn’t matter now.

The town was beyond disarray, it would even be too generous to call it a town or village. It was a series of rubble and bodies, pooling in portions with Adriel's blood and tears. Families were caught in various portions in cellars or second-stories of buildings, there were those crushed beneath her severed legs.

She held onto the book that her new friends had grabbed for her and she began to stand up, once again making the winds and clouds bend to her very existence.

She walked off, stepping over the town as the sole of her boot replaced the sky for a good few seconds, her movement being more powerful than much of nature and her stature dwarfing anything that should be allowed into existence. She grabbed at a tome that was chained to her hip and flipped through it, each page turn sounding like a hurricane moving further and further away to the dimming ears of Adriel. “Mmm…Castle Lewood next? I’ve heard their pastries are delightful.”

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