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Author's Chapter Notes:


Surviving Sprinkles

Last night was the most traumatic event any of us had ever experienced. The horrors of the past 24 hours are beyond anything any of us could've ever imagined, Yet here we are, trying to rebuild our spirits and resolve our will, about to go over the top.

I will explain, 24 hours ago we found ourselves enveloped in darkness, There were hundreds of us, we didn't know each other, and none of us had any idea where we were. Hours of discussion proved fruitless as we could find no common links between us; we were all from different parts of the world doing different things. The only thing we all had in common is that we were all now totally naked and trapped. The cell was a cylinder of some kind, we could tell from exploring the edges, and there was not enough floor space for all of us, so we were taking turns bearing the weight of those above, so no-one was hurt.

Time was an abstract concept when all you're doing is talking about your lives and families while compressed in a mass of hot humanity, body heat becoming unbearable and the situation seeming more and more dangerous. It was then that a long thin beam of light struck us from high above, blinding us as we had become accustomed to the darkness. Before we could focus our vision our world tilted and we all began sliding down towards the light. People fell over each other, a mess of limbs and bodies rolling and tumbling down the now sharp incline.

I fell, I fell for what felt like minutes but could only have been a second, I painfully struck an icy surface and began sliding for 10ft or so into a thick brown syrup. I stuck fast to it, on my back staring up as I saw the container moving overhead, people pouring out from its small opening being spread over the landscape. Slowly I perceived the world around me, finding it both mesmerizing and impossible. It looked like we were falling into a giant ice cream sundae, from my position at the base stuck into what I had identified as some form of caramel, I started to look further for proof of my theory. Then I saw her, The giant titan wielding our prison container with a graceful elegance as to spread us evenly across the giant desert. She wasn't smiling; she was just focused as if doing something totally normal. It was then reality came crashing into me as terror set in; I would have run, I would have screamed, I couldn't move, I was stuck in caramel, I couldn't cry, I was too scared.

The next 30 minutes were the most terrifying 30 minutes of my decades of life. The giant was watching something in the distance while idly digging into the world around me and removing vast chunks of the landscape, various sauces, people and consuming them between her beautiful lips the size of buildings. The whole process was eerily silent as yelling and screaming subsided around me with people coming to terms with their fate, The girl above hadn't spoken a word to us through the whole process and was painfully slowly working her way around the bowl. Soon enough I was sure it would be my turn, I had been looking forward to it in a masochist kind of way. I was fed up with being trapped, Fed up of being forced to watch the mass murder in front of me, I wanted it all to end.

She rose, Dropping the large metal spoon in the bowl next to me, Then wordlessly left the bowl and vanished into the world beyond. I had survived, Hope surged, still stuck in caramel I began to look around the icy wastelands for other survivors, and sure enough, there were a couple. They worked through the night to free me and a couple of others from the caramel. This was when I met Keith and Jane; They were remarkably resilient and organized. They picked us all up, got us together and inspired us not to give up.

We spent hours planning our escape from the bowl, Keith was a big guy, strong enough to support a column of us to the rim and then with great effort, we dragged him up behind us and over the lip. The fall the other side was a disaster, out of the 12 of us that had survived 3 of the others had broken bones on the fall from the bowl, I helped Jane support one of the guys as Keith carried the 2 injured women and we made our dash across the sizeable wooden expanse in the dark. It had been hours since we were left, as we stopped to rest and brace our wounds a soft light spread over us as dawn broke outside the window we had only recently noticed. Then the light suddenly surged as the room illuminated.

We all turned and saw her, The towering goddess on the far wall, Looking half asleep and only wearing a nighty as she lazily shuffled into the room, unaware of their presence. I ran to Jane who was already organizing people, making our move for the window before we were spotted. The colossal titan moved with incredible speed despite her lethargy as we heard a crash of water as she filled a huge container. Keith grabbed the two injured women and sprinted; I was almost dragging the man with the broken leg, ignoring his protests as we all moved with as much speed as our bodies allowed. Then a giant spoon landed in front of us, and for the first time, we heard her speak.

"If you sprinkles don't want to get smushed by this spoon, get on it"

I looked at Keith, who turned and sighed in defeat, We both looked at Jane who shook her head in refusal and then we all moved to the spoon, leading the other 6 and three injured with us. We climbed into the spoon defeated; There was no escaping this. Glancing up and the passive face of the girl who stared down at us almost uninterested as she lifted the spoon and tipped us into a ceramic cell on a bed of brown and white powder. As we moved to explore our new prison the unmistakable aroma of coffee was everywhere. The realization hit us all nearly at the same time, and people began to shriek in terror and claw at the shiny walls. She had put us in her morning coffee cup; As we looked up we saw her looking in on us with an annoyed expression, then she vanished and shortly returned with another spoon of people similar size to us. There were now 30 of us in the cup, and she looked more satisfied in a mortally terrifying kind of way. Keith was very quick to establish control of the group and explain how the bowl escape we used the previous night may work here. Jane pointed out that there was now a goddess looking down on us and crushed the last flares of hopeful resistance.

Charlotte was tired, It was early, and she had planets to manage, She made a mental note to reprimand her maid Sarah for not being awake before her and having her coffee made as she watched the group of tinies she found milling about on her kitchen surface. Then she had an idea; It had been a long time since she had mortals in her coffee. She laid the spoon down in front of them and gave the command. To her surprise they did as they were told, expecting them to show some defiance, especially if they were from last night as she had assumed. Still, as she added them to her cup, it just didn't seem like enough, spooning some more in from one of her containers she gave the bottom of the mug a liberal coating in mortals. That seems more like it.

Reaching for the hot water she crouched a little so she could hear them scream while she bathed them in scalding hot water, The screams and yelps made her smile, and she added cream to the coffee to cool it a little to drink. Mortals didn't add anything to coffee, couldn't really taste them. It was just the knowledge they were there and the slight texture change on her lips that made it worth it.

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