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Author's Chapter Notes:

Our hero gets a first impression of his new living arrangements.

Absolutely gigantic. If you asked me to say two words about my new owner, that’s what I would say. And I would be the only person to ever say those words about my owner.

This is my first entry on my journal, and hopefully it’s going to be one of many. I am writing this as I lay on the floor, with my back resting on the side of my owner’s converse sneaker, the one she was wearing today when she picked me up. The light in the room is still on, and I can see her, pacing around the room, doing this and that, and in general not paying attention to me or using me, for the first time this day. I look up, and I see the black sidestrip of her converse’s sole. If I stand up, I can barely reach it, if I stand on my toes. As I said, she’s absolutely gigantic. Above the mass of plastic is an enormous expanse of pink fabric, slightly weathered, that forms the canopy under which a foot that I cannot even describe would lie when she wears the shoe. Pretty close to me is the end of her lace. I can walk up to it right now if I want to. It’s mostly white, but you can see that it has seen a lot of use. If I lay down on it … give me a moment… yes. It is wider than I am tall. The surface is rough, and I can feel the threads of the shoelace with my hands. I could easily use this as a rope and climb up to the top of the shoe, which lies far above me. But I won’t do that now. I just got out of it a few moments ago, why would I want to go back in so soon?

As she paces around the floor, normal people would describe her steps as soft, inaudible, or even cute little steps. Not for me. The slightest move of her foot causes a boom, and a quite perceptible rumble that shakes across the floor, that shakes my whole body to the core. A shadow passes over me. My owner’s enormous foot just passed over me as she steps towards the bathroom to continue her nightly preparations. I didn’t even have enough time to see the sole of her foot, she passed so fast over me … it is really mindboggling that such a monstrosity could move so quickly and so gracefully.

This is my first day under her ownership. Under Hannah’s ownership. I turn my attention back to the shoe, that is so unbelievably huge. If there were towns for people my size, it could easily crush a few blocks under a simple step without issue. She would probably not even feel anything other than a soft crunch through the thick plastic of her shoe. If I could imagine a whole society of people like me, it would be a doomed world, where her enormous shoe overshadows us, and crushes everything under its step. Entire lives pulverized without a care in the world. But Hannah cares. I am happy that she does. I am happy that she’s even allowing me to record my times under her. But then, it’s part of her therapy, and I don’t know she would allow me if it was completely her choice, or if she was a normal girl.

I walk around the sole of the shoe. I am at the back of it now. The heel is the thinnest part of a converse sneaker, but it’s still as thick as a multiple lane highway to me. There are enormous letters “All Star” on the back that are more than double, or even close to three times my height. The shoe’s bottom is slightly uneven, and I can see the flakes of dirt that are stuck on the bottom. I reach out and touch it. It’s so real. It should be scary. Every bit of my body should be screaming and trying to escape this instrument of death, and its unbelievably huge owner. I look down at myself. I am not wearing any clothes, as they’d be destroyed in one way or another pretty soon anyway. She didn’t seem to care when she got me, and if she doesn’t care, I won’t care.

I’m at the front of the shoe now. The nose in the front is rising up in the air, and it’s tall enough that I can walk under the tip of the shoe without even having to duck. The huge brown sole has an interesting pattern to it. I crawl a bit further in and lay down. The shoe’s sole is resting above me. If she was wearing her shoe right now, and she decided to take a step, I’d be instantly buried under the tip of the shoe as it comes crashing down under the weight that’d be rolling through her toes and on me. I am somewhat resistant, but I’m sure I couldn’t withstand a full step. And I am glad I can’t, to be honest. Fully resistant people usually end up with owners that plan on fully using this trait of their plaything. I look up at the shoe again as I lie in the shadow of it. Even if I could survive getting stepped on, it would probably be extremely painful. Unless… unless I was so small, maybe small enough to call an ant a giant, then if she stepped on me, the shoe would probably not even make contact with my puny body, I’d have a pretty good chance of being spared as my body would be between the gigantic grooves of her shoe. But would I want to be one of those even smaller people? Not really. Those are too small to end as companions, they usually end up in a lab, under a microscope, or as seasoning on someone’s meal. I shudder at the thought. I’ve had the chance to be close to Hanna’s mouth already, and if she so chose, I could vanish inside her cavernous mouth instantly. I’m glad she won’t use me for that. I think.

I hear rumbling again. I can see her shadow covering a huge area on the floor. She steps around a few times, the boom almost making me jump and hit my head on the sole of the shoe that’s still above me. She steps about a few times, and then she stops. “Where did you go?”, she asks, in a voice that is both soft, sweet, and at the same time thunderous and all encompassing. A person in her scale would find her voice cute and somewhat weak. Not me. I can feel it shaking my body with every sound. I respond to her by walking out of the shade of the tip of the shoe.

What I see is so incredible that I cannot override my survival instincts. I take a step back as I see the enormous Hannah, my owner, down on the floor on her knees, with her thin torso slightly bending over as her massive head is almost vertically above the pair of shoes I am exploring. She smiles when her massive brown eyes locate me. I can see her pupils coming into focus. Her hair, ash-blond, shoulder length is dropping forward, falling around her face as a curtain. She is wearing baby blue PJs with some kind of cupcake pattern on them. Those cupcakes are still so huge compared to me, that if they were real, I would still be only about half as tall as they are. I could be a topping on them easily. And then I think about real cupcakes, much more massive, much taller, much huger. I could probably disappear in the frosting.

As I’m looking at her, trying to make sense of her size that fills my vision, she’s gently observing me. My tiny body is, well, tiny to her. She could easily cover me with her little fingertip and have room to spare. Content, she gets up. My jaw drops as I see the enormous, towering giantess slowly straighten her body, and then slowly get off her knees and back on her bare feet that are sticking out of the pajama pants that touch the floor. It’s absolutely scary to see a giant that is about multiple hundred times my scale, but I’ve been trained for this, and I have a good feeling about Hannah, I just do.

She steps over me again, as she fiddles with something on her desk. My gaze follows her and observes the room I’m in. I’m in a pretty standard dorm room. Hannah is a student at a university in whatever town we are in. Normal people geography is not something we are really taught. The world is so huge that it’s not worth it trying to find out what lies even what people call a “mile” away from where I am. I am close to the pair of pink converse that I was exploring before. The floor is some kind of wooden surface. Far in the distance I can see a few items. Some books here and there, a discarded sock, and what looks like a mountain to me – Hannah’s book bag. Further away are the table, the desks, and the beds, superstructures for the giants to do their daily business on. Hannah’s roommate is not here. It is Friday, and she is out of the weekend, I was told by Hannah. That gives me time to meet her and get to know the place before I have to meet a second person. If she’s half as nice as Hannah, it’ll be good.

Hannah has finished whatever she was doing on the table. She carefully walks back to me, almost as if she’s aware that her littlest, softest step is still a world-rending stomp to me. She crouches down again, and I can see her giving me an encouraging smile. Her hand comes close to me. It’s got something cupped on her palm. Even if it’s touching the floor, I am too little to see above the tops of her enormous fingers, fingers that could punch through anything with the tiniest effort, I’m sure. I can see a flash of soft pink on her nails, the same soft pink that her toenails are dyed in. She brings her other hand and gently picks up the item she was holding on her cupped palm. It’s a disk-shaped white object with a large circle that floats above it. The circle is attached to the disk by two white pillars.

“I know it’s a milk bottle seal, but I don’t have anything smaller that could serve as a plate, really.” She says, in an almost apologetic note. I can feel the vibrations of her resounding voice all around my body, and I can feel the soft gusts of air she’s producing towards me as she speaks. She sets the item on the floor, and I can see that even if it looked small on her fingers, it’s still got a radius that is multiple times my height. There is nothing small in the world of giants. Except for one thing.

Hannah gets up and leaves me alone, as she goes to sit on her chair and do something on her computer for a moment. I walk towards the item and look at what’s on it. It’s food. It’s tiny pieces cut from whatever Hannah had for dinner. I can remember when she was there. I was inside her shoe, smothered between the insole of her shoe and her soft baby blue sock, as she absentmindedly tried to get her toes comfortably around me. Massive, probing toes, trying to get used to my presence. But I don’t care about remembering that experience for now, I care about dinner. She was obviously thinking about me even then, as she prepared a meal that is almost as big as I am. There is a piece of bacon, a tiny glob of mashed potato, and what is probably a few strands of some vegetable. She’s also set a droplet of water for me. I dig in and indulge in my first meal that was not crummy shop food for a long time.

For the first time, I didn’t even notice Hannah as she walked back to observe me – that’s how engrossed in my food I am. She carefully sat down cross-legged, and just kept staring at me. She’s got a finger stretched from her hand, but she’s not bringing it closer – her curiosity to probe me came second to just watching me eat. I try to picture myself in her place, watching something slightly bigger than a large ant, trying to eat from those pieces of enormous food. She could probably just place my feast on her gigantic mouth and not even feel the food as she gulps down with the force of a … whatever force a giantess swallowing has.

When I finished, barely putting a dent on the amount of food, she finally reaches with her hand, and very gently pushes me off my plate with her giant pinky. I hold on to the ridges on her fingerprint as she moves me gently towards her face. With her other hand, she picks up the milk bottle seal, and does exactly what I was thinking about. With one quick motion, she tips it towards her open, gigantic lips, and in an instant, what to me is an amount of food equal to a man’s weight, to her is an insignificant portion that vanishes inside her cavernous maw. I can feel her warm breath washing over me, and I can see her throat muscles flexing as she gulps down what must be 99 parts globs of saliva and 1 part food. She winks at me and smiles again.

“I don’t roll around, so you’ll be safe here. Please don’t wander off. Good night.”, she tells me, and brings me closer to her chest. Her massive pajama shirt has a pocket on her chest. It is not a very tight shirt, and I can barely see her breasts as two mountainous lumps pushing the shirt out. I am still sitting on her pinky finger, that very gently pushes the pocket apart and drops me in. I can immediately feel the enormous amounts of heat emanating from her body. As she gets up, the whole world of fabric around me moves and shifts about, and I can barely remain standing. I drop off towards the bottom of the soft pocket, and I can feel the lurching motions as she walks. It is definitely a softer experience than being on her feet – her torso is just moving forwards as she walks, instead of the rollercoaster movement of her feet. For a moment, I feel weightless as she hops on her bed and quickly ducks under her covers that enclose me into absolute darkness. As she settles down, my whole experience is dominated by three things: the soft fabric both below and above me, her steady, rhythmical breathing that moves me up and down gently, and her heartbeat that I can feel punching underneath me, the heartbeat whose noise I can definitely get used to.

Hannah has probably turned off the lights and soon drifts to sleep. I should really do the same. And I guess, I should really explain how and why I got here. You see, Hannah is a pretty and almost care-free college aged girl. She isn’t really the kind of person that buys a tiny like myself to own. However, it was the suggestion of her therapist to get me, and here we are. You see, Hannah, a usually pretty and cheerful girl, has the need of one specific thing. She needs someone smaller than herself. Someone she can control, and someone she can actually look down to. Because Hannah, even though she is a young adult, and has all the features and markings of a developed young woman, only has the height of a nine year old girl.

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