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Confused and dazed could best describe how Kylie felt at the moment, she was 15 feet tall and unable to move for fear of collapsing her room. Looking at her watch told her that she had only a few minutes before her roommates returned from class and she had no idea how to explain her sudden growth.


“It was definitely the watch, but every time I do anything with the watch I can't reverse it.” she thought. Out of ideas she leaned back on the wall and breathed out deeply. “Well shit.”


Her phone vibrated and she picked the tiny device up and tried to see what the new notification was. Unfortunately, the phone was simply too small to read, but Kylie had a simple, but ingenious idea.


“I made the phone smaller. Why not bigger?” as she imagined her little phone growing to a usable size, it slowly obliged and grew from a 4 inch smart phone, to a 15 inch tablet sized phone.


“I guess size is something I can always control... I need to read the poem on the bracelet again, after I clean the band.”


Suddenly her roommates, Calie and Andy bust through the front door. Thinking about shrinking, she started to retreat in size, smaller and smaller, until she was her original size, 4 foot 11 inches. Shocked, Kylie thought to shrink her phone, and with the urgency of her thoughts, the phone quickly obliged.


Andy, her stoner dude roomie entered the living room.


“Dude, you're back early! Thought you would be in town all day!” Andy remarked with a definite slur, indicating that even now, he was higher than a kite. Or possibly a Space Shuttle.


“Yeah, finished my errands and came back on the earlier train. Cheaper ticket.”


“Right, makes sense dude.” he replied as he jumped on the couch.


Calie rolled her eyes, “What he means to say is, I'm so high right now, that I couldn't care anyways.”


Kylie smiled, “That sounds about right.”


Andy replied, with evident lack of care, “Whatever.”


Rolling her eyes Kylie looked back to Calie, Kylie asked, “How was class?”


 “Intensely boring. I get so bored in Calculus.”


 “Calie, only you could be bored in Calculus.”


 Smiling, she bragged, “Too easy.”


Laughing at her friends, Kylie stood and retreated to the kitchen as Andy lit up a joint and turned on the TV.


She removed the watch and looked at the band, curious as to the full meaning of the poem. Turning on the tap and rubbing at the dirt, she cleaned most of the grime out and got the rest with an old toothbrush she grabbed from the cleaning bucket.


Satisfied with the job she had done, dried it off with a paper towel.


It was much easier to read now.


Power given to she who wears

Infinite power with those loved

Those unknown a single chance

Enjoy power without their choice

Bent to your will all objects are

Master of size and shape

Forever your power

Without constraint

To embolden the one who owns


Damn” she thought, now some it made sense, people she didn't know she could only do one thing to, but those she knew, like herself she could always manipulate.


Looking into the living room, she imagining Andy shrinking, and while at first the effect was miniscule, Andy did start shrinking. His body stopped at a miniscule 3 inches of height. Kylie walked into the living room to observe her prey.

Andy was still sleeping, so Kylie simply looked at him, trying not to wake him. His arms were so tiny, she couldn’t make out his individual fingers. “Holy hell. This is awesome.” Kylie imagined Andy growing back to normal, and soon he was almost his original size. Kylie grew him back with the exception of one inch.


With Andy back to normal Kylie walked to her room.


Kylie was now imagining some of the things she wanted to try to do, fantasies she wanted to fulfill. Her phone started ringing, and it was a number she didn't recognize.


Kylie picked up the phone, “Hello?”


A shy voice inquired, “Is this Kylie?”




“It's Emma, from the train?”


Kylie was excited by this development. “Of course! How are you?!”


 “I wanted to see you and thought I would see if you wanted to see me too?”


“Dinner tomorrow?”


Emma sounded much bolder then she did before, “Damn, you were ready for this? That's just what I was thinking!”


“Okay, if you give me your address I'll get you around six tomorrow.”


Exchanging information the girls were soon off the phone.


Kylie was excited by this development, and she soon found herself on her bed, passionately masturbating as she thought of towering over a tiny Emma, excited to make this a reality. She rubbed herself, increasing the intensity, imagining holding tiny girls in her hand, being an all-powerful Goddess.


Breathing deeply, Kylie climaxed, pounding her hips on the ceiling. Her head was now on the wall, her breast pressed against the ceiling. She shrieked with the pleasure which filled her with the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. She was now a massive girl, nearly filling the room with her 25 feet of succulent womanhood.





Chapter End Notes:

Ms. Kylie is starting to see some of her power, and the benefits which come with her special powers.



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