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Author's Chapter Notes:

Hi guys! Man this is like one of my favorite chapters I've ever written, get ready for a great plane ride! As always reviews are very much appreciated, and they help me post more and creat higher quality stories. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

Thankfully Lexi keeps her purse cleaner than herself, so there is plenty of room for me to make myself comfortable. There wasn't much room for light to peek in through the purse, so I started to blindly look for something comfortable that I could rest on; which is plenty fair considering I practically just sprinted a marathon. The burning feeling in my legs aside, I curled up against something that felt like a rectangular stack of cotton, and the rhythm of Lexi's footsteps lulled me into a state of false security.


"Where is he......?" Lexi spoke, a tinge of anger and anxiety in her voice. 
"He should of been here by now, he's ALWAYS early."
Lexi sneezed into her right arm, and thankfully I wasn't in the splash zone, due to her wearing her purse on her left arm.


"Oh yeah, all this dust must be killing her allergies," I realized. "Now only if I could get her attention, so she won't  worry anymore about meeting up with me."
I began to contemplate possible ideas, but the up and down movement of Lexi's  purse became a distraction, and I couldn't come up with any realistic ideas.


"I better call him....," Lexi's habit of talking aloud continued.
"Oh crap, I lost my phone along with my carry-on back in that room," I remembered. Another way to get her attention lost. Lexi's call was greeted with my answering machine, and on response she aggressively shoved her phone into her purse, nearly squashing me into my cotton bed in the process. After hearing Lexi swear several times, a new voice chimed in.


"All passengers for flight 23 to South Carolina, Hilton Head, please begin boarding." This was greeted by Lexi swearing even more under her breath, and the sudden continuation of footsteps.


"He'll meet me there," she muttered. "He couldn't make this flight, but he can afford another one of these cheap-ass tickets."


"Even though I'm tiny, I'm still incredibly excited to head to Lexi's aunt's villa." My now excited attitude got the better of me, and yet again a false sense of security washed over me. Lexi entered the plane, and I peeked out of her purse to see that it is just as dusty and old as the airport.
"Sheesh, they could clean this thing once in a while," I heard Lexi mutter. Her passing comments made me feel comfortable in this situation; I absolutely love her blunt personality. Lexi moved towards the very back of the plane towards our seats, securing the window seat, placing her purse in the middle seat, and a middle-aged women taking the aisle seat. 
Time passed and I fell asleep, exhausted from this new body experience. However, I was awoken shortly by a gruff voice, "Ladies and gentlemen we will now begin our flight, as a reminder please fasten all seat belts and secure all carry-ons. The sudden acceleration of the plane squished me into my cotton bed further, creating a strangely uncomfortable yet comfortable situation at the same time. As we took off, I rose slightly out of my bed, back into my previous position, wiping the sweat of my brow. 
The gruff voice continued, "Ladies and gentlemen you are now free to move around the cabin."
With that, I tried to return to my sleep, when another sound interrupted me.
"ACHOOO!!!" Lexi sneezed violently into her arm. 
"Ah dammit, she muttered. Sniffling followed her words, which further testified that her allergies were bad. 
"Ah poor girl," I began to think, when a group of red-painted fingernails entered the purse. Her hand began moving around grabbing and testing several items, she's clearly looking for something. 
"Oh.....where are they......"
A shadow began to form over me, and a giant, silky white hand began to descend over my location. I had suddenly realized what my cotter bed was.
I had realized too late though, as I got up to run, I was pressed into the front of the tissue, and Lexi's hand lifted me up like a claw lifting up a stuffed bear at an arcade game. 
"Crap!" I screamed, muffled by my cotton captor. The tissue was brought up to Lexi's nose, and I was now face to face with a pair of nostrils. My hope that Lexi would notice me before she used it vanished, as her dark brown eyes began to close as she....
"ACHOOO!!!" her head was flung forward, diving me into a nostril, and covering me in lukewarm snot. 
"SHNNNNNNN," the torture continued as she blew her nose further, blobs raining down like meteors, landing on my torso and legs, and splash zoning the crap out of my face.
"This is soooo disgusting!!!" I shouted aloud, my sounds blocked.
I went flying out of Lexi's hands and under the seat diagonal to her.
A similar gruff voice began speaking. 
"Folks, we're experiencing some turbulence, so we advise you to stay in your seats."
Lexi, knowing that she needed to pick up her tissue, did the logical thing. Being unable to reach it with her hands and having her seat belt on, she slips off her sandals, and they fall to the floor with a thud. She displays her silky soles in front of the tissue, revealing all the dirt and lint residing at the bottom of them. Lexi being five foot eight, her legs are easily able to stretch out and reach it. Her soles descend onto the tissue, and a smell hits me that is even more disgusting than the snot. It continues to worsen as her sole gets closer, and finally comes in contact with the rest of my body. I feel myself getting rubbed off onto the ball of her foot as her toes attempt clench the top of the tissue. Now successful in her endeavor, she promptly brings her foot up to her hands, and removes the tissue, but DOESN'T  remove the most important thing on that tissue.....ME!!!
I remain a cohabitant with her dirt and sock lint at the the bottom of her foot, unable to break free from the wretched snot that keeps me stuck to it. Her silky foot swaying back in forth. She ends up crossing her right leg, the one I'm on, over her left leg, and leaning back to get comfortable. 
This is gonna be one long plane ride.

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