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James, Kelly, and Rob sat in despair. Simon was gone, first flicked, then sprayed, then crushed by the giant 7 year old. They could only watch as she casually stood up, mischievous smile across her face, picked up a pear, and walked into the other room. 

"We're all going to die. That's it. We're screwed guys." Rob objected

James knew that he was more than likely correct. Two of their closest friends had been mercilessly murdered by a baby and a kid. His own siblings. But they had already made it that far..

"No. We need to find that steel...thing" but on the table where they sat just an hour before there was nothing. James used the leverage to peer around the room. Where was it? It had to be somewhere.  Did the baby take it? Marissa? 

"Maybe we just wait until they're all asleep" Kelly proposed, peering into the next room where Marissa toyed with the baby. 

James shot it down quickly, "I was the one who was supposed to put them to bed" he countered, "so if I don't then they're going to be up for a while"

"What about your sister?" Rob, coming back from his breakdown. 

James began to pace, "Did you see what she just did to Simon?" 

"No I mean the other one"

James perked up. Sara. He had forgotten about her, about to leave the house. "Maybe she coul-" with that the house began to rumble with a deep 




From down the dark hallway a loud voice reverberated "James I'm leaving in 15, why the hell are they still awake?".

"Speak of the devil, It's Sara." James ducked as she emerged from the darkness, a true giantess over them. If the baby was a hill and Marissa was mountain, Sara was a planet to them, twice the height of the table they stood on. Without hesitation she walked to the table just as Rob and Kelly ducked behind the potted plant James had taken residence in. 

Sara was a typical 18 year old, slightly short for her age but he was well endowed. She was very social and James had always seen her as defensive, as if she was always trying to hide her true motives. The group could help but marvel at the sheer size of the girl, her petite shoes themselves the size of a city block. Her towering legs lead up to a small skirt and dress. Clearly she was ready to go out. Her breasts casts shadows over them as they suspend somehow miraculously from thin spaghetti straps. Only now did James, Rob, and Kelly notice her face. She's furious. 

"What the HELL, he just leaves like this? Is he joking?" She rambles into the void, doing her best to cope with the fact that she is no longer going out. She pulls out of her phone and punches in a number.

"Yeah, no, no, he's gone. Yeah I have to put them to bed, I know, I'm gonna kill him." As she hangs up her eyes dart to the plant for a fraction of a second. But then her gaze returns.

"Shit shit shit" Rob returns to panicking. She bends over to investigate the plant while James and Kelly try to remain particularly still. The billboard of a face just inches from their tiny forms. Her warm breath drifts over them as she looks for what she thinks she saw. Rob can't help himself, he's lost it. He begins waving and yelling.

"Down here! Sara! Down here!" 

"Rob stop! Don't--" before James can stop him Sara quickly reaches over them and tips the plant. While the plant itself remains in place, a torrent of loose dirt joins them in free falling back to the surface of the table. The three sit motionless as the giant girl places her hand on its side and sweeps it towards them. Before any of them could stand the palm impacted them and dragged them across the table into her other hand, awaiting them off of the edge of the table. They landed on her giant hand, the ridges of her skin cushioning their fall. Without inspecting them she immediately begins walking, mumbling under her breath as she does.

"Damn bugs. He leaves AND tracks bugs into the house? Is he joking?" 

In her hand, the winds force James, Rob, and Kelly to hold on for dear life at the risk of falling to their certain death on the hardwood floor. Because of this life or death movement, none of them could see that she was walking to the bathroom. 

Without concern Sara dumped the bugs and dirt into the toilet. They crashed through the surface of the water, all three 'bugs' feeling extreme pain. To James it felt like landing on concrete, his entire body ached. Through the pain he saw his giant sister leaning over him, hand on the lever. The pain was too great to speak, so he silently prayed not to be flushed away in an instant to die in the flurry.

Sara hesitated, staring down at the moving creatures. She was ready to kill them in the toilet, but as she dominated the small bugs she felt something arise within her. A smile crept across her face, she had an idea.

For once today, some prayers were answered.


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