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Author's Chapter Notes:

WELCOME one and all to chapter 2 of TechniMIND and I's Story, i hope you werent getting impatiant :P you can't rush perfection (Yes i said that feel free to flame me for my ego XD)

I think you all know what direction this story is headed but in case you want to leave out the guessing and just get right into the good stuff the story is that way





Without further Adoo,


Turn off the lights,


Kick back


Listen to some calming music, thats what i do at least,







“Just a taste… for both of us.”

“You have no idea how much I want to play with you my Lucy, I could if I wanted and you wouldn’t be able to stop me.”

“I care for you and won’t force you to.”



Lucy panted in her sleep, images playing out before her mind as she slept. “Mira!” Lucy screamed shooting up gasping, a cold sweat running down her body. ‘What… what happened?’ Lucy blinked a few times, the light from the window shining down on her.

‘Just… just a dream…?’ Lucy looked around in confusion, where was she? ’This isn’t my apartment’. Leaning up Lucy felt something fall off her chest before shivering as the air nipped her skin. “Jeez it’s freezing!” she quickly pulled up the blanket covering her naked form before blinking in surprise.

‘This, this fabric feels different…’ Lucy looked over her blanket in confusion seeing the lacy pattern. “W-Wait… is this…” “Here, in case it gets cold without your clothes.” Her eyes widened in shock, the situation finally coming to light.

“I’m… I’m really in Mira’s…” Lucy felt her face flush as she looked at the massive pair of panties she gripped so intently. The little Celestial mage felt her memories resurfacing, her situation, whose home sure currently slept in, and…

“I wanted to get to know you better since I had something to offer you”

‘She was serious… all of this, her taking care of me, her making me dinner, our talk… it was so she could give me that offer’. Lucy fell back into the couch, her hand resting on her forehead as she played back what had been said by Mirajane last night.


“My offer is this, and nonnegotiable. If you chose to accept it you cannot leave it, ever. This is my offer. You will serve me Lucy. You will be my, everything, my pet, my slave, my toy, my love. Whatever I want to do with you I can and you have no say in it period. I’ll be strict, I’ll be aggressive, but I won’t be cruel. If you’re good, I’ll reward you with pleasures beyond your imagination, if you’re bad… Punishment will be severe. Either way I will be a fair Mistress.”

If you agree to this Lucy, you will never need to care about anything ever again. Only about me and my wishes. As you can see I’m doing rather well in life, you will have a home, mine. This will be yours to; you will never be homeless and have all the luxuries I can provide. If you think there’s something here I can’t get you, think again. My funds are near endless, I have more money then I know what to do with, and I’m willing to do what it takes to keep my Lucy happy. I reward obedience.

“You will never be hungry ether. What you had tonight was just a glimpse, I can cook you anything you desire, imagine a 5 star banquet every night, just for you. And best of all, you’ll be mine. Like I said before I’ll show you pleasures you’ve never imagined before, and you’ll get to be with me. I know you like me Lucy, that’s glaringly obvious. Imagine me 24/7, all for your eyes only. We can play as much as you want, well as much as I want but that will probably be a lot, your body is… delicious.”


‘She wants me as… I don’t even know what to call it. I can’t seriously be considering this can I?’ She had been in Fairy Tail less than a week and yet her life had changed drastically. ‘I’m the size of a toy; I might not even be able to change back… I have no home… I can barely eat as is… and my carrier might be over…’

Lucy felt her eyes tearing up; her life had gone from a miracle to a disaster in less than a week! I can change that… Lucy shivered remembering Mirajane’s offer, it felt wrong somehow… like she was making a deal with the devil, signing her life away but… it was Mirajane.

Lucy scoffed, she idolized Mira for so long but now that she had been offered to be her lover… she was hesitant? Why? She said she cares for me, but… at this size she could do what she wished with me, I’m powerless to stop her…  what if she just kept me shrunk and never told anyone?! Sighing Lucy rolled over shivering before she pulled her blanket closer.

Lucy breathed deeply shivering, not from the cold this time but Mira’s scent. ‘How did I not notice this before, I… I smell her all around me.’ Lucy shuddered; Mira had just worn these to… Would life really be as bad as I’m making it out to be?

Lucy’s thoughts where broken as she heard a door creak open. Stiffening Lucy closed her eyes pretending to sleep as she felt the ground gently thumping as someone walked down the stairs, funny she could feel so much at this size.

The footsteps only grew before they were right next to her. Lucy’s breath hitched as she felt something soft touch her cheek lightly. “Good Morning Lucy, I hope you slept well.” Mirajane whispered quietly as she stroked Lucy’s damp cheek.

“You can stop pretending I know you’re awake,” Mirajane giggled. ‘How?!’ Lucy rolled over slowly looking away. “Lucy,” Mirajane said quietly as she moved her finger, pushing Lucy’s head forward so she was looking at her.

Mirajane was frowning with a worried expression. “Why were you crying? Did something happen?” Lucy sniffled shaking her head; she was back to her caring self. ‘This is the Mirajane I remember but… is this really her?’

Mirajane watched Lucy closely before sighing and joining her on the couch. The shrunken mage didn’t struggle as she felt herself picked up, there wasn’t any point to. “Lucy, I’m guessing you’re feeling a lot of mixed emotions right now but I want you to know this above all things.” Lucy looked up as she was raised.

Mirajane cupped Lucy gently before kissing her, nothing fancy just a simple, calming kiss. Pulling away Mirajane smiled warmly. “I care about you no matter what happens.” Lucy felt her eyes tearing again, how she could think Mirajane was going to abuse her was beyond her. She felt rather guilty now, ‘even if her offer had been for both our benefits, Mira had made it for me because she cares for me.’

Mirajane gently set Lucy down smiling. “I’m going to start breakfast, cheer up Lucy.” She chirped happily standing up and humming as she stepped into the kitchen. Lucy watched the silver haired mage walk away happily; her presence somehow had a calming effect. The dread she felt from before all but evaporated.

“What’s my life worth? Will I be happy if I chose this…?” Lucy looked around seeing everything from her new perspective. “Do I really have a choice ether… I could refuse but then I’d be homeless, starve, and still shrunk.”

‘But last night…’ Lucy shivered remembering what she and Mira had done, or more what Mira had forced upon her. “I should be angry, no enraged she just, just picked me up like a toy and used me! It did feel good though…” Lucy scoffed, good was an understatement, she had never felt that great in her life.

“Pleasures beyond your imagination, guess she wasn’t bluffing…” Sighing Lucy looked back towards the kitchen, she could hear the sound of Mira humming softly as she cooked; she sounded so happy. “I can still say no but… do I really want to?” Lucy growled shaking her head, this decision shouldn’t be this hard to make!

Lucy gave one more glance back towards the kitchen nodding with determination. The decision wasn’t.


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Mirajane set down her and Lucy’s plates before walking back towards the living room. Anxiety shook her very being but she hid it well. ‘what else can I offer her if she says no? Money? No that would be tacky she’d think I’m just trying to buy her… well she probably thinks that now.’

Breathing deeply Mira smiled before walking towards Lucy. “Alright breakfasts ready, I hope you like it.” She chirped happily. Lucy smiled nodding and let Mira take her over to the table. ‘She seems calmer, I’m glad.’

Setting the shrunken mage down, she went to her own plate before eating quietly. Not a word was said between the two as they ate awkwardly, both unsure who should speak first.  “About your offer…” Lucy said quietly, almost in a whisper instantly drawing the older mages attention.

“Yes?!” Mira blinked blushing, she didn’t mean to sound so eager. “I… I’ve come to my decision…” Lucy breathed deeply trying to draw the courage to say it, while Mira listened intently. “I accept. I’ll be yours.” “YES!” Mirajane shrieked jumping happily before sitting back awkwardly, her face crimson. She hadn’t meant for her to see that either.

“A-Are you sure this is what you have chosen? Once you agree you can’t go back.” Mirajane said strictly, almost worried her words would change the blondes mind. “I’m sure… I know this is a lot to take in and I’m new and all but, Fairy Tail is like family, and… And I want to be with you Mira, I want to be yours.” Lucy said quietly, drawing all the courage she had to say those words, even under these different circumstances.

The older mage grinned happily; she had her last minute doubts but her assumption rained true. ‘She really likes me and wants this,’ Nodding Mirajane moved her hand over before extending her finger to Lucy. “Let’s shake, once we get you back to normal I’ll make magic rune to bind it but, for now I think this will suffice.”

Lucy looked up in surprise. “Y-you still want to help me grow back?” Mirajane looked at her oddly. “What you think I lied about helping you? Have a little faith in your new Mistress.” Lucy shivered hearing those words. “Its true Lucy, I like your *Little* stature as is, the thrill it gives me to see you so weak and helpless is like ecstasy,” Mira shuddered in pleasure before sighing.

“But, I know if I just kept you like this it wouldn’t make you as happy, considering you still want to be a part of Fairy Tail and all. I’d imagine being 3 inches would make jobs a lot harder.” Lucy almost felt like crying, she had assumed Mira would keep her like this after she accepted but… she’s still going to help.

“T-Thank you, thank you so much Mir-… M-Mistress.” Lucy blushed furiously, she hadn’t expected to ever call Mira that but, that was her new title after all. The older mage grinned happily. “My, my, it seems my little Lucy wants to be in her Mistresses good graces early, I like that.”

Lucy looked down nodding, after everything Mira had done and was willing to do for her, she’d try her best to please the older mage in any and every way she could, besides, she rewarded obedience. “Finish your meal Lucy; I want you to have your energy.” Lucy nodded sitting back down before her curiosity got the best of her.

“E-Energy for what exactly?” Mirajane grinned chesurly. “I don’t go into work today Lucy and I think you need to return the favor from last night. I expect to collect it in full.” Lucy shuddered unsure of what it would be like at her current size. ‘T-That… that sounds amazing…’ Nodding dumbly she quickly went back to her meal.

Life might not be that bad after all…

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Mirajane pushed her bedroom door aside, her pace quickening. Carelessly she tossed Lucy to the bed knowing the soft covers wouldn’t harm her any before walking to her closet. “Now you just wait right there, I need to change into something more comfortable.” Mirajane grinned closing the door so she couldn’t see her.

Lucy shuddered in excitement; she was going to be played with by Mira... ‘I’m about to be played with by Mira...’ Lucy paled a bit. ‘Oh jeez will this hurt?! At this size what will happen? I can drown! Or suffocate! Or pass out from the heat of her-‘Lucy’s thoughts where interrupted as the closet swung open.

“Like what you see, my little Lucy?” Mirajane’s voice was husky, pleasure dripping from her tone. Lucy’s mouth hung open in shock, all worry’s she had prior fading as she drank in Mira’s form. She wore a simple white bikini, (if it could even pass for that) matching her hair with the trimmings being made of lacey black material. Most noticeably however; was the fact it was at least three sizes to small and didn’t cover anything but the necessities. The bottom wasn’t any better, easily showing a camel toe as the material was ruthlessly tugged against her; it looked kind of painful to say the least.

“I expect an answer when your Mistress asks you something.” Mirajane frowned. Lucy quickly nodded, berating herself for just gawking and leaving her mistresses question silent. “S-S-Sorry Mir- M-Mistress, I was… wow…” Lucy whispered, she had never seen such a scantily image of Mira before, this would forever be burned into her mind.

“Well that’s good enough I suppose, just know we’ll have to work on your manners when we play. I expect to be worshiped.” Mirajane said sternly. Lucy quickly nodded, Mira was like a goddess anyways; it only made sense now more than ever she should.

Strutting to the bed she made sure to sashay her hips as she walked, she knew she didn’t need to flaunt for her toy but still, she wanted to look cute for her Lucy. Slowly she crawled onto the bed making sure to step over Lucy, giving her a perfect view of her toned, plump ass as it descended in front of her.

Lucy shivered as she watched Mira’s ass jiggle as it made contact with the bed. “So let me ask you again my little plaything, does, this, please, you.” Mira whispered. Lucy nodded slowly as her feet started to move on their own as she walked towards her. “You… you look breathtaking Mistress…” Her tone was somewhat robotic.

Giggling Mira quickly flipped over hiding her rear from view. “Good you didn’t stutter that time, I’ll give you a few points for that. Now, time to experiment with you.” Lucy stood still unsure what to really do as Mira moved her legs around her so she was trapped in-between them.

“Now, I want you to tell me if this is too much for you alright?” Mira said seriously. Lucy nodded before she was batted between Mira’s feet. “I need to know just how much you can take before we begin, we wouldn’t want you expiring before the fun began now would we?” Lucy frowned at her choice of words but kept it to herself.

Without as much as a warning Mirajane’s feet slammed together on both sides of Lucy, pinning her between her sweaty soles. The first instinct was to scream but nothing came out as Lucy was sandwiched between her feet.

‘T-This… this should be painful…’ Lucy felt the pressure increase yet still it felt fine, she felt no pain just heat and light pressure, like being snuggled in a sleeping bag but, more damp and fleshy. “M-M-Mira!” Lucy called out trying to get her attention but the pressure only increased.

Mirajane watched closely with both curiosity and worry. She had no idea what effect this would have on her new toy. It was true Lucy had resigned herself to be hers but still, she cared for her wellbeing. ‘I need to know your limits Lucy; I need to know what you can take in case I share you with someone less gentle…’ That was something she feared greatly.

Slowly she started to grind her feet back and forth; forcing Lucy’s face into her soles. ‘M-Mira… I, I don’t think I can take this anymore!’ the pain was nonexistent but the constant motion on her small body was making her rather dizzy, she kept being rolled back and forth rapidly like this was some kind of amusement ride.

“MIRA!” Lucy finally screamed through the gaps in her feet. Mirajane instantly pulled her feet back, a panicked expression present as she looked over Lucy. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? I didn’t see anything bent out of place, are you-“, “M-Mira, I’m really dizzy…” Lucy mumbled getting to her feet before stumbling down, her eyes spinning a bit.

“You’re only dizzy?” Mirajane looked at her shocked. She expected slight bruising or maybe something bent oddly but she was perfectly fine. ‘Did this magic enhance her somehow?’ “Lucy do you feel any pain at all?” Lucy not to her feet before falling back down; her legs still shaking from her constant spinning.

“N-Not really Mira, just a little sick…” Lucy mumbled before she was flicked in the head. “When you’re around others you can call me that but in bed its Mistress, got it?” Mira said sternly. Lucy looked back a bit fearful but nodded none the less. ‘Her flick hit me like a truck! Why didn’t that hurt?’

“Hold still alright,” Mirajane pulled Lucy’s arm up before pinching it. Lucy watched curiously, she felt her arm being pressured hard but it felt perfectly natural. Mira continued her pressure even going as far as to dig her nails in but still Lucy made no response besides the occasional wince.

“Well I take this as a good sign,” Mira smiled. “I don’t think you can feel certain things Lucy. You didn’t react to any pain senses yet you still felt dizzy and pleasured; how peculiar.” Mirajane mumbled.

“So I’m invulnerable?” Mira smirked shaking her head. “Invulnerability implies your impervious my little Lucy, but…” Mirajane scooped Lucy up before spreading her legs. “You can still be tortured. Your just a lot denser.” Mirajane finished before lightly blowing between her legs.

Her breath hitched before she groaned, Mira’s blowing stirring her lust. “M-Mistress?!” Mirajane stopped before shushing her. “Just relax, I think after my little experiment you deserve a treat, plus I can test some of my other theories to.” Mira giggled gleefully before her fingers spread Lucy apart wider.

She was practically doing the splits now, ‘I guess she doesn’t feel discomfort from this ether, but pleasure remains? Why…’ her tongue slowly lulled out before grazing Lucy’s thighs. The shrunken mage let out a guttered groan, her pleasure only rising as she was pinned helplessly by the much larger wizard.

Slowly, teasingly, her tongue moved up, making sure to take more time then it needed before making contact with its true destination. Lucy screamed in pleasure as she felt Mira’s tongue lapping slowly at her nether lips, it had been just like last night, the pleasure was different, better than before!

Mirajane cracked an eye open as she watched Lucy writhing in her palm. ‘She’s in ecstasy already? I’m just licking her, I haven’t even gone into anything kinky… something is really off.’ Mira continued watching her closely as she inspected Lucy, the blonde bucking into her tongue screaming now.

In only a few minutes Lucy finally gave, screaming in bliss as her orgasm flooded onto Mira’s tongue. The silver haired mage eagerly accepted her own treat, enjoying its flavor. “Mmmm better than before, I think you’re getting taster Lucy; I might just have to eat more of you next time.” Mira chomped her teeth in front of the blonde.

‘She… she can’t be… serious can she?’ Lucy panted loudly, the pleasure was better than before, her whole body felt inflamed with lust she had never felt before. “T-That… oh god Mira… that felt fantastic!” Lucy stuttered out, her breath fading a bit.

“Forget to call me Mistress again and you’ll never feel it again.” Mira threated. “I-I’M SORRY M-MISTRESS! PLEASE FORGIVE ME I WON’T, PLEASE DON’T SAY THAT!” Lucy screamed gripping her fingers, she couldn’t live without feeling more of that pleasure; it was intoxicating!

Mira smirked nodding, “Good, now I’ll have to test some other theories about you later. It’s my turn now.” Her voice sounded hungry, more animalistic then human. ‘This… This is the Mira I remember from last night…’ Lucy shivered in fear, unsure what was about to happen to her.

Mirajane laid back on her mattress stretching happily before dangling Lucy over her stomach. “I want you to make your way down your Mistress, walk towards your destination for me.” Dropping Lucy she looked at her oddly. “W-Where do you want me to go?”

Mirajane’s hand crept down her body before lightly tugging on the top of her panties, making a small crevice leading between her legs. “I don’t think I need to tell you that do I, my little Lucy.” she purred biting her bottom lip eagerly.

Gulping the blonde slowly made her way over Mira’s tones stomach, her feet lightly sinking into her skin. ‘Wow, she’s so soft… but what about that…’ Lucy looked forward with worry. She was at least 20 Feet away (at her current height) yet she could smell the pungent aroma of her Mira she remembered from this morning.

‘I’m going to be used like a toy… I am a toy now though…’ Lucy breathed calmly as she walked, resigning herself to her new life. A part of her still felt the urge to fight it but it was slowly dying away with every step she took, lust and obedience slowly winning over her psyche.

As she stood before the entrance to her new mistress’s prison she couldn’t help but feel a small smile from. ‘This has been my fantasy for years, I can’t believe I’m about to have it but… at this size.’ Lucy breathed deeply before crawling to her knee’s, having to duck under Mira’s finger to get into the damp; humid prison known as her panties.

Mirajane grinned lecherously as she watched her toy slowly crawling into her bikini bottom. It was euphoria having such control over another human being that the simple act such as this could turn her on so much! ‘My every command she will follow, my every wet dream, my every dark fantasy, she’ll be my anything, my everything.’

Lucy slipped in squealing a bit as she slid down, Mira’s nether lips glistening with her excitement, she needed to assistance to get where she wanted. Mira smirked letting the band of her bikini snap back in place, the blondies whole body shooting forward into her wet nether lips.

Lucy grunted more in shock then discomfort as her face was pressed right against Mira’s lower lips, her whole body matching in size. ‘Oh… Oh wow… its everywhere, I can smell her everywhere! Her scent, her warmth, she’s so wet… wet for me.’ Lucy shuddered knowing it was her doing this to her idol, she was turning her on.

Mirajane lightly trailed her finger over the bulge in her panties giggling as she saw Lucy’s outline, her bikini specifically picked out to show her there. “Time for you to pay me back, now my little Lucy,” Mirajane whispered before pressing into Lucy hard.

Lucy eeped in shock as her whole body was shoved forward into Mira, her very being, being consumed by her. Mirajane squealed happily, Lucy’s frantic movements exciting her to no end. “Oh… oh wow, this, this is even better then I imagined!” Mirajane panted, her finger rubbing franticly on the outside of her bikini.

Lucy screamed in bliss, she didn’t know why but she felt bolts of pleasure shooting through her as she was shoved deeper inside Mira, her juices seeping into her mouth forcing her to savor Mira’s essence. ‘She, she tastes amazing…’ Lucy’s brain practically shut off now, pleasuring taking control of her actions as she moved around franticly, wanting only to please her Mistress.

“Yes, YES! Struggle, kick, fight inside me I love it! Give me everything your worth Lucy!” Mirajane screamed, her hand shoving her bikini aside and rapidly rubbing her own lips as she bucked into her bed, her pleasure being the only thing that mattered to her.

Lucy felt Mira’s walls tightening around her, the air becoming less and less present. ‘I… I can’t breathe…’ she  started to panic, her body desperately trying to take it in but only more and more of Mira’s excitement got in.

‘I’m… I can’t take it; I’m going to drown at this rate…’ Lucy felt her body being squeezed tighter, the feeling turning her on more than frightening her. She knew her situation was bad but still, she had never felt so helpless and insignificant before. Being used solely for someone else’s pleasure, turned her on even more.

Mirajane felt Lucy slowing down inside her. “D-Damnit Lucy! Don’t, don’t stop I’m so close!” She cried. ‘No… I can’t, can’t stop yet… She needs more, I promised.’ Somehow Mira’s pleading voice got through, Lucy felt her second wind coming as her body started thrashing again, trying to please her Mira as best she could.

Mirajane gasped her breath hitching as she felt her toys movements doubled, no tripled in seconds. “Oh god Lucy, I’m, I’m close!” Her fingers pulled back from her lips before running up and crushing her clit.

The combined feeling of Lucy and her own gentle pinching became too much for her as she finally reached her peek. “LUCY!” Mira screamed. Her hips rose up as she felt her orgasm shoot through her.

Lucy didn’t have words to describe the feeling she was feeling. One moment she was being hugged tightly by Mira’s depths, the next it was as if the ocean itself crashed into her, the flood shoving her out of Mira roughly into the open air.

Mirajane felt Lucy’s limp body sliding out of her before plopping on the now soiled bedspread. As she slowly regained her strength she rose up looking between her legs. There laid Lucy, ether unconscious or sleeping, which she couldn’t say but one thing was certain. She was smiling, her expression one of bliss and contentment.

“I think you’ll need a special reward after that my Lucy, but for now though sleep.” Mirajane whispered quietly as she reached down to cradle her shrunken toy. Giving her a gentle kiss she laid her between her breasts, her bikini top holding her in place easily.

‘I’ll really need to look into this though; she shouldn’t pass out so quickly from pleasure, something seems off.’ Mira frowned getting to her feet, her legs shaking a bit from her previous pleasure. “You really did a number on me Lucy, I was right about you. You are special… now I just need to make a deal with the devil to keep you.” Mirajane said sadly not liking what she was going to do next.

Mirajane quickly changed her clothes before heading downstairs; it was past noon so she couldn’t just sleep. “Guess I’ll have to occupy myself until you wake up again Lucy.” Her frown slowly crept into a smile, different ideas crossing her mind as she imagined what to do with her new toy next.


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~ Fairy Tail guild Hall ~


Mirajane stepped into the guild, many of her friends greeting her as she entered. Making her way to the bar she waved off the woman standing there watching it for her. “Thanks for the help, I’ll have someone compensate you later for the favor.” Mirajane smirked, the shy looking girl blushing before walking off.

‘I don’t think I’d mind doing that myself but I think my new pet needs my attention more. “Hey Mira did you hear? Apparently something happened up in Clover Town with all the Guild Masters.” Macao frowned.

“What? Did something happen, is Master alright?!” Mirajane asked panicked. “Now don’t worry, Erza took care of it, apparently whatever mission you sent her on a couple days ago was related to the attack, there all safe and sound. Well except Natsu, he seemed worse for the ware on the Lacrima.” Wakaba chuckled.

“Can’t say I blame him, whatever they fought was apparently bigger than a mountain, I bet his motion sickness got the better of him.” Both laughed juvenilely as they ranted back and forth about the subject.

“Wow, there really never is a dull moment around here. Please you guys, come home safely.’ Mirajane sighed resting her head on her free hand, her position confusing both men. “Hey Mira you alright?” The silver haired mage looked at them oddly, unsure of what they meant.

“Your hands twitching, is everything ok?”  She blinked, her cheeks darkening a bit. Her hand rested in her dress pocket wiggling a bit; if anyone even noticed it looked somewhat like it was twitching. “Yea I’m fine, just a little tired.” She pulled her hand back before brushing her lips. “See,” the two nodded shrugging it off, missing the smirk hidden behind her hand as she licked something off her fingers.

“Seven…” She muttered quietly before her hand moved back to her pocket. The day for the most part had been quiet, she hadn’t really had many people to serve, most gone on missions themselves, she kind of missed going on them, but still, she knew why she couldn’t.

“Nine…”, “Nine what?” Mirajane blinked looking up before she noticed Levy smiling happily. “Oh uh, nothing just mumbling to myself, how’s everything with you Levy?” The bluenette tapped her chin shrugging. “Dull really, I just got back from a mission with Jet and Droy but I don’t have much to do now, they wanted a break so where staying here for the next few says.” She sighed sadly.

“Aww, I’m sorry to hear that Levy, I’m sure you kind find something to do though with all your free time,” Mirajane smirked. “Yea I’m probably going to visit this new bookstore that opened, I hear they have even more to read then my usual one.” Levy said cheerfully, completely missing the hint Mirajane had hinted at.

Sighing Mirajane shook her head. “That’s not what I meant Levy.” The solid script mage looked at Mira confused before her cheeks flushed, Mira’s smirk proving her thoughts true. “W-well, d-do you think… maybe we coul-“ Mirajane lifted her hand stopping her.

“I would Levy but I’m a bit preoccupied with my new pet, I’ll have to play with you later, I promise though I’ll make time for you.” Mirajane smiled warmly, she had a rather soft spot for the young mage, she didn’t know why though.

“N-New pet? Wait does that mean, you picked your one?” Levy said both excited and shocked. Mirajane grinned nodding. “You already know her actually; I think you two got along together.” Levy’s eyes widened in shock, “W-WAIT, YOU CHOSE LULU?!” Mirajane looked back and forth frowning, she didn’t like this much attention on her.

“Not so loud Levy and yes.” ‘Her surprise is adorable,’ Mirajane smirked, it was always fun to see her flustered expressions, she didn’t usual show any besides happiness or annoyance. “I-Is she here? Can I talk with her? Oh I have so much to tell her I’m so excited an… wait…” Levy got deathly quiet, her face paling.

“It’s not your turn though! How’d you pick her, you know she’s going to not stand for this.” Levy said panicked. Mirajane frowned nodding, “I know she’ll be a little mad but Lucy’s and exception I’m willing to make, she’s special… ten.” Levy looked at her serious expression nodding.

“I…I won’t hold anything against you if you trade me, just, please get me back as soon as you can alright.” Levy pleaded. Mirajane smiled nodding, “Don’t worry, you know I have a soft spot for you my little bookworm,” Mirajane purred trailing her finger under Levy’s chin, the bluenette shivering with excitement.

“Eleven…” Levy blinked, “Mirajane, why are you counting randomly?” Mira pulled her hand away from her lips before pushing it back in her pocket. “Don’t worry about it, just testing something.” Levy looked at her oddly but nodded none the less. Mira waved goodbye to Levy as she made her way back to her team mates.

‘I really don’t want to trade you Levy, especially since I just got you back a month ago, jeez she can be vindictive when she’s angry.’ Her expression darkened knowing she’d be fighting a hard battle soon enough.

Mirajane grinned pulling her hand out of her pocket before gently rubbing her lips with her index finger, her tongue licking over the spot. “Twelve. My, my Lucy you really are excited, I think this was the perfect experiment, it trains you and pleases me.” Mirajane whispered quietly, knowing no one could hear her unintended.

Moving her hand back to her pocket she resumed her movements grinning. Lying in her dress pocket with her arms and legs tied back was Lucy screaming in pleasure, Mira’s finger digging into her crotch as she rubbed back and forth ruthlessly, the blonde’s tears streaming down her cheeks since she had awoken to the pleasure.

“Don’t cry my little Lucy, I promise this is for the best, it helps you and entertains me.” Mirajane whispered lustfully, her finger never ceasing its movements. It wasn’t long before she felt Lucy bucking against her, her orgasm washing over her finger.

Pulling her hand back out her tongue licked her fingertip as she purred. “Thirteen,” Mirajane grinned pushing her hand back in her pocket; she had a long day ahead of her.


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~ 3 Days Later ~


It had now been over a week since Lucy had first shrank, her life now being stranger then she could have ever imagined. Every day she would wake up somewhere on (If not in) Mira before they played, usually roughly, her legs always wobbled for hours afterwards.

Then they’d have some breakfast, just like Mira had promised it was always delicious and extravagant, her Mira liked to keep her happy. After they ate it depended what happened next, if they had a free day Mira would test some of her *Theories* with her, usually ending with Lucy screaming and passing out.

She had found that for Lucy the pleasure she received was somehow doubled, she didn’t just feel pleasure she felt everything. All her senses, all her feelings when she was pleasured, they were all peaking. She felt the equivalent of multiple orgasms all at once; no wonder she passed out the first few days.

But with Mira constantly playing with her and training her tiny body she could now last a lot longer, but would still occasionally pass out from the pleasure. Usually if Mira had to work she would tie Lucy up so she couldn’t squirm much and just pleasure her unconscious until she got home, then wait till she awoke to start over again.

She had truly become a toy to be played with by her Mistress,



~ _ _ _ _ _~



Mirajane cleaned off the counters of the guild hall humming softly as she felt Lucy’s gentle kissing, today she decided to let Lucy off the hook from her usual *Training* and placed her between her breasts instead. The little kisses turning her on but not exciting her, she couldn’t get excited while she worked, but afterwards there was no guarantee.

Her thoughts however died as the door to the Guild hall was kicked open. “Where back guys,” Mirajane looked up fearfully knowing what was about to follow as she saw Natsu enter happily, Happy overhead laughing.

Followed behind was Gray not really making much noise as he entered followed by… “Master?! What are you doing back so soon, shouldn’t the Guild meeting have just ended?” Makarov smiled making his way to the bar.

“Well it ended early on account of the giant demon that attacked us… and the building we now need to replace,” He cried. “You destroyed a building again.” Mirajane frowned looking at Natsu grinning.

“Don’t worry, punishment will be severe later, I can guarantee that.” Mirajane paled a bit as she heard the deep elegant voice. “Welcome back Erza, I trust everything went ok with you?” The scarlet haired mage nodded her usual frown in place as she looked over everyone.

“Mira we need to talk do you have a moment?” ‘Couldn’t you have given me a little more time…?’ “Of course Erza I’ll meet you in the back in a few.” Erza nodded walking past the others before heading to the storeroom.

“I’ll leave matter’s back to you Master,” Mirajane bowed lightly before walking off as she followed Erza. Shutting the door behind her and locking it she moved down the cellar steps before entering a stone room. The door shut behind her as Erza locked it.

“You knew I’d find out sooner or later, why didn’t you tell me?” Erza said in a neutral tone as she moved to the small table in the room. ‘Because you would have made it your goal to claim her first!’ “Because I wanted some time alone with her of course,” Mirajane smiled coyly before hearing a deep growl of annoyance from Erza.

“Natsu tells me her Name’s Lucy, she joined just recently while I was gone, and you know the rule’s Mirajane, she’s mine.” The two mages when younger, before there whole little group started had fought for dominance both in and out of bed.

Sadly both had tried every time, nether budging on the subject so they had made a kind of truce, with certain rules benefiting them both. “I know the rules Erza I helped make them remember! But this is different, she’s my one.”

One of those rules was that once and only once if they found a girl ether had wanted more than anything else they could claim her as there one, and only one. Once picked there was no re-picking, they where it plain and simple.

“Erza blinked in surprise, “Your one? What makes her so special?” Mirajane frowned before her hand reached between her breasts fishing around. Lucy eeped in shock as she was tugged into the cold cellar air, her naked skin shivering as she was placed before Erza.

Lucy looked up fearfully at her hard gaze, she felt petrified as she stared. ‘So what Natsu told me was true then;’ “So, you’re Lucy. Erza Scarlet.” Erza extended her finger to Lucy, her timid form shaking a as she looked up at the Titaness.

Lucy shook her finger politely before crawling back a bit. “So what pray tell do you find so special about her, besides her size that is.” Mirajane frowned, she didn’t quite know the answer herself, she just kind of was.

“That’s not important, what is, is that she’s my one.” Erza stared at Lucy intently, her own mind plotting eagerly. “I think not, it was still my turn, you picked the last member three weeks ago and stole Lucy while I was gone, and she’s mine by right.” Erza smirked.

“But, when we choose our one that trumps all other choices!” Mira countered heatedly. ’Mira, I’m her one?’ Lucy felt her heart flutter a bit, she felt revered in Mira’s presence more than ever now. “So then I’ll just choose Lucy to be my one, which trumps you by right.” Erza grinned venomously as she stared at Lucy eagerly. ‘W-What?! Erza wants me to be hers, why?!’

“W-W-WHAT?! Y-YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HER SHE CANT BE YOUR ONE!” Mira screamed, her hands slamming into the table. “Why? You didn’t give me a reason, and I find her *Special*. Mirajane grit her teeth, she was not going to lose her Lucy!

“I’ll give you my next two,” Erza grinned, she had gotten to where she wanted now.” Make it ten” Mirajane blinked, unsure she heard her right. “Four”, “Ten”, “F-five!” “Ten,” “S-S-seven!”, “Ten” “ERZA!” The scarlet haired Mage chuckled knowingly. “Eight and I’ll trade you one of my own, besides Lucy, Final offer.” Mirajane extended her hand glaring angrily.

“I’ll take that offer, but I get Lucy tonight, I want to play with her after my long mission.” Mirajane chewed her bottom lip angrily, she knew what she had to do but still she hated losing to her! Mira looked down at Lucy before seeing her worried expression. ‘She’s mine, I promised her she was… Sighing she knew what she had to. “Alright, you have a deal Erza.”

Erza grinned chesurly shaking her hand. “I’ll collect you after I pick up a few things, see you soon Lucy.” Erza waved walking away from them. “Whoa… What, what just happened?” Lucy muttered before looking back at Mira’s disheveled expression.

“I just lost my right to claim the next eight women who enter Fairy tail… and I’m losing one of mine…” Lucy’s eyes widened a bit, she sort of understood what the two had set up but they acted like trading other’s as commodities was a simple matter. ‘She gave up nine people to keep me?’ Lucy smiled warmly before walking over to Mira and hugging her hand, she felt immense happiness knowing her mistress cared so much for her. Mirajane smiled stroking Lucy’s back gently before her glare returned.

“I hate her so much right now…” Mirajane said bitterly, her hands balled into fists. “I-I hope I didn’t cause you to lose a friend over me…” Lucy said ashamed. Mirajane blinked before giggling, surprising Lucy. “Don’t worry my little Lucy, I don’t really hate her she does stuff like this to me all the time, she’s more of a pain then anything.” Mira sighed standing up.

“I guess this just means I have more time to devote to you now,” Mira smirked stroking her fingers down Lucy’s back. The blonde shivered nodding, that didn’t sound so bad. Mirajane lifted Lucy up before pushing her between her breasts once more.

“Now listen closely Lucy, Erza will be a lot different than me, and I know her she has a tendency to go overboard when she plays with others.” Mirajane frowned knowing firsthand how aggressive the redhead could be. Lucy shuddered nodding,’ and I have to spend a whole day with her? Good thing I can’t feel pain…’

“The rules I’ve given to you apply to anyone else who uses you alright? You are to follow their orders no matter what, got it?” Mirajane said sternly. The blonde nodded not liking where this was headed, she trusted Mira with her life but she didn’t even know Erza, not to mention she scared the hell out of her.

Mirajane exited the storeroom before heading back to the bar, her eyes fixated on Erza as she talked with Laki. “I think I lucked out, she hasn’t come over to me yet.” Levy whispered as she watched Erza. “Don’t count on it, I had to trade a lot to keep Lucy, one of mine included and you know how Erza likes to torment me by taking my favorites.” Levy grinned; it was always a compliment to be called her favorite.

“So Lulu’s yours for good now?” Mirajane frowned shaking her head. “She will be tomorrow; I had to trade her to Erza for a night.” Levy sighed in disappointment. “Aww, I wanted to ask if I could see Lulu tonight, I’ve missed her.” Mirajane smiled pulling Levy towards the end of the bar so they couldn’t really be seen or heard.

“I think I can arrange that, you’re one of the people I’d trust with her.” Levy beamed happily nodding before she saw Mirajane fishing around in her bosom for a moment before pulling something out. “Why where you hiding a doll in you- HOLY CRAP IS THA LUL-“ Mirajane covered Levy’s mouth growling audibly.

“Quiet! I don’t want others to see her yet.” Levy nodded before looking down at her naked friend confused. “I didn’t peg you as an exhibitionist Lulu, you must be really kinky,” The bluenette chuckled. “It’s not like that! I’m just not allowed to wear clothes around…” Lucy stopped looking up at Mira before she nodded. “Mira. She likes me like this.” Lucy blushed.

“Oh because streaking in front of just one person is so much better,” Levy grinned, as she watched Lucy’s flustered reaction. “So do you think it would be possible for me and Lulu to play sometime? I mean if it’s alright with you to Lulu.” Mirajane smiled; stroking Levy’s hair affectionately. “I think I can allow that, would you like that to my little Lucy?”

The shrunken mage nodded, she loved Mira she knew that already but still, socializing with someone else for a change sounded nice, she had been with Mira for three days straight. “Then it’s settled, after I spend a little more quality time with my little Lucy I’ll let her stay with you for the night.” Mirajane smiled warmly.

Levy grinned nodding, “Thank you so much Mira, you’re the best!” Mirajane smirked, “I know, just make sure you always remember that in case you’re stuck with Erza for a while.” Levy nodded quickly walking back to her team, a skip in her step.

“Wow, I had no idea she was with you Mir- Mistress… Who else is with whom?” Mirajane smiled, her pet remembered to correct herself, what a good girl. “Well my current girls are Levy as you already know, Laki… though I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose her, Erza’s been eyeing her like a her strawberry cake since she got in,” Mirajane frowned.

“There’s also Mickey and Chico but I doubt you know them, they actually tend to share one another’s company more then with myself, maybe I should separate them for a week so they remember who’s in charge.” Mirajane tapped her chin in thought.

“What about Cana, is she with you to?” Mirajane shook her head with annoyance. “No she’s Erza’s, I’ve been trying to get her for months actually she’s pretty kinky when drunk.” Mirajane giggled. Lucy watched Laki smiled as she followed Erza, apparently she did pick her.

“And now I’m down another one, at this rate she’ll have all my girls.” Mirajane cried with annoyance. “Do you just trade them for nights or something; can’t you wait till it’s your turn?” “Not exactly, the system we designed was meant to be fair and for the most part it is. Simply put when a new member joins Fairy Tail, whoever’s turn it is gets first crack at them. If they like what we do then they can join in but they have their own set of rules.” Lucy listened closely; apparently this was a lot more in-depth then she had first thought.

“Basically put if they join they stay with whoever recruited them, me or Erza. And that’s how we have our own little harems, but of course you know maybe some of those girls want to be with me or vice versa,” Lucy nodded wanting her to continue.

“That’s when we hold a game,” ‘A game?’ “I’m not following, how does a game determine if someone wants to just sleep with someone else?” Mirajane sighed; batting Lucy on the head. “Bad girl, don’t think in black and white Lucy. The game is meant as a challenge, between both me and Erza, we fight for our girls so they know we care for them.” Lucy nodded in understanding, why would they stay if the people they were with didn’t care for them.

“Basically which ever girl one of ours or us wants we wager one of our own and the winner gets them both.” Lucy thought it over, it sounded logical but still, it seemed wrong. “Jeez those are high stakes for a one night stand,” Lucy mumbled before Mira batted her on the head again.

“Bad, bad girl!” Mirajane frowned. “Sorry Mistress what did I say?” Mira sighed shaking her head, “I know your new to the guild but here where a family, were not just trading woman back and forth when were tired of them, where giving each other a chance to be with one another while both Erza and I remain on the top of the food chain.”

Lucy frowned nodding; everyone here cared for one another deeply. “So what happens if someone wants to be like you or Erza and get tired of being traded?” Lucy blinked shivering as she saw Mira’s sickeningly sweet smile.

“They can fight us for our spot, if they lose though we get to pick there punishment,” Mirajane chuckled darkly, her teeth looking rather jagged from her perspective. ‘Jeez she’s scaring me!’ “It’s only happened twice in 10 years but it served as a lesson, no one can be above us.” Mirajane beamed proudly.

“Any other questions?” Lucy shook her head, the hierarchy of the guild now explained a bit more in-depth. “Wait sorry but one last question Mistress.” Mira nodded urging her to continue. “What if you want someone? Can’t you just play one of your games and get them like Cana?” Mirajane frowned nodding.

“I can but that’s where it gets tricky, the requester who first asks for someone can’t pick the game, the other can. So If I pick someone Erza can pick how we fight for them, that alone gives her the edge Lucy.  We’ve been at each other’s throats for years and we know one another’s strengths and weaknesses and neither of us hesitate to exploit them.” Lucy nodded; it made sense since the stakes where so high.

“So you can’t get Laki back unless Erza makes the challenge?” Mirajane shrugged, “If she or Laki herself did then yes. Like I said the others can ask to have someone come to their side, that can be just as dangerous, let’s say Laki wanted Levy to join, Erza would then challenge me and offer up whoever I picked, but I’d get to pick the game. And that’s how we keep relatively equal sides… although both of us are sore losers so we usually don’t do these games more than once a month.”

“Why don’t more people know about this?! I’m sure you’d have women flocking to join in if you advertised it,” Mirajane chuckled petting Lucy. “Levy was right you are kinky.” Lucy blushed looking away, ‘it was just a suggestion…’

“We don’t tell others unless we know there joining because we don’t want other guilds copying us Lucy, were special like that.” ‘I guess that kind of makes sense.” Mira picked Lucy back up before stuffing her back between her breasts.

“We’ll talk later Lucy I’m still working, just be prepared, by the time my shift ends… You’ll be Erza’s property for the night.” Lucy looked up worriedly, she really didn’t want to leave her Mira’s presence, she felt safe around her…

‘Just think positive, she said Erza’s not as bad as Natsu made her out to be… I’m sure this won’t be too bad.’ “Oh and one more thing Lucy, Do not defy her in any way or you’ll face horrible punishment far worse than I could ever think of.” Mirajane smiled before going back to her chores.

Lucy’s composure cracked. ‘I’m screwed!’


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Mirajane watched as the last few members left the guild hall, Makarov still in his study staying quiet. It was just her and Erza now. The scarlet haired mage rested her back against the door waiting patiently. “It’s time Lucy, be strong tonight,” Mira whispered quietly before walking over to Erza.

“Anything you need to tell me about her before I take her home?” Erza inquired, her brow raised curiously. “She can’t feel pain from what I’ve found out so she can take a little abuse but I’m warning you Erza if you do anything to scar her I won’t forgive you.” Mirajane said in a completely serious tone.

“You have my word; I just want to make sure she won’t break if I use her.” Mira shook her head, “She’s tougher then she looks.” Nodding Erza extended her plate covered hand expectantly. “I’ll see you soon my little Lucy,” Mira whispered pulled her out from between her breasts.

Giving her a quick kiss she set her down and watched Erza eyeing her with lust. “I think we’ll have plenty of fun tonight Lucy.” Lucy nodded timidly not trusting her words in Erza’s presence; it was imposing to say the least. Waving goodbye Lucy watched as Erza turned the corner, taking the shrunken mage with her as she left the guild hall.

“Be safe you two, and if I find out you did anything to scaring I’m going to make you pay,” Mirajane growled, her usual gentle tone gone as she growled possessively. Lucy looked up at Erza’s cold eyes as she walked, not saying a word to her in the slightest.

The streets were black as the Lacrima’s lit them dimly, Erza making her way back to Fairy Hills. “Were going to have fun Lucy, trust me.” Lucy jumped hearing Erza speak up the first time since they left the guild.

“I-I-If M-Mira T-Trusts you t-then so do I…” Lucy mentally scolded herself, her fear leaking into her voice. Erza smirked hearing her stutter but said nothing else as they walked quietly back to her apartment, what laid ahead for her to know and Lucy to find out…



To be continued…


Chapter End Notes:






Well ladies and gents i hope you all enjoyed and i beg of you to review its what keeps me inspired to write ^.^


Please feel free to make requests also, while this story does seem like it has a plotline to follow i have many many ways to add in little tidbits of fun for all you guys so please, challange me i love it >:)



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