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Author's Chapter Notes:

Spoiler Warnings: Space Ghost season 2 (1967) heavily recounted in this chapter.


“I’m more convinced than ever that whatever or whoever set up that illusion field is also responsible for the disappearance of Chuck and Nancy,” said Benton, “From what I observed with the spectroscope, I believe that his or its presence has opened a connection to another dimension, just long enough to kidnap two earth children, and then used power from another alien power source object in order to seal it off from our world. The combined power of Samson’s and Mightor’s powering down transformations has broken through both the force field and the illusion, with the result that we’ve been pulled into another dimension that seems to have been modelled off ancient Arabia.”


“I’ve seen this place before,” said Space Ghost, “And not long ago. The Council of Doom, a group of my six most persistent foes, managed to blast me with a dimension ray. It sent me here, where I met two children.”

“Is this what they looked like?” asked Benton, removing a photograph of Chuck and Nancy from his pocket.

“I’m sure that’s the two who saved me,” said Space Ghost, “Or at least, they asked someone called Shazzan to save me.” (See Space Ghost 1967 episode “The Final Encounter”).

“I’m sorry, Space Ghost,” said Benton, “Because of your otherworldly status, I was ordered not to show you Chuck and Nancy’s photographs supplied to I-1 unless it was absolutely necessary. We would have been a lot closer to solving their disappearance sooner, if I’d not been so ordered. How could I-1 have known that you were the key to identifying their location?”

“No offence taken, Doctor Quest, but I don’t get it. How does my experience help?”

“If you came here before because of a dimension ray, then there’s every chance that knowing this would have confirmed that they were in another dimension.”

“I’ve been meaning to mention something else,” said Space Ghost, “I was also caught in a time warp while fighting Creature King. It took me back to the time and place of one of the earlier Mightors. My power bands had absorbed some of the chronal energy discharge from the explosion that sent me back to his time. So I was able to use that energy to reverse it and get back to my own time and place. Although it’s probably of no significance now.” (See 1967 Space Ghost episode “Clutches of Creature King”)

“You have no idea how helpful you’ve just been,” said Doctor Quest, “Have your power bands ever been able to absorb and apply power or energy before that, or since?”

“There was one time when I was fighting one of my enemies, and I was in a tank, being cut off by a Visi-wall and charged by an energy blasting monster at the same time. I used my power bands to absorb the monster’s energy blasts and then used the energy to augment my own power and blasted through the previously impenetrable Visi-wall.”

“And it could help a third time,” said Benton, “You might well have absorbed some otherwise dissipating energy from the illusion field, when Samson and Mightor broke it down. That might well be useful against whatever power is being used to hold Chuck and Nancy in this dimension.”

“Doctor!” said Space Ghost, “Is it possible that I didn’t know that I’d also absorbed some energy from the Council of Doom’s dimension ray, and could have used my power bands to return to my own dimension without waiting for Shazzan’s help?”

“It could well be. Who was this Shazzan?”

“He seemed to be a giant sized  Genie.

“And he accompanied Chuck and Nancy?”

“Not straight away. I was being attacked by a fire demon. They were riding on a flying camel of all things. Then they touched their hands together and summoned Shazzan. He appeared from out of nowhere and they said, ‘Save the stranger from the fire demon.’ When it was all over, I noticed that they were each wearing rings which actually halves of the same ring, with the word Shazzan engraved on it.”

“That could be the the fourth power source object, or at least the third one given to earth, if the pattern we’ve observed continues, and not counting Space Ghost’s other worldly power bands,” said Benton.

“But if this Shazzan has all the power that Space Ghost describes, power to vanquish a fire demon, and power to send a man from one dimension to another, then why doesn’t he just return Chuck and Nancy home too?” asked Race.

“Because he might not want to,” said Benton, “According to some studies, among the few beings with the power to vanquish a demon are God, angels;  and other demons can talk their comrades into retreating to give the illusion of having performed some miraculous exorcism. Who else but a demon could have transported Chuck and Nancy into a pocket dimension, having modelled it in advance to resemble the Arabian Nights tales from the fairy stories that it plucked from their own memories? If a demon found the rings first, used them to augment his own evil powers, booby trapped them to bring Chuck and Nancy here, and then set up that illusion field to keep anyone from earth finding their way through and to keep Chuck and Nancy from realising how close they were to the dimensional rift he caused… if a demon did all that, he could then call himself Shazzan,  manufacture one menace after another and maintain it himself, so that the kids would continue to feel the need for his help and keep summoning him, and then defeat them. They’d never get a chance to leave. I don’t know what else he might have told them in order to get them to want to stay. Demons are known to possess people. In this case, it seems this one simply took over the lives of two people.”

“But why did it only come on demand?” asked Space Ghost.

“Perhaps because it was draining a lot of its power and that of the alien ring to sustain the illusion field and the false ancient Arabian appearance of the demon’s pocket dimension,” said Doctor Quest, “Maybe I’m just a little paranoid since losing Jonny’s mother. But I’ve always felt that there was something big and evil behind all of the disappearances of the children that we were called in to investigate. I still think it might be behind the disappearances of the last two kids.”


Chapter End Notes:

So sue me. Shazzan was the only 1967 show that didn’t appeal to me when I was a kid. I still much prefer the super hero shows of that year. I guess DC had to take a chance with their readers, when they had Hal Jordan/Green Lantern become Parallax too.

Plus I couldn't think of anyone else who could challenge the combined might and wisdom of Mightor, Samson and Quest Team and Space Ghost, other than having Shazzan turn out to be the challenge as a bad guy.


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