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                The air stung my face and froze my tears as I made the longest freefall of my life. I was imagining this was what skydiving was like, only with no chute the only thing waiting for me at the end was my departure. I went hurdling towards my bedroom floor still a mystery as to why I had diminished to living life as a speck. I closed my eyes as the floor approached and silently apologized to my wife for leaving her to think I had abandoned her, but after a day of trying to get her attention I realized it was futile. I opened my eyes right as I found the ground and immediately everything went dark again….


I opened my eyes and squinted as the bright light flooded my tiny form and everything was shaking. My brief moment of pleasure faded as I quickly realized I was nowhere near heaven. Almost unrecognizable the bed, I had hurled myself from, was towering over me and the rest of our bedroom furniture was off in the horizon. I began my trek away from this room amazed and confused that I was completely unharmed and now hunger was driving me to find food. As I began to move the shaking began again and I horrifyingly realized that my wife was home from work and I was in the worst place possible. I quickly began to run back to under the bed and barely made it before the door swung open.

                I turned to face her as she went about getting dressed down after work and it is still a sight I can never get used too. My wife’s curves have always been one of my favorite thing about her and seeing them from this new perspective was mind-blowing. I was so busy gazing as my wife pulled her shirt over her enormous breasts that I missed her kicking her flats simultaneously towards the bed and my hiding spot. The first one landed a few feet from me but the second one came barreling towards me rolling over above me. I closed my eyes as it neared me and braced for an impact that never came. As I slowly opened my eyes It was now dark as the shoes new position of being upside down directly over me was cutting off all light.

                As my heart finally stopped feeling like it was trying to escape through my chest I began to realize that the air surrounding me felt like I was in a sauna and the smell that accompanied that feeling was appalling. My wife had never had a problem with foul smelling feet, in fact being a foot guy I enjoyed the smell, but my new stature had blown the smell way past anything I could find enjoyable. I began to work towards escaping under the side of the flat trying to hold my breath as I went. I made it to the edge of the flat and I immediately moved back as when I attempted to go under I brushed against the inside rim and came away soaked in the sweat that caked the inside of the shoe. I was increasingly disgusted by it and I continued my escape of the flat. As I finally made it back into the space under the bed my wife had sat on the bed above me and the bed groaned under her immense weight.

                I slowly made my way towards where my wife was sitting slowly tapping her perfect boulder shaped toes with a rhythm that silently played in her head. I used to love those toes but as they vibrated my world and each one was bigger than me and ready to smear me into the carpet I was beginning to lose my infatuation with them. I finally got to a point where I was nearing her beautiful ginormous foot just so that I could see what she was doing up there as she played on her phone. Getting this close also brought back the heat and the smell in full force and seemed to get worse as her toes wiggled and played in the carpet. As I coughed and glanced around at her slightly sweaty foot I immediately had to move my hand away from my nose to cover my ears as a terribly loud ear-piercing sound rang out around the room.

                As the ringing of her phone stopped I heard it followed by my wife’s unusually loud angelic voice say “Hello, are you outside yet?” and after a brief pause “I’ll be right there.” I immediately tried to move but I found my legs unable to move as my gaze immediately went up as my wife rose to unbelievable heights. My wife rose up to the point where her breast blocked any view I could get of that flawless face only her flowing red hair peeked over the sides. I watched as she began to place her hair into a ponytail and I continued downward to see she was wearing her a tank top and her yoga pants she normally wears when she is going on a jog. I continued to gaze as my view was quickly blocked by the bottom of her perspiring foot. She had started to pivot her foot and had planned to put her foot back down exactly where I was standing. I watched as her foot started to fall my way with every intention of finishing what I had tried to do earlier. Time seemed to slow down as her beautiful foot got closer with sweat and dirt raining around me. As wet contact was made I was almost slightly relieved that I was finally going to be away from this hell. I felt my body start to conform around the bottom of her foot as I was positioned under the pad where the toes meet the foot. As her toes started to reach the floor she pushed through her step and I smiled one last time at my wife as the world started to black out once again…..


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