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Author's Chapter Notes:

Backround on characters and world. Important backstory with gts content at the end.

Ara was a land filled with magic. However not all were blessed with magic. These

people were known as the physical type who were much physically stronger than a

mage and could use magic weapons better than a mage could. Melody was born to 2

mages. Melody was born with an exeptional amount of magic power. So much that her

power could be felt while she was in her mothers womb and her birth sent forth a surge

of power that summoned every wizard in the town. To protect themselves and

Melody, her parents and all the other mages in the town used their combined powers

to seal Melodys power. 18 years later Melody had grown into a extremely beautiful

women with a very good bust and beautiful chestnut hair who was 5'5 tall. However

as a result of

the ritual performed on her she gained insane strength so much that she could lift

1 ton with a single finger yet she had no muscles which meant that her strength came from her magic

making her a hybrid. Because of this she was treated as an abominaton by all but

parents and Dexter. Dexter was a physical type who stood at 6'0 and had a six pack

yet he was considered scrawny as far as most physical types go.

Chapter 1

Melody was thinking about her powers. Nobody knew but Dexter, about her true

powers that is. Everyone knew about her super strength but what they didnt know

was that she could grow, the highest she had ever gone was a 1000 feet but she

was sure she could go more. Melody was thinking about the time Dexter helped her

discover this. It happened when they were both 17. Dexter belonged to a family

of blacksmiths who forged the physical part of energy weapons. A magic crystal or

mage was required to complete it. Dexter wanted to continue the family name and

become a legendary blacksmith who could forge a DragonSlayer. Right now

Dexter wanted to hone his skills by forging a weapon that could defeat Melody in

combat. It took him a while to forge a weapon that did not shatter the moment it

came in contact with her and now he was confident his new weapon Silencer would

defeat Melody. Melody and Dexter were best friends, pehaps even more then that.

Melody was more than glad to help Dexter achieve his dream as she loves the

bravery he exhibits when trying to fight her while most would run away from the

supossed abomination. Dexter finally made to the forest where Melody and himself

dueled. Melody was waiting for him, she had a look of utmost confidence on her


Finally I can wipe that smug look of your face Dexter said calmly

You will, because I will be laughing at your pathethic black smithing, to think that

after all this time you can only barely make a sword that wont shatter into a million pieces

when in contact with little old me. Melody knew that Dexters blacksmithing skills

superb but she wanted to get him angry as she knew he wouldnt go all out if he

wasnt, he truely cared for her. Dexter saw through this ruse and played along. With

a tremendous battle cry Dexter slashed Silencer at Melody. She made no attempt

dodge so took the full blow. Melody felt a sting. Dexter smiled, the sword was

holding up and had even damaged Melody, no matter how slightly. Dexter unleashed

a barrage of slashes against Melody. Melody was actually getting annoyed and for

first time in her life felt pain. Melody was about to break his sword when she

realised she couldnt move. Dexter had used a lightning crystal in his weapon and

drawn a paralyze lightning seal with his slashes which was very powerful and used up Melodys

own power. She was very impressed but Dexter was not done yet, Dexter charged

silencer to full strength and unleashed a mighty slash. It looked like Dexter had

slashed her with a thunderbolt. This slash absorbed power from the seal which

absorbed power for Melody. This was the first time Melody had felt this much pain.

This triggered Melodys dormant powers. Dexters Silencer overloaded and broke from

the sheer amount of magic power it was exposed to. Dexter didnt care even though

it was his masterpiece, right now he only cared about Melody it pained his heart to

hear her scream. Dexter went to confort her but was pushed back by magic. Then

Melody started to grow. Within 2 seconds she surpassed Dextors height but she still

continued. Dexter was terrified while Melody was feeling a mixture of anger and

terror. She soon grew beyond even the tallest trees. When she finally stopped the

trees barely reached her ankles, she was 1000 feet tall. Dexter quickly used his

invisibility stone to hide himself and Melody to protect her from the townspeople.

Dextor was the size of one of her toes. He was astonished at the power she now

possesed. Melody starred down at him with a look of anger a Goddess would give

before passing judgement. Dexter was terrified but he loved Melody to much to

expose her to the town people. Melodys expression immediatly softened and she

realised what she was doing. Melody looked around her and was terrified at how

small everything was but what horrified her was how scared Dexter looked at her.

She couldnt blame him, she truly felt like killing him a few seconds ago yet Dexter

was still trying to look after her. Melody began to cry, her tears uprooted trees and

washed them away. Dexter was forced to the ground but was not swept away.

Dexter could not stand seeing Melody cry and ran like mad man towards her.

Melody stopped crying after realising what she was doing to Dexter.

Im so sorry Dexter, please forgive me, I love you I will never hurt you again

Melody gently spoke. Dexter felt like he was talking to a Goddess, her voice

sounded so gentle and soothing yet vibrated through to his very core,


replied Im the one who should be sorry, I pushed you this far all for the sake of my

stupid dream I consider myself lucky that you are still talking to me.

Melody held out her massive hand for Dexter to climb into and then gently raised

him. Dexter felt like he was being raised to heaven by an angel.

No Dexter. dont ever give up on your dream, I still want to help you with it and

I can think of no greater torture than not being able to speak to the man I love

Melody gently said. Before Dexter could respond, she put Dexter on her right breast.

Dexter was in a state of total bliss he had never felt anything so soft and safe. He

wanted to stay there forever. Melody layed down which released a small earthquake

and resulted in the end of many trees. They both then fell into a blissful slumber. It

was at that point that they realised that Melody was naked.

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