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Andrew skulked quickly along the empty corridor, keen to beat the bell indicating the end of the school day. At 2 foot  11, there was a serious risk of being trampled by large, fast moving students keen to get home.
"Where are you rushing off to, little boy?"
Blood rushed to Andrew's otherwise pale face as the booming voice followed him down the corridor, causing him to abruptly stop. The patronising voice belonged to Miss Cole, Andrew's counsellor. The school he attended thought regular talks with a counsellor would be beneficial to Andrew, given his size and him being the only male pupil at Plumptons Academy. Another contributing factor was the death of Andrew's parents. When he was very young, Andrew's Mother died of cancer, leaving his Father to raise him alone. A year later when the virus killed most of the world's male population, Andrew's Father also died and he was adopted into an all female household.

Andrew put on a feigned brave smile and turned. Miss Cole stood outside her office.  She was in her mid thirties, although she dressed as a much younger woman. Today she wore a tight black dress which accentuated her wide curvaceous hips and large motherly breasts. His eyes followed her long, thick legs down to see the black heels she wore today, adding to her already superior height. Her long black hair and the red lipstick she wore contrasted against the pretty pale perfection of her face. She looked down at him with a sort of toying curiosity. A sly smile was turned at the corners of her mouth.
"Any reason why you didn't turn up for counselling yesterday little one?"
Andrew winced. He hated how she referred to his size when she spoke to him and although he never told her this, he knew she knew it. And she enjoyed it.
There was a very good reason Andrew avoided counselling the previous day and that was because she made him feel even smaller than he already was. She spoke down to him, made him feel like he wasn't an equal in society and instead gave advice on how to deal with this instead of building up his confidence, a problem she knew he struggled with. The most disturbing thing about it was she clearly got a thrill out of doing this. One time she got so worked up she told Andrew to give her a foot massage. He initially refused but after she threatened to give him a weeks personal detention with her, he got on his knees and did it.
"I'm sorry Miss Cole, it must have slipped my mind" Andrew stammered, frustrated he couldn't come up with a better excuse.
The sly smile erupted into a sinister grin upon hearing this. "Looks like it was about to "slip your mind" again today too Andrew. I suggest you step into my office and sit down before I punish you", her eyes becoming wider and more intense at the thought of this.
Andrew took one last sad look at the exit door he was so close to reaching, then turned and shuffled towards Miss Cole's Office. 


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