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I stared up at the massive porcelain object in front of me.  Fuck my life.  I'd come down with the damned disease.  It was pure luck that I'd found myself waking up on a spot of ground between my pants and my shirt.  It was hard to estimate my size as everything seemed gigantic but I was guessing I was on the smaller end of the scale by a decent margin.  On the plus side I was pretty sure I was big enough to be seen even by someone standing up.  

So the trick now was to wait.  Someone would come to the bathroom and see my clothes on the floor.  Even if they didn't figure it out they'd have to see me when they reached down to put them in the hamper or move them out of the way.   And I probably wouldn't have to wait too long.  The others were gaming in the kitchen.  So either one of them would come or perhaps Jeromy's wife.  The only concern were Jeromy and Diane's children but they'd be in bed by now so I figured I was safe.

I wondered how long I'd been unconscious for.  It couldn't have been too long.  Surely someone would've checked if that was the case.  I paced back and forth a bit, getting impatient.  I loud squealing noise had me turn to see the door handle turning and the door the bathroom opening.  My assumption of a short wait had been a good one.

Things had been kind of scary before.  Now they were horrifying.  I knew Melissa was my friend but it was hard to think about when I found myself staring at a pair of dark blue towers that rose until they hit a black wall with two massive bulges on them.  The design of the Death Star would be on that shirt although the part above her chest was hidden.  

The first crashing step knocked me out of my shock and almost to the floor and I immediately started jumping up and down and waving at her.  I almost sighed in relief as a loud "What the fuck" came from her.  A veritable roar but one that relieved me.  She was looking down.  I could see her blue eyes scanning the ground near me as she reached up with a rather pale hand and brushed a strand of red hair out of her face.  

It was obvious the moment she actually saw me.  Her eyes widened.  She stepped forward and I instinctively flinched as the collasal black shoe crashed into the ground almost right in front of me.  The dark blue wall of her pants came down to the right as me as she kneeled down.  

I just had to wait until she leaned in close.  Maybe she'd be able to hear me.  Except apparently Melissa had a different plan.  A fleshy wall came down in front of me and started curling around me.  I tried getting away but I'd barely taken a step before I was pinned between her fingers and her palm.  

My stomach lurched as I felt myself rising quickly up into the air.  I was soon at whatever height Melissa was planning on holding me at.  I couldn't see a thing but I figured she was trying to hold me steady as I only felt slight jolts at her steps.  She clearly didn't comprehend just how strong she was relative to me though as my body was in agony as she pressed with almost impossible force.

Seconds later Melissa came to a stop.  Realizing she was talking I tried listening despite the throbbing of my body in her grip.  "So guys.  I went to the bathroom.   And well I found this."  Light suddenly flooded my vision as Melissa released her grip on me.  I fell to my knees not being prepared to be let go.  Luckily the drop was only maybe half a foot from my perspective.  More humiliating than painful.

Standing up I found myself looking across the brown field of Jeromy's table.  Not too far in front of me was a massive board with drawings on it of various locations.  From my spot I could see one labled "Sydney" and the shape of Australia.  Cardboard figures roughly as tall as myself sat on different spots of the board.  Six to be exact.  One for each player.  Melissa's piece right in front of me as she'd been in Sydney when I left for the bathroom.  

Looking across the board I could see another gray wall rising into the sky.  A tall broad shouldered man with gray eyes and short dirty blond hair was looking down at me.  "Well fuck."  Mark's voice rumbled over me.   The seat next to him was empty.  Not surprising as I had been sitting there before.  

Looking to my left, sitting next to Melissa was another man.  This one wearing a bright yellow button up shirt.  Long brown hair went past his shoulders and he adjusted his glasses slightly as his brown eyes stared at me.  "Ben?"  I waved lamely at Tom's rhetorical question.  

Turning to my right sitting at the end of the table closest to Melissa and myself was another woman.   This one slightly taller than Melissa.  Like Melissa she had a rather impressive chest.  Her blond hair ran loosely down her back and she crossed her arms as she looked at me.  "I've never seen a shrinkie before".  Suddenly Jane's arm extended out and before I had a chance to react a finger longer than I was tall slammed into me.  I fell on my butt and a giggle roared in the distance.  "Sorry.  Sorry."   

Getting to my feet I wanted to glare at Jane but I doubted she could see my face clearly anyways.  I finally looked over to the far end of the table where Jeromy was sitting.  Chubby, blond haired and blue eyed he seemed to be in the biggest state of shock of everyone.  True I'd known him longest so maybe it was hitting him the most.  

A voice came from over Melissa's shoulder.  "What are you guys looking at so intently?  A pink wall rose over Melissa's head and I looked up at the face of Diane.  She was actually the tallest person here.  Even over Mark who stood six feet tall.  She seemed curious but unconcerned at first, clearly not noticing me right away.  Then her brown eyes locked onto me.  

"I think game night just got cancelled."  Jeromy was clearly still in shock.  

"Yeah.  But what do we do?"  Mark was looked at each person in turn.  Well except me.  It was a bit disconcerting to have people discuss me without actually getting my input.  "There's no cure for it.  It's also late.   Hell, who do we trust with him?"  
A loud screeching caused me to look over at Jeromy as he rose from the table pushing back his chair.  "I don't know guys.  Does anyone have an idea?  Should we sleep and decide come morning after we think about it?"

"I think that's best.  But who should watch him til then?"  I saw Jane giving me a considering look and decided then and there that I did not want to go with her.  I didn't think she actually intended me harm but I was afraid that she was a bit too excited and not concerned nearly enough.  

"I can take care of him."  Melissa's voice came from behind me. 

"No.  Diane and I will do it.  I've known him longest.  Let's meet again tomorrow.  We'll figure out something."  Jeromy had finally seemed to come out of his shock.  As I looked at Jeromy a shadow covered me.  I looked up to see Diane's hand reaching down.  Fingers wrapped around me and once more I was being lifted into the air.  This time instead of curling around me they opened into a flat plain that I could sort of stand upon.  

Everyone started walking over and I found six impossible huge faces looking down at me.  "Don't worry.  We'll help you."  Melissa's voice roared in my ear horribly loud so close.  

"We will."  Tom had apparently realized how loud everyone else was as he tried speaking more softly.  It was still rather loud but I did appreciate how much less it hurt.  

As everyone made their decision I was bowled over by a pair of fleshy objects slamming into me.  "It'll be fine.  We're all here for you."  I was lifted into the air between Jane's fingers and found myself staring at her mouth.  I swifly flew towards it but it shut and I found myself being pressed between her lips and her fingers.  I struggled against it but it was pointless.

"Be careful Jane.  You might hurt him."  Mark snatched me out of Jane's hand, almost belying his own point as I practicaly screamed as he gripped me far too tightly.  Unfortunately nobody heard me as he turned and dropped me into Jeromy's open hand.  

Everyone waved and I listened to the good byes as they left.  None of which had been directed at me.  I had read about this.  The problem with being a shrinkie is that people sometimes forgot these things.  But annoyance aside there was still the greater concern of what to do next.  Soon it was just Diane, Jeromy, and myself.  At this point they'd all been making decisions without me.  Now hopefully I could give my input.  

"We have a long day tomorrow.  You have to get up early for work.  I'll set something up for Ben.  Get some sleep.  You're still too shocked."  Diane's voice was firm and left no room for argument.  Jeromy held out his hand towards her and soon I was trapped in her grip.  Luckily Diane seemed to take all the warnings to heart as she didn't grip me as tightly as Melissa and Mark had.  

A short while later I found myself falling a short distance until I landed on something soft.  It was white with some sort of patterns on it.  "You can sleep here tonight.  Don't be a pervert.  Or else."  I looked up in confusion at Diane's words before she pointed down at me.  "That's my underwear drawer.  There's no chance of anyone forgetting you.  But by God if I find you doing something weird with my panties you will regret it."  

The ground then shook violently and I fell to the ground again as I was completely encased in darkness.  Diane had closed the drawer and me within it.  I still hadn't had a chance to try and communicate with everyone.  It was aggrivating.  They were treating me like I was a small child or a pet.  Tomorrow.  I would try tomorrow.  

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