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Joey looked furtively around. Coast was clear. No one else was in the hallway that led to the locker rooms. He smiled and pulled a small flask out of his pocket. He drained the contents in one gulp and before her knew what was happening, he was less than an inch tall.

                He’d always loved feet, the sweatier the better. And since he’d discovered the powers of a certain concoction in chemistry class, he’d been envisioning the day he could shrink himself down and explore the world of women’s feet. So here he was at his gym, now half an inch tall, and right next to the women’s locker room.

                Well, right next was a relative term- to him it was hundreds of yards to the door, but he barely noticed the distance. He slipped under the gap in the door and entered the locker room.

                It wasn’t busy. There were only about half a dozen women in the room, but their presence struck Joey dumb. They were huge! Bigger than skyscrapers, and moving about with deft grace, unaware of the tiny man on the floor next to them. He ran away from the door as a mature lady finished dressing and left the locker room.

                His target was close. She was an athletic girl, early twenties, redheaded. She was painfully hot, and Joey had seen her enter the locker room just a minute ago. She was preparing for a workout, changing out of the Keds she was wearing into some beat up tennis shoes. He figured that if he could get to the Keds, he could masturbate in her shoe two or three times before she finished her workout.

                So thinking, he charged over to her, seeing the discarded Keds under the bench she was sitting on. He ran up to one of them, putting his hand on the black canvas, already throbbing hard. He ran around to the front to try and crawl up one of the laces, but just as he reached it a shadow passed over him.

                Before he could even look up, tons of hot flesh smashed him against the floor. Judging by the smell, Katrina had moved her foot back and put her toes right on top of him. He felt her toes squeezing his body and he was forced up against them, inhaling the pungent scent. He wasn’t grossed out but rather pleasantly surprised. At least until she moved her foot.

                He discovered he was wedged between her toes and was therefore swept forward when she moved her foot. Her sticky flesh glued him into place and he couldn’t break free. Joey was suddenly scared, knowing that it could only be a matter of time before she put her shoe on and trapped him. Then he would probably die!!

                Katrina raised her foot in the air, and by craning his neck, Joey could see along the length of her toe. Her toes pointed downwards, and on the edge of his vision, Joey saw the beat up sneaker materialize beneath them. He wriggled and screamed, but she stuffed her bare toes directly into the smelly cavern, oblivious to the tiny man getting shoved into the putrid shoe.

                She wears her gym shoes barefoot?! Joey thought. Indeed, the smell alone told him this was the case. It was a rank, cheesy smell that instantly made his eyes water. As she pushed her foot further in, he felt his back scrape against the accumulated grime on the insole and cringed. He felt the dirt and sweat and grime cling to his back and swirl around him as he was stuffed further back into the shoe.

                The smell only intensified when Katrina settled her foot completely inside. There was no fresh air, and Joey was pressed into the craters where her toes rested. Naturally, this was the grossest part of the shoe and he gagged at the smell. He hadn’t expected anything like this and was totally unprepared.

                Bam! His whole world shook as Katrina planted her foot onto the hard floor. He heard the laces rustle outside and realized he was being sealed inside. He tried to scream, but when he opened his mouth, all he got was a disgusting glob of toejam and sweat forced inside. He gagged and coughed it out, but the taste, the rancid taste, was still in his mouth. And now, with her foot trapped inside the old shoe, Katrina was sweating. He felt the beads of salty water build up around him and knew that, if she was already sweating, he was probably going to drown if he wasn’t crushed.

                The shoe creaked as she pulled the laces hard and tied the knot as tight as possible. He heard another rustling. Joey banged on her toes and thought, as the laces were untied, that she had felt him. No luck though: her toes just crushed his ribcage and she redid the knot even tighter.

                Then, the knot tied, she tapped her toes a few times and wiggled her foot around to make sure it was good and tight. The movements shook his whole world and made him puke. He wondered if she felt him, because she was squeezing his body.

                “What’s that?” He heard her say and then, miracle of miracles, he heard her untying the knot. She had felt him! Her foot slid out of the shoe, dragging him along the insole for a ways before he fell off her toe and landed in the black stain of her insole.

                Above him, her saw Katrina brush her hand across her filthy foot, grimacing. Then she grabbed the shoe and raised it up to her giant blue eye. She stared directly at him. “Hmm…not seeing anything.” He heard her say.

                He screamed in panic, but it was no use— he was so dirty he was invisible on the insole. Her giant foot reappeared and crushed him back into his previous spot. She retied the laces and stood up.

                “Damn it, there’s something there!” He heard her say. But instead of taking her foot out again, she raised it up in the air and slammed it down onto the tiles. Then she raised it again and smashed it once more, forcing the air from his lungs and pushing black foot grime into his mouth. She stomped a third time and then twisted her foot on the ground, like she was killing a bug. Her heard his bones creak and cried out in pain.

                Then she started walking. Taking a helpless, tiny man along inside her faded pink tennis shoes. The temperature skyrocketed and with each crushing step, Joey felt more and more grime stuffed into his eyes, nose, and mouth. The smell was atrocious—cheesy, vinegary, poisonous odor that he figured she had to be able to smell without even bending over. But she didn’t care.

                Her steps started coming faster, and faster, and faster, until Joey’s world was just a sickening blur of motion and banging against the ground. He realized she was running on the treadmill, smacking him mercilessly with every step. Smash! Smash! Bam!

                An eternity later, he woke up and realized the motion had stopped. He was coated with her sweat, bruised and battered, and choking on the hot air he was breathing, but still alive. The sound of the laces being untied penetrated the ringing in his ears, and he was suddenly flying through the air, stuck on her toes.

                The tiled floor raced up to him and he was ground against it. What wasn’t broken already cracked under the pressure, but he was cemented to her smelly foot by sweat and grime and heat. He moaned as she changed, and before he could muster the energy to feebly attempt escape, he saw her black Keds beneath him. She apparently didn’t wear socks with those either.

                Her toes raced into the depth of the canvas shoe, taking her tiny passenger with them. This shoe didn’t smell quite as bad, but it was still rank. He was battered and beaten as Katrina made her way home and then suddenly her foot was gone.

                “Hmm these tennis shoes are pretty worn out…guess I’ll use these old Keds as gym shoes from now on,” He heard her say as he lay on the insole of her shoe. Plastered by grime and pain and sweat, he could only breathe in the rancid odor and wish he was dead.

                She put the shoes on a shelf and left. Too injured to move, Joey could only lie there as he felt the sweat and grime crusting around him, cementing him to the insole. With dismay, he realized that he was becoming part of the insole but was helpless to do anything about it.

                A whole day passed in total, smelly misery before he heard Katrina’s voice again. She grabbed the shoe and stuffed it into a bag, and he realized that he was now a part of her gym shoe. Sure enough, his shoe was pulled out at the gym and her disgusting foot crammed inside. But since the canvas didn’t breathe as well as the tennis shoe, this time her foot sweated even more as she pounded away at the treadmill, grinding his bones into dust and turning him into a filthy smear on her rancid sole.


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