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Vanessa was delighted that her skills were finally being recognised by those in power. She had won countless awards for her creative design skills, crafting everything from designer cakes to practical pastries. The latest of the Goddesses demands on her world had pushed the government to consult people with her skill set, and she was thrilled with the international attention.

The decree was that on the day of tribute, three weeks from now, Every citizen of New Tera would be dressed in designer, edible, clothing. The subtext to the decree was so unimaginably terrifying that people had a hard time accepting it, The Government had assured the population that the Goddess herself had given her word that she would not be actually eating anyone, it was a test of their trust. Everyone was still nervous, but the last time they crossed the Goddess she had wiped out half of the continent in under 30 minutes without even addressing them.

The middle-aged designer had produced a wide array of easily mass manufactured edible clothing, from bread dresses to cupcake suites. She was confident she could get the majority of the population into costume for the event. Vanessa herself had crafted a gummy outfit that made her stand out from the mass-produced clothes, turning her into an 8ft gummy animal that waddled awkwardly but she was happy with how it turned out.

Charlotte lay in her bed, staring up, lost in thought, she could feel it, in the back of her mind, Omnipotence. It was a roaring fire of untapped power, just teasing her to embrace it. She had reached the final stage of ascension; the only problem was, she didn't want it. Omnipotence sucked the fun out of it all, knowing everything, all of the time, where was the fun in that. She touched it, feeling it flood through her, Visions of vast universes, Knowledge and Power. She was able to see them, other ascended beings, with a flick of her thoughts she snuffed them from existence, glad to be the first to reach higher consciousness, quickly dowsing all others at various stages of ascension, snubbing them out she released the power and felt her mind shrink back into the small form of Charlotte. That power could get addictive; she thought to herself as she buried in the back of her mind. She should only use to wipe out potential rivals every few hundred years. Otherwise, she would lose herself, and that would just be boring. Snuffing out those other gods didn't bring her any joy at all, if she had been able to grind them under her boot, it would have been much more pleasurable.

Feeling the movement between her legs she reached down and retrieved the tiny Ella, she had caught her abusing her other slaves on the shelf and had decided that she needed to be reminded of her place again. Raising the tiny slave girl to her mouth she pushed the bite-sized woman inside and began lighting chewing on her as she sat up and turned on the new for New Tera, Their tribute day was coming up soon, and Charlotte wanted to see if they were foolish enough to literally turn themselves into food for her to devour straight from the street, If they were, She figured she would bring Cassi and Sarah to take part, Sarah could perhaps learn some new recipes from the stupid insects.

Sarah appeared at the door to Charlotte's bedroom, carrying a hot coffee and a bowl of sprinkled fruit, she set the tray down on the Goddesses lap as she turned to watch the news on the screen. Charlotte spat the tiny Ella back down between her thighs as she lifted the coffee, feeling herself stir with pleasure as she heard the tiny screams coming from her coffee as she sipped it and then addressed her maid.

"Yep, that is exactly what it looks like, a Metropolis of people literally turning themselves into snacks. Would you like to sample them with me later?"

Sarah couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her as she watched the parade of cupcake people on the news, They had done an excellent job of it, better than she had done, This was probably because they were working on a different scale, the level of detail would be impossible for her with tiny subjects. In future she would make a team of tiny priestesses to help prepare snacks for the Goddess, This would allow them to work on detail much easier than she could. Turning back to Charlotte she bowed to her Goddess.

"I would be honoured Goddess, I have already been inspired by these designs alone."

Charlotte dismissed her, happy that her maid was already so proactive as she lifted a strawberry to her eyes, salivating as she saw hundreds of specks writhing to escape the fruits natural juices. Who needs Omnipotence when you have this level of Divinity she thought to herself as she slowly bit into the small fruit, feeling the surge of pleasure as her tastebuds came to life and she curled her toes in pleasure. Charlotte slid forward a little as she reached for another piece of fruit, feeling Ella roll under her as she settled to enjoy breakfast.

Vanessa was organising the parades, It was the day of tribute, and they had no idea when or where the Goddess would appear, they only knew she would. The streets were filled with people in a fantastic array of colours and various food types. She tried to separate the population into sweet and savoury, Vanessa was not as stupid as she may have pretended to be, Like most of the population she was pretty sure the Goddess intended on devouring a good number of people. The problem was that if they defied her, she would still take it out on them, She had resigned to the fact that at least this way she may just eat her fill and leave, the damage substantially lessened. She planned on ducking out of the crowd herself when it came to it.

Charlotte was dressed in black pants, a black T-shirt and her new Docs; her maids were in their formal temple robes as they all descended to New Tera, 80 ft tall, towering over the assembled population, small pouches on their waists, They planned on taking some for later as well. Charlotte stood, legs apart with her hands on her hips as she surveyed the crowd, A pulse of power rippled from her form as she fixed their costumes to them, Didn't want them stripping out of their toppings and then she broke laughing before addressing the population.

"Well, It turns out that you have all invited yourselves to Dinner, Your Goddess accepts the Invitation. Dinner is served, girls."

The crowds began screaming and running as Sarah and Cassi quickly moved around to surround and trap them in the city streets. Charlotte sat, legs spread through the various buildings as she leaned over the crowds, plucking out savoury snacks, devouring them without preamble one after the other When she came across a particularly delicious looking tiny she put them in her pouch for later.

Cassi had already filled her pouch, She had plans for the tiny morsels later, then she began plucking out the sweetest looking desserts and stuffing them into her mouth 5 and 6 at a time before chewing them into a gorey paste that dripped all over her white robes, It was a horrific fear inducing sight, Cassi loved it, her hands scooping more people into her mouth before she had finished the previous batch, She wanted to do so much more with them but held off in the presence of her Goddess.

Sarah was sat with her legs bowed and hundreds of people trapped between them as she carefully selected individuals and then slowly sucked on them before swallowing them whole. She glanced over at the carnage Cassi was causing in disgust as took another jellied mortal between her teeth and slurped him down her throat, enjoying the squirming. The crowd between her legs tried to push out through her feet, She couldn't stop herself giggling as she allowed them to push between her feet, then as they got to her toes, she pushed her feet together, feeling orgasmic as the small group of people pushing to escape exploded over her bare feet.

After only 20 minutes of using the city streets as a personal buffet, Goddess Charlotte was full. She had casually eaten 150 or so tiny mortals. She stood slowly, watching her maids, very different girls, still enjoying the power trip she had allowed them to go on. Spending a few minutes chasing people down to smash them under her docs, she told herself she was wearing them in, but in reality, she just really loved watching the insects vanish into oblivion beneath her. She stretched and patted her stomach, feeling the damned mortals struggling inside.

"Thank you, New Tera; Your Goddess accepts your tribute, Let's do it again next year. Sarah, please make a note, New Tera is to do this every year from now on. Otherwise, I will remove them from existence."

The population stared in abject horror as the beautiful black glad Goddess ascended from the surface of their world, leaving them trapped in food costumes some of which were already starting to go stale. Her huge servants followed her in a less dignified manner.

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