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Chapter 24 - Relaxation and Torture? - Part 2
Alas somewhere else in the Hive, there were others, …… others…that didn’t have a great time that day. As we ventured through the darker corridors, the cold winds passed through into a barely lit room….

“Leave him alone”, Stacy yelled as she banged on the plexiglass with both her fists on one of the wall’s weird complexions she found herself in. Her anger and concern were directed at the feminine but the huge threatening right hand of Dr. Sarah Ming who was transporting her lover with a tight grip into another room of the same strange structure. This contraption consisted of 5 cube-like rooms in total with one in the center that bordered on the four others, each with the dimensions of 6 by 6 by 6 meters (20 feet). All of them were completely made of see-through plexiglass, had their own light installations. The structure itself seemed to be placed on a huge plateau near the kitchen counter from which the surface was at a greater height.

Stacy’s husband found himself dropped in the center cube room positioned in the exact center and then saw Dr. Ming’s right hand move upwards as it quickly departed the room and closed the ceiling lid shut.
In the left cube there were a group of men in orange shirts and in the other cube in front were some women in orange clothing and in the last room…. Stacy couldn’t believe her eyes just as Paul did… there were some reptilians… they seemed like the extinct raptors they had seen in sci-fi movies.
The people who looked up could see Dr. Ming’s annoyed face as she looked from above down at them with piercing eyes.
Slowly the anxiety grew with increasing speed as Paul somewhat thought he got the idea what this experiment was about and then turned his head in the direction of his wife with a sad look that said, “I don’t know if this will end well”.
Stacy looked at him confused, but also some subtle feeling of dread started to creep into her huge body as her brain was processing some possible outcomes.

The three men in orange overalls were arguing among themselves, until a huge arm cast a shadow on them only to see the giant hand of the mad scientist removing the invisible-colored wall, sliding it upwards. Now with the whole plexiglass wall between Dr. Ming’s index finger and thumb, there was nothing separating the three savage-looking men from our Canadian friend, Paul Lacrouix.

As the giant doctor dropped the plexiglass just next to the structure, the loud sound of the weight making contact with the table surface seemed to trigger the men out of their trance and start advancing menacingly with increasing speed towards Paul.

Above the kitchen counter, the modern cages were filled with audiences, looking with great anticipation how this upcoming skirmish would unfold.
One of the women in the other room, was cheering the men on, as she chanted violent words and banged her hands at the walls that. This caught Paul’s attention for a moment and he got a better look at them. They appeared to be much taller than the men, the smaller more vocal one was a chubby black-haired woman with brown eyes from Latin descent, and quite taller one had dark-brown hair, long face with very dark soulless eyes that gave him an even more uncomfortable feeling.

“It is a good thing that wall is still there”, Paul said to himself as he now turned his gaze on the more immediate threat.

The three-strong aggressive-looking men now crossed the border between their rooms as Paul, who took on a fighting stance, was ready to stand his ground.

Two of the men started to quickly circle around and move to the left and right side of their target, surrounding him. Paul now had a small window of time to see his opponents clearly and studied their features and behavior. The man who didn’t move to the sides looking straight at him, had blue eyes, big forehead as his long brown hair was combed. He had piercing eyes, a mustache, and a light beard and seemed to act like the leader of the gang. The one on the left had his black hair combed backward, and was wearing rectangle glasses with oval edges. The last one on the right looked the most normal, with a round face, thin brown hair, and little bald parts. If Paul had to guess their age and sizes, they all seemed in their late thirties, and around 6 feet plus tall.

His concentration returned to the person in front of him as the Red-haired man started to run at him and then swung his right fist at him. Paul dodged the fist and then uppercuts the man hard on his chin which causes this adversary to fall on his knees and then land face down on the floor.
The other two were already near him beyond his vision and before he could react, he was bodychecked to the ground and the other run towards his head and started kicking him in the stomach.

He blocked some of them with his hands and stand up to fight again.
His wife was getting very upset seeing him struggle and started to violently hit the glass with her fist.
He was relatively holding his own and the spectators above noticed that and the good doctor decided it was time to raise the stakes by removing the wall where the women resided.

The 2 men backed off a little, taking the time trying to heal and get their energy back, while Paul was focusing on the two women of 11 and 13 feet tall approaching him. The knocked-out man, fully came to his senses and was standing up.
Stacy started to quickly hit the wall much harder and also started kicking it, but she couldn’t get a dent in it.
A tired Paul was now also trying to buy time to get as much strength and energy back as he could.He was trying to focus evenly on all 5 of them but as the seconds went by, he focused more on the fresher larger women, who had probably more physical strength. It was somewhat distracting that he would have to fight these women seriously. Also, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the raptors behind the wall and wondered when the cold giantess doctor would allow them to participate.Because of the distractions and his fatigue, he was not fast enough to dodge both the men who came charging from behind.

One of them held him tight as the 11-foot woman stepped towards him and started beating him. Her punches felt like that of a strong man.
“Don’t hit him too hard, I want him to be conscious when I have my fun with him”, the tallest person in that room said and turned in the direction of Stacy with a sadistic smile.

Paul’s wife was getting more desperate of seeing and hearing this and now rage was starting to build up in her huge body.
She now kicked at the wall harder and suddenly a few cracks started to show in the wall, but only Stacy noticed this. She gave her legs some rest and moved closer to the wall and started banging on it with both fists at once, hitting as hard and violently as she could with loud moaning sounds accompanying it.

“Maybe it is time to let his mate join in on this group session or remove his assailants”, Dr. Ming’s assistant asked.
“I think you are right, the subject is starting to lose consciousness.”, Dr. Ming said. Dr. Ming seemed to feel bad and found that Paul’s bravery and determination deserved a helping hand.

While doctor and assistant were discussing their next action, beneath their huge looming shadows, A desperate Stacy was ramming harder against the glass, harder… and harder, as the biggest woman and two men were smiling with malevolence at her when they were increasingly hurting her husband. They turned their heads again to fully focus on their wounded prey. This made the increasingly desperate woman even more violent against the invisible obstacle standing in her way as now some clearly visible cracks occurred into the glass volume, which became more numerous as the barrage of fists relentlessly connected with the weakening glass.
“I don’t think she will need our help doctor and these worthless fools don’t even notice it yet”, Lyn said.
As the doctor’s assistant said that, some members of the group were starting the notice something as they heard Stacy’s fists hitting the wall was starting to make a different sound and they all stopped their violent activities. The shock came on their faces, as they saw too many cracks to count and suddenly some parts of the glass flying towards them.

It was now only a matter of seconds before the 15-foot furious giantess would enter their room. Stacy put her two hands in the small hole she created, curled her fingers to the sides, getting a better grip, and put an enormous amount of force on it. As if she was removing a curtain, the angered blond ripped the hole wide open which made a terrible cracking high-pitched sound.

Cuts were made on her hands, but she didn’t care. Her focus was on her husband lying wounded on the ground.
Paul slowly looked up why they stopped their assault on him and turned his face in the same direction his stunned attackers were focusing on. He could see the top of his wife’s head with both arms fully stretched out coming through a huge space where there was once an invisible immovable wall between them, there was little left of that separation. As the woman lifted her head, the injured man saw sadness in her face directed towards him. Then her facial expression turned to something he had never seen before, full of anger and hate. For a brief moment, it gave him the chills but figured that his wife's anger was directed at the delinquent group and felt satisfaction as he saw fear in most of his assailants.
Her loud hard footsteps were increasing per time interval as she quickly caught up to her first target, the cocky 11-foot woman, who was closed and blocked her path.

Stacy drew a low punch with her right arm towards her face, but her smaller opponent ducked on time and quickly returned with a full force gut punch and connected flawlessly.

To the astonishment of both women, it didn’t seem to faze Stacy as much as they both expected it, but the astonishment only lasted a millisecond for the bigger woman as her returned state of rage was accompanied by her right-hand fist landing with enormous speed and force on the top of the shorter woman’s head, causing massive paralyzing damage.

Stacy didn’t care and kicked her very hard beneath her breast with her knee sending the woman flying several meters back in the direction of her group.

The woman was knocked out. Everybody was in shock at how much damage was done to an enormously skilled and experienced fighter.

One of the men quickly got closer and said, “Angie, hey, Angie wake up!”.

“I don’t think Ms. Rodriquez will get up for at least half an hour”, the man with the glasses said.

“Shut up, Dave”, the man said.

Stacy looked up and gave an aggressive look at the 2 giantesses watching, the angered defiant facial features were clearly meant for Dr. Sarah Ming.The 13-foot woman walked slowly towards the man who was first knocked down as she saw him slowly recover. “Tone, honey, can you get up, we have to come with a plan to take that big bitch down quickly”, the 13-foot woman said taking Stacy’s pause as an opportunity to think out the best course of action.

Anthony, still a little groggy, looked around to assess what has been happening in his absence. Seeing the huge frame of his longtime partner, then looking at Randy bent over Angelina who was laying completely unconscious on the ground and finally seeing the guy who KOd him conscious but in a battered state.

As the man’s hand rubbed his bruised chin he looked further around for “that big bitch” his partner told him about. He saw broken glass at one side and then the wife of the guy they targeted, who was now with them in the center room as he quickly deduced what had happened.
“What the….Michelle did!?.......”,

“Yeah, it is exactly what you think has happened, she got Angie real good, but I can easily take her, that skank has no fighting skills”, The 13-foot woman said.

“I’m sure you can, but just to be safe let the others be a good distraction for you, I want 100% guarantee we get this right”, the guy named Anthony said.

The man started to look upwards because he was now curious what she was looking at and then he saw it.

The doctor's bubbly assistant and Dr. Ming’s extended arm aimed towards the handle of the wall, ready to slide out the only object that kept the hungry raptors from coming into the center cube.
The Asian giantess held her hand back on standby as he and Stacy watched, maybe they had some influence, Tony thought. He turned his gaze straight back at Stacy as she also lowered her head looking straight with piercing eyes back at him and his woman partner, not even giving the two possible smaller male distractions in front of her a glance of attention.
He knew there was little time left to come up with a plan and whispered something to Michelle.

“We have to defeat her, that oversized broad above us was ready to remove the wall that kept these mangy lizards away if that other broad didn’t put up her a boss bitch face, Anthony said.

Stacy was moving forward towards her husband so to see if he was doing well enough and bumped into the two child-size men, who were trying to block her path, with her knee and foot aside as if they weren’t there.
That was Michelle’s cue to go straight towards the center to meet Stacy head-on with intent to severely hurt the slightly taller woman.
A big fight erupted between the two giantesses as Stacy aggressively launched some fists at her, but her punches were easily blocked by her far more experienced adversary.

After a few blocks, Michelle came in closer and let out some rapid hard punches in her stomach and face. Stacy could do little to stop these assaults from connecting. Unlike her previous opponent’s fist, the ones from this 13-foot woman hurt enough that she had to back away a few steps.
Michelle seems to get the upper hand and dealt some good blows to Stacy and was confident. Stacy wasn’t trained in fighting and her straight punches and wide swings missed her biggest target of today.

“What’s the matter bitch, I’m too fast for you?”, Michelle taunted her frustrated opponent.

Poor Stacy just couldn’t keep up with the pacing.

Anthony was feeling relieved and then satisfied with how Michelle was handling herself. Relieved as he knew no one else in the room was capable to take on this 15-foot woman, even with all four of them combined it would be a huge task. Satisfied, as it brought back memories of how they tortured a woman back home in the States when they were still free to do as they pleased.
Coincidence would have it that Michelle was having the same thoughts as her increased perceived dominance in this battle was turning her into a state of ecstasy.

Suddenly a hard kick to her stomach woke her up from her delusional state as she didn’t notice that her body couldn’t keep up anymore her movements became a little slower.

Michelle could not dodge every swing now and had to block more and more punches and her own punches were starting to get blocked and the few that connected were far less damaging than before.

To her dismay, her adversary didn’t seem to have that much damage, as her overconfidence had let her believe.
The 13-foot woman was getting more tired and Stacy’s punches were starting the increasingly hurt Michelle’s arms. Her stamina and sharpness were slowly being reduced as her punches were weak to the point she could not raise her arms anymore.

Stacy on the other hand got more aggressive as the horrible taunts of her opponent had fueled her rage more.

Stacy punched so hard with rage, that one of Michelle’s arm-bone cracked as she manage to block a punch with her last strength......
A scream could be heard, “Ahhh, you broke my arm you… b”, Michelle said as another hard swing from the side hit her jaw so hard which resulted in bone-shattering….. Her jaw was also broken.

The once arrogant women screamed in pain and fear.

Stacy kept hitting her in the face as Michelle's body gave up and fell down.

“You and your thugs will never hurt my Paul again”, Stacy said.

It didn’t stop there as the woman full of rage ripped her clothes off and started using her nails to scratch Michelle’s face and body, leaving bloody claw marks over different areas of the body.

Stacy began her final assault when she put her hands together forming one fist and slamming with great force against her skull, blood spatters got on her face, then a second time,…

“That is quite enough of that you oversized bitch, step away from her or your boyfriend is gonna get it, capisce”, Tony said.

To her surprise, the guy her husband knocked down at the beginning of this situation was holding her wounded husband hostage, hiding behind him with a knife at his throat, threatening to slice it if Stacy came any closer.

Stacy was so caught up in the moment stood still, worried for her husband’s safety and angry at herself for letting it happen.
“I’m so sorry honey I….”, Stacy said as Paul immediately interrupted.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,…. You were awesome…….Are you so afraid of women now….coward!”, Paul said.
“Keep it up, you have no idea in what position you and your whore wife are in. We are allowed to hurt you in every way we see fit, by the Goddess”, Anthony said.

Stacy looked at the man with disgust, then a fraction of a second upward with an angry look then back at Tony with a more neutral look.

“That is right baby, don’t expect sympathy from…..

Suddenly a huge shadow appeared behind him. It was Lyn Minmey’s huge hand, with her huge thumb top holding her middle finger at bay, ready to release her finger on Tony.

Tony was startled as the finger was so close which resulted in him loosening his grip a little distracted. Paul felt that windows of opportunity and ripped free from the man and moved out of the way quickly so Lyn could without restraints lunch her huge middle finger at the delinquent’s body. In a fraction of a second, he realized he misinterpreted the wife’s change from anger to a calm state and that hand did not belong to Dr. Ming.

BAM!!!!!!,… the hard nail surface connected to his chest which sent him flying hard across the room until hitting a wall and then fell with a sickening thud on the floor. Now he was knocked out for good.

That is what you get for playing dirty. Lyn said with a smile.

The couple was looking around at the bodies and kicked the heads of the bodies closest to them. It appeared they were not moving and at a minimum knocked out could for at least a few hours.

Now that nothing stood in their way, Paul and Stacy were moving towards each other as fast as they could and Paul hugged her leg and was getting in a squatted position the lift her man up like a small child.

“Come here you, you wonderful man you”, Stacy said, happy to see him alive.“I was so scared for you”, Stacy said, seeing his injuries, as she let her emotions go and tears were flowing.

Dr.Ming and her assistant were discussing this outcome.

“Do we still need the raptors?”, Ms. Minmey asked.

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