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Author's Chapter Notes:



I am so happy to be updating for you all :D


Now that you understand the magic behind this story, it's time we move on to the interactions >:)


I hope you all enjoy <3



Now without further adoo,



turn off the lights,



sit back,



Get cozy,











~ Prolog ~


 Mirajane hummed happily as she cleaned off the counter at the guild's bar. Things had gone back to normal once Lucy had returned to her original size. Even with the prospect of Lucy shrinking once more, she still enjoyed playing with her Lucy at her full height, not that she wouldn’t be overjoyed to have her tiny Lucy once more but, for now she was content.

Mirajane tapped her chin in thought, now that she thought about it when would her Lucy shrink? ‘Porlyusica said if she used her Magic It would speed up the process but she’s hasn’t applied for any jobs yet, so if she just wait’s is there a specific time it will take?’

Sighing Mira wiped off the last of the counter before going up the stairs to the second floor. ‘I want my Lucy small again but if she goes on missions she’ll have to take her medicine, and if that happens if she doesn’t use any magic then it could be weeks before she shrinks again.’

That troubled her greatly; her legs where already twitching at the prospect of Lucy small once more, she couldn’t wait for it! As she moved to the landing she scowled upon seeing Laxus leaning back in a chair with his feet propped up on one of the tables there, apparently he was still around from the day before.

“Laxus get your feet off the table I’m trying to clean.” The Lightning mage opened an eye to see her before smirking and going back to his nap. Mirajane growled in annoyance before turning to clean the table behind her instead.  As she moved towards it however she froze as she looked at the request board in front of her.

The S-Class request board was few with quests but what caught her eyes was one of the sheets having been torn off, someone took an S-Class mission! Instantly Mirajane ran down the stairs in a panic. “Master, one of the S-Class quests is missing!”

Makarov took a sip from his cup before spitting it out in shock. “What!” Panic spread quickly across the guild hall as people wondered who was suicidal enough to take one of those. “Anyone know who took off with it?” Macao asked with worry.

“Well it was either someone really strong or really stupid,” Levi frowned shaking her head. “I know,” All eyes were cast upwards as they looked at Laxus who sat there grinning. “A little blue cat flew up here and ripped it off the board.”

Mirajane’s eyes widened, “It was happy!”  If Happy took the request then that means he and Natsu were going on it. The chatter flared back up as the guild went into an uproar. Mirajane grit her teeth before storming back up the staircase. “LAXUS! If you knew, why didn’t you stop them?” Laxus smirked closing his eyes as he lay back again.

“Oh lighten up, all I saw was a blue cat flying off with a piece of paper in its mouth trying to act all sneaky, I had no idea it was happy. Besides Natsu’s not cleared for S-Class, I never dreamed he’d break the rules.”

Mirajane’s glared at him with such hatred she hadn’t felt in years, ‘There’s only one blue cat in the guild don’t give me that.’  Laxus chuckled seeing her enraged expression, “You haven’t given me that look in a while.”

Makarov sighed shaking his head, they had just gotten over one incident and now another emerged. “This isn’t good, well what job was it.” He crossed his arms looking back at them. “For lifting the curse on Galuna Island,” Mirajane said darkly.

“WHAT!” Makarov screeched in panic, that was a death sentence! If the guild wasn’t frenzied before, her words just fanned the flames now. “Laxus go and fetch them at once!” Makarov screamed in anger but was brushed off by Laxus who only grinned.

“Yea right, I got better things to do gramps. And besides everybody in Fairy Tail’s supposed to be able to take care of themselves, right?” Mirajane looked away as her expression darkened. ‘Natsu must have taken this quest after his fight with Erza yesterday but why this one?’

Her breath hitched as she went over the words on the flyer in her mind. ‘Reward 7,000,000 jewels and… and a golden Celestial Gate Key… No, Natsu couldn’t have taken the quest for her she was…’ Mirajane broke into a sprint leaving a few members confused as she bolted out of the guild hall in a panic.

‘No, no, no! She wouldn’t have done it, she knows after what I told her happened that these are dangerous!’ As Mirajane ran up to her house she checked the door before feeling her heart drop, it was unlocked. She had locked it before she left so only Lucy could have opened it from the inside.

“LUCY!” Mirajane screamed running through her home, “LUCY!” She received no response however. Tears began to form both in anger and sadness, Lucy was with Natsu… and they were headed to Galuna Island…




~ Hargeon ~



“NATSU WILL YOU LET ME GO ALREADY!” Lucy screamed struggling in vain as she was bound and tied to a string hanging at his hip. “That depends are you going to try and run again?” “YES!” Natsu grinned shaking his head, “Then no of course, besides we’re doing this for you, you said you needed rent money anyways.

‘Yea two weeks ago!’ “Natsu please you’ve got to let me go, if Mira finds out that I’m doing this she’ll kill me!” Natsu and Happy looked at her confused. “I would think you’d be more scared of Erza,” Happy shivered.“E-E-Erza!” Lucy went rigid, she had forgotten about that scarlet haired monster!

“PLEASE LET ME GO I DON’T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE WITH HER EITHER!” Lucy cried struggling with new vigor. “Oh relax, besides if we do this then we won’t get in any trouble at all, and we’ll be S-Class!” He flashed her a thumbs up.

“If we come back alive…” Lucy cried in vain…







Lucy rubbed her arms in discomfort; apparently she could still feel whatever afflicted her when she grew back. Being tied up for so long the ropes had dug into her arms painfully. After hours of arguing she had finally struck a deal with Natsu, if they couldn’t find a boat to Galuna, then they’d just head back. Along with that they also had to let her go.

He was against it off the bat considering he wanted to swim there but Happy had won him over. “Seriously guys next time you kidnap me at least let me grow back to my actual height, it's demeaning when you carry me like that,” she crossed her arms in annoyance.

“Will do,” He cheered running down the stone pathway leading to the harbor. ‘He said that with a straight face, will this become a common occurrence from now on…’ Hanging her head in defeat she sighed before following after him, and prayed there were no sailors around who would be stupid enough to go to this island.

‘It’s a cursed island for crying out loud there can’t be a long line of people willing to take us.’ As they neared a dock they saw a couple people kneeling beside a boat as one of them tied it off. “I guess that’s as good a first try as any.” Nodding Happy flew alongside her as they went over to them.

“Excuse me, me and my friends were wondering if we could charter a boat to Galuna Island.” Lucy said cheerfully. One of the men gave her a look like she had grown a second head. “Galuna Island, no way not for a million jewel.”

The other guy nodded frowning at them. “Around here its bad luck to even mention that name.” Lucy nodded waving goodbye to them. As she turned a smirk graced her lips, it was like she thought. No sailor in their right mind would want to go there.

“Well I guess we’ll have to keep looking,” Happy sighed flying forward towards Natsu. As the three continued from one end of the harbor to the other it was the same everywhere they went. Lucy felt her mood brightening by the second, they wouldn’t have to stay here much longer than she could go back to her Mira and explain everything, she must have been worried sick.

As they moved to one of the last boats Natsu and Happy where slouching as they hung their heads. “A deals a deal guys, if the last sailors here say no we go back and you tell them that you kidnapped me!” Lucy said triumphantly. “HEY it’s not over yet there’s still people who can take us!” Natsu growled angrily storming over to the next guy.

Lucy smirked shaking her head, the curse was very well known around here, she didn’t have a doubt in her mind no one would. “Excuse me but could we charter your boat to Galuna Island?” An older gentleman looked up at the three surprised.

“Don’t know why you’d want to go there but no sailor worth his salt gonna take you to Galuna. Not even Pirates will go near that place.” Lucy’s eyes widened in surprise, so even pirates didn’t want to sail towards that cursed place, and Natsu wants to do an S-Class mission there!

“I found you,” Someone said in a singsong voice. Lucy shrieked jumping out of her skin as someone grabbed her shoulder. Lucy quickly turned around in fright before it turned to shock. “It’s Gray!” Natsu pointed an accusing finger at him growling. “What are you doing here?!”

“Gramps found out about your hair brained scheme and sent me to bring you back.” He deadpanned shocking Natsu. “What, why where not in danger yet!” Lucy sweat dropped at the yet part. “If you come back now you might avoid being kicked out of the guild, maybe.” Gray smirked.

“Kicked out!” Lucy cupped her cheeks in fear that would be a nightmare! “I don’t care, I’m going on this S-Class quest,” Natsu growled clenching his fists. “Natsu I don’t want to be kicked out!” Lucy cried but was paid no mind by the enraged Dragon slayer.

“Man your way out of your league here just come home! When Erza finds out about this she’s going to be so angry.” Everyone paled at the thought. ‘I like living though…’ Happy cried flying behind Gray as he cowered in fear.

“Please gray you got to save me, I told them this was a bad idea but they forced me to come along.”, “YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!” Lucy screamed clenching her fist as she glared daggers at the blue cat.

Lucy watched with worry as there fighting escalated, both Gray and Natsu having activated there magic towards one another. ‘Oh no they’re going to destroy Hargeon… again.’ “Magic?” Lucy blinked looking behind her at the Sailor who eyed them all in surprise.

“Excuse me but are you wizards?” Lucy looked at him confused before nodding. “Have you come to lift the curse on the Island?” Lucy was about to tell him no it was a big misunderstanding but was beaten to it as Natsu grinned telling him they’d be the ones to do it.

The boatman looked around before pointing to his small vessel. “Get in.” “What?!” Lucy shrieked, they found someone who would take them! “Uhgg” Lucy blinked looking behind her before screaming in fright as Natsu lifted Gray over his shoulder.

“There we go; we’re ready when you are sir.” Natsu grinned happily. “A-Are you sure we should bring him with us?” Lucy stuttered with worry. She was all for Gray taking them back to Fairy Tail but if they brought him on the boat there was no going back.“Well we can’t let him go back and tell the guild, because the next person they’ll send is

Erza!” Lucy paled before appearing on the boat faster than Natsu and Happy could even see. “L-L-Lets go then, we d-don’t want to spend too much time here.” Shiver’s wrecked her body at the thought of the scarlet wizard.

Nodding Natsu got on board with Happy before they headed out towards Galuna Island, the unknown curse still waning over them as they wondered what they would encounter.





~ Fairy Tail ~




Mirajane paced back and forth grinding her teeth, everyone present keeping a good distance from the venomous mage as she fidgeted and twitched; she was pissed. ‘Lucy so help me god if you willingly went with Natsu your punishment will be excruciating!’

“M-M-Mira?” Mirajane turned angrily as she glared daggers at who interrupted her train of thought. Levy shivered as she was stared down by the older mage. “What is it…?” Gulping slightly Levy pulled out a small scroll extending her hand shakily.

“I-I-I t-thought you’d want to have a way to find Lulu in case something like this, w-well I don’t mean like THIS but if she vanished I mean.” Mirajane’s anger died off for a moment as she looked down at the small scroll.

“What is it?” Her curiosity started surfacing as the anger she felt before started to bleed away slowly. Taking a deep breath to calm herself Levy continued, “W-Well when you had me script her clothes I added in another layer of writing, in case she ever got lost at her small size.” Levy unrolled the scroll showing a small map of Fiore.

Mirajane felt the last of her anger fade as she looked at the map in surprise, why didn’t she think of something like this before? Looking over the map she frowned upon seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “How will this help me find my Lucy?”

“W-Well when Lulu’s medicine wears off she’ll shrink and since her clothes will shrink with her it will activate the second layer of magic. I haven’t tested it yet since she hasn’t shrunk yet but when she does it should show you her location somewhere on the map.”

Levy had planned on saving this as a surprise for Mira but the circumstances changed. Mirajane looked the small map over before her eyes landed on Hargeon. Scowling she folded it back up pocketing the small parchment. “Thank you Levy, I appreciate your foresight on this, I would have never thought of it.” A small smile graced her lips making the bluenette shiver.

“I-It’s my pleasure Mira, I just hope Lulu’s ok… do, do you think she went with Natsu?” Mira could hear the fear in her tone, she was just as frightened at the thought of Lucy vanishing as she was. “I don’t want to believe she would be that stupid but, I can’t imagine Natsu forcibly taking her with him either… I guess we’ll have to hear about it ourselves when Gray gets back.”


Levy nodded timidly looking away; she was scared for Lucy to.





~ Galuna Island ~




Lucy clenched her eyes in pain before slowly opening them, the morning’s sun shining down onto her. “W-Where, where am i?”Leaning up she rubbed her forehead in pain, a massive headache threatening her consciousness.

Looking back and forth she saw palm trees and a sandy beach as far as she could see. ‘Last night, we… we were hit by that tsunami and…’ she shook her head trying to remember what had happened. Apparently she had washed up on Galuna Island thankfully.

Getting to her feet she staggered momentarily before she gained her footing and looked around. She wasn’t the only one to wash ashore thankfully. Looking to her right she saw the three shapes of her friends in worse shape than she had been apparently still sleeping. “What a mess… the boat, it’s totaled…” Looking at how it turned out they had actually been very fortunate, the boat itself was left in splinters.

“Natsu, Gray, Happy!” She called out causing them to stir from their sleep. “W-where are we?” Gray groaned shaking off some sand from his face. Natsu looked up before grinning, “Looks like we made it you guys!” He laughed happily.

“I guess we're lucky that wave washed us ashore,”, “Well I don’t know if I would call it lucky,” Gray deadpanned. Lucy looked to the boat then back at the ocean frowning. “I can’t help but wonder what happened to that guy who brought us here, right after he told us about the curse he vanished.” It didn’t make any sense to her, where could he have gone?

“Forget about that stuff lets go exploring!” Natsu screamed getting to his feet, Happy quickly joining him just as enticed at the opportunity. ‘We’ve been here thirty seconds and they already forgot about the mission…’ Sighing in defeat Lucy got to her feet before helping Gray up before they set out; they had to do something now that there boat was in ruins.







 Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy had walked until nightfall, apparently the Island was vaster than they originally had accounted for. After hours of aimless wandering it was past dusk when they finally looked upon the massive gates of the sole village of the Island.

“Well we found the village, now what?” Gray said bluntly as they looked at the imposing wall before them clearly meant to keep others away. “Check out that gate, when they say keep out they mean it.” Natsu frowned unsure what to do next.

“Hey is anyone home, we came here to help you.” Lucy called out over the gate but got no response in return. ‘We also need help ourselves…’ “Let’s bust in,” Natsu grinned clenching his fist as he stared up at the wall.

“No way! You’ve already gotten me in trouble with our guild I don’t want a small Island to hate me to!” Lucy ground her teeth angrily before hearing voices from above. “Who goes there?” Lucy looked up seeing the armed men, they were definitely afraid of something.

“We’re Wizards of Fairy Tail, we came here because of you requested help.” The armed men bickered for a moment before looking back to the four below. “Why weren’t we notified when you accepted the job?” ‘Because we aren’t really here to do it and I was kidnapped by my idiot partner,’ Lucy scowled unsure of how to really respond but was beaten to it by Gray.

“Sorry it was probably just a mix-up with the paperwork,” The guards looked at one another skeptically before calling back to them once more. “Let me see your emblems!” Lucy left her right hand up showing her the back of it while Gray lifted his shirt exposing his chest and Natsu leaned to the side to show his on his shoulder.


Chatter flared up on the other side before the massive gate trembled as it opened for them.










Lucy rolled on her side as she slept, or at least tried to. It was proving impossible with both Gray and Natsu snoring so loudly, she wouldn’t be able to sleep at all! Sighing she clenched her eyes shut as she thought over what they all had learned.

Somehow the village was being cursed, by who knows what and it had to do with the moonlight… but the village chief’s request though, it was impossible. ‘Destroy the moon; he’s insane if he thinks we can do that, no Wizard can… not even Erza could.’

Her thoughts moved to the redhead as she blushed crimson, why was she plaguing her mind since they arrived? ‘I still think I should hate her but, I felt close to her again…’ Lucy recalled her conversations with the redhead the days prior and even the night alone they spent together.

She was strict, strong willed, and scarier than anything she had ever seen or heard of but… she felt safe. ‘Kind of like Mistress does…’ sighing once more she rolled to her side before snuggling into her small cot, her makeshift bed wasn’t the same without Mirajane… she missed her warmth.

‘Funny I’ve grown so accustomed to being next to someone when I sleep, it’s only been a few weeks since this all happened but, I can’t imagine life without it.’ Smiling fondly she slowly felt herself-slipping into a sleep, Natsu and Gray’s loud noises slowly being drowned out by her pleasant thoughts.








“It’s so early…”


“Yea I’m never up at this time…”



“You two kept me up all night and I’m not complaining so stop whining and let’s go!” Lucy grinned as she headed into the jungle, a very groggy Natsu and Gray following behind her slowly. As she walked something occurred to her however.

‘I haven’t used my magic since I shrank, and even when I changed back again I still haven’t summoned a single one of my spirits.’ Pulling out her keys she felt a small smile graced her lips as she pulled out a clock shaped key.

“Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation, Horologium!” The key shined bright silver before the summoning circle took shape. Appearing in a puff of smoke a large antique clock took form as it stood before Lucy.

“The time is 7:48, Good to see you Miss Lucy.” Lucy grinned up at her spirit nodding, it had felt like an eternity since she had summoned any of her spirits, and it was a relief to know the foreign magic coursing through her didn’t tamper with any of her own.

“It’s good to see you to Horologium; sorry I haven’t summoned you recently, things have been kind of hectic ~ she says despondently.” Horologium talked through her as she sat inside his hollow framework. Natsu and Gray looked at the two oddly as Horologium talked back and forth with himself, it was kind of weird to see.

“You should walk on your own,” “He’s right, did you just summon your spirit because you’re lazy?” Lucy scowled over her shoulder; they were ruining her touching reunion.  “Look, I haven’t seen any of my spirits in weeks and being forced to come to this Island isn’t making it any better, it’s curse is really freaking me out ~ she says nervously.”

“Are you kidding me this place is awesome!” Natsu screamed, embers leaking from his mouth excitedly. “Yea I could probably freeze this curse,” Gray mumbled tiredly. “You guys are idiots ~ she retorts disparagingly.”

As they continued walking Lucy was the first to notice something felt off. Blinking a few times she felt a gentle thumping, as if something large was coming towards them, she should know having spent the better part of a month smaller than her spirit Plue.

Turning her head Horologium followed robotically as she looked to see what was there before freezing in terror at the sight before them. “Whoa, what the?!” Natsu stammered looking up at the large creature behind them.

It looked like some kind of large rodent wearing a bonnet and apron. “It’s huge!” Gray pointed to the large creature as it cackled high above them. Lucy shivered in fear as she remembered how it felt to be minuscule compared to something much larger then herself.

“W-What are you waiting for beat it up you guys! ~ she yells frantically.” The large rodent leaned up as if preparing some form of attack. Before Natsu or Lucy could do anything however Gray took point as he moved his fist to his right hand. “Ice make shield.”

Lucy gasped in surprise as she saw the large sculpture of ice in front of her making a cone like shield. “Oh wow, it’s beautiful ~ she says in awe.” The large rat didn’t seem nearly as impressed however as is breathed a breath attack down on them below. As Gray and Natsu stood behind the shield and waited for the worst it finally hit them what that attack was.

“Guys what’s wrong?! ~ She answers in distress.” Horologium started to cough violently for a moment before a beeping went off. Lucy blinked in surprise as she felt herself falling to the ground, Horologium’s gate having been closed by the elder clock.

Lucy took one whiff of the smell before cover her nose in pain, her eyes watering from the smell. ‘It smells worse then what Erza made me do!’ Lucy felt the ground shaking once more as the large rodent cackled overhead. As it came into view Lucy shivered in disgust.

“IT’S A RAT! HAPPY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT” Lucy screamed pointing to the large creature. “WHAT ME?! I’M NOT THAT KIND OF CAT!” “Come on Natsu get up!” Gray called out as he looked to their downed teammate.

‘The smell must have knocked him out; his senses are sharper than ours.’ Natsu got to his feet slowly as he clenched in nose in pain. “LET’S GO!” He cried running off, Lucy and Gray quickly following suit as they ran after him. The large rat grinned before it gave chase, happily enjoying the role reversal of their species.

As they were being chased left and right they had to constantly dodge a plethora of blasts from the cackling rodent, breath after breath of it's disgusting foul stench. Gray finally turned having had it with the onslaught of attacks.

Clapping his hands together he slammed them into the ground. “Ice make floor!” Ice inched its way all across the landscape before completely covering the ground under them and the rat. The large rodent didn’t have time to stop however as it cried falling down unconscious as it hit its head on the ground.

Lucy let out a sigh of relief seeing the downed creature before she turned to leave. However something strange caught her eye. “Hey guys look over there, there’s a temple.” Lucy pointed to the brush behind some trees before she sweat dropped as she saw Natsu and Gray attacking the poor creature.

‘Should I feel bad for it?’ shaking her head she started walking herself, they’d eventually catch up with her anyways. As Lucy made her way to the base she saw a set of stairs leading up to the temple's entrance. As she ascended the stairs she couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful it looked age aside.

“This must be centuries old but the attention to detail is spot on,” Lucy stopped upon hearing the sound of cracking from under her. Shaking, she looked down in fear feeling it confirmed as a large crack began to spread under her. ‘Crap! Why can’t I be tiny now?’

“Calm down Lucy, as long as you make no sudden movements you’ll be-“, “Hey Luce you in here?” Lucy turned in fear as she saw the guys running up to her. “WAIT DON’T COME INSIDE THE TEMP-“Suddenly a loud crack echoed through as Natsu set foot inside the base of the chamber.


Instantly the floor crumbled under the three as they screamed falling down to the chambers below…





~ Off the coast of Hargeon ~




“Please just tell us what you want!” A large man screamed cowering on the deck of his own ship as he was glared at icily by the women standing over him. “I want you to take me to Galuna Island,” Her voice was stern and aggressive; she had a fire in her eyes.

“G-G-GALUNA?! Please take the ship but let us go we don’t want to be cursed.” The man cried in despair. “I can’t sail a ship on my own, and I need to get to that island. It’s imperative that I do, so whether you like it or not, you’re taking me.” Erza lifted her sword up pointing it to the man before her.

“Am I clear?” He quickly nodded along with his crewmates. ‘Lucy, you better not be dead…’ Erza looked into the distance as she ground her teeth in anger. ‘Because you’re going to be punished for this,’ Erza walked down the small set of stair leading to the deck as she went over the map Mirajane had given her, thankfully it wasn’t lit up yet, and hopefully it would stay that way…








~ The Temple of the Moon, base ~




 Lucy groaned leaning up, that was painful… or at least it should have been. Lucy looked down at the large pile of jagged rocks she was sprawled across before back up from where she fell. ‘That’s a long fall… but it only felt like a couple of feet at the most…’ Lucy scowled unsure of what that meant but shook it off as the pile of rocks next to her shifted.

Poking his head out from the rubble Natsu gasped for air shaking away some loose debris. “Hey is everyone ok?”, “I’d be better if you hadn’t knocked out the floor!” Lucy growled in annoyance. As the three got to their feet Lucy ignored Gray and Natsu as they squabbled with one another, something felt off.

“Wait Natsu!” Gray called out chasing after him. Sighing Lucy followed along, the dark feeling from before only rising as she felt herself going deeper into the massive chasm. As she ran she heard Natsu’s voice call out to her and Gray with worry.

‘That can’t be good…’ As she entered a large chamber she froze instantly as she saw a massive chunk of ice occupying the surrounding area, or more what was inside of it… it looked demonic. “I-Its, Its Deliora” Lucy looked at Gray shocked, he knew what this… Thing was?! What scared her however was the look of pure and unbridled fear he was showing towards it… she had never seen that look in him before.

“Gray calm down… can you tell us what it is?” Gray slowed his breathing as he tried to calm himself but was forced to move however as the three heard footsteps approaching from the chamber they had just came from.

Tugging Natsu and Gray behind a small clearing of rocks she ducked down and watched with worry as two figures entered, one with large spiked hair and the other with distinctive animalistic features. “The voices seemed to come from down here,” Lucy frowned unsure of what to do as the two began talking to one another, who were these guys?

“So Toby, where you exposed to the Moon Drip, You’ve got those pointy ears.” The shorter one said smirking as it enraged his companion. ‘Moon Drip? Could that be the name of this curse?’ She didn’t get much time to ponder it however as she heard another set of footsteps approaching from the chamber beside them.

Glancing to the side her breath hitched as she saw a woman walking up to the other two. “Yuka, Toby something terrible has happened.” The woman said in a depressed tone. “What now Sherry?”, “It’s Angelica, she’s been attacked and I’m sad.”

Lucy cringed after hearing the one known as Toby chewing her out about her pet rat. ‘That thing that attacked us was a pet?!’ “I don’t know who these people are but talk about a bunch of weirdo’s.” ‘Especially that pink haired chick…’

 Lucy blushed looking over her frame, personality aside she was kind of cute.’ Shaking her head she tried to rid herself of the thoughts, this wasn’t the time to be fantasizing about the enemy… even if she had perky breasts.

Lucy heard something falling to the tunnel left of them and saw Happy flying back behind the rocks. The three from before pointed in that direction before chasing after the echoing noise. “Nice job cat,” Lucy smirked seeing Happy moving back to their group.

“Aye,” He grinned walking between the others as they watched the three from before disappearing into the distance. As they were left alone Lucy looked back at the massive creature before them with worry. “Alright Gray you seem to know what this is, can you tell us?”

Lucy looked to her teammate with worry seeing his shaking with fear. Whatever this thing was it really rattled him up… “It’s Deliora, the Demon of Destruction.” As they listened to Gray’s tale the situation they were in seemed to only get worse and worse by every passing word.

Once finished Lucy thought over what had been said quietly. ‘So they moved this demon here to Galuna for some reason? It has to do with the curse somehow.’ “We need answers,” Lucy mumbled quietly. “Agreed, let’s go track down those three and beat it out of them.” Natsu grinned about to chase after them but was stopped by Gray.

“No, where going to stay here and wait for the moon to come out.” Gray said more as an order then a statement. “The moon?! But it’s the middle of the afternoon!” Natsu screeched. Lucy walked to a small corner of their hiding spot before sitting down quietly. If Gray wanted to wait then they’d wait, this had something to do with him now anyways.

As she watched Natsu fall asleep almost as soon as his rant was over she couldn’t help but feel envious. ‘I couldn’t sleep at all last night without Mira beside me…’ sighing she swung her feet back and forth quietly as she waited… and waited… and waited… and…

“Crap this is boring! I know we have to wait but this is terrible…” She groaned hanging her head dejectedly. ”Wait I know what to do!” Lucy grinned. Reaching for her keys she flipped through them until she came upon a silver key with the image of a lyre etched into it.

“Open gate of the harp constellation, Lyra!” The doorbell chimed as a silver magic circle formed from the key. With a puff of Smoke Lucy grinned about to greet her spirit before screaming in surprise as she was tackled to the ground.

“Lucy!” Lyra cried clutching Lucy in a death hug as she gripped her on the ground. “H-H-Hey Lyra?” Lucy gasped out in surprise. “Oh wow I haven’t seen you in forever, you had me worried when you got attacked, all us spirits where scared something bad happened to you.” Lyra said on the verge of tears.

‘All my spirits knew I was in trouble?’ “B-But how d-did you know that- LYRA AIR!” Lucy cried feeling her vision fading a bit. The eccentric spirit got off Lucy before sitting down quietly next to her. “All Celestial Spirits know when their masters are in trouble, it's second nature to us. Are you sure you’re all right?” Lyra frowned looking her over.

Lucy sat back letting a small smile graced her lips; it was nice to know they were all worried for her. “Its fine Lyra, I’m perfectly healthy.” Lucy chirped happily. “Then how come you never call me anymore? I would love to help you out, but you ignore me meanie!” Lyra pouted looking away.

“Meanie huh, you’re the one who told me you were only available three days a month,” she deadpanned. In all honesty she would love to have Lyra around more; she was always pleasant to be around, even with her… unique personality.

Lyra gasped in surprise, “Are you sure about that?” sighing Lucy nodded, she’d had this discussion multiple times in the past, Lyra was rather forgetful. “Well we’ll have to change that later, I want to be around you more from now on, k?” Lyra chirped happily before bringing her harp to her chest.

“But for now is there anything specific you’d like me to play?” the spirit beamed proudly as her fingers strummed over her lyre. “Nope, anything you want,” Lucy smiled looking over her group; she doubted any of them would have a request for the excited spirit.

“K, I got a song I think you’re going to love Lucy!” Lyra cheered flashing her a thumbs up before kneeling down as her hands strummed across her strings. Lucy closed her eyes and sat back as she heard her spirit gently plucking at the strings, her voicing following moments later as she sang.

‘Wow, it always amazes me how beautiful her voice is.’ Lucy smiled warmly as she looked at her spirit as she wore a content look of pure joy as she sang; she was so full of life. Happy was teetering back and forth as he listened to the music while Natsu even stopped snoring as the gentle voice of Lyra resonated through the air.

‘I guess they agree,’ Lucy smirked before she looked towards Gray, tears gently falling from his eyes. Lyra noticed too as she stopped strumming to look over towards there companion. “Gray, what’s wrong?”, “Nothing, I’m fine.” He sniffled a bit before wiping away his tears.

‘I guess it makes sense, one of Lyra’s specialties is making people feel what’s in their heart…’ “Maybe you should play something a little more upbeat Lyra,” Lucy sighed. “Well you should have just said that in the first place,” Lyra pouted. Moving back to her spot Lucy sat against the rocks as she heard her spirit gently strumming a soft tune, her thoughts turning to ones of joy just from her simple actions.

‘She really knows how to make me feel good…’ Lucy’s eyes slowly began to close before she was out completely, Lyra’s beautiful music acting as a lullaby for her as she slept and waited for what was to come…









Lucy was awoken suddenly as the ground she laid on began to rumble underneath her. “H-Hey, what’s that noise?” Lucy mumbled out rubbing the sleep from her tired eyes. Her grogginess soon left her however upon seeing the ceiling of the room shaking as a strange light began to shine through it… onto Deliora.

“What is that light?” Natsu pointed to the beam shining down on the large glazier. “It’s purple, it has to be moonlight.” Gray growled clenching his fist, this wasn’t good. “This can’t be a coincidence it's shining on Deliora,” Natsu stood up, Lucy and Happy soon joining him.

“Let’s find out,” Gray began running towards the direction the three from before had went. Natsu and Happy soon followed after him as they ran towards the stone staircase leading up. “Guys…” Lucy shivered in fear, the eerie light bathing the demon below… something was really bothering her with all of it.

Running after them she followed up the stone steps before coming into a large empty chamber directly above where she had just been. ‘W-What the?’ Lucy gasped in surprise seeing the magic circles on the roof and floor, so someone was casting a spell onto Deliora.

Gray and Natsu were still ahead of her as they left the room running up to the roof. “Guys!” Lucy cried out with worry before running after them, they didn’t need to just ditch her like that! As she made her way to the roof she froze as she looked at where the magic circles where coming from.

Standing directly under the moonlight was a group of masked cultists linking arms as they chanted something. “What the hell are they doing?!” all four looked up at the sky as they saw more magic circles under the moonlight.

“It looks like those robed freaks are channeling the moonlight down on Deliora,” Natsu scowled. “Yea but what for?” Lucy mumbled quietly. “It’s a Belianes spell called The Moon Drip,” Lyra said quietly making Lucy almost scream in fright.

“What are you still doing here?” Lucy hissed trying to calm down from her scare. Lyra looked at her before smirking. “I told you I wanted to be with you more, and I couldn’t just stop playing when you fell asleep, I wanted you to have good dreams,” she poked her fingers together sheepishly.

‘Damnit I can’t stay mad at her after she said that,’ sighing Lucy pointed to the robed figures. “What’s it for?” Lyra pointed to the sky before pointing back to the group. “There using that spell to shine moonlight down on the demon underground to melt the ice.”

“What?! They can’t, the iced used for that spell can’t be melted,” Gray said enraged. “I hate to say it but that’s not entirely true. While the magic of the Iced Shell is strong it can be melted using the Moon Drip. Concentrated moon energy can break any magical spell.” Lyra frowned.

‘A-Any?’ Lucy looked down to the bottle of pills next to her. ‘I wonder if moon energy could break this magic.’ Lucy frowned, it sounded a little farfetched but it might be worth looking into. Lucy had to stop her train of thought however as she noticed four figures walking past the group of cultists.

“Hey those are the three from before but… who’s that one?” Lucy mumbled looking at a man with some kind of helmet covering his face. “Maybe it’s that cold emperor guys they were talking about earlier,” Happy said timidly.

As the four listened in to what they had to say, they were shocked upon hearing them discuss the destruction of the villagers on the island. “B-B-But they had no part in this!” Lucy clenched her teeth in anger.

“We have to stop them; the village is in dang-“Lucy began before Natsu jumped up from behind the stone. ‘Oh no…’ “I’ve had it with this sneaking around business,” Natsu sucked in some air before releasing a massive column of fire in the air alerting everyone to their presence.

“IT’S US YOU'RE AFTER WHERE THE INTRUDER’S!” He screamed before glaring at the cultists. “Jeez, I guess there’s no going back now.” Lucy scowled as she grabbed her keys. “I wanna help out to, want me to sing?” Lyra chirped happily.

“No I want you to go back,” Lucy frowned, now wasn’t the time for her to be there. “Aww your no fun,” Lyra pouted before Lucy forced her gate closed. Sighing she turned back towards the other’s as Natsu and Gray moved beside her, they had a fight on their hands now.







 ~ Galuna Village ~



“Happy take us down,” Lucy pointed to the village below them. “Aye!” After the fight broke out Gray had made Happy take her back to the village, the wizards from before we're headed there and they needed someone to stop them.

As they landed the entire village swarmed her with worry. “Is everything alright, where are the other two guys?” One of the demons asked worried. “There alright, we found out the cause to all this, to all of you. There’s a group of mages here performing something called a Moon Drip at the top of the temple. It’s what’s causing the curse.” Lucy pointed towards the small column of light in the distance.

“Wait if they're the reason why didn’t you Fairy Tail wizards take care of them yet?” Another demon called out angrily. “It’s not that simple, there leader sent a group of them this way to destroy your village. I came back to stop them while my friends dealt with their leader.”

Fear spread across the village, panic soon following after as the threat of the unknown wizards became known. “Well what are you going to do about them?” Lucy was about to respond before blinking in surprise.

‘Crap what am I going to do? They looked strong, and I can’t take on three at a time that would be suicide!’ “W-W-Well, I… umm…” Lucy stuttered looking around, she had to get some kind of element of surprise on her side. As she looked over the village she noticed they only had one entrance.

“M-Maybe we could trap them?” She tossed the idea out, offhandedly. Instantly the crowd was in an uproar on how it would be done, if they should help, should they evacuate or not, this was going to be harder than she thought.

Lucy looked to the gate then to the ground before scowling, maybe she could build some kind of trap there, if there’s only one way inside the village they’d have to go through it but…’ Lucy lifted her key-ring up looking through her keys.

“I don’t think I have a spirit who can help with this…” Lucy mumbled quietly as she looked over who could help her. “Don’t you have something that can build anything?” Happy asked with worry. “W-Well no not really, Cancer’s out of the question, and I can’t have Taurus do it either, he's better at breaking things then building them… and I doubt Aquarius would even help me if she could,” Lucy sighed, none of her spirits would be able to assist her.

“Can’t you summon Virgo?” Lucy blinked in surprise, “You mean Everlue’s Celestial Spirit? What makes you think I’d be able to do that, only Celestial wizards who own their keys can sum-“Lucy was cut off as Happy reached into his pouch pulling out a golden key.

“WHAT?! HOW’D YOU GET YOUR PAWS ON VIRGO’S KEY?!” Lucy grabbed Happy by his scruff glaring at him. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you it was wrong to steal things!”, “But I didn’t steal it, Virgo asked me to give it to you,” Happy cried out in fear.“Wait Virgo asked you to give me her key, but why wasn’t she Everlue’s spirit?”,

“Apparently her contract with Everlue was broken once he was arrested, and when we all left that day she came up to me and told me she wanted to sign a new contract with you Lucy.” Happy flashed the key again.

‘Virgo wanted me to have her key?’ Lucy hung her head, as an admirer of the female form she still shivered remembering what Virgo looked like. “T-Thanks… “Lucy took the key looking it over. Looking back to the villagers who looked terrified from the news prior she sighed; guess she’d have to summon Virgo.

Lucy lifted the key up before channeling her magic into it. “I call upon thee, in the world of the Celestial Spirits, and now I beckon you to my side at once, pass through the gate. Open gate of the maiden, Virgo!” The doorbell chimed as the ground beneath their feet began to rumble.

Lucy cringed, expecting Virgo to appear in a cloud of dust but was surprised to see a small hole appear. Suddenly a small figure jumped out landing before her. Her jaw hit the floor as she looked at what was in front of her.

“Huh?”, “You summoned mistress, what can I do for you?” Virgo asked politely as she held her hand up to her chest. “W-who are you?” Most of the villagers were crowding around cheering at Virgo as she stood there, but her former appearance gone completely as she was much smaller and many times slimmer.

“Wow Virgo you look great you lost a lot of weight,” Happy smiled waving to her. “LOST WEIGHT, HAPPY SHE’S LIKE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PERSON!” Lucy waved up and down over her. Virgo smiled bowing slightly.

“I’m a very loyal spirit who will do anything and everything to please her Wizard, so I try to take on whatever form they would find the most appealing, does this form not please you Mistress?” Virgo did a pose as she pushed her breasts up slightly.Lucy felt her blood boiling over, she was so cute! “N-N-NO YOU, YOU LOOK GOOD”

Lucy waved her hands back and forth hoping she hadn’t sounded rude before. “I don’t know do you think she’s still strong enough to dig like this, she kind of had size on her side before,” Happy frowned looking her up and down.

“If you’d prefer,” Virgo glowed for a moment before her size changed instantly as she stood back at her prior height. “I can switch back if you’d like,” Her voice was much deeper sounding more masculine. Most of the villagers fell over in not believing their eyes at what they just saw, how could someone so pretty turn into that!

Lucy covered her eyes trying to forget the image she just saw. “DON’T LISTEN TO HIM, I’M YOUR WIZARD AND I LIKE THE OTHER FORM BETTER!” Virgo glowed for a moment before taking on her original form. “As you wish Mistress” Virgo bowed.

Lucy, (And the majority of the village) let out a sigh of relief as they looked back at the spirit. “Virgo I’m sorry but I don’t think we have a lot of time, do you mind if we work out the contract details later?” Virgo nodded bowing once more. “Of course Mistress whatever you’d like.”

“Do you really have to call me Mistress?” Lucy scowled, that was what she called Mira, and she didn’t exactly like being put in that role. Virgo eyed her whip smiling before looking back to Lucy. “Would you proffer I call you queen?”, “No” Lucy shot her down frowning, that wasn’t any better.

“How about Princess?” Lucy was about to say no but blushed, she sounded kind of cute being called a Princess. “Oh yea, that’s more like it,” Lucy smirked looking away coyly. “Princess, yea right…” Happy mumbled before getting a harsh glare from Lucy.

“Anyways would you mind digging a large hole right over there?” Lucy pointed under the massive door leading into the village, if she couldn’t trap them then maybe she could block off their entry point. “Yes Princess right away,” Virgo bowed before her magic circle activated sucking her underground.

Lucy blinked once, then twice, and then jumped back in surprise as the ground underneath the door instantly fell away. “Jeez she works fast!” Lucy along with the rest of the village looked at the gaping chasm Virgo had made; she probably should have specified how deep, that kind of fall could kill a normal person.

Virgo popped up under Lucy staring up at her proudly. “Does this please you Princess?” Lucy eeped pulling her skirt down to cover her panties as she looked at where her spirits head was. “Y-Y-Yeah, t-that’s good Virgo, I’m surprised you made it so deep though.” Virgo crawled out of her hole bowing again.

“Would you like to punish me Princess?” Virgo turned around presenting her rear to the Celestial mage making her nose bleed slightly, what kind of kinky spirit was she?! “N-N-No I’m not going to punish you,” Virgo looked down dejectedly before nodding. “As you wish,” ‘why does she look like I just kicked her puppy?’

Sighing Lucy looked over her little trap, it might buy them a little time to think of something else, if only they had more… “Miss Lucy it looks like there’s somebody headed this way!” Lucy froze, they were out of time. ‘That’s got to be them, they got here fast.’

“C-Cover up the hole now, we need to hurry!” The demon folk quickly grabbed as much brush as they could before concealing the gaping chasm from view before standing on either side of the gate. “I don’t think this is going to work…” Happy mumbled sadly. ‘For once I agree with you but it’s the only plan we have.’

“Open the gate!” The demon up top began to push the lever’s letting the massive gate rise for the intruders to enter. “Hey guys are you ok?” Lucy screamed in panic as Natsu ran towards them into the village… directly in the line of the pitfall trap.

“S-Stay right there, don’t come any closer!” Lucy screamed trying to get him to stop but he paid no mind as he continued to run forward. Relief flooded into her however as he stopped inches from the pitfall. ‘Oh thank god he’s not that stupid,’ she let out a sigh of relief. “What’s with the grass?”

Lucy heard a large crash followed by screams and didn’t even have to open her eyes to know what just happened. ‘Natsu you idiot…’ “Well the traps ruined now what…” She shook her head looking around. “Wait a second Natsu why are you here?”

The Dragon Slayer climbed out of the hole with Gray slung over his shoulder. “When we were fighting with that cold emperor guy, Gray kicked me off the temple. I tried to find the village but I couldn’t at the time so I went back up before coming here.”

He tossed Gray down before dusting himself off. ‘Wait, but those wizards left before we did, how’d Natsu and Gray beat them here?’ “Hey over there, what's that?” One of the demons screamed pointing to the air. Lucy looked up before she froze as she saw the large rat from earlier flying in the air with his tail bent.

‘T-T-That’s kind of disturbing… wait is that a bucket?’ Lucy squinted her eyes to see if she was looking at it properly before shivering at the sight, something wasn’t right. As the large rat flew closer something green dripped from the side of the bucket before plummeting to the ground below. Lucy looked in shock as the large drop of goo melted the very earth underneath it. ‘O-Oh no, they're going to drop acid on the village?!’

Her predictions came true as she saw the large rat toss the buckets contents down onto the village below. “Crap if that hit’s where going to be melted!” one of the demons screamed running around I fear. Thankfully they didn’t have to worry long as Natsu flew up before dispersing the acidic goo with his fire magic, however that only brought more problems for them as the wizards from before began to land.

“The cold emperor ordered us to eradicate the village and its people. We were trying to show mercy and give you all a quick and painless death, but since that didn’t work we must now resort to bloodshed” the woman from before flipped her pink locks to the side before smirking at them. “You ready Lucy?” Natsu clenched his fists before they were engulfed with flames.

“Yea,” she gripped her keys tightly, there first priority was the safety of the village, and they’d have to move them away. “Guys you need to evacuate now, this place is going to become a battleground soon.” Lucy pointed past the villages now destroyed walls.

“We're not leaving, until every person in this village is dead,” The pink haired woman from before smirked before she jumped back on her large pet flying towards the retreating villager’s. ‘Oh no you don’t,’ Lucy ran up to it before grabbing ahold of its paw. “Were not going to let you get away with this” Lucy screamed before feeling a sense of panic as she was lifted into the air.

‘Oh crap, this thing fly’s…’ Looking around she didn’t know what to do now, she was stuck to the large rat as it flew towards the villagers. ‘I need to stop it,’ a sly smirk graced her lips before she began to tickle the large rodent’s foot. “Let’s see if you’re ticklish!”

Surprisingly it was, as the large rat suddenly stopped twirling her tail as she cackled hysterically before plummeting towards the ground. “T-This wasn’t my best idea!” she cried feeling herself plummeting to the ground below…











Lucy leaned up groggily as she coughed from the dirt around her. “Ok, that really wasn’t a good idea…” As she got to her feet she looked herself over before blinking in surprise, she didn’t have more than a couple scratches at most on her. ‘My body feels fine, but even from that fall I should have felt something…’

Shaking her head she tried to piece together why it was she hadn’t been hurt but was brought out of her thoughts as a loud crying was heard. “How, how could you…” Lucy looked up as she saw the wizard from before crying as she stood over her pet rat.

“How could you do this? Because of you now the cold emperor won’t love me!” She screamed shaking her head furiously. ‘Love? She’s in love with that psycho?’ “And look what you did to Angelica! You’ll pay” She screeched in rage.

“Bring it on,” The wizard waved her hands towards Lucy before she began to wiggle her fingers back and forth, almost like she was playing keys on a piano. “Marionette magic, tree doll!” Lucy blinked in surprise as the ground around her began to shake.

Looking behind her she had less than a second to dodge as a massive tree lumbered towards her groaning. ‘What kind of magic is that?!’ Lucy reached for her keys before pulling out a golden one in the shape of an axe.

“Open, gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!” Swinging the key down in an arc Taurus appeared in a flash before slashing the massive tree in half. “I hope you like my mooooo~ve’s Miss Lucy, if you do can I get a smooooo~ch?” Taurus lusted over her.

Sherry cringed with disgust at her spirit before scowling towards Lucy. “What kind of wizard forces there spirit to say such things, you disgust me.” Lucy felt a tick mark appear as she grit her teeth. “HEY I DON’T FORCE HIM TO SAY THAT, I HATE WHEN HE PERVS ON ME! Besides I don’t even swing that way…” Lucy blinked before going crimson, ‘why did I just tell her that?!’

Sherry blinked in surprise before looking Lucy up and down. “Well I can see why you changed sides, what type of man would want you.” Sherry chuckled haughtily. ‘That’s it, she’s a dead woman,’ Lucy glared, grinding her teeth.

“Taurus, go!” Lucy pointed towards Sherry, her spirit just as enraged by her remarks as she was. As Taurus charged her however he suddenly froze in place before lowering his massive axe. “Taurus?” Lucy froze as she saw him turn back towards her.

With seconds to react, she barely dodged a swing from his massive axe as it cut off the strap to her shirt. “TAURUS?!” The massive bovine screamed in pain before charging her intent of taking her out like before. “You like? My marionette magic allows me to take control of any living thing, well except for humans of course. But Celestial spirits work perfectly fine; he’s nothing more than my puppet like this.” She grinned viciously as her fingers tugged at his invisible strings.

Dodging another swing from his axe she wasn’t fast enough to move when he dropped it and instead used his massive fist to hit her into the ground. Gripping each of her arms he straddled her, and angry expression showing as his grip tightened.

“I-I-I can’t s-stop myself Miss Lucy, my body’s mooooo~ving on its own,” Taurus grit his teeth in pain as he tried to stop his actions. “T-Taurus, close your gate!” Lucy struggled trying to force him back but he stayed in place.

“I thought Celestial gates couldn’t be closed unless both parties consented to it? Oh well.” Sherry shrugged wiggling her fingers once more. “Oh I know, let’s place a game of Russian roulette punches. Close your eyes until you get a hit!” She grinned viciously as her fingers moved, forcing him to comply with her command.

Lucy bent her neck to the side barely avoid his fist as it made contact with the earth, shattering it like glass under his fist. “T-TAURUS, CLOSE YOUR GATE!” The bull spirit struggled with all his might but nothing happened. “I-I-I’m afraid I j-just can’t Miss Lucy,” He cried before bringing his hands up in and arch.

Slamming them into the ground Sherry looked down excitedly before gasping in surprise as Taurus slowly began to fade away. “S-She beat it… My marionette magic failed me?” As the dust settle however her eyes bulged out in in surprise as she saw something small beginning to move.

Lucy leaned up gripping her head as she felt a headache pressing against her. As she looked around she blinked in surprise, the medicine had worn off… and with it sealed her power causing Taurus to get sent back. “D-Damnit, I don’t know if I should be happy or not the pill wore off.”

It was kind of embarrassing really. Reaching for her belt she grabbed another pill from the small vial. “Guess I better-“She didn’t get to finish as she was suddenly jerked upward. “NO!” Lucy grasped for the pill as it slipped through her fingers before bouncing to the ground below.

“What, what is this magic? How did you shrink yourself?!” Sherry gripped Lucy tightly in anger, she had been eager to see the blondes own spirit end her but somehow she closed her own gate, this infuriated her.

“I’ve never knew magic could even affect the human body like this, how entertaining your like a little puppet,” She grinned looking Lucy over… she was kind of cute at this size. “L-L-Let, m-me GO!” Lucy struggled frantically in her grip trying in desperation to get another pill from her belt.

“Aww, that’s so cute, the little dolly wants to get away from me, how mean though I only wanted to play.” Lucy cried in fright as she was suddenly tossed airborne. Sherry grinned as she tossed Lucy up and down a few times, there were so many things she could do to her now, where to begin?

‘No, she’s not love. She made me mess up my assignment, she’s the reason the cold emperor won’t trust me anymore…’ her eyes darkened a bit as she tossed Lucy high into the air before stepping back to watch her fall.

“Just die,” Sherry said bitterly as she watched Lucy impact with the ground. Lucy groaned a bit before sitting up, that didn’t feel good, she was kind of dizzy. “What?! Why aren’t you a blood stain on the rocks?!” Lucy looked up at her bitterly, ‘That was your first mistake.’ Reaching for her pills she planned on growing back before catching her off guard but only cringed as she pricked her finger against the broken vial on her belt.

“No the pills!” Lucy looked around frantically, they glass must have shattered when she hit the ground. As she scampered her eyes lit up as she lunged for a pill but shrieked as she was suddenly stepped on. “Die already! The cold emperor ordered for us to kill you all!” Sherry grit her teeth as she lifted her foot back up but saw Lucy perfectly fine.

Sherry raised her foot back before stomping again, and again, and again but got the same results over and over. “WHY WON’T YOU DIE?!” Lucy rolled to her back angrily. ‘Because if Erza couldn’t kill me there’s a snowball's chance in hell you can…’Sherry twitched a bit, her anger boiling over now.

“Just die!” She raised her foot higher before slamming it down. Lucy grinned before rolling to the side at the last moment, the ground under her throwing Sherry off momentarily as she staggered backwards.

‘I got to get a pill before she catches me again,’ Lucy broke into a sprint as she eyed the ground around her. They were standing at an incline; the pills had to have rolled down hill. As Lucy ran away from Sherry the pink haired wizard screamed in anger.

“Fine if you want to play cat and mouse I’ll oblige, but if I catch you,” Sherry shivered before grinning maniacally. “I’ll eat you. I’d like to see you live through my stomach,” Lucy went rigid, she was sturdy as hell but would this magic save her from digestion?!‘Jeez this chick is crazy!’ Lucy ran faster as Sherry began to follow after her, both playing their roles properly. Lucy running from her life while Sherry playfully followed her, not attempting to catch her quickly at all, she wanted her to be scared, fearful for her life.

‘I got to get away from her she’s insane!’ Lucy scanned the ground around her but fear gripped her after every step. She could see the remnants of her pills but they were destroyed, ground into the ground by the crazy chick strutting behind her.

‘T-There has to be one left, even half of one!’ Sherry hummed softly as she walked deliberately slowly behind Lucy, making sure whenever she got close enough to the blonde to stomp hard on the ground to scare her more.As Lucy saw the brush in front of her clearing her heart sank, she was facing a cliff…

‘The rest of the pills must have rolled off the ledge…’ Hearing a thump behind her she saw a grinning Sherry standing over her. “End of the line? Too bad, I guess it’s time for my reward,” She reached for Lucy eagerly.

‘I never tried this before but…’ Lucy closed her eyes before running straight behind her. Sherry blinked in shock as Lucy ran away from her hand. Before she could question her however the blonde suddenly jumped! Lucy let out a shriek as she fell from the cliff to the beach below.

“H-Hey! I caught you, get back here!” The marionette mage screamed angrily before making her way down the cliff after her. As Lucy hit the rocks below she bounced off the roughly before falling into the sand under them. ‘Nothing… huh,’ Lucy leaned up looking her body over.

 She was fine, ‘This magic really does shun life, but I should be thankful for that.’ Getting to her feet she moved through the sand looking for her pills but found none,’ they must have sunk into the sand already…’Suddenly she felt fingers tighten around her tightly before she was lifted into the air.

“Got you, you little mouse. Now, time for this kitty to have her treat,” Sherry licked her lips lifting Lucy above her mouth. “W-W-WAIT, YOU CAN’T T-THIS IS CANNIBALISM!” Sherry stopped momentarily before chuckling darkly.

“If it where cannibalism I’d be eating another person, you're just a little bug, nothing more.” Lucy felt her heartache, even being called an insect by the enemy hurt her self-esteem… amongst other things. ‘W-W-Wait I can’t be,’ Lucy fidgeted a bit before going pale… this was turning her on.

‘DAMNIT I DON’T WANT TO BE EATEN!’ Sherry chuckled as she watched Lucy squirming in her grasp. “Aww did I anger the little buggy? Too bad, now time to…” She stopped before seeing Lucy’s cheeks darkening.

“A-Are you getting turned on by this?!” Sherry pulled Lucy away in shock. Lucy growled glaring angrily at the giantess. “O-OF COURSE NOT, WHO WOULD GET TURNED ON BY YOU!” Lucy went pale, why did she taunt her!

Sherry ground her teeth angrily lifting Lucy back up. “Well I think you’re lying, you want to be eaten by me, I can’t blame you. It would be an honor to touch my, perfect lips.” Sherry rubbed her fingers over her perk lips before smiling.

“Plus I know you like girls; this must be a sick fantasy of yours, well get ready for it to come true. At least I’m nice enough to give you that before you die.” Sherry laughed lifting Lucy high above her mouth. ‘N-N-No… Mira, Levy, even Erza …’ Lucy wanted to cry, was this it?

Lucy felt the grip on her lesson and that was it. As she fell she clenched her eyes shut in fear before she felt herself fall into Sherry’s mouth. The pinkette closed her lips around Lucy before pressing the blonde against her cheek on the inside, she tasted… kind of good.

Moving the blonde with her tongue she began to bite her softly as she ground Lucy for a bit, she did have a unique flavor, it was somewhat enjoyable actually. Lucy coughed away Sherry’s saliva as it was thrust into her mouth forcibly, this was hell, the humid wetness all around her, the darkness engulfing her, and inevitable dark chasm gaping behind her as she saw slowly drawn in.

Sherry enjoyed toying with the blonde but soon grew bored of her, her anger from before resurfacing as she remembered why she was her in the first place. Tilting her head back she began to swallow the Celestial mage, intent on making her live out the rest of her short life inside her before she met her untimely end.

Lucy screamed feeling her body slide down Sherry’s throat, her wet esophagus making her descent all the easier. As she clenched her eyes shut crying she suddenly felt her body stop, like she had hit a dead end? Sherry began coughing violently for some reason, was she stuck or something?

Suddenly tiny bit of light flooded into her throat, barely enough for the blonde to see anything but enough for her to know it was there. Lucy looked up fearful, what was happening?! Suddenly something shiny came into view, it looked kind of silver…

As it moved closer to her Lucy immediately grabbed onto it, she didn’t care what it was, any chance for escape she would take! As the strange intrusion felt her it pinched her arm before retreating, tugging Lucy along with it.

As more and more light came Closer Lucy squinted her eyes as she was suddenly tugged passed the mages teeth into the open air. Gasping for fresh air Lucy coughed for a few moments before her eyes fluttered open, the sight was one she wasn’t at all expecting.

“E-E-ERZA?!” The redhead had an intense hate filled glare directed towards the pinkette, her gauntlet currently gripping her neck roughly, ‘she must have been what I felt stopping me.’  Erza cast her gaze to Lucy looking her over momentarily before looking back to the choking mage.

Pulling her hand back she thrust it forward launching Shelly backwards as she fell to the ground unconscious… or at least that’s what Lucy assumed she was. “E-Erza…” Lucy looked up to the redhead but she kept her glare as she eyed the blonde angrily.

“Lucy, I assume you know why I’m here, you do don’t…” Erza began but saw tears streaming down the blondes face. “D-Don’t you,” Lucy hugged Erza closely as she cried softly, she was so scared! Erza twitched a bit in annoyance, she wanted to chew the blonde out for going on this mission but seeing her crying like this…




Erza’s leaned down unsure she had heard her properly. “I… I was so scared… scared I wouldn’t be able to see M-Mistress, or Levy anymore, or even you…” Lucy looked back up sniffling as she cried softly, her emotions quite evident as she cried.

“B-B-Be that as it may, I-I was… I was sent here to…” Erza growled in annoyance. Seeing Lucy like this she couldn’t bring herself to chew her out, after what she just faced that must have been excruciating to her. “This isn’t over,” Erza said calmly before her armor glowed brightly.

Lucy sniffled a bit nodding, she didn’t care if Erza was angry at her; she just wanted to be near her, as close to someone as she could to feel safe again. Erza stood in her usual attire before tugging her shirt open. Pushing the blonde between her breasts she sighed softly.“I’m glad you’re alright…” She muttered quietly before pushing her shirt back in place.

Lucy felt a small smile graced her lips. She was terrified of Erza but, she had a way of making her feel safe to… Erza reequipped back into her Heart Kreuz armor before looking around, she had to find Natsu and Gray still, thankfully the one she wanted the most out of the three was tucked safely in place.

 She wouldn’t be able to Face Mirajane again if she hadn’t brought Lucy back.‘A few moments later and I don’t think I would have been able to either…’ She’d have to thank Levy when she got back also, if it wasn’t for that map lighting up she probably wouldn’t have gotten to Lucy in time, and her fate would have been far worse.

Looking back at the supposedly unconscious pinkette she pondered whether or not to kill her but she wasn’t here for that. Her first priority was to capture her foolish guild mates and return them home.

“You’re lucky,” Erza spat angrily glaring at her before turning to leave. “Lucy, hey Lucy are you down here…” Erza looked over her shoulder before seeing Happy shivering violently as he stared at her. Immediately the little cat tried to fly away but was grabbed by his tail by the angry redhead.

“Now tell me, where are Natsu and Gray?” Erza asked impatiently, she didn’t want to be here longer then she had to be.


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~ Off the Coast of Galuna Island ~


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As Erza made her way to the captain’s quarters, (having told him that for the remainder of the voyage they would be hers) she shut the door behind her latching it shut. She wanted some alone time with Lucy before they made it back to Hargeon, and inevitably Magnolia.

Looking over the room she scowled, it was rather dank, but it would have to do. There was a large bed, with black sheets, along with one bay window to the side giving her a glimpse of the morning sun. As a pink magic circle formed her armor flashed before fading entirely, leaving her in her usual attire.

Crawling on top of the thankfully clean sheets she reached between her bosoms as she fished for the tiny mage. Lucy felt a gentle grasp around her before she was suddenly tugged into the light. Lucy looked around confused, where were they?

“Where on a Pirate ship I procured if that’s what you’re wondering,” Erza informed her setting the blonde down in front of her. ‘Procured… she hijacked it I bet,’ As Erza pulled away She was suddenly stopped as Lucy hugged her finger. “D-D-Don’t let go of me… please.”

Erza sighed, apparently almost being eaten alive scared her more then she had imagined… she should probably leave that bit of information out when Mira asked her what happened to Lucy when they get back.

Picking Lucy back up, she held her softly as she kept her gaze on the blonde. “Now Lucy, I want answers. You’ve had time to calm down, so I expect you to talk.” Erza said sternly. The blonde nodded smiling softly, hearing her forceful tone it still relaxed her, she didn’t feel as frightened as she thought she would. Funny how a few weeks ago she shunned the red head, now she didn’t want to be separated from her, she felt secure with her, like nothing would try to hurt her anymore.

“Tell me Lucy, did you willingly go on this mission with Natsu, knowing full well this was an S-Class mission, and thereby against Guild law?” Lucy shook her head before explaining what had happened, how she had shrank and was taken by Natsu, and how they had still wound up on the island in the first place.

As Erza listened she kept the same expression but felt her emotions shifting back and forth. ‘So this was Natsu’s idea… Erza sighed before nodding solemnly. “As long as you didn’t go willingly I won’t fault you.” Lucy felt relief flood into her but Erza cut her off as she continued. “But, you were still a part of this and will be trialed by Master Makarov. Am I understood?” Lucy nodded timidly, she didn’t like the sound of that but in all honesty as long as Erza or Mistress weren’t angry with her she’d be fine… ‘Mistress…’

Lucy looked down sadly, what would Mira say? Would she be as understanding as Erza was? “You should cheer up Lucy, it’s not every day a new recruit finishes an S-Class,” Erza smirked. Lucy looked at her shocked, “B-B-But we didn’t complete the mission… wait, what happened after you saved me?!”

Erza shook her head amused the blonde hadn’t asked her that from the start. After telling her how the curse wasn’t real, just a side effect of the moon drip. It had created a clear barrier above the village which was what caused the whole *Curse* to begin with. After Deliora was handled along with the wizards she had taken it upon herself to deal with the barrier by shattering it and revealing the villagers of what they truly were. “S-S-So they were demons to begin with?!” Erza nodded shaking her head amused.

“I’m glad…” Erza looked at Lucy confused. “I’m glad they're all, alright, even as demons. “ Lucy smiled warmly; everything had worked out in the end. “By the way,” Erza grinned coyly as she reached into her pocket. Lucy looked over confused before her eyes widened in shock.

“I managed to grab something before we departed, consider it my late welcoming gift to the guild.” Erza smirked showing her the golden key. “T-T-That’s the Celestial gate key, b-but how did you get it?” Erza sighed setting it down next to them. “As I said we completed the mission, and they were more than willing to give it to me as a token of their gratitude.” Lucy smiled warmly; things really did work out for the best.

“Thank you…” Erza looked down at Lucy oddly. “For what?” Smiling warmly Lucy looked at her with a look of pure admiration. “You saved my life Erza, if you weren’t there I would have been eaten by that crazy chick,” Lucy shivered a bit remembering her, she probably would never forget Sherry. Hopefully she’d never encounter her again either.

Erza smirked before petting Lucy like you would a small pet. “Lucy, have you forgotten what Mirajane and I’s deal was?” Lucy shook her head, she knew full well what it was but she didn’t care. She was still thankful for Erza. “It doesn’t matter what the situation is Lucy, if you’re in danger I will give my life to protect you, which is what I’ve agreed to do… of course, with perks.” Erza licked her lips looking Lucy over.

Lucy shivered with excitement… it was a Mira look… Erza set Lucy down before a light magic circle appeared over her clothes. In a flash they vanished leaving her in just her black bra and panties. “W-W-Wait E-Erza, w-what if the other’s-“Erza picked Lucy up silencing her.

“Lucy, need I remind you I only get to have you when where on missions?” Lucy shook her head, “B-But Erza, what if Natsu or Gray sees us!” Erza smirked looking towards the door. “Then they would be privileged to witness what I’m about to do to you,” She grinned lecherously.

“THAT’S NOT HELPING!” Lucy struggled a bit in embarrassment. “Just relax Lucy and let me play with that little body of yours, I promise not to be so rough with you this time,” Erza smiled softly brushing her thumb over Lucy’s chest. She would be a little nicer this time, after all she had to give the blonde a better opinion of her in the future if she was going to win her to her side eventually. She would never stop pursuing Lucy, she was special.

Lucy shivered as she felt her damp clothes being tugged off her body, her shirt in tatters from the rough treatment from the night before. “What a shame, from what Mirajane told me she spent a lot for these, to have them replaced will be a pity,” Erza sighed tossing the shirt to the side.

‘Great. Now I caused Mistress another problem…’ Seeing the blondes saddened expression made Erza smirk, she’d be in a much better mood soon enough. Tugging at her skirt next she discarded it to the side with her shirt before looking at her puzzled.

“I thought Mira didn’t give you a pair of panties,” Lucy blushed looking away. “S-She didn’t… I’m just borrowing a pair of Levy’s…” Erza grinned tugging them off leaving the blonde bare. ‘Interesting,’ Erza looked over the garment seeing the tiny runes written into the lining. ‘She’s had amazing foresight, maybe I should request her back…’

Putting the garment with the other’s Erza looked Lucy up and down before licking her lips. “Just like I remember,” Lucy blushed furiously, she hated when Erza gave her that look, it was just so… dirty. Leaning back Erza pushed a thumb under her panties before tugging them down slowly.

“I hope you don’t mind the sweat, I was chasing you for a few days and I haven’t had the opportunity to bathe yet. That reminds me,” Erza moved her thumb away before lifting up her arm. “Would you do the honors Lucy,” The blonde staggered a bit as she was moved towards the redhead’s armpit.

‘G-G-Great, this again…’ Lucy took a deep breath before moving forward. As her hands made contact with her skin, she could feel them sliding off, her sweat coating every inch of her perfect skin. ‘T-The smell… it’s so strong,’ Lucy cringed a bit before sticking her tongue out slowly.

Erza let out a soft moan as she felt the first of Lucy’s gentle licks on her skin, she loved the feeling. It was even better then one of her girls at their own size. Just imagining Lucy having to taste and experience everything at that height was bliss.

Lucy shuttered, the taste was like she remembered, bitter, salty… pungent… enticing… Lucy stopped as she tried to figure out why she just thought that. “Lucy, did I tell you to stop?” Erza scowled looking down at the smaller mage. “O-O-Oh, s-sorry Erza…” Lucy blushed before going back to her armpit.

As she licked though the taste just seemed to become… almost natural to her, nothing like last time… Erza eyed Lucy with interest, she didn’t show hesitance like before; did Mira train her to hide her emotions? As Lucy continued she slowly began to pick up pace, licking every inch she could find, the taste somehow enthralling her and forcing her to continue.

Erza sighed contently, she didn’t know what possessed the blonde to act like this but she certainly wasn’t complaining, the gentle licks of her tongue, her timid breath blowing against where she licked, it felt like little kisses from fairies. ‘She’s my little Fairy,’ Erza licked her lips, salivating at the thought of all she was going to do with Lucy today, it was going to be a long trip home.

After Lucy finished with one arm, her body now coated with a thick layer of sweat Erza moved her to the other pit to clean under there as well. The results proved the same intriguing her further. Lucy seemed genuinely intoxicated from her sweat, it was kind of kinky.

Once Lucy was done she kneeled for a moment panting softly, her long lick’s having parched her from Erza’s salty skin. “E-Erza… c-could I, could I get something to drink,” she breathed slowly as she tried to catch her breath.

“Certainly, drink all you’d like,” Erza grinned bringing Lucy to her lips. Before the blonde could question her she was suddenly thrust forward as Erza kissed her face, her tongue pressing itself against her as she smothered Lucy with her large organ.

“T-This isn’t what I meant!” Lucy tried to scream but gargled instead as Erza’s saliva  was forced into her mouth. Lucy soon relented though and eagerly drank her spit, the sticky saliva being a much better alternative than Erza’s sweat.

Erza pulled Lucy back before licking her lips, drawing back the thin strand of saliva still connecting them together. “Did you get your fill my little Lucy?” Lucy shivered, that was what Mira called her… it felt strange to hear Erza say it but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

“Y-Yeas, I, I mean yea… I,” Lucy stammered causing Erza to chuckle, this was one of the few times she had seen Lucy flustered like this, apparently dominating her with words seemed to be more effective than just forcing her, maybe she could turn this into a game of some sort in the future.

Erza hooked her thumb back under her panties before she continued to drag them down like before. “So tell me Lucy, did you enjoy cleaning off your Mistress? Even if I’m just your temporary one,” Lucy froze, is this a trick question?

“W-Well I mean I… well I didn’t really…” The blonde rubbed her shoulder unsure of what to say exactly. “Come now Lucy, you should answer me when I ask you a question so tell me, did you enjoy licking my filthy skin. Licking away the gunk and the sweat I’ve worked on for days just for you to clean off?” Erza smirked seeing Lucy shiver, this was turning her on.

“I… I…” Lucy froze as Erza lifted her eye level, her gaze boring into her like she was transparent. “Just tell me the truth. Tell me you enjoyed it, every lick, every shudder of pleasure you felt as you demeaned yourself for me, all for me…” Erza whispered blowing against her skin. “I… I did…” Lucy hung her head in defeat, she had felt a similar level of humiliation with

Mira the week before but with Erza it was different, she didn’t know her as intimately as she did with Mirajane… it was almost like she had just admitted that to a stranger… that she liked being used as nothing more than a sweat rag…

Erza brought Lucy to her lips before laying a feathery kiss on her cheek, or more the side of her face she tried to kiss. “Good girl,” Erza whispered causing Lucy to shiver in delight, she liked praise… even from Erza.

“I think you need a reward for being so truthful with me, and yourself.” Erza tugged her panties the rest of the way down before kicking them to the floorboards. Spreading her legs apart she moved Lucy between them before pressing her middle and index finger on either side of her labia.

“You get to do whatever you want Lucy, anything you desire, inside me.” Erza purred spreading her nether lips apart to reveal her pink inner folds to the blonde. Lucy gawked at the lewd sight before her, this was the first time someone had ever willingly let her go in on her own. ‘Mira and Levy had made me do it themselves…’

Lucy gave Erza a quizzical look, was there some kind of catch, she was supposed to be the toy after all. “Is there a problem?” Erza frowned; she was giving her pet a treat. It was rather rude to receive such a look from her plaything.

“N-No I’m... I’m just surprised…” Lucy stammered feeling her legs shake under her, this really was special to her… it was the first time she felt like a person in bed instead of an object. Erza smirked knowing full well how Lucy was being treated, a little act of kindness might not be enough to sway her to her side but it was definitely the first step.

“Well?” Lucy blinked looking back at her having spaced out. “Are you going on your own or would you proffer if I just force you?” Lucy shook her head apologetically; she wanted to savor this, even if it was only for a short period of time.

Stepping off Erza’s palm she began to make her way over the dark sheets before she stood before Erza’s presented crotch. The smell was potent, even being right below it she could feel the heat the redhead was giving off, ‘it must feel like a sauna in there…’

Feeling her lust take over, Lucy grinned letting it take control. She had given up trying to maintain herself, once she entered this phase she became addicted to pleasure, she’d do anything for it. Erza’s breath hitched as she felt Lucy’s small hands grab onto her outer lips as she began to pull herself closer.

‘Time to see what you can do on your own,’ Erza smirked. Even if this was presented as a reward it was still a treat for herself. She didn’t even have to touch her toy to make it work for her, and if Lucy was a good toy then maybe she would get a real reward afterwards.

Lucy quivered with excitement as she pushed her arms into Erza, her body slowly being sucked into her depth, her excitement making her entrance into her easier. Erza bit of lip moaning softly as she felt the blonde enter her. She wanted nothing more than to just thrust her in right then and there but decided to stick with her idea for now; she wanted to see just what Lucy was capable of on her own.

Forcing herself deeper in Lucy grunted as she felt her body being squeezed from all sides. The heat was already getting to her. Erza’s excitement made it much harder to breathe to… and she loved it. Pressing her face into the redhead she trailed her tongue up her inner walls as she tasted her, for some reason this seemed strangely familiar. Lucy stopped for a moment thinking back but started drawing blanks, was she inside

Erza before? ‘Damnit! I can’t remember again,’ Lucy scowled before going back to her oral treatment. Hopefully Porlyusica could think of a permanent cure for this, she wanted to remember every touch, every lick, every crude place people thrust her. She wanted to remember it all.

Erza shuddered in pleasure before she began to rock her hips into the bed, this was definitely different. She usually proffered a much rougher treatment but feeling Lucy freely digging her way deeper inside her was a unique feeling in and of itself.

Moving her hand between her legs she gently massaged the outside of her labia as she played with her lower lips. Lucy could have her way inside but if she wanted her climax she’d need a little more than her toy could give her.

Grabbing her left breast with her free hand Erza groped her chest as her breath came out ruggedly. She’d let Lucy do what she wanted for now but if she kept on petting her like that she’d need to take over. Lucy let out the last of her breath letting Erza’s juices freely flow into her mouth. Coughing for a few moments her body adapted to the loss of air letting her stop breathing entirely as she squeezed herself deeper inside.

Wiggling from side the side she tried her best to inch herself deeper but wound up struggling as she reached her limit. Erza was squeezing her from all sides, holding her in place. Apparently the redhead wanted her right there pretty badly; she had never felt anything this tight!

Grinning Lucy thrashed as hard as she could, her legs licking into her, her arms punching from her sides. Lucy did everything within her power to make this special for Erza, she wanted her to know how thankful she was for saving her, and she planned on showing it to her one way or another.

Erza gasped before moving her hand away from her chest. Clenching her fist she bit into her knuckle to stifle her screams of pleasure, Lucy had definitely found the place the redhead wanted her the most. Erza gripped Lucy as tight as she could and held her breath as she rode out the pleasure that followed, it was ecstasy!

Lucy grunted in discomfort as she was squished into a ball, kicking her body out probably wasn’t the smartest idea… Using all her strength she tried pushing Erza back but felt herself fighting a losing battle. ‘S-She’s close, I need to max her pleasure!’ Lucy thrashed back and forth until she was flipped around inside her.

Clawing her way slowly back out she felt Erza gripping her harder and harder, she wasn’t pleased with Lucy trying to escape apparently. Feeling determining Lucy finally thrust her out outside Erza, the cold air chilling her hand as she gripped the outside of her walls to pull her body out.

Erza growled angrily as she saw the blonde pulling herself out, she wasn’t ready yet! Erza was about to shove her back inside, reward be damned but saw Lucy moving upwards? Erza watched her puzzled as she tugged herself higher before her breath hitched.

Lucy gave one final thrash before lunging forward, both her hands clinging to Erza’s clit. Giving it a rough squeeze she grinned in victory as she heard Erza screaming into her hand, her body thrashing under her. Almost as soon as she performed her action Lucy felt her body shooting out of her, Erza’s release flooding into her as she was bathed in her excitement.

Erza panted raggedly as she continued to bite her knuckle, a small dribble of blood falling from her teeth, the pleasure… it was too strong. Regaining her breath Erza panted softly as she looked down at Lucy writhing on the sheets, her hands rubbing her aching lips as she clung to her own pleasure.

“L-Lucy,” Erza grunted out before reaching between her legs to grip the blonde hard. “T-That, that was good,” Erza chuckled between breathes as she saw Lucy grinning from ear to ear. “But,” Lucy’s smile dropped, did she do something wrong?

“You can do better, let me show you,” Erza chuckled before positioning Lucy over her entrance. “E-Erza?” The redhead licked the remnants of blood from her lips grinning viciously, this would feel even better.

Thrusting Lucy forward she clenched her teeth as she stifled a scream. Instantly she began moaning hysterically as she pushed and pulled Lucy in and out of her harder and harder. Her every thrust shoving the blonde back and forth as she forced Lucy in faster with each push, she had been eager to try this after Mirajane had mentioned it. Lucy screamed, her air leaving her lungs as more of Erza’s excitement flooded down her throat. ‘E-ERZA?!’

Lucy gargled as her vision was shifted back and forth faster & faster, this was intense! The blonde whimpered in pain as she felt her legs spasming under her. The rough treatment she was receiving was making her own lust run rampant, Erza better finish soon. Erza drew more blood from her lip as her eyes teared up, the pleasure, it was too much!

Shaking her head back and forth she tried to stop her screams of ecstasy but Lucy just felt too good. Thrusting her in as hard as she could she clenched down at just the right moment as she cupped her mouth screaming, her hips bucking into Lucy as her second orgasm flooded out of her.

It didn’t take her long at all, Lucy had easily paved the way for it with her first, and it felt even better… Erza’s eyes were hazy as she looked down at the shrunken mage as she lay in the newly formed pool of juices, she looked excited to.

The redhead smirked seeing Lucy with her back arched her fingers pumping in and out of her rapidly as she screamed in bliss. ‘I guess the magic’s already running rampant inside her, time for a little fun,’ Erza smirked.

Lucy panted softly as she licked Erza’s juices from her free hand, her other working its way in and out of her dripping nether lips, the feeling of her body being covered so lewdly by Erza, it was intoxicating! Suddenly her pleasure was taken from her however as Erza grabbed her.

“E-E-ERZA!” Lucy shrieked almost painfully, her hands trying desperately to touch herself, she couldn’t though and Erza knew it. The redhead watched amused as Lucy cried and whimpered in her grasp helplessly, she was kind of cute. ‘If this wasn’t so cruel I could watch this for hours.’

“D-Did I say you could touch yourself?” Erza groaned out, her voice still working its way back into her like her breath had. “P-P-PLEASE ERZA STOP!” Lucy thrashed and squirmed in despair. “Did, I, Say, You, Could?” Lucy whimpered before shaking her head. “Then don’t,” she grabbed Lucy’s legs with each hand before spreading Lucy apart.

“You're my toy remember, I’m supposed to be playing with you,” Erza whispered huskily as she gazed at Lucy’s soaked labia, she really did want this. The blonde nodded frantically, she’d do anything for her she just needed her release, now!

“P-P-PLEASE!” Erza sighed before extending her tongue purposefully slow, she wanted to enjoy this and making the blonde squirm was by far the best way to do that. Lucy screamed in pleasure as she felt Erza’s tongue against her aching nether lips.

Grinding her hips the blonde tried to relieve herself but was painfully tugged away. “BAD GIRL!” Erza barked angrily. “Do not do that again or I’ll tie you up and make sure you don’t feel anything at all!” Her voice was icy. Lucy whimpered nodding apologetically. “I-I-I’m so sorry… p-please Er… Please Goddess.” Erza blinked in surprise where did that come from? Grinning Erza brought

Lucy back to her lips before gently licking her once more. The tiny mage mewed in pleasure trying to keep as still as she possibly could, Erza was being serious…“Good girl,” Erza whispered between licks as she slowly ate out the blonde. “Just, relax… Enjoy, every, lick… and know, your, place,” Lucy nodded robotically, she was the toy and Erza her goddess, she shouldn’t have tried to touch herself.

Erza smirked seeing Lucy fall in line, almost like she was hypnotized by pleasure alone. Pulling away she saw Lucy beginning to squirm, ‘I can make her life hell, or give her pleasure, goddess is a fitting name for me,’ Erza chuckled softly.

“Do you promise to listen to me from this point on?” Lucy nodded immediately, she’d do anything and everything Erza said, she just wanted her release! “Then your goddess grants you your pleasure, enjoy.” Erza purred before bringing Lucy’s crotch to her lips, her tongue immediately diving in.

Lucy screamed before thrashing hard into Erza, she couldn’t even control her body this time as pleasure shot through her like lightning. Erza moaned in bliss as she heard the tiny cries of ecstasy, it was turning her on, and she’d need another turn with the blonde after this.

Thankfully she wouldn’t have to wait long, her skilled tongue having had years of practice on her own girls. Pleasuring Lucy at her current size was child’s play for someone like her. Giving her one final lick the blonde screamed in pleasure before bucking her hips into Erza as her orgasm flooded out of her into the redhead’s eager mouth.

Erza accepted her offering as she lapped at Lucy’s lips, drinking in her release. ‘She tastes better than before, no wonder Mira won’t stop drinking from her, she’s delicious…’ Erza continued to lick until she was sure she got every drop.

Pulling Lucy away she smirked seeing her passed out. Having full knowledge of the magic now she knew it wasn’t entirely her doing but still having someone pass out for her was still a reward of it’s own. Erza sighed before setting Lucy down on the sheets. Getting off the bed her legs quivered a bit but she was determined.

Moving her hands to the side her magic activated as she changed back into her Heart Kreuz Armor. ‘I’ll have to ask the captain for some water, I promised to use you for the remainder of the voyage Lucy, and I won’t break that promise…’ The redhead smirked before exiting the room, she’d be back shortly for more fun, after all, she still had to reward the blonde…





~ Epilog ~



~ Magnolia ~



“Woo hoo! We’re home!” Natsu cheered pumping his fist in the air excitedly. “Jeez why are you so happy, all that lousy work and all for some lousy gate key,” Gray grumbled with annoyance. “Be that as it may that gate key was for Lucy and it made her quite happy. You should share in her excitement.” Erza smirked walking behind them.

“That’s pretty easy for her, she got the reward,” Happy snickered flying next to them. ‘I got my reward to,” Erza smirked viciously as she felt Lucy sleeping soundly between her bosoms. “So what kind of a gate key is it anyways?” Gray asked curiously.

Erza tapped her chin in thought, the key resembled an arrow but she didn’t have the faintest idea who it belonged to. “I can’t say, you’ll have to ask Lucy later.” Natsu and Gray looked to each other then back to Erza. “Where is Lucy anyways?”

Erza shrugged before walking past them. “Somewhere safe where I can keep my eye on her.” Natsu, Gray, and Happy shared a worried look before walking a few feet behind her instead. “You shouldn’t be worrying about her though. You’re all acting so carefree; it’s almost as if you’ve forgotten about your punishment once we’ve gotten back to the guild.” Erza scowled at the three cowering members.

“B-But why we completed the S-Class request,”, “Yea can’t we just forget about the whole punishment thing?” Erza frowned shaking her head. “You're right everything worked out, but only because I came here and finished the job none of you were qualified to do. Stealing an S-Class request is a serious offence.” ‘And dragging Lucy along is an even worse one,’ her eyes darkened a bit remembering what had almost happened to the blonde.

All three of them shivered in fear as panic ran through them. “Just kill us now!” Erza snickered walking past them; this would be entertaining at the least. As they made their way through the town Erza felt something off. Looking around the townsfolk were pointing at them as they spoke in hushed whispers.

‘Why are they staring at us?’ Erza frowned, something wasn’t right. “Guys,” Natsu and Gray walked beside her. “We noticed to,” Natsu looked around seeing more and more people pointing at them. “This feels like pity?” Erza mumbled quietly.

 As she looked around the crowds something jagged caught her eyes in the distance. “G-Guys,” Erza gawked as she looked towards the guild hall. All three of them stared in shock as they saw the guild hall in the distance… it was in shambles…


“A-Are Guild… Someone did something to our Guild!”








To be continued ~

Chapter End Notes:





Well i hope you all enjoyed and i beseech you to please leave me your lovely reviews.

The more i get the better i feel and the faster i update :D


this will be my final chapter for Welcome to Fairy Tail for a short time but don't you all worry, because i'm coming back to The Fairies of Fairy Tail next !


I hope your all looking foward to it, and to that i say,



Until next time guys ~

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