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13. 1/8 inch. Unaware. F/M/f.


I had been shrunk, like many people around the world, for seemingly no reason. Luckily, my girlfriend had found me, at only u39; of an inch tall. I was one of the lucky ones, I guess. News reports have shown scientists doing tests on shrunken people like me. No, thank you. She decided to keep me hidden from the public, from my parents, and quietly take care of me. Maybe they’ll find a cure one day. Who knows. But it’s been five years now. She’s had to move on with her life as a beautiful young nursing student. She’s met someone else, and now they live together. Zack. I hate Zack. I hate him because he’s fucking my girlfriend, and I’m shorter than the current growth on her pinkie toenail, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I am kept in the back of my girlfriend’s (ex-girlfriend’s?) sock drawer. She has never told him about me. Thank God. I never want to meet him. So today, I’m sitting in my drawer, as usual, and I can hear the two giants wake up and fuck each other. I hate this life. But what can I do? Be studied in some lab somewhere, or just exist, hoping there’s a cure coming soon. So eventually they’re done, croonings of love and such, gross, and Sara (my love) gets up and says she’s heading to the corner store. I can’t see anything, stuck in this drawer, but I’m used to their routine. Sara leaves, Zack stomps around the house making coffee or food and watching tv, and I hide in my dark drawer hoping he doesn’t find me. He and I might have been friends if I was the same size as him, he seems like an okay guy. But I’m not. I’m a tiny speck in his girlfriend’s sock drawer. He soon comes back into the bedroom where I am hidden. “Shit, where are my cigarettes, am I out?” I can’t see but hear him stomping around the room, searching. But then my world is shook. The drawer I hide in flies open, and I am flung into the brightness of the daytime light. Zack’s face stands above me as I cower against the back of wooden drawer. “Maybe Sara has some extra smokes in here,” the giant mumbles. He doesn’t see me, but I’m shaken from my comfort as he with two hands moves around Sara’s socks, looking for an errant pack of cigarettes. His gigantic fingers pause, and I am terrified, standing against the back of the drawer gazing up at his middle fingernail. It’s, to me, maybe ten feet in front me, and fifty feet tall. There’s five feet of white growth, and his nail bed extends 45 feet above me, and then the finger scales up into the sky. My girlfriend’s new lover. I run over and start to punch Zack’s fingernail, screaming, “Fuck you, fuck you, get out of here!” I guess what? Nothing happens. Of course at my size he feels nothing. The finger in front of me flies up from my view. Good. He’s gone. But then all the tied up socks I’m surrounded by are thrown around. Zack seemingly is shaking around Sara’s socks out of frustration. I am knocked and tossed around until I land upon a soft black sock that barrels through the air, knocked out of the drawer. I bounce off the sock as it hits the ground and slide across a smooth pink surface. I am on the giant’s big toenail. Zack is a tall guy, and fittingly he has large feet. When I’ve been out of the drawer before and walking around on the floor (as Sara allows when we are home alone), I’ve been dwarfed by his size 13 tennis shoes. Now, resting on one of his feet, I can really sense the ridiculous size that I am. I must take action: I could run towards the tip of his toenail and jump, maybe to my death. Running off one side would get me stuck between his big toe and long second toe. Maybe my only option is to slide off his toe, placing me directly on the floor in between the giant’s two feet. Shit, no good options. I look above me as Zack pulls out drawer after drawer of the chest searching for an elusive pack of cigarettes. Oh, I could run onto his big toe to his skin, grab a hold of one of his big toe hairs. Just hold on until I can figure out what the fuck to do. To survive. To get Sara’s attention. I run across the giant smooth nail, slide on my ass across it’s lunula, hop over the cuticle, and haul ass over the toe to the forest-like growth of hair that sticks out from his big toe knuckle. I wrap my arms around the closest hair and hang on for dear life. My God, I hate this. “Screw it,” I hear him mumble angrily from over, as his foot lifts up and heads towards the kitchen. I am thrown up and down but manage to hold on for dear life. He stops in the kitchen to make coffee or something, I can’t tell, and I hear the front door open as Sara comes back home. She kicks her shoes off at the front door and walks towards Zack and, unknowingly, me. They stand towards one another and chat about what she’d picked up from the store. I hopelessly scream her name, knowing she won’t hear. Her large feet take a step towards his as she leans up to kiss him. Sara is shorter than Zack, so she places her foot on top of his, and I am quickly confronted with her big toe crushing me into the toe of her lover. This might be the end.




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