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Author's Chapter Notes:

IT's Here! The Final Battle with Christine, I've been building her up for months, now we get to see how it all pans out. 

Vs. Christine


            The room goes silent as the news unfolds; on every channel it’s the same story “The Sentinel Returns”, “Is the Sentinel Back?” “Who Is The Sentinel?” all stream across the glowing screen. “That’s right Bob,” the anchorwoman, says. “The Sentinel was Urban City’s very own caped crusader, fighting against crime and stopping our former and most hated overlord Tina. But He suddenly disappeared, without a trace a few months ago. No one knows where he went or who he is” “but this changes everything! This video proves that he’s not dead! He’s still out there fighting for justice in Juliet’s Shadow.” Bob the anchorman exclaims enthusiastically. “Now hold on Bob. This video proves nothing; it’s just a blurry image with a million views on YouCube. It’s to early to speculate who or what that even is.” The anchorwoman says. “Who else could it be? Santa? Big Foot? The simplest explanation is The Sentinel.” Bob says

            Juliet shoots Gan a hostile glare; the sort of glare that only a wife can give to her husband. It communicates anger on several levels, conveying an entire lecture in a fracture of a second. Gan knows he’s in trouble but there is no time for that now Your Sentinel is back! Oh, this is wonderful, incredible, amazing news!” Christine declares, jumping on the couch as she does. “Why are you happy, we hate The Sentinel.” Juliet responds bewildered by her strange behavior. “Correction! YOU hate The Sentinel. To me he’s a fun toy to play with!” Christine says grabbing Juliet’s hand. “Now we don’t have to play monopoly, we can hunt down The Sentinel and kill him instead!” Christine says pulling Juliet out to the Balcony, Christine grows to her full size and Juliet follows to prevent her arm from getting ripped off.

            “But Christine, we don’t even know if The Sentinel is still alive, how are we going to find one man in all of Urban City?” Juliet asks. “Hmmmmmmmm… I hadn’t thought that far, honestly my brain is still regaining function after playing monopoly with you two. Killing people worked last time… lets just do that.” Christine suggests as if it were nothing for her. “Oh, no, no, no, no! You are not killing my people-I mean toys- you aren’t killing anymore of my toys! They belong to me, and I won’t all of them alive!” Juliet protests, pushing against her larger stronger counterpart. “Oh relax Juliet, We only need to kill a few in a public place, you have like 4.3 million of them. What difference are one or two bugs?” Christine reasons. “Ok, fine lets go to the park, but first let me get my purse and say goodbye to Ganny!”

Juliet shrinks back down onto her balcony, she runs inside grabbing her purse on the Chair. “Juliet what’s going on? Where are you going”? Gan asks as Juliet runs by him to grab her purse. “Christine wants to kill people, which means you have to show up at the park as The Sentinel before she does.” Juliet says stopping only to give him a kiss on the cheek. “But I’m not suppose to be The Sentinel anymore.” Gan says confused. “I know but this is a matter of life or death, if you don’t show up who knows how many people she will murder. And don’t think we are done with this Sentinel Conversation Mister. I am very Mad at you!” She says before she’s gone in a flash in her place a shadow that disappears in a flurry of earthquakes.

“Damn it” are the only words Gan manages to spit out as he’s left alone at the alter of his sins, but he’s not as alone as he thinks.


A Romp Through the Park

“I hate that it turned out like this Gan, I really do.” Says Gaia. Gan turns to find a blue haired pale-skinned girl wearing all black and a beanie with a skull on it. “Gaia I- did you go Goth?” Gan asks confused. “NO! I did not ‘GO’ Goth, deities don’t ‘GO’ Goth, I represent all of Mankind and this is just a single facet of my infinite forms!” Gaia retorts defensively. “Oh my God! You went Goth because I stopped being your Champion didn’t you!” Gan says with a smirk on his face “WHAT! Pfffttt! No! I-I-I…. shut-up!” Gaia crosses her arms and turns away sticking her chin in the air. “I swear to me! If I were just a few eternities younger… I would smite you SO HARD!” Gaia says in a huff.

“Listen Gaia, I’d loved to stay and listen to you say you told me so, but I have a city to save, so if you’ll excuse me.” Gan tries to leave but Gaia stops him. “Wait. I came to warn you! Something big is going down, we don’t know what it is yet, but we do know it could mean the end of the whole universe!” Gan listens while putting on his costume, as ominous as that all sounds there are evil things happening right in front of him and he’s the only one who can stop it… somehow, he’s still working on that part. Sorry Gaia. I’ll deal with it later. For now,” Gan puts on his mask. “It’s Sentinel Time!” Gaia almost vomits, which is quite impossible for a deity. “Acccccckkkkk!!!!” Gaia gags holding her chest. “I’m working on my catchphrase… how do you like that?” Gan asks genuinely curious as to what she thinks. “Keep working dear.” Gaia says hunched over, coughing furiously.

Gan Sprints through the apartment onto the balcony and then rockets off into the big blue unknown.

Gan hits the pavement running, he’s faster than a bullet, faster than the human eye, faster than the wind itself. Everyone who is just alert enough to notice him is left staring at the same empty spot for a minute scratching their head at what they just saw. Gan is giddy with excitement it feels good being in the saddle once again. He’s wild and free like an unbridled stallion! He is the embodiment of freedom itself.

He ducks and dodges past car’s that seem to be moving at snail’s pace to him. Gaia’s blessing has hyper charged his brain meaning he can process information faster than life can throw it at him. Luckily Gaia’s Blessing isn’t like a genie it doesn’t come with any ironic twists, so nothing is permanently in slow motion, just when his heart is pumping fast. He does a flip over slow-motion convertible snatching the driver’s ice cream right out of his hands. “Yum!”

Gan approaches the two towering ladies, their bodies dominate the skyline proving them impossible to ignore. Gan still can’t help admiring his wife’s gorgeous hourglass figure he imagines just how puny he is compared to her sheer magnitude. He makes a mental note to tell her about these thoughts later when she isn’t angry with him. “Well I guess I won’t waste any time” Gan thinks running up the side of one of the buildings.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to play monopoly Christine? It’ll be Fuuuuun” Juliet offers. “Fuck no! I don’t want to play monopoly.” Christine says dangling a couple of tinies 500 feet in the air. “This is more fun.” She lets them go only to catch them immediately after. Giggling at their screams. “These two might make a good snack. What do you think?” Christine asks. “Yeah… delicious.” Juliet responds.

Christine!” booms a deep gruff voice. “You are a cancer to this city, You need to be surgically removed.” Christine looks around “Who the hell said that? You people better start giving me names or your all getting crushed.” “You cannot crush a symbol Christine! You cannot cage the unbridled desire to be free,” The voice booms through the park, it sounds like a loud speaker that has been amplified many times over. “Our hope is something you cannot eat, because it will overwhelm you, and it will trample you. Consume you. Obliterate you. Prepare to be crushed underfoot, just like those you have crushed underfoot so many times before! Now taste the feet of vengeance!”

Juliet Face palms, “Feet of vengeance really? He is so melodramatic. ‘it will consume you?’ that’s it! No more Gritty superhero movies after 10! It’s straight to bed for him.” Juliet thinks. As Gan’s tirade comes to a close Juliet starts backing away, she’s doesn’t want to participate in this battle mostly so she won’t blow her cover, if anyone found out… she would be a stain on Sarah’s foot. It was not a pleasant thought. “I’m rooting for you Ganny go get her!” she thinks as she gathers up tinies evacuating them from the potential battle.

Gan perches on building, he uses his powers to project his voice across the wide green park, in hopes that if he wins it’ll seem even cooler. Gan really doesn’t understand half the stuff he is saying, but it sounds deep and dramatic, and it was messing with Christine. Finally Gan finishes and for some reason it’s on tasting feet which a disgusting concept to him, nonetheless he is still a man of action so he jumps into battle.


Third Times the Charm

Gan Jump Kicks Christine’s forehead, staggering her, but to his dismay she doesn’t topple over. Gan realigns his body while falling in midair and lands on a tree using it like a catapult to fire himself at her knees. She swats at the blur but misses, Gan is to fast and too small. Landing on her knees Gan Sprints up the side of her leg. Christine desperately swats her leg trying to lead her shots, but Gan runs diagonal looping around to her butt. Gan makes sure to find his way under her booty shorts in order to freak Christine out even more.

The steep incline of Christine’s immense posterior slows Gan’s ascent. The terrain is rubbery preventing from getting any traction. This leaves him open for a butt smack “Got you, bug!” Christine declares. Gan finds himself plastered to Christine’s butt. The position only adds to his humiliation. Christine takes this opportunity to slam her rear on the ground. The force of the impact is so powerful it leaves a crater in it’s wake. Gan is very tough, but he’s not that tough, He feels a sharp pain at the initial impact. As Christine sits there for a minute he feels the pain slowly build to unbearable levels. “You thought you were so big didn’t you? After you got that sucker punch on me, your were the good shit weren’t you, but no… you were always just an annoying flea, your life lasts for as long as you can stay away from me, but it all ends here!” Christine says, while rubbing her butt deeper into the ground.

Gan realizes this could be it, smothered beneath some bitch, not the way he ever picture going out. In his head it was always after eating too many chocolate sundaes. Juliet by his side, and Gaia watching while shaking her head disdainfully. “NO! That’s how I’m dying! Nothing can kill me except for Chocolate Sundaes!” Gan thinks. Bearing this in mind he manages to prop his hands up beneath her booty, it’s not so hard, after all her butt is like a bean bag but with a fifty thousand pounds on top, After propping his hands he pushes up again propping up his elbows. He takes another deep breath, sucking up the last of the air available to him and stands up. Pushing up against most of the weight against Christine’s upper body.  Gan feels like Atlas, the Greek myth about the titan forced to hold up the sky. Christine is incomprehensibly heavy.

What the Fuck!” Christine yelps having been tossed aside like an overgrown doll. Gan uses every ounce of the strength he has to toss the Titaness off of him. She lands on her butt 70 feet away.

Gan Stands in the crater, breathing heavily, using that much of his strength has left him severely weakened. His body has been stressed beyond the capabilities of it’s structural integrity and his muscles have been torn after lifting such a heavy girl. “Awwww… look at you!” Christine says while getting down on her knees and putting her face right up to the sentinel. “You’re weakened! And that means this fight is over. Hehe. You’re a lot cuter when your at my mercy. I’d love to keep you like this; too bad I have to kill you.” Christine stands up towering over The Sentinel. She lifts her right foot. “Goodbye!”

She slams her foot down towards the Sentinel but before it can find it’s target Juliet tackles her. Christine is flung back to the ground rolling over hundreds of trees. Juliet Sits on her belly and wails on her, punching her over and over again. Each punch is equivalent to a ton of dynamite. “Keep…” *punch “your…” *punch “hands…” *punch “off…” *punch “my…” *punch “husband!”

Christine is stunned. She can’t believe what’s happening. One second she could practically taste victory, the next she is on the ground getting the crap kicked out of her. Then she hears the word “husband” and everything suddenly makes sense. That’s why Juliet never could beat The Sentinel, why she doesn’t like hurting tinies, and why she didn’t want to hunt The Sentinel today. Christine flings Juliet off of her belly, uprooting even more of the park’s trees. “You traitorous bitch! I should have known, you’ve been sleeping with the enemy!” Christine screams in outrage. “I am going to choke the life out of your traitor neck.” Christine storms over to where Juliet’s laying. She grabs her by the straps of her tank top and lifts Juliet up to her face. Juliet smiles, “What the Fuck are you smiling about bitch?” “This.” Juliet responds

Gan fires himself from the crater into the side of Christine’s knee, the force of which sends her toppling over. Gan bounces out of the way and runs to Juliet’s thigh. He gives it quick hug and then beckons for her to come down. Juliet shrinks to her 4’11’’ form and climbs onto Gan’s back.  With his newest passenger Gan Leaps through the air like a grasshopper jumping from one building to the next. Juliet is not use to being on the losing end of a fight, she cries silently into Gan’s back.

Finally Gan comes to rest in an alleyway behind one of Urban Cities many factories. Juliet jumps off as Gan collapses against a wall, breathing heavily and rapidly. Juliet uses her body to help supports him with her body pressing her forehead against his cheek. The two remain there in silence for a heart pounding moments. Juliet buries her head in Gan’s chest.

“Ganny… what are we going to do?” Juliet asks. “We have to beat her… right here… right now. She knows…who we are.” Gan says between gasps. Sorry about that.” Juliet apologizes. “Don’t…. We can’t help it… now, the question… now is… how do we … beat her?” Gan asks standing only because of Juliet and a wall. “Well their only one way to beat a Giantess. Get rid of her ambrosia.” Juliet says,  “How… do we … do that?” Gan asks, so far he’s only beaten three Giantesses none of whom lost their ambrosia. Tina by capturing her in electrical wires. Rin by attrition only, and Juliet by being married to her.

“Ambrosia is in a big clump beside our hearts. It’s their so it can circulate through our bodies. If you hit her in the heart hard enough, she’ll spit out her Ambrosia, without it giving her a form in this dimension she’ll shrink into nothing.” Juliet explains.

“That won’t happen to you… will it?” Gan asks concerned. “Well yes and no,” Juliet says. “I’ve spent an abnormal amount of time as a 4’11’’ housewife, because I’ve Got smaller forms to go to, I’d probably shrink to the size of a doll. That wouldn’t be so bad, since I’d have a big strong husband to take of me.” Juliet says with a smile. “Don’t worry because you’d have to hit me REALLY hard, like ridiculously hard! So you’d never be able to do it by accident baby.”

Gan is comforted a little, but realizes the same applies for Christine too, probably even more so. “So how do we hit Christine that hard then?” Gan asks. “Don’t worry my dear. I have a plan.” Juliet says with bravado.

The Plan

Christine wakes up angrier than a disturbed hornets nest. And her sting is 10 million times worse. Without her true enemies to take it out on she rampages through the city. “Stop hiding you cowards! Face me or I’ll destroy the city.” She threatens very much meaning every word. With a flick of her wrist she puts another Office building in ruins. She watches it all crash to the ground with glee.

She sees a skyscraper that she isn’t taller than, so she puts her fist through the 21st-23rd floors, her arm punctures the other side of the building. The people is side flee from the massive appendage papers flying everywhere, desks mangled against her arm in a heap of destruction. She then sweeps her arm outward blowing out one side of the building, flinging papers, desks and rubble into the city below. The other half of the building tumbles to the ground causing unknown amounts of damage.

“Alright Christine, enough is enough. No need to hurt anymore-innocent people. I surrender.” Juliet says projecting her massive voice across the city. Christine turns her head and sees Juliet in her 500-foot form across the city. Her hands are in the air and she looks defeated.  Christine wastes no time, she sprints through the narrow streets towards her prey, trampling empty cars underfoot. Christine is not a merciful woman once Juliet and The Sentinel are dead she has no plans to spare the city. She already begins planning what she’ll do to them. Her stride lets her travel at incredible speeds.  In moments she is almost upon Juliet but she is so wrapped up in her fantasies of what she will do to them that she doesn’t notice Gan clinging to the back of Juliet’s hand.

Christine is 600 feet away, but to Juliet this is point blank range, she abruptly puts her hands down and cocks her right throwing arm back. Christine doesn’t realize what’s going on and even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to slow down in time.  Gan is wrapped in Juliet’s fist as she cocks it back and then throws him as hard as she can. At peak of Juliet’s pitch Gan Jumps as hard as he can knocking Juliet’s arm back where it came from pulling Juliet with it. Gan flies through the air faster than he ever has. With the combined forces of Juliet’s pitch and his jump, coupled with the fact that Christine is sprinting at him creates a force far more powerful than he could have created on his own. Gan pegs Christine right in her heart, and everything goes black for him.


Chapter End Notes:

Next time we''l see the aftermath of the battle, Gan, Juliet, the world, nothing will be quite the same after this chapter, so buckle because it only gets crazier from here! Remember to Rate and Review so that I can make a movie!

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