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Chapter 07 – Twin Peaks

“Oh I see, sorry mister, here let me move”, The 10-year-old Scarlet said.

Mark got a just a little more space, but it was still cramped, but not as bad as Judy who had to almost curl up like a ball so not to hit her head to the ceiling.

“These are my 2 daughters, Scarlet and Judy. Scarlet and Judy say hello to deputy Steiner”. Samantha said.

The younger one was far more excited than the older one who had an irritated look on her face and gave Mark a short glance, before looking straightforward again.

“Hi I’m Scarlet and I’m already 10 little mister”, Scarlet said.

“Scarlet, what did I tell you about how to address shorter people”, Samantha said.
“But he is so small, he is even smaller than Roy”, Scarlet said.

“Hee”, Roy said pretending to be offended to humor the little giant girl.

“We have just different sizes and…..”Sam said before her words were cut off.

“Oh Mom, stop this pretend nonsense already, we are giant freaks and I’m the biggest freak”, Judy said in anger and with a hint of pain.

“Honey, did something happened today at school, do you want to talk about it?”, Samantha said.

Sam looked in her mirror and saw the sad silent face of her oldest daughter. Judy didn’t answer and try to keep the tears inside.
Samantha could already guess what her daughter Judy was upset about, but she would wait to talk about it until they got home.

“We can talk about it later at home if you want but, in the meantime, please introduce yourself and say hello to our guest here, Mr. Mark Steiner.

Judy turned her head around and looked at Mark. She saw him just staring at her in wonder, a look she had seen from many others. Even the ones who were used to seeing people above 8 feet tall.

She calmed down a little and slowly extended her long arm with an open palm towards the in her eyes very small policeman.

Mark who was still feeling overwhelmed by the size of the car alone and felt like a very small child between these 2 giant girls.
The experience with Wendy and Helga was something out of this world, but at least the environment around him was normal-sized.
Mark found it strange that this felt more emasculating than when he was in Wendy’s gigantic hand.

He tried to act though and looked back at Judy with a confident look and also extended his arm and hand towards Judy.

As the two hands reached each other, the bigger one engulfed the smaller one and it gave Mark a familiar feeling of when he was young and his mother held his hand.

Her facial expression of annoyance slowly changed into one of sadness and she finally managed to speak the words, “Hello, Mr. Mark Steiner…nice to meet you”.

“Hello… Judy, nice to meet you”, Mark said still overwhelmed.

Judy gave a little smile and then turned her face to the side window to stare outside. She just wanted to be home as soon as possible so she could retreat to her room.

Samantha looked in her rear mirror to see Mark and Judy still uncomfortable for different reasons while Scarlet looked down at Mark fantasizing him as a funny doll.
Unlike July, Scarlet enjoyed being big and embraced her growth and loved the fact that she was growing faster than most of her classmates.

The rest of the trip was uneventful as they passed normal houses you would expect in a ‘small’ village like this.

The group finally arrived at a 2-story house with an attic on top of it. It had a porch and 4 different types of staircases leading up to it. The narrowest one with the most staircases was meant for Roy and Mark. The broader one with fewer staircases with more height per staircase seemed to been have made for Sam.
The almost biggest staircase was most suitable for Scarlet and Judy.

“This is our humble home, Mark. It may not be big, but we got if for free when we signed up for the growth experiments here”, Samantha said.

Mark stared at the house and stairs for a while. It looked like it was made out of wood, but on closer inspection, it was made out of stone and concrete. In his mind, he tried to compare how huge this house would be next to normal-sized office buildings and a rough estimate of 10 stories tall building came to mind.
He started to look around at the environment and then upwards towards the high ceiling of the habitat.
The illusion they created of a blue sky, the sunlight and high mountains in the background felt very real to him. The smell of pine trees and fresh air were a pleasant addition to that illusion.

“Stop spacing out, man, let’s go already”, Roy said.

That woke Mark up out of his trance as he saw that the group was already at the porch except for Roy who was halfway up the stairs. He picked up the pace and walked up the stairs until he was standing at the porch next to Roy and the others.

Before them stood a large door of 14 feet wide and a height of 30 feet. Next to that door were 2 smaller ones with a height of 12 foot and 8 foot. Mark looked up at the biggest door and saw how high the doorknob was situated that not even Sam could reach it.

“That door is obviously not meant for us or Sam, rookie”, Sherrif Mesner said.

“Non-sense, Judy is here so we can all go through the main entrance”, Samantha said.

Judy walked up closer to the door and Mark gasped as she just stood next to him. In a sitting position in the car, she already looked enormous but seeing the giant girl stand at her full height he felt so dwarfed by her.
Even at Judy’s size, she could just reach and turn the doorknob.

“Click”, the door opened.

“That’s my girl”, Sam said a little teasing as if it was a huge accomplishment.

The group went in and Sam escorted Mark and Roy to the living room. Mark had mentally tried to prepare himself by telling himself that the inside of the house was just like any other he had seen only on a little larger scale but this living room was just overwhelming. The furniture was huge and the vast distances between them were astonishing in Mark’s eyes. He looked up at the ceiling. The whole experience felt like he was standing on a court of a sporting arena.
Thud, Thud, Thud small vibrations were felt from the floor as Judy walked to the farthest right corner and got up the stairs. She covered that distance in 5 seconds just by walking.

“Mom, I will be in my room for a while”, Judy said while going upstairs disappearing from the sight of the others

I will have a talk with my daughter I will be back shortly so make yourself comfortable and have a seat. Samantha’s speed-walking to the stairs took a little longer than her oldest daughter and no vibrations were felt by Roy and Mark.

Suddenly Scarlet ran to the couch and said, “Last one there is a rotten potato”
Roy and Mark just walked to the couch, watching the spectacle of an elephant-sized girl jumping and landing hard in the soft cushy couch.

In Judy’s room.
Sam walked up through the hallway in the direction of Judy’s room. Once there she knocked on the door asking if she can come in. Judy opens the door to let Sam in and both walk to the bed and site on it.
“Want to talk about it?”, Judy asked.

Judy just took a deep breath and signed

“It’s about Jason, isn’t?”, Sam said.

Jason was Judy’s boyfriend and didn’t mind the growing Judy as he was growing himself and was now a little above 8 feet tall. Only when it came apparent that she passed a certain size with a steady much faster pace of growth than him, that he started to worry.

“He said he didn’t want to my boyfriend anymore and I asked him why and he evaded the question, but it obvious that he’s doesn’t like girls much bigger than him and that my growth is much faster than his' is.”, Judy said distraught.

“I thought you said he was ok with it….”, Sam said.

“I’m a freak mom”, Judy said.

“No, you’re not Judy and neither is your sister or I. We have been given a gift by the people Genetics Tech, our lives. Without our growth, we would probably be dead right now.”, Sam said.

Judy making some sniffing sounds.

“I know mom, I’m grateful for that…. I’m just scared about becoming too big that we cannot live here anymore.”, Judy said.

“We would just move out and live somewhere else. I’m sure Helga can help us out with that.”
“There you can meet some other boys your size, even here you can find some that are bigger than Jason”, Sam said.

“No, I don’t want someone else, I want him”, Judy said with conviction.

“That is also an option, as full-fledged giant you could just take Jason with you in your pocket”, Sam joked.

“Mom…be serious”, Judy said a little annoyed but smiled a little afterward as she thought about the image of a doll-sized Jason in her pocket.

Samantha saw that smile and her daughter cheering up and thought now was the time to bring her some extra good news.

“You know, today we met the new intern in Ismaning. Helga introduced her to us and she seemed just a little older than you and seemed happy with her size.”

“Was she bigger than me or some of the other girls in this town?”, Judy asked.
“Let’s just say she was the same size as Helga”, Sam said when she winked to her daughter seeing her face change in a surprised look.

“The reason I bring this up is that if she can grow that fast in one day, they probably have made some breakthroughs in the growth process. You and Jason could maybe benefit from it.”

This idea seemed to lift Judy's spirit.
After some further talk when everything was said, mother and daughter came down from the stairs into the living room.
There they saw Scarlet watching TV on the couch with Roy and Mark sitting next to her. They were watching the live-action movie of Susan Murphy. Mark was fixated, but not so much by the movie that was playing, but by the sheer size of the 220-inch screen.

“Scarlet, come help to set the table, we are going to have dinner in a few moments”, Sam said.
“Ok Mom”, Scarlet said.

Sam was preparing the meal while Judy and Scarlet set the table. The table was adjusted at Judy’s height, so it was a little too high for her sister and mother. Special chairs with small ladders helped the two men to have a comfortable seat at the table.

Mark and Roy were given giant-sized beer cans of 2 liters per can and Mark was just staring at how big the plates for Sam, Scarlet and Judy were and the enormous amount of food that on them. Roy didn’t bat an eye or acted surprised or curious and concentrated on the food that Sam was setting on his plate.

“Well Mark, I hope you enjoy this dinner as much as we do, bon appetite”, Sam said.

Everyone started eating and enjoying it and to Mark, the smell and taste were just fantastic. He finally got more used to the largeness of the living room and everything in it and found the atmosphere quite charming. It felt a little like his parent’s home. He also couldn’t stop himself from sometimes staring at Samantha. He found her very attractive and from what he had seen a charming personality.

When everything was done Mark walked up to the car and Sam opened it for him. She then walked to the corner of the house and talked to Roy in private.

 “Can I talk to you about something”, Sam said.

“You like Mark, don’t you”, Roy said.

Sam was a little startled and her eyes opened a little wider.

“I knew it, he probably likes you too as he seems to be into tall women judging from the way he was looking at you”, Roy joked.

Sam loved hearing that confirmation and gave a faint smile and then frowned a little at how Roy framed his sentence and a little mocking tone.

“You are one to judge with that Godzilla-sized girlfriend of yours”, Samantha said

Both were laughing.

“But that is not what I wanted to speak about”, Sam said more seriously.

“Could you put in a request at the leaders if it is possible for me, Scarlet, Judy, and her boyfriend Jason to have our growth process accelerated?”, Sam asked sincerely.

“Hmmm, Sure I can put in that request for you. I have no idea how their selection procedure works. But maybe If I asked Godzilla nicely you could get at least an appointment with them”, Roy said.

“Thank you very much, Roy now let’s get to the car, that cutie is waiting for us”, a satisfied Samantha said.

Sam and Roy got into the car and waved at Scarlet and Judy.

“I will drop off Mark and Roy at their apartments, I will be back shortly.”, Sam said.

They drove off in the direction of Ismaning again and now Roy took the time to stand on the back seat and look out the window. Enjoying the scenery of the multi-sized town of Twin Peaks. Being held in a giant girl’s hand and being in a house full of mini-giants with a most attractive matriarch. For deputy Mark Steiner from New York City that was a very eventful day to never forget and was due for a good rest in a town where everything was normal-sized.



Meanwhile, somewhere else.


“This next room will conclude the grand tour”, Helga said.


Wendy looked excited about what this last reveal could be. She and Helga had walked for hours around at seemingly endless halls, rooms, corridors which never seem to end. Helga had shown her some labs and other rooms, recreational halls for sports and training. They even had a large volleyball court, one of the many sports Wendy participated in with her friends and classmates at her University and college.


The tour was long but the wonder of it all was so much to take in. It felt somewhat like a dream, Wendy stopped questioning it and just decided to absorb it all. If she had to compare it with something it felt like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.

Helga seemed to be ok with all this wonder as if it were the most natural things in the world. The whole feeling of being this giant being just disappeared in the background as most things still felt more normal than when she was small and Ismaning felt more like a model- made-village with shrunken people in it.


Now she was entering the final room after Helga opened the door and entered into a 100-meters -by-100-meters (300 feet) room. The room was lit up with soft white light and it smelled like flowers. Being underground, it had now windows, not even the artificial ones that were in Wendy’s room. The floor was made from vinyl with a pattern of white and black tiles.


 “What is this place Helga”, Wendy asked.


“This is the place you will work at a few hours per day and display your talents”. Helga said.


Wendy looked around, inspecting the room and saw it had a kitchen without the furnace, some storage closets with different kind of jars and some syringes.

Than something immediately got her attention. In the middle stood a large plateau with a beautiful mansion and garden around it.


Helga led the way to the mansion and Wendy followed with great anticipation as she could guess where this was leading too.


The Mansion and its surroundings were covered on all sides with high plexiglass walls.

“What do you think of this model, Wendy?”, Helga said.


Wendy walked slowly around it taking up every beautiful detail of the doll-size mansion and its surroundings. When she went around the corner, she spotted a swimming pool the length of her underarm and the width was around the distance between the top of her middle finger to her wrist.


She noticed at the side there were two people lying on their backs resting. From that distance, the curious giantess could distinguish that one was male and the other with her naked berry sized breast, female.

“There are people living inside this house?”, Wendy asked while suspecting that this was the case. She entertained that thought when she first saw the dollhouse-size mansion.


“Indeed, those two over there you lying next to the pool are Robert and Sandra.

There are 6 of them in total in this habitat right now and they volunteered for an interesting experiment”, Helga said.


Wendy turned her head around until she was looking at Helga with a questioning expression on her face.


“I will explain in just a moment, let me remove all those restrictions first so you can introduce yourself to them”, Helga said.


There was small drawer under the Mansion inside the elevated plateau which Helga opened up to take out a small remote control. It had al sort of colored buttons on it and just looked the same as any mini remote control for TV, Blu Ray or media player.

She pressed in the green button for 7 seconds and the plexiglass walls seem to come down. It made almost no sound its al.


“You have to use this remote to use the applications for this estate because the touchscreen is broken. Our technicians will have to fix that.”, Helga said.


Wendy saw cracks in the glass as the plexiglass walls were still busy descending.


Jamie and Frank were celebrating their last month in Kraffendorf mansion in an expensively decorated living room with a good glass of Spanish red wine.


Jamie, a black-haired 5”7 girl with green eyes, was sitting in the living room on a soft brown leather couch, daydreaming of good things to come when suddenly from behind a hand rested on her shoulder and started massaging her. “A penny for your thoughts”, Jamie, dear.


“Oh hi, Frank, hmm, keep doing that, darling, yes, that feels good”, Jamie said.


Frank, a 6-foot 4 tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes kept massaging the woman in front of him.


“You seemed lost in thought, are you worried or something? We only have a month to go and then we can leave, being richer than ever”, Frank said.


“Yes, the participant bonus in this game is very good but I cannot help wonder that in our final month they are going to make things easy for us”, Jamie said.


“You are worried that we get a new handler today and that makes things unpredictable. I know our last one before Helga gave some creative challenges to overcome and…”


“Creative? That is how you describe what we went through with that woman, Frank?”, Jamie said somewhat distraught as some memories came to the surface about the 3 months they spent in this place.

“Yes, but then Helga took over and we never saw her again and we had it easy than”, Frank said.


“Exactly and now we are getting a new handler we know nothing about”, Jamie said.


“Not nothing, I heard rumors in Ismaning from some she is 20 years old and an ex-University and college sophomore student. From a city called Rotterdam in the Netherlands.


Jamie forgot that Frank had been allowed outside for a few days to visit his hometown.


“Great, another smaller giant who has to take her frustration out on smaller people, just like our sadistic handler before Helga”, Jamie said.


“I think you’re overreacting, it wasn’t that bad”


“And I think you are to fascinated by them that you can’t see…. or just refuse to see their flaws or their wrongdoings.”, Jamie said with a little raised voiced.


“Where are others, by the way. We have to present ourselves in half an hour”, Frank said.


“Well Robert and Sandra are in the pool so they should notice when somethings up and Henk and Mandy are probably…… busy upstairs again”, Jamie said.


 “Hey, I hear loud echoing talking? Are they already here?” Jamie asked out loud.


Before Frank could react, Robert came barging in.


“They are here, we have to get outside right now! “, Robert said in haste.


“Let me get Henk and Mandy first, you guys can already go outside”, Jamie said.


“Don’t tell me they’re…..”, Robert said.

“Yes, they are”, Frank said before Robert could finish his sentence.


“O boy, this will could turn in some weird spectacle”, Robert said.


“Weird seems to be more of a standard here. Now let’s go outside, I want to see Helga and this new woman”, Frank said.


While the two men got outside, Jamie was already upstairs knocking and shouting at the locked door.


“Hey you guys, stop screwing around, we have important visitors. You know this meeting is mandatory”, Jamie yelled.


She could hear loud music over their obscene animal sounds they were making. They couldn’t hear here.

Jamie just gave up and went outside.


“I will let Helga deal with it, I’m going outside”, Jamie thought out loud.


When she was outside in the garden, she joined up with the others to give this new giantess a proper welcome.


They were stunned to see how big this new girl was, they expected something much less intimidating.

Did they make breakthroughs with the growth process?


“Hi there, it has been a few days. I want you to meet your new handler, Ms. Wendy de Vries.”, Helga said with some fanfare.

End of chapter 07. Please review or give a comment. Thank you.

Chapter End Notes:

Artwork done by Butre3004 (my novel through his artistic eyes)

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