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"You're gonna kill him!" Andrew screamed as he resorted to full on throwing punches at her now.

"I have a confession to make And4rew. . . This whole thing isn't really a wrestling match." Bridgette said, sheepishly, all the while still crushing Marcus up to his limit.

"It's actually more like. . . . Field testing?. . .i guess." She finished, pondering her statement.

She paused for a moment, before her arms loosened briefly, cinched up, and gripped him again.

Marcus's body crunched again, this time more wet sounding as bones and muscle yielded to Bridgette's iron bear hug. She showed no signs of remorse as she threatened to snap his pencil body in half.

"See. . . When you and "captain workplace" here decided you were going to ban together, not only did you take down the whole company, but you subsequently fucked me over personally. . . . While my mother did help me get the business off the ground, long before I actually even started working in the office, it wasn't for free. I owe her a debt, and with no job now, you can see my dilemma."

She turned her head and looked down at Andrew.

"That's where you two come in. One of the ways I can keep mother happy is if I pitch in with the family business. Today just so happens to be the day I need to test one of the new products that the lab came up with."

"Whatever it is, just please stop!" You're killing him!" Andrew cried, begging from his knees.

Bridgette studied Marcus' lifeless face.

"I think he can take one more. . . . Nea told me specifically to see if I could crush his ribs, if I do, then we get some more data and keep progressing. If I can't, then it means the substance was successful and ready to put out into the field.

"Andrew's head was spinning with all the information he was taking in. He knew he was dealing with entities far above his paygrade, but labs and secret substances all seemed like somethingout of a sci-fi movie. For that matter, so did shrinking and size manipulation in general. He didn't sign up for this. . . Any of it. He had just been looking for a quick scoop to boost his standings with the boss and maybe get his own desk finally, but now. . . Now he would give that all up just to forget he saw anything and just go home.

Above him, Bridgette prepared for her final squeeze.

"Look man, I don't honestly get off on this, if it makes you feel any better. Sure, Marcus is a pain in my ass, but whether it was him or anyone else right here, makes no difference to me. I won't lie and say I wasn't pissed when I heard we were getting shut down, but I've been dealing with little shits like him my entire life."

By this point, Andrew had given up begging, and had regressed to just sobbing uncontrollably at Bridgette's feet. He couldn't look up, and only heard the final squeeze. He just covered his head with his hands and wept.

After finishing, Bridgette stepped around him, carrying Marcus to the corner of the ring. She set him down, leaning against the post and stood back up. She climbed out of the ring, and dug through her duffle bag. Andrew watched her closely, praying she wasn't going for her phone and to his relief, she pulled out a tablet instead. A minute later she was back in the ring.

"Hey, give me a hand here!" She said, motioning Andrew over to where she was crouching over Marcus. "I need you to be my camera guy while I document this for the lab. Ok?"

Bridgette handed Andrew the tablet, already in camera mode. He watched as she readjusted Marcus, having him flat on his back now. She carefully pulled his shirt up over his head, and began to examine him.

To Andrew's surprise, the giant, gorgeous, bone crushing blonde, began to administer a very thorough medical examination. She explained what she was seeing as she went along. Andrew kept the camera on her hands as she felt up and down his ribcage.

"Hmm, the subject seems to have sustained deep bruising, and skin discoloration. Ribs ARE out of position, but nothing is broken. He will have to be examined further to know if there is any internal bleeding. As expected, breathing is shallow and laboured and the subject lost consciousness after the first pressure application"

After seeing everything on his chest, she easily rolled him over, and began the same inspection on his back.

"His hips are out of alignment."

She felt up his back, taking notes of irregularities, before standing up.

"Alrigh. That should be all I need to keep mommy dearest happy. " Bridgette commented, reaching out for the tablet.

It took a bit of effort to pull it from Andrew's hands as he was in mild shock.

"Someone should be around to pick you guys up in a little while." She informed him, before turning to leave.

"You. . . . You're a . . . disgusting human being." Andrew said without think or warning.

Bridgette stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around and for the first time, she looked angry.

". . . . What did you just say to me?" She asked, her eyes narrowed.

Andrew just cowered and looked away. His body was shaken as Bridgette stomped back over to him. She towered over him, hands on hips.

"I didn't lay a finger on you, you little shithead! As per Marcus' request! So you need to shut the fuck up and count your blessings!" She shouted at him.

It wasn't often that Bridgette lost her cool. Not really since she was a teenager, but she was fuming now.

Andrew gathered his courage, standing up to face her. His view of her from waist height didn't help his confidence any.

"Its not about me! It's about right and wrong! You didn't need to treat him like that." Andrew said, his head cranked back to look her in the eye.

"What do you know about right and wrong?! You know nothing about me, or what my mom has done, and will do to anyone who crosses her. So just keep your head down and stay out of my fucking way!" She shouted, restraining herself from putting her hands on him.

"That has nothing to do with us!, it's not Marcus' fault you have mommy issues. Karma is going to catch up with you. . . All of you!" Andrew argued back.

"Oh my fucking God!" Bridgette shouted.

"You. . . You're done talking!" She said, her tone quieter but still angry.

Before he could react, Bridgette grabbed Andrw by his shirt, and lifted him over her head, with ease. He had no time to even protest as she slammed him, face down into the ground in a two handed spike. He was out instantly, his nose broken and his chest further pulverized. The ring continued to shake from her power a few seconds after she exited the ring, gathered her things, and left through the door that Marcus had been brought in.

Both boys lay unconscious for the next 2 hours as nobody came to collect them.

Finally, the back door to the gym swung open and a figure whistling to herself walked in. She walked casually through, just using the gym as a shortcut until she glanced into the ring, and noticed the two unmoving bodies.

"Holy shit!" She said under her breath. She looked around to see if anyone else was around, but saw no one, so she cautiously climbed the steps, and ducked between the ropes.

She walked to the center of the ring, seeing the man with the pool of blood under this face. Slowly, she grabbed his hair, and lifted his head from the apron.

"Andy!?" She asked, shocked.

She layed his head down, and easily rolled him onto his back, before kneeling and resting his head on her thighs.

"Andy!" She called loudly, trying to wake him. She tried to slap his face a little to stir him, but he was out cold.

Just then, she nearly jumped out of her skin as the man behind her came to with a scream.

Holy fuck, how long was I out!

The last thing I remembered, was Bridgette squeezing the absolute shit out of me, trying to break my ribs or my back, I'm not sure which. . . . Fuck! The wrestling match.

I quickly rolled over, a shot of pain going through my entire torso as I did. What I saw made my skin crawl.

It was the young girl that had brought Andrew to me. . . . And now she had him again, bloody faced and unconscious. While she did look just as surprised to see me, I still didn't want her anywhere near me. I cautiously backed away from her, cowering into the corner of the ring.

"What the hell did you do to him!?" I demanded.

"I. . . I just found him like this!" She answered defensively.

I looked around. . . No Bridgette.

"Where's Bridgette?" I asked, rudely.

"Bridgette was here?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, she tried to kill me!" I responded sharply.

"You look fine to me. ." She said, flatly.

"Except for the ribs she almost broke!"

"You're kind of a baby aren't you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Fuck you!" I shot back, unsure of what else to say.

Immediately the look on her face changed. It was almost predatory. . . Like she had been waiting for this.

"What's you problem? Do you want to fight or something?" She asked, narrowing her eyes and standing up, letting Andrew's head bounce carelessly off the ground.

Now standing, I got my first good look at her. She was wearing jean shorts and a tank top. Black and red high tops were on her feet and her long, wavy blonde hair was a frizzy mess. Her cheeks were covered in freckles and looked mildly sunburnt. On top of that. . . . She was tall.

I didn't know how old she was, or really how tall I was exactly, but she had me by at least a head and some weight to boot.

"No, I don't want to fight! I want you to leave. You've done enough to Andrew already. I don't need this right now!" I said, trying to keep my calm.

The girl stepped over Andrew like he was a piece of trash on her way to me. She stopped a step in front of me.

"ANDY" She said, correcting me obnoxiously, "was given to me by my mom. If he would have listened to me, I would have been nice to him!" She said, obviously challenging me.

"We aren't toys you can just play! You broke him, and if I didn't have that knife, you might have killed me too!" I shouted at her.

"What are you talking about? I've never even seen you before!" She spat at me, a confused look on her face.

Then it dawned on her.

I watched her look at her fingertip, a blue bandaid on it, then squint up at me.

"That was you!?" She asked, shoving me hard against the turn buckle.

"Yeah! You're lucky I didn't cut your whole finger off!" I answered, shoving her back.

The moment my hands touched her shoulders, she went off. I was swarmed by a flurry of slaps and smacks as the girl got the fight she was looking for. I could do nothing but curl up and cover my face as the barrage overtook me.

I knew I had to do something, and pushed past her, out of the corner. I got some distance between us, moving clear to the other side, but she kept coming, that crazy look was back in her eyes. She was stalking me like prey.

It didn't look like there would be any talking her out of this and I wasn't sure how many rounds I really wanted to go with her. I truly didn't want to beat up a little girl, and at the same time I didn't want to get beat up either.

I knew I should escape, but leaving Andrew alone with her again was not an option. I didn't have time to make a decision as she closed the distance. She shoved me again, and again, but I refused to hit her. This only seemed to piss her off more.

"C'mon! Do something you little wimp!" She shouted, pushing at me while I parried her hands.

I managed to hold her off, until she did the dirtiest thing possible. The girl caught my smaller hands in hers, and while cranking my wrists in a test of strength, she brought her right foot back, and delivered the hardest nut shot I've ever taken.

I'm ashamed to say that the kick was so brutal, and me so light, that she actually managed to lift my feet off the ground with it. Pain shot through my stomach and puke actually dribbled from my mouth as I collapsed on the ground at her feet.

I was barely functioning now, as the aftermath of her kick settled in. My whole stomach hurt, and tears were involuntarily rolling from my eyes. The taste of vomit was thick in my mouth, and I tried my best to spit it out on to the mat. Pathetically, all I could do was curl up and wait for her next move.

"Roll over on to your back!" She demanded.

I remained still, eyes screwed shut.

"I said. . .ROLL OVER!"

Unavoidably, I felt the sharp kick to my stomach as she made me roll over by force. I opened my eyes to see her upside down above me.

"I think I'm going to knock you out, then shrink you down even more. . . I could use a new little toy, Andy wasn't very fun after I stepped on him. " she informed me.

Another piece to the Andrew puzzle. I wish I could have pondered that sentiment more, but her raising her high top above my head, ready to smash it into my face was a little distracting. She was ready now to deal me the final blow.

"TESSA! Do you really think your mother will appreciate you harming one of her test subjects before I get the data I need?" Came a voice from the direction of the door I had entered.


Above me, frustration and defiance shown on the girls face. She was contemplating stomping me anyway. I braced for the worst, but to my surprise, she put her foot back down on the ground.

"Thank you!" Nea said, condescendingly as she walked to the edge of the ring. Her footsteps were accompanied by the sound of wheels rolling. I heard her walk up the steel steps, and felt the ring shake as she stepped inside.

"Would you give me a hand loading these two on to the cart dear?" Nea asked, sweetly.

The fact that this girl. . . "Tessa", didn't like being told what to do, was abundantly clear at that moment. Her hands were now fists, and her shoulders were rigid. Begrudgingly, she extended her hand to me to help me up.

As soon as she did, the sound of a ringtone sounded out. Nea fished in her lab coat pocket, and pulled out her phone. I instantly questioned how HER phone worked here, but I wasn't able to call out with Bridgette's.

She checked the caller i.d.

"I need to take this. Please help these men onto the cart." She said as she stepped back out of the ring, and walked hurriedly toward the back entrance to the gym.

"Tessa. . . . No games! I'm serious. Just help them and leave! I'll be right back. " she said sternly, before walking out.

I swallowed hard as Tessa turned back to me. The sick grin on her face told me I was fucked.

A second later, the stomp that Nea had interuppted, was administered to my face, putting me out cold.

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