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Author's Chapter Notes:

Greg gets in a bit of trouble

Greg walked across the lounge room floor just like before, but now he was completely naked. No clothes and no watch. In the distance a booming noise grew into loud thunder as enormous black flats with small bows landed ahead of him. Looking up, Greg saw the face of the goddess herself Jamie peering down at him with pure disgust. “Yuck a greg bug, DIE” boomed the voice all around him as the right flat in the distance lifted and made its way overhead. Greg tried to run but his legs were completely entangled in the carpet vines. His vision darkened as the lightly worn black rubber sole of the flat started descending at great speeds towards him. He noticed the floral pattern imprinted into the rubber, “who is that for? the person wearing it doesn't even see the soles, its must be for the bugs that get mushed under them … and me” He thought, as the rubber made contact with his forehead then his feet as he crumpled like paper.

Greg sat up in a fright. The room was dark. He looked around, the clock next to him displayed 3:30 AM. Since his encounter in Jamies house 2 days ago he had struggled to get sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he saw those flats coming for him. He left his bedroom and went to the kitchen and grabbed 2 sleeping pills, filled a glass of water and thought to himself “ I have to do something, it can't go on like this”. He swallowed the pills and drank the water then retired back to bed.


Again Greg awoke drenched in sweat. Now his clock showed 11:25AM. After having a shower and a bit of googling Greg learned the best way to deal with nightmares is to face and conquer your fear. Easier said than done when your fear is being on the wrong side of a shoe.

 Once again Greg donned his 'tactical' gear. All black clothes and his backpack of supplies. Walking into his backyard he neared the fence then with a simple motion shrank. “ Why didn't I think of this before” he thought somewhat dissapointed in himself as he marched into the gap in the fence. Once more the door soon stood before him, his knees almost knocking in terror. This time rather than blind fear he knew what could await him but he had to press on.

 Once under the door Greg looked for his target. To his right stood a shoe rack with multiple levels and multiple shoes, but his target was just one. He had seems Jamie wear them many times, a pair of plain white flats. Maybe if he could get used to the size of them compared to himself he could beat his fear of being crushed by Her. Greg stood at the base of the rack and craned his neck upwards, the third floor of this tower held his prize. He unpacked his grappeling hook and started swinging.

 Greg tried to no avail, being only 2 mm tall and even with his increased strength he couldn't even make half way to the first level. With one quick flick Greg shot up to 2cm. Now with a mighty swing the grappeling hook sailed upwards and latched onto the back of the flat. “ Nice throw” he shouted to himself as he gave the rope a firm tug. Greg was an avid mountain climber so climbing a rope was no effort to him, and he shot up the rope with ease.

 As Greg climbed higher and higher he didn't notice the white flat starting to move. Greg reached just over two thirds of the way up when he looked upwards and noticed he could see much more of the flats rubber sole peaking over the edge, but thought nothing of it. He reached the top and was greeted with a sensory face punch. Greg climbed over and into the flat then shrank down to his smallest size, 1mm.

 Greg was not a religious man, but he wondered if there was a place in hell much like this. His eyes watered non stop and his nose had stopped working, just to try and block some of the smell that was attacking his whole being. He moved slowly along the dark sticky floor, each step felt like he had gum stuck to his shoes, but he pressed on, he had to, asif the sirens call wailed from the dark end of the flat.

 Greg pressed on for what felt like hours until he made it to a light colored hill, the ground below him had swirls along it. He sat and took in the sights, from here he could see the entire insole, Where he stood was where the arch of Jamies foot rested, where he came from he could faintly make out the size, 5 ½, in a large worn out circle, all tainted black from foot sweat. The sides towering upwards like some fantasy fortress, slightly frayed along the edges from everyday wear. Greg stood in awe and felt almost calm, like when he was at work, like he was the only person alive. But still he had come this far, now wasn't the time to stop.

 Greg trudged on, pulling out his flashlight when the toe area of the flat eclipsed the sunlight. Finally he arrived, slightly ahead of him he saw a downwards slope, and to his left and right 2 more. The smell was so intense Greg ripped part of his shirt to make a makeshift gas-mask, but it did nothing, long ago the smell had penetrated everything. Greg walked down the slope to the bottom. His real ambitions came true as he then stripped naked and started to hump the insole. Had this been his real goal all along? Was the smell scrambling his brain? Even he wasn't sure, But he just knew what he had to do.

 Greg ran around like a kid in a candy store, backwards and forwards along the toe indents. Pleasuring himself almost non stop. Seems his sex drive had also increased while shrunk, he could seemingly cum endlessly. After quite some time passed Greg finally felt satisfied. He walked back to the middle toe, put on his clothes, and grew back to 2 cm. The long walk in was very short on return, Greg mindlessly walked out into the light and towards the heel of the flat, Basking in the post masturbation clarity.

 He gripped the back of the flat and jumped over, grabbing the rope with his free hand. As he swung down the back of the flat he felt sudden weightlessness as the rope went slack in his hands and to his shock, the flat began falling backwards off the rack. Greg had fallen from heights before and was no stranger to it, but in his current mind thinking straight was at the bottom of the list. Greg span as he fell, hoping that his durability would save him from a fall onto hard tiles. The ground came quick then darkness.

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