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Author's Chapter Notes:

(I'm going to warn you now: This part is LONG, but I wanted to get as much out of Dorothy as I could before moving on with the story's original purpose.)


Part 3 - Super Flashback Expansion Pak

Troy laid on his bed, looking up at a picture of Dorothy that he held in his hand. Through his search, he happened across several pictures of her. In addition to the first one he had uncovered, he had one with the two of them at the beach, one with the two of them posing in front of a Christmas tree, one in which she wore a business suit, one in which she was dressed up as Chun-Li and he as Balrog from Street Fighter for Halloween, one in which she donned pink lingerie while sitting seductively on his bed, and another picture of the both of them, this time at their college graduation.

In truth, he actually had far more pictures of her than these, but most of those were stored away on his PC and SD cards. A number of those were... less than kosher. While he had already shared a number of pictures that he had taken of her feet online--her identity hidden, of course--for the more explicit pictures, he had long since decided to keep those to himself.

The picture he currently held inhand was a closer shot of her face at an angle, her brown eyes looking right at the camera as its flash glared off of her glasses.

"She really was one of a kind," Troy mused, his mind still filling up with memories of Dorothy. Particularly, memories of when she fully got into playing the part of his giantess.


Troy jogged across the floor, dashing towards the dining room table which would serve as his "sanctuary". At only four centimeters tall, it was truly a trek for his small body to take. It would have been an even more arduous run had he started his run from another room or the dining room's edge; instead, he merely shrunk himself while in the center of the room.

It was still taking him quite a while to reach it.

"Not a bad exercise, though," he said to himself.

As he came closer to his destination, he heard footsteps from the distance approaching from behind. One right after another, they crashed against the floor, echoing through the area as they drew near.

"Here she comes..." Luckily, Troy had also reached his destination. Hiding behind the legs of one of the table's chairs, he peeked out towards the doorways, watching and anticipating the inevitable to show itself.

Before long, the source of the noise appeared, stepping into the room: Dorothy herself. Not that Troy was surprised or anything; he had expected her to show up. As she walked in, her eyes looking from one side to another as if they were searching the room, he found her attire capturing much of his attention: it being a brown short-sleeved shirt, a denim skirt, and brown flat thong sandals. He recalled how he suggested that very pair to her the last time they went shoe-shopping for her; he loved that it was being incorporated in their macro play. That aside, they complemented her outfit very well.

"Troy~!" Dorothy called in a playful manner. "Where are you hiding? Come on out so I can mash you up."

Of course, he definitely did want her to do so, but he wanted her to work for it. ...As much as he could make her work for it.

She looked around the room for a few more seconds before her eyes focused onto the table that he was underneath. Her shoulder slumped as she frowned a little bit.

"Really?" she said. "You're not seriously hiding under the table again..."

Troy snickered as she approached, her footsteps rocking his very world as each foot hit the floor. Her feet, each of its toes painted with violet polish (that he had painted himself), captivated him and nearly caused him to make a mad dash towards them. However, he kept control over his legs, even as those very feet were right before him as Dorothy stood directly overhead.

Dorothy grabbed the back of the chair with both hands. "If I move this chair and you're under it, you're gonna get it."

The sound of the wooden legs screeching against the floor filled the air as Dorothy pulled the chair back. Troy did his best to hold onto the leg, but she moved it too fast for him to keep his grip. He ultimately lost his hold and fell onto the floor, after which the screeching stopped. He looked upward from the floor, only to see Dorothy looking right back down at him.

"You really need to pick a better place to hide," she told him. "This is like, what? The third time I found you under here?"

To that, Troy merely grinned at her, before picking himself off of the floor and running past her feet towards his right. He ran for what he estimated as a minute, his heart racing from the thrill of merely being in the presence of a giant. He briefly looked behind him, finding that Dorothy was merely watching him scurry along the floor as if he was a tiny bug.

To her, he definitely was.

Suddenly, a large shadow appeared around him. He again looked above him, only to find a low ceiling hanging directly over him. Of course, it was none other than the sole of Dorothy's sandal; if one looked closely, they could make out dried blood residue from the other times that that very sandal claimed Troy's life.

And it was primed to add another one to its collection.

"Oh no..." Dorothy said in a playful manner as her foot slowly descended. "The little bug is getting away. If I don't hurry up and squish it, it'll get into the walls and multiply."

Despite that, Troy was nearly out from within its shadow.

"Eat my shoe, you little pest!"

Dorothy's foot quickly stomped down, completely crushing Troy underneath it with an audible crunch, the sound of each and every one of his bones breaking under the pressure. A bit of blood also splattered out from the front of her sandal. She twisted and grinded her foot, further pulverizing him into a bloody pulp and mangling his body beyond recognition.

Seconds later, her foot lifted slightly as she removed it from the spot, thin sticky strands of a mixture of blood, cloth, and viscera stretched from her sandal's sole to the floor, until they snapped from the pull and mostly fell back into the deep crimson puddle.

She looked down upon the mess below her, and smiled.

Troy was dead.

...But not for long. With a flash of light blue in his eyes, Troy found himself standing right back in the dining room, his body mended back to the way it was before Dorothy's foot had flattened him.

"Welcome back," Dorothy's voice greeted.

Troy turned to his right, and saw his gigantic girlfriend, sitting in the chair from before with her right leg crossed over the other. She slowly rocked her right foot back and forth, giving him an occasional view of the remains of his last life that were still plastered upon its sandal's sole.

"You made me wait a bit longer," she said. "Stupid bug."

"Yeah, I changed the setting to ten minutes!" Troy yelled.

"Huh? I can't hear you all that well. Did you say something about 'ten'?"

"Yeah!!" Troy yelled even louder. "Ten minutes!!"

"Oh, 'ten minutes'. Well, as long as you don't make me wait too long for you."

"Never!! After a quick break, I wanna get right back into the action!!"

Dorothy nodded. "At least I had some time to clean up the floor. But I left the blood on my sandal, since I know you like that." She then showed him the bottom of her shoe, allowing him to see in its full glory what was left of him.

He became aroused just from looking at it. That her beautiful foot would be used as such a deadly and sexy weapon against him really set him off, and he loved how she got in character of a cruel giantess whenever he shrunk. It was something that he had always dreamed of, to be the tiny toy of an attractive woman, and he was extremely happy that the Minimizer program allowed him to relive his deepest fantasies over and over again.

...In truth, he was tempted to deactivate the program then and there, carry her into the bedroom, and have sex with her.

"Anyway..." she said as she stood up from the chair, once again towering over him. "I'm ready for round two. I'll give you a headstart, you worthless little bug." She had gotten back into character.

Troy nodded, and immediately bolted in the opposite direction from her, his legs and feet working to carry him as fast as they could. Minutes later, Dorothy's own foot came down upon him once again.


Troy laid on the soft carpet of the living room, unable to move very much. Understandably so, as while she sat on the couch over him, Dorothy's right bare foot currently laid upon the lower half of his 5-inch body and held him against the floor. Her other foot was set nearby, several inches away from his head.

From his vantage point, he could not see much of her at all; only her blue jean-covered legs. However, he could hear her playing--or at least, trying to play--his copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening on his Nintendo 3DS. He could hear the sounds of the game as her army attempted to rout the enemy, a task not as easy for a beginner, especially as he had dared her to play through on the somewhat brutal Hard-Classic mode for her first playthrough.

He still did not know why she took him up on that.

"Augh, what the fuck!?" She yelled. "Where did those enemies come from?!"

"Not doing too good up there?" Troy asked in a half-mocking manner.

"How the hell do they expect people to react to these guys when they move the exact same turn they appear?" Dorothy was clearly frustrated. After all, this was her fourth attempt at that map.

"Hey, you're smart. You figure it out."

"No!" Dorothy cried to the game. "You better not die, Stahl- Okay, good. It missed."

Troy laughed, before stroking his fingers on the flesh of her gigantic foot.

"You know, your feet really are beautiful," Troy affectionately said to her.

"Mm-hm." Dorothy seemed to only be paying half of her attention towards him.

"I'd love to shrink myself down even smaller, and live between your toes forev-"

"You idiot! Why didn't you dodge that attack!? It only had 47% accuracy!!" Her foot pressed down upon him slightly harder. "Aw crap, they're targeting him again. You better dodge-" There was then an echoing sound of steel piercing flesh as the character in question, Stahl, cried out in agony before somber music began to play. "NOOO!!! Aaugh, dammit, I have to start over again!?"

"You don't have to. Why not just leave him behind?" Troy asked. "You keep restarting the chapter because you don't want anyone to die, but he's clearly deadweight because every time you started over, it was because of him. Just accept your loss and move on."

"No, I'm starting over," Dorothy said, a mix of frustration and determination in her tone of voice. "After all, that's what you did whenever you lost someone."

"Yeah, but I actually knew what I'm doing. That chapter was a breeze for me." Troy wanted to sound as cocky as he could.

"...You know, for such a small man, you really have a big mouth. If it weren't for the carpet in here, I'd flatten you right now." The music of the game's title screen started to play. "Instead, I think you need to be quiet."

Her left foot then moved over and covered his upper body, pressing it down upon him. Troy was now completely pinned by both of her feet, and he could just barely hear Dorothy, whose voice and the noise of the game were being muffled by her flesh.

With nothing else he could do, Troy took to licking and kissing her soft sole, pressing his lips against the ball of her foot. Her feet twitched, reacting to the undoubtedly ticklish feeling of his mouth's actions.

"S-stop!" He heard her order. "You're gonna distract me!"

Despite that, she successfully cleared that chapter during that attempt.


"Okay, I think this spot is good," Troy said to himself as he stood near the center of the kitchen.

It was just past nine in the morning, and the light from the morning sun shined in brightly through the windows. He could hear the birds chirping loudly outside, as well as the sound of people on the floor below preparing for their day, even if it was a Saturday.

Dorothy had stayed over the night before, and she was still asleep in his bed. Troy decided to use this opportunity for a bit of a "surprise". To that end, he shrunk himself down smaller than he usually did before, at a mere one centimeter. The kitchen around him was unbelievably huge, as if it was a city all on its own. The various appliances around him reached into the air like tall monoliths, and the marble counter rather close to where he was seemed like a steep mountain more than what it actually was.

With his decision to wear all white--t-shirt, sweatpants, and socks--he blended in almost perfectly with the white tiles of the floor below him. There was nothing he could do about his skin color, though.

He sat down on the floor and waited.

...And waited...

...And waited...

...And waited.

"God, that girl can sleep," Troy said to himself, growing a bit impatient due to how much time had passed. His stomach growled in hunger, having not consumed anything since the day before. Any other person would have given up by then, but Troy persevered, even as the direction from where the sunlight was shining shifted ever so.

He had nearly fallen asleep himself before he heard a few doors off in the distance open and close, followed soon after by the sound of footsteps approaching. Slapping himself awake, he stood up to his feet and eyed the entryway eagerly and expectantly.

Soon enough, Dorothy appeared. Her dark hair was a rather disheveled mess and her face--sans glasses--wore a groggy look upon it. Though she was naked before while in bed, she had since put on a white tanktop top and light blue pajama pants. Her bare feet slapped against the tiled floor, taking her right towards the refrigerator.

Troy just so happened to be right in her path.

Her attention was drawn completely onto the refrigerator behind him. She seemed to be completely unaware that her boyfriend was on the floor.

Just as Troy had wanted.

She walked closer and closer, her pale feet with their natural unpolished toes headed right towards him. For his part, Troy merely stood in her path, not moving at all.

Not even when her right foot was bearing down on him. He merely spread his arms and happily welcomed the coming ceiling of flesh.

Dorothy's foot stepped down, completely squashing his minuscule form into the ball of her foot.

"Ah, wha!?" Dorothy was surprised as she felt something small, wet, and sticky burst under the bottom of her foot. She stepped back and looked down onto the floor below her, finding a tiny red splatter where her foot had stepped. She then grabbed her foot by the ankle and turned it towards her, discovering another splatter on its sole, this time with Troy's tiny flattened body pressed into it.

She sighed. "I was wondering where you went. Stupid bug."

Wiping the ball of her foot against the floor, smearing him against its cool surface in the process, she continued on towards the refrigerator, undeterred from her goal of getting some breakfast.


Troy stood in the middle of the floor of Dorothy's bedroom, watching her as she searched around in her walk-in closet. On her orders, he had shrunk himself down to four centimeters, after which she headed into her closet, in the process treading upon him with her bare foot and tracking some of the blood with her along the way. After reviving three minutes later, he found that she was still inside.

"How long are you gonna be!?" He yelled, though she could not hear him.

He looked behind himself and saw his flattened corpse from before. It was pressed cleanly into the hard floor; surrounded by a red splatter of blood, much of its organs had been violently smashed out of its body and also compressed onto the floor. It was a rather gruesome sight; he hoped that she cleaned it up before one of her family members saw it.

"Okay!" He heard her proclaim from the closet. He turned, and saw her exit, closing the door behind her. Donning a pink sweater over a black dress, she held a pair of pink ballet flats in her hand, each one with a small string bow tied with string on them. "I think these will look good," she said as she approached him.

"What about your sandals?" Troy asked.

After reaching him, she placed the shoes onto the floor besides him. He looked at them, and then looked at her feet, its toes having been given a nice French pedicure.

"Why not your sandals?" Troy repeated, this time loud enough for her to hear him as she stood over him. "You got that lovely French pedicure, but you're gonna hide them from the world?"

"I did consider wearing one of my pairs," Dorothy said. "...But there's a reason why I chose these. Two, actually. One, it's kind of chilly outside."

"Yeah, I guess..." Troy said. "...But those clouds are no match for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Your beauty is so radiant that we don't need the sun to have a bright and warm, happy day!" He gave her a large smile.

Dorothy's mouth dropped agape, and her cheeks became red with blush. "W-what!?" She brought her hand up and began to tamper with her glasses upon her face. "I can't believe you seriously said that-"

Troy pointed at her face. "There it is! She's messing with her glasses again!!" He burst out laughing.

"S-shut up!" She was still rather flustered. "Stupid bug!"

"Look at your cheeks! They're all red and everything!! Hahahahahah!!"

Troy continued to laugh heartily at her expense. So much so that he did not notice Dorothy's bare sole descending upon him, crushing him into a fine paste underneath it for the second time that day.

"Seriously, though," Troy said to Dorothy, his laughing fit having subsided after respawning. "You've worn sandals outside when it was colder than this. How is today any different?"

"Well..." Dorothy started as she used a napkin to wipe the blood from her foot. "I want us both to go for a walk. ...But I'll be doing most of the walking. ...More like, ALL of the walking."

"Wait... I think I get it now," Troy said. "You want me to be inside of your shoe?"

Dorothy nodded. "I thought it was the best way to have you with me."

"You could tie me to the thong of one of your sandals," Troy suggested.

"Really?" Dorothy seemed to ponder it over. "I never thought of that. You wanna do that instead?"

Troy briefly did some pondering of his own, before coming to his decision. "You know what? This is fine. As long as I'm with you, I don't care what shoe I'm in."

Dorothy smiled. "Great. So, go on in."

Troy did as commanded, walking over to her right flat and climbing inside. The insole was rather soft, though there were indentations of her foot in it, a sign that she had worn these many times. He considered licking the insole, but decided against it; he'd be able to taste the real deal soon enough.

"Move all the way to the end, and lay down," Dorothy ordered.

Troy crawled over to the dark end of the flat, taking him out from the light of the room outside. He could feel the indentations below him where her toes had been, and where they would be very soon. He laid across them, positioned so that his head would be situated between her big toe and second toe. His nose could detect the faint scent of her feet still left within.

"Are you in position?" she asked.

"Yeah!!" Troy yelled out.

"Good. Alright, then. I'll try not to crush you while we're out."

He heard and felt her footsteps upon the floor, before he saw her foot step into the flat and slide in. He watched as it approached him, its toes crawling at the insole as it helped the foot settle in. Before long, they had reached their destination, passing over him and covering his body. Then, she started to walk, each time her toes pressing upon his tiny body, though not with enough force to crush him underneath them.

As planned, his face was right between her toes, giving him some room to breathe, though much of his air consisted of the smell of her feet. In fact, over time, as she walked, his admittedly beautiful prison became rather warm, and he began to sweat. Her toes too became softer and moist, also due to perspiration. The smell of his dark prison became a bit stronger as a result. He did manage to take a few licks from the skin between her toes, however.

He did get some sort of reprieve later on, as she partially removed her foot from her flat while sitting at the park, allowing fresh cool air to flow into his lungs. During which time, he used the opportunity to play around with her toes, as she did the same.

All in all, it was a good day.


Like many times before, Troy was once again on the run. He scurried across his bedroom floor, his tiny 2-inch body working its hardest to keep its pace. It was rather late in the evening, evident by the orange sky outside of the window. To combat the coming darkness, the ceiling light had been turned on.

Slowly chasing after him was Dorothy, who was recording his movements with her smartphone as she stalked him, its screen reflected off of her glasses. As he ran, he looked back at her; still in the attire that she had worn to work that day, she donned a long pink blouse with a leather belt around her chest, white dress pants, and those brown thong sandals that he loved so much which showed off her lilac-polished nails. Much of her hair was tied into a ponytail. Such an attractive lady, he thought; and she was all his.

"I think this big ugly bug thinks it can get away from me," she narrated. "See?"

She slowly followed after him, making sure that he was still within view of her phone's camera.

"Of course, this bug isn't too smart," she continued. "It follows a very predictable path that makes it easy to stump. See, watch."

Dorothy stomped down right in front of where he was running, so much so that he could not help himself crashing into the back of her foot--partially hidden by her white pants--and falling to the floor. Its heel then lifted up, the foot's sandal secured to it by its ankle buckle, as she moved it over him. Troy quickly picked himself up and bolted to his left, narrowing avoiding being flattened by her heel.

"Oh, no..." she said, feigning disappointment. "It managed to avoid my foot. It's more crafty than it looks."

Troy continued to run, and she continued to record him as she trailed him. They had been at this for several minutes by then, though he wondered how long it'd be before she put her foot down, so to speak. This was not the first time she had recorded one of their macro play sessions; he had a trove of videos from her that he found himself rewatching from time to time. He loved seeing himself get crushed from her point-of-view, watching her feet rend him asunder like he was nothing to her.

"You see," Dorothy spoke, "this bug is of a special breed. It thinks it's smart, but what it doesn't know is that I'm just letting it think it can get away."

"You sure you wanna say that out loud?" Troy said, far too quiet for her to hear him.

"It's too stupid to realize that I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to end its pathetic, worthless life."

"H-hey..." Troy felt that he should be offended.

Troy's bed was ahead of him. If he were to get underneath it, it'd provide a sort of safe haven for him and actually force Dorothy to work a bit harder to get him. It would be nice to have some sort of upper hand against his playful and sometimes callous-minded girlfriend for a change.

The question now was: would she let him reach it?

"...Up ahead in front of us is my boyfriend's bed." Dorothy briefly shifted the camera towards it. "This ugly, stupid, black-and-brown bug is headed right for it. It probably thinks that it'll provide it with shelter."

Troy put as much strength as he could into his legs, increasing the pace at which he ran.

"Oh, look at it! It's running a bit faster now. I guess because it has its goal within reach? How cute. ...But unfortunately for it, that's as far as it'll go."

A large shadow quickly appeared around Troy, and before he could even look up, he was knocked off of his feet by something heavy from above. No doubt that it was the sole of her sandal, pinning him against the wooden floor and preventing him from moving any further.

He looked ahead; he could see the various shoeboxes within the darkness of his bed's underside.

"So close..." he muttered to himself. "Maybe next time."

"I've got it under my foot now," he heard Dorothy's voice say from beyond her foot. "See? There's my foot. My boyfriend says that I have wonderful feet. It's funny... Before him, I never really paid attention to them, but since he's been around, I've found myself taking extra care of them, all for him."

Troy nodded. "I really do love this girl."

"But for this bug, this beautiful foot will be the tool of its demise. It's still alive now, because I'm simply holding it in place. I wonder if it's trying to claw itself out from underneath?"

"No," Troy answered.

"I'm sure it is. I don't want it getting away, so I'm going to just crush it. Nice and slowly..."

The weight upon his body began to increase as the hard ceiling upon him began to lower. Troy could feel his legs compressing underneath it, followed by his pelvis breaking under the pressure as the weight shifted forward. The sound of his bones violently cracking and breaking rung through his ears. However, what should have been a world of pain was only a mild sting to him; it was all thanks to the Numbing feature.

Even as his chest was crushed, causing blood to spurt out from his mouth, he could do nothing but smiled and relish in the sensation and knowledge of his body being reduced to nothing but a red stain on the floor. His vision blurred, and soon his head buckled under the pressure.

"...And that's it!" Dorothy said as her foot settled flat onto the floor. "It's dead. And it must have had a hard exoskeleton. I'm sure you heard it cracking and breaking. And now, for good measure..." She slowly twisted her foot, grinding the remains of the "bug" underneath into more of an unrecognizable mess, with each motion bringing with it more crunching sounds from underneath.

"...Let this be a warning to any nasty bug that tries to invade my boyfriend's bedroom!"

Later that night, after Dorothy had gone home, Troy received a text message from her, attached to which was a picture of her sandal-clad foot from above. In front of it was the red splotch containing his completely flattened and utterly demolished body, and a bloody smear upon the floor leading to her foot. The text upon it read: "i killed this big nasty bug i found in your room earlier."

Troy's response: "thats why i luv u. always lookin out for me"


"It looks even better from down here," Troy said to himself, stepping off of Dorothy's hand as she lowered him onto the surface of her new flip-flop. It was red, meshing quite well with the knee-length sundress that she wore, white with a pattern of strawberries across it.

"How do you like it?" Dorothy asked as her hand retracted.

"It's great!!" Troy yelled at her, hoping that the words of a one-inch-high human could reach her.

She smiled. "I can't really hear you, but I'm sure you're having a blast."

"You know it!" Suddenly, Troy got an idea. "Hold on..." He touched the back of his left hand, bringing up the Minimizer control panel. His fingers worked the size setting, though it only made one change: switching the inch for centimeter. Then, he pressed the "Shrink" button.

After the screen disappeared, his body glowed blue as he further reduced in size. Now standing at a paltry one centimeter, his view of Dorothy's now bigger flip-flop became even more astounding.

"Yep," Troy said, folding his arms in satisfaction. "It's even better from way down here."

"You made yourself smaller?" Dorothy asked, leaning in slightly. "Look at you... You're a tiny little speck. Oh, you're so cute when you're so small!" She said in a ludic manner.

"And you're always cute!" Troy responded, despite her likely having even more difficulty hearing him.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Dorothy said as she stood up, once again giving him a view of her terrifying size as she towered over him. "Why don't you help me break them in?"

Troy merely stared up at her in response.

She giggled. "I'm sure you're wondering what I mean. I'll show you..."

With her left foot, she picked it slight off from the floor and moved it forward, sliding it into the red flip-flop set besides the one that Troy was standing on. He watched as her toes met and hugged the thong, wiggling as they helped secure the foot into its shoe.

"That's one," Dorothy said, before she did the same with her right.

Her gigantic foot posed quite an imposing sight. Her toes, nails painted red just like the flip-flops, were lifted slightly as they approached him. To Troy, this was a beautiful sight, one worth taking in as much as he could. Even if, to him, it was a wall of death in the form of her normally-small size 4 ped.

But death had lost all meaning in the realms of macro play, anyway.

Dorothy's foot passed over him, flattening him underneath it like a steamroller and smearing his blood and flesh with it along the sole of the sandal. After her foot settled completely into its shoe, she pressed down a bit with it and rubbed her foot into the sole.

"...And that's two!" she gleefully exclaimed.

Four minutes later, Troy was back, his body having resurrected just mere few inches away from where his girlfriend stood, very close to her left foot. He craned his head back as he looked up at the giantess before him. Her attention was drawn at her smartphone, her thumbs tapping away on its screen.

"You're back," she noted, still looking at the phone. "Hold on, I'm sending a text to Lei."

"Right. Lei," Troy murmured. Dorothy was not wearing that very nice sundress for no reason; she and her college friends had made plans to meet at an outdoors restaurant that day.

"...Okay. Now, I-" Her phone buzzed with a short soundtone.  "Oh geez." Mildly annoyed, Dorothy touched her glasses on the bridge of her nose. "Now Grace is texting me. ...She's kinda hopeless. Why don't you take a quick nap while I deal with this?"

"Wha-" Troy didn't have time to finish his sentence or even physically react before the red sole of her flip-flop smeared him out of existence.

Another four minutes passed, and Troy existence was restored, respawning in the exact same spot as before. This time, Dorothy was clearly waiting for him, her eyes watching his spot expectantly. Troy also noticed that she had a pair of scissors and red thread in her hands.

"Great, you're back," she said. "I was thinking... I want you to come with me."

"Why?" Troy asked, knowing full well that she couldn't hear him. "Your friends don't like me." Her friends never moved on from their first impressions of him--as told by Dorothy--when the two were feuding.

"If you're wondering why, I thought it'd be fun to have you around. It could be a friends outing and a date both at once!" She smiled. "...But they won't know you're there, which is why I have these." She held the scissors and thread in front of her.

"My sweet, sweet Asian mistress..." Troy said, becoming rather excited. "I know exactly what you're getting at." It seemed that she had remembered a suggestion that he had made some time ago.

"Okay, I need you to get a bit bigger. Like, around one inch like you were before."

Troy did so, bringing up his control panel and working it so that it'd size him back up to an inch.

"Perfect," Dorothy said as his small growth spurt completed. She then approached him, her flip-flops slapping against the hard floor. After reaching him in mere steps, she slid her right foot out from its sandal--exposing the mess of his body two lives ago smudged and stained on both her sole and the sandal's insole--and pulled it almost completely off of it, leaving only her toes on the back edge.

"Get on and put your back against the thong," she ordered.

He did as she commanded, climbing onto the sandal and pressing himself against the red thong, having to bend his upper body slightly forward to do so. By that point, he had already figured out what she was planning.

Getting onto her knees, Dorothy cut off a long piece of thread, which she used to tie him up to the thong. She wrapped the thread around him several times, squeezing it very tightly with each cycle as it bound his legs, his torso, and even his head. He could barely move his arms at all, to say nothing of the immobility of rest of his body. Eventually, she tied the little thread left into a knot, and pulled herself away from his body as she stood back up. Troy was stunned at how secure he was; there was no way he could ever free himself. In fact, he wasn't sure if she could even free him.

"Alright, here comes the foot." She started to slide her foot back into the flip-flop.

Troy once again had a front row seat to watching her foot come at him like a vehicle. Unlike before, rather than it bulldozing over him, he ended up between her big and second toes, both of which squeezed the thong and him along with it before settling flat onto the foam surface. He looked up; he could barely see past the strap of her flip-flop, due to the inclined curve of the thong underneath it. He doubted that any onlookers would be able to spot him, either, as long as she kept her flip-flops on. By now, the Minimizer pill was gaining mainstream attention, but such a sight may have freaked some people out. In any case, he was definitely well-hidden, with nothing but the massive toes to both sides of him and the somewhat fragrant scent of her feet to keep him company.

"Snug and secure in there?" He heard Dorothy's voice speak. "Okay, let's get outta here."

Then, he felt movement. There were loud booming noises below, and her toes flexed as she began to walk. He heard her grab her keys and purse, and then exit out of her parents' house. Eventually, she met up with her friends and they had all sat at a table at the restaurant to chat with one another. Troy was definitely interested in hearing what they would talk about; unbeknownst to them, he was Dorothy's tiny eavesdropper.

...Unfortunately, all of their conversations were almost entirely in Mandarin.


Troy sighed longingly, still reminiscing of Dorothy as he looked through the pictures in his hand. Those were only just six out of almost uncountable instances in which his tiny form had been so thoroughly dominated and destroyed by her feet, her toes, and her shoes. Even better, she seemed to really enjoy doing it, too.

He wished that he could have showed her to Vince Vane, to prove that women like her do exist. Perhaps the environment for macro play would have shifted more evenly around instead of being stacked against foot crushees.

Despite his love for her feet and how much she used them against him while he was tiny, there were times where he met his end by other means. Some of which Mitch would have been very proud and perhaps even envious of. He reflected back on a handful of those times.


"H-hey!! What're you doing!?" Troy yelled, his one-centimeter-high body caught between the tips of Dorothy's index finger and thumb.

Dorothy held the tiny man close to her face. Her face was so large that it took up his entire view. Through her glasses, her brown eyes were focused squarely on him.

"Huh. From here, I can hear you a little bit," she said. "I was wondering... You told me that you love when I step on you and basically treat you like a bug, right?"

"Yeah, of course! You should drop me on the floor and do that again!" He glanced downward, looking past the flesh of her thumb and directly at her flip-flop-clad feet far on the floor below, its toes painted a nice teal color. "Your feet are looking really nice for it as always!"

"Chill, bug," she ordered. "I don't just step on bugs when I see them. You wanna see some other ways I crush them?"

Troy's curiosity was piqued. Then, after realizing how close he was to her mouth, he suddenly had a thought.

"You don't eat them, do you?" he asked.

"You are looking really delicious," she said. "...But no. That's not what I had in mind. I'll show you what I mean."

Suddenly, the pressure on Troy's body quickly increased from both sides. He briefly felt his body flatten, and before he could blink, he was gone. His body utterly destroyed in a red burst as she pinched her two digits together.

"That's one way," Dorothy said as she rotated the tips upon each other and smearing his blood on her fingers.

For the rest of the night, Dorothy killed Troy using only her hands and fingers. Once, after he had made himself slightly bigger, he jumped onto the floor and attempted to go for her feet, but she simply kneeled down and crushed him flat under her palm. The next time he attempted it, he didn't even make it to the floor before she clapped both of her hands on him while midair, smashing his body between them and leaving a crimson burst on the palms of both of her hands.

Her hands were coated red by the time the night was over.

In perhaps the ultimate tease, she did kill him a few times with her flip-flop. ...Only after she had removed it from her foot to use as a battering weapon.

Troy found the whole thing to be a nice change of pace, and he had made it a personal goal for the night to touch her one of her feet at least once.

He succeeded twice, his "reward" each time Dorothy's fist pounding him into oblivion.


"That reminds me," Dorothy said as she held Troy's one-inch body in her hand. "You know, there's this anime out now called 'Attack on Titan'."

"I know about it," Troy responded. "It's really popular right now."

She leaned back in her desk chair. "It has a bunch of giants in it, and they eat people. It's actually pretty gruesome."

"The vore-lovers dream anime." Troy chuckled. "That is, if they're into a bunch of ugly, skinless men."

"What do you think?" Dorothy brought her hand--Troy included--closer to her mouth.

Troy stared at her, looking from her eyes, down to her pink lips, and back to her eyes again. "About what?"

A wicked smirk formed on her face. "About being eaten?"

Troy knew where this was heading. "...Do I even have a choice? You're probably thinking about eating me right n-"

"Correct!" Dorothy opened her mouth wide, before practically throwing him inside of it.

Falling onto her wet and squishy tongue, Troy watched as her mouth closed, trapping him inside of the dark, damp, humid cavern with a somewhat pungent smell in the air. He tried to stand up, but found it difficult to keep his footing, especially as it started to move.

Her tongue whipped him around her mouth, smashing him against both of her soft, wet cheeks as well as the roof of her mouth. His head even bumped against her hard teeth a few times in the process. The tip of her tongue mopped him along the mouth's floor, and before long, his entire body was covered with saliva, his clothes completely drench. Some even made its way into his nostrils and mouth.

Soon, he found himself tumbling onto her molars, after which her tongue retreated away. Seconds later, the molars above him came down, crushing him underneath repeatedly as Dorothy chewed his body into bloody bits. She then swallowed his remains with a hearty gulp.

Dorothy wiped her mouth. "Hmm... Not bad. I think I can see what the fuss is about."


"Whoa, wait!" Troy was released from Dorothy's titanic fingers, dropping into a glass cup of sweet tea below. After being briefly submerged, he swam back to the surface, taking a big gasp of air after doing so. His arms worked to keep him afloat; at a mere inch tall and with the glass half full, the pool was rather deep to him.

"Ugh... I hate tea," Troy moaned.

Through the clear glass wall of his imprisonment, he could see Dorothy looking right back at him as she sat at her desk. Nearby was a plate of spaghetti with garlic bread, both of which already halfway eaten through.

"Like I said," she started, "tiny boyfriends make my favorite drink look better!"

"You could have at least got some orange juice or something!" Troy yelled. "Aw man, it's getting into my mouth!"

"Oh, stop complaining. After all, it's going to be the least of your problems in a few seconds."

"Nah, the tea is worse..." Troy muttered as he flailed about.

She then reached for the cup and picked it off of her desk.  "Alright, then. Bottoms up!" She brought the cup closer to her mouth. "I hope you enjoy the ride, my little morsel!"

The glass began to tip and the flow of the tea started to shift towards Dorothy's gaping maw at the end of the glass tunnel. Troy attempted to swim against the flow, but it was a hopeless effort. He could do nothing to fight the deluge as it eventually carried him into her mouth. Not making any stops, the tea took him well past her teeth and tongue, well past her uvula, and down into her esophagus. With all of the tea around him, he found it difficult to breathe, even if there likely was not much air for him to breathe anyway.

Soon, his quick trip through the dark tunnel ended, and he along with the tea rained into her stomach. Troy landed right into the thick stomach acid, its sea already floating with digesting food. The acid quickly began to eat away at his body. He attempted to swim in it, but his limbs soon became unusable as the skin and flesh wore away, leaving nothing but bone. Despite his body being broken down by the acid, he was not in much pain at all. Thank goodness, as he would have likely lost his mind otherwise.

Before long, he completely blacked out, and much of the body that that life once inhabited was absorbed into her system.


Having shrunken himself down to two inches, Troy stood on the table located in his apartment's dining room. Below his feet were two layers of paper towel, which Dorothy had placed on the table before he had shrunk. Earlier, she had expressed interest in swallowing him again; while Troy was not a huge vore fan (or much of a fan at all), Dorothy seemed to have gained a bit of a like of consuming him, and since she was willing to indulge in his interests, he felt it only fair to return the favor.

However, this time, she said that she had a bit of a surprise in store for him.

"Okay," Dorothy said, standing before him. "Now, I want you to take your clothes off. ALL of them."

"Why?" Troy asked. "It's not like you haven't eaten me with my clothes before."

"What did I say about talking back?" she scolded.

Troy put his head down. "...Yes, ma'am."

He did as she commanded, removing his shirts, his pants, shoes and socks, and finally, his boxers. He stood there, stark naked, watching the giantess giggle at him.

She brought her pinky finger over to him, and fiddled his hard cock with its nail. "Aww~! Look how small it is!" She teased.

"H-hey!" Troy shied away from her digit, his face burning with embarrassment.

Dorothy laughed. "I'm only messing with you. Don't worry, I'll let you show me how big it really is later."

Troy grinned. "Sweet."

"And you're looking pretty sweet yourself. Even before pouring this on you." From her other hand, she revealed the bottle of chocolate syrup that she was holding and hiding behind her back.

Troy frowned as he stared at it top aiming right at him. "...Aw hell-"

He was soon slathered by the syrup as she squeezed the contents of the plastic bottle onto him. The sticky, viscous substance completely covered his body from head to toe, and as the stream of sweet chocolate ended, Troy tried to wipe some of it off of his face, only for more to pour down onto it.

Dorothy placed the syrup onto the table, before picking the chocolate-covered tiny man up with her fingers and bringing him close to her face. Chocolate dripped off of his body and onto the floor and even her shirt.

"Mmm... Chocolate-covered chocolate." She licked her lips. "My favorite!"

"Won't you get sick eating that much chocolate?" Troy humored.

"I'll be fine," she responded dismissively. "In you go, you little morsel!"

She pulled him closer to her mouth, eventually pressing him against her pursed soft lips. Her fingers kept pushing, smearing some of the chocolate from her body onto her lips, until he was pushed inside of her mouth. Her tongue then went to work, it getting its fill of the sweet sauce as it shuffled and mopped him around inside of the mouth--pinning and rubbing him against the roof at one point--in its effort to lick away the syrup.

In the process, more of the chocolate entered into Troy's own mouth, some even mixed with Dorothy's saliva.

After much of the syrup on his skin had been wiped, her tongue moved him into the back of her mouth, from where he was gulped further down into her system, eventually falling headfirst into the pool of acid that awaited him.

"I guess it's time to melt like chocolate," Troy said to himself right before he hit the corrosive liquid.

Later that night, he poured chocolate from the same bottle onto Dorothy, and licked it off of her body, particularly from her chest and her toes.


Troy had flipped back to the picture of Dorothy in her lingerie on his bed. She was on his bed, sitting on her knees while she smiled alluringly into the camera, with one finger touching the corner of her mouth, while the other hand held her unstrapped pink bra against her breasts. Her glasses were also absent from her face.

"It wasn't all violent," Troy said to himself. "I mean, the violence was fun, but so was the sweet stuff."


Troy stood besides Dorothy, watching as she fished around in her jewelry box on top of her dresser. She pulled out a rather fancy gold ring with a deep blue sapphire embedded in it.

"...And this is the ring my grandfather gave to my grandmother as a gift," Dorothy said, holding the ring in her fingers while she showed it to him.

"It looks pretty expensive," Troy observed.

She nodded. "It definitely was. It was the last gift he gave her before he got pneumonia and passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Troy said in a sympathetic tone.

She looked down longingly at the ring. "Before she passed on, my grandmother gave the ring to me. She wished that she could have been able to have it and cherish it for most of her life. ...She always said that I'm the splitting image of her when she was young, so I guess in a way, her wish would be granted if she imparted it onto me."

"Can I see it?" Troy asked.


Troy extended his hand toward her, as she brought the ring over to his hand. However, before she could drop it in his hand, the ring bumped against his curled fingers and was knocked from her grasp. Dorothy gasped, and both of them watched as the ring fell towards the floor. It bounced off of the tip of Dorothy's boot and rolled underneath the dresser.

"No!" Dorothy cried as she kneeled down and tried to reach under it. Her hand was too thick for her to do so. "...Shit! I can't reach under there. And this thing is bolted to the wall!"

"I told you you should've worn sandals," Troy commented. "Then, it would have ended up caught between your toes instead of rolling around like Sonic." He chuckled.

Dorothy merely shot him a quick glare in response, which immediately made him stop his laugh as her annoyed eyes briefly glanced at his face.

"I kid, I kid." He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up from the floor. "Look, don't even worry about it. You know I can go get it for you."

"Thank you." Just like that, her slight anger had turned into appreciation.

She stepped away from him as he brought up the Minimizer's control panel and used it to shrink down to two inches. The dresser stood over him like a tall office building, as Dorothy the giantess watched from behind. Approaching the dark cavern below, Troy got onto his hands and knees and crawled underneath.

His eyes darted from side to side, scanning his surroundings as he made his way further underneath as he searching for Dorothy's heirloom. Though it was dark, some light was making it through from the open room behind him, which allowed him to see around him. Dust balls congregated in the corners, with smaller ones nearby and even in his path. Troy even spotted an old cobweb; he was glad that its inhabitant was long gone.

Soon, his eyes spotted gold. Dorothy's ring laid on the floor before him to his left, the sapphire turned against him and facing the back wall of the dresser. Grabbing ahold of the ring, Troy turned around and crawled back out, putting the ring with him with all of his might. At his size, it was somewhat heavy, but not anything he could not handle.

"Did you find it?" Dorothy asked from outside.

"I sure did!" Troy yelled back.

Troy heard Dorothy squee as the opening drew closer and closer. Before long, he was back out into the light of her bedroom, his clothes and body rather dusty. Standing up, he picked the ring up with both hands and held it up towards her.

"Here you go," Troy said.

Kneeling down, Dorothy happily recovered it from him. "Oh, thank you! I knew you'd get it back! You saved me a LOT of trouble!"

"Anything for you, my queen." Troy smiled at her, garnering a smile back from her in return. She really did have a cute smile, a radiant one that always brightened his day.

Perhaps it was time to invest in a ring of his own...


"This is nice..." Troy purred as he laid back, making himself comfortable as his three-inch body rested upon Dorothy's bare sole.

"I know," Dorothy said, she herself lying on her bed as she read a book. "You say that every time you lay on my foot."

"But it's so true that it needs to be said every time," he responded. "Who wouldn't want to cuddle up and go to sleep on your soft sole?" He then stroked her cushy skin back and forth, his fingers passing over the slight wrinkles on her sole. Her foot twitched in response as she giggled.

"S-Stop! You're tickling me." She chuckled. "If you don't stop, I'll kick you off and stomp on you!"

"You know that's just encouraging me, right?"

"Ah, you got a point." She sighed. "Stupid bug."

Regardless, Troy ceased his molestation of her foot and folded both of his arms behind his head. The room was quiet for several minutes as she read her book and he simply looked up at the ceiling, daydreaming about various things.

Particularly, their future together.

"I wonder what our kids will be like?" Troy wondered out loud.

"Kids?" Dorothy sounded a bit surprised to hear this from him. "Why are you talking about our kids all of a sudden?"

"No real reason. It just came to mind." That was a half-truth.

"Hm. ...I can't even imagine," Dorothy responded. "We're both alike in many ways, but we're also different, too. They could turn out like either of us, some mix of us, or neither of us at all."

"I can see you being really strict with them and their schoolwork, and I bet you're gonna teach them Mandarin, too."

"Well, duh. It's my family's native language, first off. Second, knowing Mandarin will open a lot of doors for them."

Troy nodded. "Yeah, I know. You're really gonna push them, but it's coming from a good place because you want them to excel."

"Definitely. I'd have high expectations of all of my kids, and I'll do whatever I can to make sure that they meet them."

"Tiger mom," Troy teased.

She jolted her foot slightly. "Shut up. Actually, I don't want to be too strict, like my parents were. They'll need to blow off some steam every once in a while and have some fun as well. I guess that's your forte."

"We'll make a real good team with those kids. You drive them, and I'll reward them."

"As long as you don't spoil them. ...Oh, but there is one thing."

Troy sat up and turned to look behind him. From his vantage point, past her heel he could see little more than the brown pants covering her buttocks. "What's that?"

"When we have kids, we won't be able to do macro play as much as we can now," she answered. "Our jobs and the kids will keep us too busy."

Troy sighed. "True."

"Plus," Dorothy continued, "it wouldn't look good if they were to see their father all tiny and helpless running around on the floor. You couldn't really be the man of the house, could you? And they'd get scarred for life not only if they saw you get killed, but also seeing you come back to life. ...It could even warp their morals, and who knows how they'd turn out as a result?"

"...I think you're thinking a bit too hard about this, Baby."

"Hey, you're the one who brought up our kids. That's the reality of bringing kids into our lives."

"Well, in any case, that means that we should get our fill of macro play while we can now. And when the kids grow up and move out, we can do it all we want again."

Troy started to stroke Dorothy's soft sole again, before turning over to kiss it.

She giggled. "I thought I told you to stop that."


It was late in the night, and with both the curtains and shades drawn over the windows, Troy's bedroom was left in almost complete darkness. Dorothy laid on his bed; naked and sweating, her heavy breathing and moans filled the room as her body squirmed, relishing in the sensual feeling of her boyfriend's two-and-a-half inch form frolicking within her vulva.

Within the damp crevice, Troy put his hands to work, tickling and caressing the warm soft flesh around him as it swelled and squeezed both sides of his body.

"Oh, Troy...!" she moaned. "Oh god...!"

He continued on, giving it his all as he stimulated her erogenous zones with his fingers and palms, and even went as far as to bury his face into the flesh below him and use his tongue to lick within.

This was rather new to Troy. He had never before shrunken himself to play around inside of her nether regions, and working this erotic and sensual area of her proved to be a bit of a challenge. When it came to macro play, he tended to stick with being crushed or dominated by her feet; or other body parts, if she was feeling rather whimsical about it. Despite that, he wanted to try something new with her, and thus he resolved to give it his all while inside.

Minutes later, he moved up, now mixing in kisses along with his wet tongue slathering against her soft, warm flesh. As his tongue slowly but repeatedly passed over a particular spot within her folds, her breathing became more frantic and she moaned louder than before, interspersed with her calling his name and short phrases in Mandarin. It seemed that he had found the spot that she found to be very sensitive to her; this encouraged him to keep at it, to give her the thrill of the night.

He continued to lick and kiss her soft, tender area, at the same time his hands focused on the surrounding flesh. He could feel the movements of her pelvic region around him as his tongue worked this spot, which in turn made him become more frantic in his efforts. Before long, her movements responded in kind as they too became frenzied.

"Troy...!" She called, before moaning loudly.

Troy soon found himself being squirted with a warm liquid on his face and chest. He recoiled back as it hit him and covered much of his body. Wiping some of it off of his face, he could not help but grin to himself.

"Not bad for my first try at this," he said to himself.

Dorothy's body lay almost motionless, and he could hear her breathing heavily outside. After kissing her sensitive spot one last time, he climbed out from her folds and looked out, though in the darkness, he could not see much of anything. However, he could make out her hairless crotch nearby, beyond that her chest, her breasts forming small hills upon it, and--even further in the darkness--her face, its mouth exhaling.

After climbing completely out from her vulva, he walked to the foot of his bed, her legs on either side of him. Once he made it past her feet, he sat down and brought up the Minimizer program's control panel, and deactivated the effects of the shrinking.

Once he was back to his regular size of six-foot even, he crawled over on top of Dorothy. The two grinned at each other, before Troy began to kiss her on the lips, her neck, and down to her breasts and chest.

And so began Round Two of their concupiscent night together...


"...And done," Troy said, pulling back the brush of Dorothy's nail polish away from the small toe of her right foot, holding it by the top with both hands.

As he stepped back, he looked proudly upon his handiwork. Each one of her toes shined with a fresh coat of pink polish on them.

Dorothy leaned over from the couch that she was sitting on to see the finished product. She smiled. "They look great."

"They sure do!" Troy said as he put the brush back into the polish bottle and screwed it on. At four inches high, this task was not too difficult for him to accomplish. "They're going to really look great with those new sandals you bought. ...Actually, I think they'll look great with any of your sandals."

She giggled. "You really do do a good job, even when you're tiny. Maybe you can do my fingers as well?"

"Of course! I'd do anything for you, my sweet Asian queen." He stepped forward, kneeling down and planting a kiss on her big toe.

She reached down and scooped him off from the carpet, cupping him in both hands and bringing him up close to her face, her mouth in particular.

"Oh, my little Black king," she said, her cheeks red with blush. "I love you."

She brought him closer and the two of them kissed, her lips so big that it covered his entire face.


Troy sighed, the picture of the two of them at their graduation now at the top of the stash. Both of them were very happy in the picture; one because they had finally completed their arduous University years, and because they were by each others' sides, then and through it all.

He definitely missed her; he missed being her little bug or her little servant. He missed the feeling of her soft soles in his hands, the taste of her toes in his mouth. He missed the feeling of her lips on his. He missed how she was in bed. He missed her fidgeting with her glasses. He missed her intellect. He missed her smile. He missed how she was there for him when he needed her. He missed how bossy and stubborn she could be at times, and even the heated arguments that they occasionally had.

Needless to say, he missed her, period.

"Those were real good times. This vore fad wouldn't be a problem if we were still-"

Suddenly, three knocks at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Yo, Troy!" Mitch called from beyond. "What're you doing!? I thought you were gonna show me your ex!"

Troy remembered. He had been completely lost in his own thoughts and nearly had forgotten the original reason he dug those pictures up in the first place. "I'm coming," he announced as he got off of his bed and walked to the door.

He grabbed the knob, twisting and then pulling it as he opened the door, revealing Mitch, standing there with his elbow resting against the doorway.

"Dude, what were you doing in here?" Mitch asked. "You went all mum for over two hours."

Troy was surprised at how much time had passed. "It's seriously been two hours?"

Mitch nodded. "You must've really been out of it if you lost track of-" He then noticed the stack of pictures in his hand. "Ooh, are those the pics?! Gimme!" He snatched them away and started going through each one. "So, this is your ex? I... didn't expect her to be Asian. Not that that's a problem, and she is pretty cute. Her tits are kinda small, though- Ooh, Street Fighter." He flipped to the next picture, and his eyes widened and his lips pursed as that particular picture caught his attention. "...Nice."

"She was nice. More than nice, actually."

"Don't tell me you were in here thinking about her all that time." Mitch folded his arms and shook his head. "That's not healthy. You gotta leave the past behind and look towards the future. ...But first, how'd things end, anyway? How'd you let your prize catch get away?"

Troy looked down towards the floor for a second, and then turned to longingly gaze at the open window in his bedroom. "Her family moved back to Taiwan."

"And she went with them?" Mitch asked.

Troy turned back to face Mitch again, before nodding. "At first, it was going to be temporary. She was going to help her family settle back in before coming back to the States. But then, a family friend of theirs offered her a very lucrative position at a big company there. She was torn; this was her chance to put her career on the fast track, but she also loved me and what we had together and was reluctant to leave it behind. Especially after five years of being together."

"But she chose her career over you in the end," Mitch concluded.

Troy closed his eyes, and exhaled. "I told her to take the job."

Mitch shook his head. "Aw, dude..."

"I knew her. If she didn't take that job, she'd regret it for the rest of her life. And since neither of us were willing to do the long-distance thing... It was heartbreaking for both of us, but in the end, I feel we made the best choice." Troy folded his arms. "...Besides, even when we were together, there were guys throwing themselves at her. I knew she'd have no problem finding a new guy when she was ready for it. In fact, she's seeing this dude she met over there."

Mitch quietly listened to him.

"...The truth was, I was going to propose to her when she got back, but of course that didn't work out. I hadn't bought the ring yet, so at least I didn't waste any money. But I still think about how things would've been like if things were different. Like, if her family never moved back, or if she never got that offer in the first place. Or if I'd been a bit selfish when she asked for my opinion. But in the end, I didn't want to be the guy holding her back."

Mitch handed the photos back to him. "Well, I may have been a bit insensitive to tell you to leave her in the past. I guess it's a bit hard when it was that serious. ...But come on! If you dwell on what could have been, you'll never really move forward in life. You get me?"

Troy nodded. "Yeah, I get you. At least I got one last macro play session out of her before she left. And since I knew we wouldn't see each other for a while, we packed in as much stuff as we could. It was pretty awesome." He started to reminisce on that night.


Troy stood on the hard floor of his bedroom, his two-inch-tall body engulfed by the shadow of his gigantic girlfriend Dorothy as she looked back down on him. The room was filled with a bittersweet silence as the two of them stared at each other; they knew that this would be the last time in a long while that they'd be able to macro play with each other.

Dorothy was moving away, at least temporarily. In fact, this would be the last night that she would be in the country, as the following day, she and her family would pack up and move back to their home country Taiwan. To help ease the burden, Dorothy had decided to go with-

("Troy! Hey, you're doing it again!")


Troy was snapped out of his thoughts by Mitch's voice. Indeed, he had been caught in yet another daydream about his ex.

"My bad," Troy apologized.

"Dude, you drifted off on your feet right there," Mitch said. "That's really not good for you."

"Funny, I was actually doing a good job in trying to move on from her before today. ...But yeah, you're right. I can't keep dwelling on what was and what could have been."

Mitch nodded. "Yep."

"It's time to fully commit to finding someone new. With all the women out there, there's got to be SOMEONE else for me, right? I'm definitely gonna find her."

"And maybe she'll crush you just as good as your ex did," Mitch said in a slight-teasing tone.

Troy smiled. "Why stop here? I'll find someone who's even better than her at it."

Mitch laughed. "Now that's the spirit! ...Oh, I should get back to the game. Also, you're gonna have to tell me how she ate and swallowed you later. It might give me some ideas, but knowing you, I doubt it."

Troy shrugged. "Alright."

"Awesome. Well, time to see what's going on out here." With that, Mitch walked away from the doorway and returned to the living room.

Troy looked at the pictures in his hand for a few seconds, before walking back to his shoebox of photos and placing them back inside. Putting the lid back over it, he picked it up from his bed and shoved it back under it.

He walked to the window and looked out into the world outside. The sky was still a deep blue littered with puffy white clouds as the sun shone brightly in it. Cars buzzed by in the street below as various people, young and old, walked by. His eyes darted between various attractive women who passed below.

"I'll find her," Troy said, his resolve having been strengthened. "I'll find my perfect woman. ...And my perfect crusher."


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