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As they watch T'lik and R'lia walk away with their bodies Nina and Jane freaked out. Jane was crying and Nina repeated over and over “This is a dream! This can't be happening!”

“Both of you be quiet” Tim yelled. The two of them stopped what they were doing and looked at him. “We can't panic” Tim said taking them both into a hug “We'll get through this.”

“But how?” sobbed out Jane.

“If they could do this then there must be someway to reverse it. You heard them say they were living under our kitchen table. We'll just go to their home and find out how they did it. Once we know that it'll be simple to repeat the process and get you back in your bodies.”

“But what about you.” asked Nina.

“Well let's hope there's a way to grow me back too.” Tim said looking away. Nina looked into his eyes and squeezed his hand. “You're right. If we work together we'll get through this.” she then looked down and a toothy smile grew on her face. “And maybe along the way will get you something to hide Little Tim.”

Tim remembers he isn't wearing any clothes and when he looks down he sees his member had grown slightly hard. He covered his penis up with his hands before Jane laughed and said “You might as well uncover that. It's not like we're wearing anything either.” For the first time Tim noticed the bug's bodies were uncovered as well. He didn't know if they didn't mind nakedness or couldn't make clothes. He could see the thin slits between their legs and bare breasts which were C cups. “Stay calm Tim. Keep it together. You don't want mini you to get fully erect now do you?” he thought. Tim began walking in the direction of the kitchen and said “We should start moving. I don't want to see what happens when they get back here.” The girls nodded and started walking beside him. The kitchen was in the next room but at their size it'd take them to nightfall to get there.

* * *

T'lik and R'lia walked back to the living room about a half an hour later carrying a variety of snacks. They made sure to walk on the area they left the 'micros' in as they made their entrance. In their arms were potato chips, candy, and sodas along with some DVDs. The snacks were from crumbs they sampled over the years and fell in love with. Now with their new bodies they could have the full size versions and as much as they wanted. They were going to eat the snacks while watching the Mimic movies which they chose for obvious reasons. While the intro ads came on R'lia leaned over and talked with T'lik.

“Do you think we stepped on them?” she asked while inspecting her dirty foot.

“No. They wouldn't stick around after our ultimatum.” T'lik answered.

“How do you know?” she probed

“We wouldn't.”

R'lia was quiet for a few minutes until she said “Do you think it was right?”

“What?” T'lik asked no quite hearing her.

“Do you think it was right stealing their bodies?”

“R'lia” she said softly putting her hand on her friend. “They've done nothing but live carefree lives while we struggled to survive. We're just taking out turn at the top of the food chain.”

“But we never really knew how their lives really were. It was guessing on our part. What if they had trouble surviving like we did?”

“Look at this house.” T'lik said while gesturing around. “No one who is struggling to survive would live in a place like this.”

“I don't know...” said R'lia not entire convinced.

“Look. We can look over their memories while we sleep these next few nights. I know you always wanted to drive.”

“I can't wait!” R'lia said genuinely excited.

“When we look over all of their memories which should take a week or so we'll see that we were right about them living decadent and wasteful lives.” By this point T'lik was trying to convince herself.

They watched the movie in silence and turned in early with heavy thoughts.

* * *

It was the middle of the night when they reached the kitchen table. The table was oval shaped with four chairs around it and a single central stand. They searched around the stand looking for anything that looked like a home until Nina found a little hole in one side. Fortunately Nina and Jane's new eyes could see in the dark while Tim had to be led around by them. Crawling inside they found the bugs home. It was a small little spherical room. Holes for two beds were carved in opposite sides and little shelves holding various items on the rest of the wall. Nina walked over to one of the beds which had a piece of cloth torn from somewhere serving as the blanket. Cloth or no cloth it was getting very cold and they were all shivering. Tim tried to be the big strong man and said the girls should take the beds while he slept on the floor but they were having none of it. With how cold it was getting he'd definitely freeze. Jane said she had no problem sharing the bed with him and that was the end of it. As they climbed into bed trying to escape the cold they couldn't help feel sorry for R'lia and T'lik. It was bonechilling cold and it was only summer! They couldn't imagine how cold it got for them in the winter! Sleep soon took them in it's embrace.

The next morning Tim was rocked awake by a smiling Nina. He was laying on his stomach and Jane on top of his back. The blanket fit comfortably over them and their shared body heat kept them quite warm through the night. Nina rocked Tim ans Jane until they woke up and told them what happened. When she got up she looked at some of the papers they bugs had on the shelves but was discouraged when she saw it was in some type of bug language and she couldn't read it. Not one moment later she realized she could read it for some reason. Jane discovered she could read the language too. They all agreed that being in the bugs' bodies must have given them access to their memories. Nina then remembered something else and pulled out a book made of paper and cardboard.

“What's that?” asked Tim.

“It's T'lik's journal.” Nina answered flipping through the pages. “She wrote spells and all types of info in here.”

“Well if you guys have their memories then you know where they store their food? I haven't eaten in over a day and neither have you guys.”

Jane then closed her eyes thinking it over. When she opened them again she went over to the shelves and on the very top pulled down a large bundle of paper and a small jar carved from wood. The jar was filled with clean water and in the paper bundle was a slightly stale crumb of toast. The 3 began to dig into the rather bland meal but it was better than starving. When Tim questioned if there was anymore Jane admitted this was the bug's last one. They knew the late night snacking the bugs had so they planned to return to the living room and collect the crumbs. Climbing out of the hole they were greeted once again by Jane's now R'lia's bare paw. They wanted to get back to the living room and knew hitching a ride would be better then walking. They all climbed onto the paw holding tightly to the caramel fur. It isn't long before R'lia gets up and walks off.

The ride on her foot wasn't as comfortable as they imagined. The held on to the top of her foot trying their hardest not to end up under it but it was very difficult. The loud booms her footsteps made made their eardrums tingle. If they were even a little bit louder then they'd be bleeding. The movement of her foot threw them around like a bucking bull. They prayed for their torment to end and end it did but not in the way they expected. Looking up they saw R'lia didn't go to the living room. She instead went by the front door. R'lia then raise the foot they were on and lower in back down. When they saw where she was lowering it they all began screaming in terror. R'lia was lowering her foot towards a pair of worn running shoes. Back in her original body Jane would take regular runs around the neighborhood. After looking at her a few of her memories R'lia thought this would be a great idea. She could wait to see the world of the giants first hand. Her foot settled into the shoe carrying its unnoticed passengers. The action flung the 3 tinies into different positions. Nina fell in between the toes, while Jane held onto the red polished claw for dear life. Tim however had it the worst. He feel underneath her foot pinned by the giant pad of her sole. Luckily the insole was still fairly soft so he sunk into it instead of being flattened. R'lia opened the door and stepped outside. The summer day had just begun. It was a bit hot but R'lia didn't care. A couple of neighbors waved at her and she waved back. A few men blew kisses at her and she blew some back smiling. Those were some nice men. What she didn't know was that it was because of the outfit she picked to wear that day.

Despite having access to all of their memories of the bodies they inhabited R'lia and T'lik were fairly uninterested in them. They only looked up something when they wanted to like how to operate the many electronics in the house. T'lik was fairly frustrated this morning they couldn't get on the computer but it belong to Timothy and only he knew the password. R'lia picked out the outfit she was wearing purely on aesthetics and utility. She knew it would be hot so she put on a pair on booty shorts that Jane never wore due to them being too slutty and being slightly too small. This let a very noticeable camel toe appear between her legs. She wore a small tank top that showed an awful lot of her bare well toned belly.

R'lia walked over to the sidewalk across the brick path leading to it from the porch. She wanted to walk across the grass and feel the blades of grass that once towered over flatten beneath her shoes but feared for the bugs that inhabited it. R'lia and T'lik were the only bugs brave enough to live in the house. Everyone else lived in the front and backyards. She didn't know anyone in the front yard since she and T'lik were born and raised in the backyard but was still nervous at the thought of crushing fellow bugs. She was going to be a kind responsible giant unlike the ones who previously inhabited these bodies.

When she got to the side walk she limbered up. Wiggling her toes completely unaware of the hell she was causing her passengers R'lia began her run in earnest.
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