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2. A Small Problem

“I am so sorry for what happened,” Emma said, reaching across the table to touch Claudia’s hand. “I can’t believe someone would do this.”

            They were sitting at a table at a restaurant with two of Emma’s friends, Rachel and Casey. Claudia was shaking, almost crying.

            “Thanks Emma, I really appreciate it,” she said. She knew Emma had been a bitch to her before, but since the revelation that Simon slept with Jenny they had grown a lot closer. And there was something about her that made Claudia horny. She’d known Emma was hot before, but now there was a kind of glow around her. Claudia couldn’t help it.

            She was falling for her.

            Rachel, the other blonde, had been at the sleepover. Casey was one of Claudia’s other friends who hung around with her from time to time because she was popular. Ever since Caterina had stopped coming to school, Emma had gradually taken over the queen bee mantle. Rachel and Casey had treated her like shit before, but they seemed like they were getting better around her. Emma must’ve spoken to them. The thought of Emma defending her to her friends made Claudia love her even more. She almost wanted to sigh dreamily and stare off longingly at Emma as she ate her lunch.

            Emma had been her main rival in food eating competitions and Claudia was suddenly in love with the way her big tummy had gurgled that time on Valentine’s Day when Emma beat her. She wanted nothing more in that moment that for the two of them to binge on junk food and then lie together in bed, naked, massaging each other’s aching bellies and listening to their sounds of indigestion. She imagined Emma lying back, stretching her arms above her head and belching loudly as Claudia rubbed her belly and kissed her breasts.

            “Are you alright?” Emma asked softly.

            Claudia snapped out of it. “Oh yeah, umm…”

            “You looked like you were deep in thought. What’s been done to you is horrible, are you sure you’re going to be okay?” The look of concern on Emma’s face seemed genuine. Claudia’s heart leapt for her in that moment. How she wanted to rip their clothes off and reach her hand down into Emma’s loins.

            “Yeah, yeah,” Claudia said, blushing. “It’s just…all so unreal…”

            Rachel and Casey looked like they were trying not to laugh at something. It confused Claudia. Then the two girls got up and walked off.

    “We’ll be right back. Just using the restroom,” Rachel said.

    “Okay,” Emma said.

    Claudia frowned. Something didn’t seem right.

    Then a horrible thought occurred to her. Now that she was openly bisexual, what if Casey and Rachel were picking up on her crush on Emma?! They were probably discussing it in the bathroom right now!

    “I think I need to the use the bathroom too,” Claudia said, getting up and putting a hand to her stomach. “Something I ate earlier isn’t agreeing with me.” It was partially true. The man in the alley had given her a bit of a tummyache, but she wasn’t sure if part of that was the guilt she felt from eating a human being alive.

    She pushed the thought out of her mind, instead thinking about Emma in her underwear binging on food at the sleepover party.

    To get the women’s bathroom, she had to turn a corner. The bathroom was right behind another door. She reached for the handle, then stopped.

     She could hear Rachel and Casey’s conversation on the other side of the door.

     “Gosh, she is soooo stupid,” Rachel was saying.

     “I know,” Casey said. “What a weird lesbian freak. We should send her to a women’s prison, she’d make more friends there.”

    Rachel laughed again. “I’m so glad we posted that video.”

    Casey laughed too. “Yeah, it’s the funniest thing to happen all week.”

    They continued laughing. Claudia clenched her fists. Rage roared inside her, a fire in her belly that threatened to burn her from the inside to the out. Barely even thinking, she whipped the shrink ray out of her purse, yanked open the bathroom door, and fired a blast at the two startled girls.

            They were miniaturized in an instant. Grinning evilly, Claudia stepped over them and looked down at the two tiny specks on the floor. As she bent down to pick them up, she wondered if she should eat them now, or wash them down with some soda back at the table.

            Then another thought crossed her mind.


Claudia sat back down across from Emma.

            “Did you see Rachel and Casey in there?” Emma asked.

            “No actually,” Claudia said. “They’re taking a while aren’t they?”

            Emma shrugged. Claudia glanced out the window. “Hey what’s that?”

            Emma looked. Claudia reached across the table and dropped the two girls onto Emma’s plate.

    “What is it?” Emma said.

            “Oh, I just thought I… Sorry, I thought I saw an old friend. I must be going crazy.”

            “It’s alright,” Emma said sweetly, reaching across the table and touching Claudia’s hand again. “I know you must be going through a lot.” Claudia felt so turned on in that moment.

            Then she returned her attention to her food and resumed eating.

            Rachel slowly gathered her senses. She was standing on a vast white surface, but there were mounds of French fries and chicken tenders all around her.

            “What’s going on…?” came a voice behind her. She turned and saw Casey, who was terrified. “What’s happening?”

            “I don’t know,” Rachel said.

            Then they turned around and looked up. The giant figure of Emma loomed above them. She licked her lips and reached her hand down towards them.

            “RUN!” Casey screamed.

            Rachel didn’t even think. She just sprinted after her. Together, they mounted over the French fries, trying to make their way to the edge of the plate. To safety.

            “Move, bitch!” Rachel said, pushing Casey down so she could get ahead.

            Casey fell amongst the French fries. She turned over onto her back, reached her arm out and screamed at the top of her lungs. Emma’s hand grabbed her and a fist-full of fries and brought them up to the giantess’s mouth.

            Still climbing over the food, Rachel heard the loud munching noises as Emma shoved the food into her mouth. She looked back over her shoulder. Emma’s eyes were squeezed shut in pleasure at the taste of the food. Her mouth chewed while open, mashing up the fries while bits of fried potato fell from her jaws down to the table. Then she swallowed it all down in a big gulp.

            “Jesus!” Rachel screamed, turning her attention back before her. She was getting near the edge of the plate and…

            She fell, down into a big pile of sticky liquid. She tried to get up. What was going on?

            Then she realized:

            She had landed in the BBQ sauce.

            Rachel turned around as two French fries descended towards her and scooped her up with a bunch of BBQ sauce. Emma’s hand then turned, taking her up towards the girl’s open maw.

            Rachel saw Emma’s gullet beyond the tongue getting larger and larger as she came closer. “No, please! Emma! It’s me! It’s Rachel! Don’t do this! Anything but this! NOOO!”

            But then everything blacked out and the next thing she knew, Rachel was sliding down Emma’s esophagus into her dark bowels beyond.


After both girls had finished eating, Emma leaned back into her seat and patted her full belly. Her midriff was exposed by her tank top and Claudia was so horny she could barely control her smile. She thought of the girls being digested in there, the girls who filmed her and Karey

            Emma belched. “That hit the spot,” she said, rubbing her stomach.

            “Yeah,” Claudia said, eyeing the girl’s gurgling tummy. “It sure did.” She felt so free now. She could kill whoever she wanted and no one would be able to find a trace. And she was turned on by how Emma ate her own friends and didn’t even know.

            Emma thought for a moment. “There’s something I need to tell you…now that Rachel and Casey seem to have left.”

            “Yeah?” Claudia said, leaning closer. Please be a lesbian, please be a lesbian, she thought.

            “Well, I can’t. It would be just to horrible. But…”

            “Well, now you have to tell me,” Claudia teased.

            Emma smiled, then returned to a more serious state. “It’s about who posted the video.”

            Claudia leaned in. “You know who did it?”

            “Well, from what I’ve heard…it was a group of people who were out to get you. But I definitely know who one of them is…the ringleader.”

            Claudia tensed up. Were there more people she had to kill? The prospect of sending more of her enemies down into either her or Emma’s stomachs was too exciting. “Who?”

            Emma looked up. “It’s…Simon.”


Tommy was just sitting in his room, playing some video games and trying not to think about the possibility that Emma had filmed that video, when the phone rang. He picked up. It was Karey. “Hey,” he said.

            “Tommy,” she said, sounding panicked. “My shrink ray is gone.”

            He paused the game and sat right up in his seat. “What? Are you sure you didn’t just misplace it?”

            “Positive. I always put it in the same place.”


            “It’s not fucking there.”

            He leaned back in his seat again, putting a hand to his forehead. This was bad. “Shit, does this mean we have another ray case?”

            “You’re damn fucking right it does,” she said.

            “Well, who the hell would’ve had access to it?”

            Then they both realized and said it out loud at the same time. “Claudia.”

            “Fuck,” Tommy said. “And she’s emotionally unstable right now.”

            “What do we do?”

            Tommy thought for a moment. “Well, let’s guess. She’s probably very hurt and she’s going to find who hurt her and exact her revenge.”

            “Do you think she knows Emma filmed the video?”

            “We don’t know that to be true yet,” he reminded her.

            Karey sighed. “Tommy no offense, but you’re girlfriend’s a major bitch. This has her written all over it. Remember how she videotaped Simon and Jenny’s conversation? Also in a parking lot? I mean, this sounds like her M.O.”

            “She’s not a fucking serial killer.”

            “No, but Claudia might become one if we don’t get that shrink ray back.”

            “Shit,” Tommy said. “We need to find her. Put this on the Rays Club group chat. Red alert. We gotta mobilize. Let’s go.”


Simon walked out into the middle of the parking lot a half hour later. Everything had changed when he got Claudia’s voicemail message. He hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. He looked around, taking in the blue sky and being grateful for how beautiful a day it was.

            “Hey Simon,” her message had said. “I know we haven’t talked in a while and…While I’m sure you’ve seen the video by now and… I just feel so alone right now… I need to talk you the way we used to talk, back before all this happened. I miss those days. I miss what we had. We’re not getting back together, I want that to be clear…besides I’m different now. I still like guys but I’m more into girls in this moment and well…I guess that means we both have something in common hahaha. Anyway, let’s meet up later today and just talk. Meet me behind the Target parking lot. I’ll come pick you up.”

            They were going to be friends again. After what he had done with Jenny, this could be it, the chance at a path to redemption. He could finally start to make things right with Claudia, and while it wouldn’t bring Jenny back, it was the best he could do.

            He was going to apologize to Claudia, going to make sure she knew he was so sorry for everything he did. And then with that off of his chest, the two of them were going to have a nice time together.

            He heard a car pulling up behind him and turned around. It was Claudia in her Mom’s Ford hatchback. She got out, looking gorgeous in an orange tank top and black work-out shorts. Her hair blew in the wind and she had a big smile on her face, looking as happy as he was on this beautiful day. He couldn’t help but admire the way the sun shone down on her tanned skin and remind himself what he had given up, what he had blown.

            It was time to make things right.

            He pulled out his phone and saw he had a new message as she was walking over. Normally, he wouldn’t have opened at this time but it was from the Rays Club group chat. He opened the message and read it.

            Then he read it again. It was unbelievable.

            No, it couldn’t be true.

            “Hey Simon,” he heard Claudia say. He looked up right down the barrel of a shrink ray.


            The world fell away from him and the next thing he knew he was lying on a hot sea of gravel, staring up at the blue sky. The gorgeous giantess blocked out the sun and reached her enormous hand down to grab him.

            “It’s time for payback,” her voice boomed.

            Then he blacked out.



Chapter End Notes:

Can they save Simon? Will Claudia ever learn the truth about her new crush? Can the Rays Club save the day like they used to? How will it all end? Find out next week when "Payback" concludes!

Also, please let me know what you thought of the chapter! A few of you gave feedback last week and it made me very happy! I hope you all enjoy this new chapter too (but even if you don't, I am wide open to constructive criticism too! Just fire away in the comments section!

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