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Author's Chapter Notes:

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoy this one, and as always if you do or want to give feedback a review is much appreciated and helps me write faster.

As my nose started to become desensitized to the awful mix of dirt and dirty laundry, I was thankful that the air conditioning came from the floor, rather the ceiling. This prevented me from dying from a heat stroke, and consequently prevented the smell of Lexi's feet getting worse from sweat. I believe Lexi has fallen asleep, but sadly I'm  unable to do the same, with the extreme loudness of the plane and the chitter-chatter of all the passengers. I also have to consider that how to get unstuck from Lexi's foot before the plane ride ended. I don't like my chances of survival if she slides those flip-flops back on, and I don't plan having my life ended underfoot. On the bright side, the aforementioned AC was drying up the snot that kept me captive, so I think I should be able to break free from Lexi's sole. I began to struggle, wiggle, and attempted to claw my way out, but it was no use. I wasn't able to properly move being pressed up against her foot, more did I have anyway to get her attention, the oblivious girl that she is. 
I began to feel movement, and I started to hear a digging inside Lexi's purse, signifying that she had awoken, the cause likely being the loud conversation of the two guys sitting in front of her. She moved her left leg so that her ankle was resting on her right knee, giving me a full view of what she was digging for in her purse. She promptly pulled out her phone, the likely reason being to check to see if I had responded to her calls and texts. After hearing a dissapointed grunt from her, Lexi pulled out a pair of red earbuds from her purse, plugged them into the IPhone, and turned on some music. More likely than not this was to block out some of the loud, obnoxious noises of the plame so she could sleeo more easily. She then stuffed her phone in her ample bosom. She would always do that, especially when I'm around, as if due show off her prowess, even though she's only a C-cup. It must have turned into a habit overtime, as she wouldn't just do it to her phone, but her wallet, tissues, and even coins some time. It did make sense though with her personality being so open and straightforward. She then agressively started wiggling her left foot and toes, signing me up for an unwanted ride. I saw a similar group of red fingernails approach my temporary dwelling. The begun scratching in the area around me, and one nail ended up touching me.
"Oh gross...." Lexi spoke, now noticing the snot on her foot. She pulled out another tissue from her purse, and wiped off the bottom of her right foot, sweeping me up in the tissue. The tissue was raised up to her nose, turned on its clean side, and Lexi blew her nose violently one more time. 
The incredibly force wedged me out of the back of the tissue, causing me to fall straight down. Just as I thought death was upon me, my fall was met with a giant...
I landed on something that felt like an airbag filled with water mixed with a trampoline. It turns out, the bust that Lexi had so frequently strutted proudly had cushioned my fall. Though upon landing on her left breast, the sweat combined with the curvature caused me to immediately fall directly into her cleavage. 
I screamed as I fell, hoping she might hear me, but those earbuds did there job, and I ended up directly on top of her phone, being uncomfortably pressed up against two sweat-seeping bouncy castles with Lexi completely unaware.
Sadly my nose wasn't desensitized to Lexi's disgusting BO, as I was forced to suffer through yet another smell torture session. As I began to feel like the unluckiest person ever, I heard what I thought might be my salvation. 
"Ladies and gentlemen we will begin are descent, please fasten all seatbelts," the pilot announced in a monotone voice.
My salvation came with some downfalls, however, as the increase in turbulence had a direct relationship with the bouncing of Lexi's chest. I felt as if though I was in a washing machine, being tumbled, tossed, and soaked in my chestal prison. Thankfully I felt the plane touch down, and with it a feeling of relief came over me. 
"I may be in a terrible position, but just surviving the plane ride gives me some confidence," I thought.
Lexi slipped her flip-flops back on, rose from her seat, and shoved her way through a line of anxious people to enter the airport. 
"Hopefully those shoes can contain those monster feet of hers, I don't think I'll ever get over that experience," I lamented.
I could practically feel her seething anger through violent motions. 
"Thank you for choosing....." the pilot's voice faded off into the distance as Lexi exited. A cool wave of air hit me like a cool shower after a long run, as the fresh AC of this much newer airport gave me a much needed refresher. Lexi's up and down movement kept me from getting comfortable, but  the AC helped with her sweat to minimize her BO. 
"Seriously how often do I have to remind this girl to wear deodorant!" I figured that I would have to scold her about that when I get back to my normal size. 
"No, let's not get ahead of myself. I need to get Lexi's attention before I'm able to do anything." I decided to look above me, and besides Lexi's chin, I couldn't see much, but the fresh light of day shone through the glass ceiling of the airport. Lexi went to grab her luggage from the retrieval area, and then promptly rented the car we agreed to split the price on. 
"He SO owes me money now!" Lexi spit out fiery words under her breath. Lexi ignored the well wishings of the perky rental car lady and got in the brand new car, which thankfully had decent AC. She exited the parking garage, making her way to the villa.

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