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The toilet flushed and the sink started running.


Duke was cornered. In an act of sheer panic, he pulled her panties to the side and quickly stepped inside her, this time, to his waist. The instant Sophie began reaching for him, Gloria opened the door. Sophie immediately lied back down pulling her hands away from her inner leg area.


Gloria chuckled. “Oh. Um. I can go back into the bathroom if you needed to, um, finish up.”


“NO! Er, no. Haha, I was not doing what you probably thought I was …” Sophie felt Duke lower himself inside her even more. She squeezed her legs slightly in a reflexive way and felt him slide all the way in. She took a deep gulp to prevent her face from revealing any sign of pleasure.


“Okay…” Gloria stated, unconvinced. Gloria too was behaving differently, in a more confident manner. She hopped into bed, scooting closer and closer to Sophie.


“I have a confession,” Gloria whispered in her ear.


Duke pulled enough for his head to come out, gasping for breath. Sophie shifted, attempting to focus on what Gloria was about to reveal instead of the slight twinge of desire.


“I… I can’t sleep. Even though I felt shamed and humiliated out there, I couldn’t help but… enjoy it. Now I have all of this unfulfilled lust and urges, and I know I will be up all night if I don’t have any sort of release. …oh my gosh, that sounds so weird saying out loud.”


“Well, maybe I am missing the obvious, but, why don’t you, you know, get yourself off?”


Gloria sighed. “Two reasons. One, I… I can’t orgasm by myself. With my hands at least.”


“What? How did you get by without—“


“Guys. If I ever was in a spot where I felt very horny, I would just find a guy to have sex with. Needless to say, there are no guys here.”


Sophie and Duke noted the irony. “Well, what’s the second reason?”


“Obviously the current sorority sisters wouldn’t do it. They’d kick me out on the spot. The other two pledges wouldn’t even help me with my dress on, much less with this.”


“So, because I helped you with your dress, you thought this was something I would do?”


“No. Well… I trust you. I think those other girls would happily throw me under the bus. Besides, you are obviously the prettiest.”


“Did you yet again forget the part where I clearly stated I wasn’t a lesbian?”


“No, I mean, I got that. I’m not either. Just really, really horny. I tried rubbing myself a little bit in the restroom, but it wasn’t doing anything for me. Please? I need this. Otherwise I won’t get any sleep. I’ll be reckless this morning. I’ve already come so far to lose it to my poor sexual control.”


“I don’t know…”


Duke, currently safely wedged inside Sophie’s pussy, was surprised and aroused by Gloria’s frankness about her sexual craving. From the continuous leg shifting, he could tell that he had the upper hand with Sophie, if only for this brief time. He was sure he ruined their friendship and was hated by Sophie, so it wouldn’t put a larger dent in their relationship if he subtly coaxed Sophie to comply with Gloria’s request.


Duke deftly pulled back some of Sophie’s clitoral hood and mouthed on the top part of her clitoris gently. Sophie jerked in pleasure. She immediately tried to reach down for him, but Duke slipped inside again.


Gloria eyed her reaching down and immediately put her hand over Sophie’s while it was still seeking Duke’s body between her legs. Gloria guided Sophie’s hand down into her panties.


“Is that what you want? Is that what it’ll take?”


Peeking out from slightly outside Sophie’s labial folds, Duke noticed Gloria release Sophie’s hand as she slid her fingers further down to where Sophie’s clit was. Duke started to thrust his erect dick along the side of Sophie’s vaginal wall.


Sophie moaned.


Please…” Gloria whispered into her ear, slowly mouthing her ear lobe, rubbing her clit more rhythmically.


Sophie was futile to resist the outer and inner stimulation, eventually caving in to the gratification. She felt another orgasm rumbling up inside of her. Sophie started to scream, but Gloria covered her mouth with her other hand. 


In addition to her writhing, Duke felt Sophie’s vaginal contractions roll over his body, like continuous waves of pressure. He instantly blew his load inside her, just a miniscule drop of semen, like the unnoticed one that erupted while he was hiding in her panties.


Gloria let go of Sophie’s mouth and slid her other hand out of Sophie’s panties. She lowered herself onto her stomach, perfect ass in the air that revealed her drenched pussy. Gloria, face down on the bed, presented herself to Sophie.


“My turn.”

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