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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the long wait and I am glad for the support that I have received for this story so far. I hope that this chapter is good and that it is well received. This chapter is another long one, mainly because there is more explanation, but there is action that will hopefully satisfy the readers and the future chapters should be shorter and have more action than anything else. As always I love comments it keeps me writing, the feedback from the last chapter motivated me to write this chapter as fast as I could.  



The room fell silent, only the sounds of beeping and coolant fans could be heard. The man looked at Raquel perplexed by her response. He was beginning to feel that she was taking him for a fool, he wanted to scold the young girl for trying to patronize him, but felt that any words to anger her would just lead to invoking her wrath and killing him with ease, for he was nothing more than a spec.

Unknown to the man, Raquel really did not know what she had just involved herself with. He believed that she was some sort of assassin, who's goal was to destroy the Elite 50. He took in a deep breath and tried to resume the conversation and hopefully convince her to spare his life.

"Listen, I don't know who hired you, but let us make a deal. I am lord Weston, ruler of the planet Weston and I can make you a deal. Just spare my planet, please don't destroy it like you did the other two."

"Planet? You mean the Elite 50?"

"Yes, you have already destroyed two of them, so I know you are serious about your mission, but spare my planet and I will reward you with riches to get you out of the slums and live the life of a queen. You don't have to spare all the planets just mine. You see the other rulers have been up to some stuff that go against our treaty, so if you want to destroy them then please do so, for I care nothing of the lives of the rulers or the billions who inhabit their planets."

Raquel's eyes widened, she could hardly believe what she was hearing the old man say. She could not even fathom that the old man's words backed any truth, for if he was right that would mean the floating spheres that she was so entranced with were actually the planets of the Elite 50, the same Elite 50 every astronomer has been searching for, the same Elite 50 that were said to be a myth and the same Elite 50 that Raquel wanted to punish for her sister's death.

A huge smirk crept across Raquel's face and then she burst out with a sinister laugh that sent chills down the spine of Weston. Sweat rolled down his brow and he began to shiver in fear of the giant girls reaction. He was beginning to think that he had in some way given her more info than she already had. He first figured that Raquel was hired as an assassin to eliminate the Elite 50 and tried to win her over with a deal, but now he was beginning to see the truth, he realized that this girl had no idea about the Elite 50's situation.

"I don't fucking believe this! The great, scary Elite 50 are nothing more than tiny balls on earth and not these scientific marvels in space. I also destroyed two of them, does that mean I killed a lot of people?"

"Y-yes young lady, you killed thousands and I am guessing by accident since you had no idea that these so called tiny balls are the great and genuine Elite 50."

Raquel purred when she had officially learned about what she had done. She was being over powered by a euphoric sensation that sent tingles throughout her body, tantalizing her sensitive womanhood, which began to moisten and pulsate heat. She didn't know why, but knowing that she had snuffed out the lives of thousands of powerless people was turning her on. She took in deep breaths periodically, trying to calm herself down so that she may continue her conversation with the man on the screen.

Weston could see that Raquel was becoming hot and bothered, though it seemed strange to him, he figured that he could use her feelings to his advantage. "Does the thought of killing all those people turn you on young lady, if so then please take my offer. Destroy all the planets except mine and I will reward you for your services. Destroying the lives of people seems to get you off and I want my competition taken care of, this deal is good for the both of us."

Raquel regained her composure due to her breathing exercises and smiled at the elderly man. She decided that she would play along with the man, so that he may reveal information about the Elite 50 Now that she found the Elite 50, she was became very interested in the predicament of the tiny planet and the people on them.

"I want info, tell me about this lab and what the man who was working here was meant to do. That man said he had to make a transport, also that pad over there did something to him, I want to know more and I want to know right now. I especially want to know if there are things that can make disposing of your competition more fun."

"Why should I reveal our secrets to you?"

"Because If you refuse I will kill you, dumbass! Maybe I will do something really bad to you, like eat your entire planet or maybe I'll take a shit on your whole planet and have you die in my waste? Do you want any of those things to happen to you? If you don't then tell me some juicy stuff that I can use to enjoy destroying the planets that you want me to dispose of."

"I-I am sorry for speaking to you so rudely, I will call in an expert on all the details about how you can use the labs tools and some information on the history as well as our activities. Will this be satisfactory to you?"

The man gasped at the girls vicious threat, he knew that she was serious and determined that he had no choice. He called for a scientist to join him on the conference with Raquel. A thin bespectacled man in his young 20's wearing a lab coat was brought in to explain things to Raquel in depth. The scientist was shaking in fear, knowing that he was speaking to a being who was far larger and stronger than he was.

Raquel removed a note pad and pencil from her back pocket, which she usually kept around when doing her investigations, so that she may jot down some info that would lead her to her sisters killer, but now this pad would be used to give her information that could make her revenge against the Elite 50 more enjoyable.

"Now give me some good info or else a shit storm will hit your way, literally."

Weston ordered the scientist to give her as much info as he possibly could about the history of the Elite 50 and  what she could do to the Elite 50 using recourses in the lab. She pulled out a note pad and pen from her back pocket, which she usually carried while going on her investigations. The scientist knew that the info that he would give her could be dangerous, he thought about giving her false info, but he feared what would happen if the giant girl was ever lied to, he for one did not want to be eaten or buried in her putrid waste.  

He gave her brief info about the Elite 50's activates, such as their pillaging of resources, abductions and cloning to increase the size of their societies. Raquel was not pleased with a history lesson, she wanted to know more about what she could do to have fun with the Elite 50. The scientist frightened, blurted out info about a digital tablet that could manipulate the Elite 50.

Raquel's eyes widened when she heard what the tablet could do. The tablet was set with a bunch of apps. With these apps, she could communicate to the tiny planets with video and audio. She could also receive live audio and video feeds of the planets. She was also told that if she wanted to that she could remove the images of the false sky on every planet, meaning that the microns would be able to see everything happening outside the planet and what they could see when Raquel was about to destroy them or when they are being moved around. Those functions were amazing to her, but not as amazing as the ability to control the sizes of the Elite 50. With a certain app, she could shrink the planets to almost indefinite size and restore them to their natural sizes, she figured that there was a lot of fun that she could have with that app.

She was also told about the transportation case, which was used to pack away the tiny planets and have them moved to other bunker locations, but in Raquel's hands she could transport all the planets where ever she pleased. Weston thought that she was given too way too much information. he could see that the flustered scientist wanted to give away any information he had so that he would not be punished for withholding anything from the gigantic teen.

"That is enough! I wrote down enough to satisfy me. Now I know you rulers of the Elite 50 are all bastards that I can shrink, transport, communicate with and view for my pleasure. I think all these tools will allow me to have some fun. I mean I can shrink you guys further, then I will remove the sky so you guys can see everything about to happen to you and I can see what's happening on the planet, so I can see the terror in the face of the people I am killing."

Weston was clearly worried about the way Raquel worded her plans for the tiny planets, he was worried that his planet would be included in her rampage. "You mean that you will be using what was taught to you to destroy the other planets, right? I mean mine will be left alone as we agreed, right?"

Raquel smirked and began to snicker devilishly at Weston and the scientist, who's faces displayed the sheer terror that they felt in their hearts, for the smirk Raquel presented was one of pure malice and they couldn't help but feel that her ill intent would be directed toward them. Just when the two tiny men felt that their doom was imminent, Raquel's twisted expression turned into a gentle smile.

"Don't you guys worry, we have a deal so I will leave you to enjoy a long happy life -."

"Thank goodness, I was afraid that you were going to go against our deal and do me and my planet harm. Now how about getting on with the destruction of those bastards and if you would be a dear can you use the transportation case and bring my planet to the bunker it was meant to be transported to?"

"Hold on you didn't let me finish, you see I bet you really wanted me to say I would leave you to live a long happy life, but the truth is that you and your entire planet are seriously FUCKED!"

Weston was speechless, he was afraid that this would happen, but he was not mentally prepared for what would come with her betrayal. hundreds of images of how she would destroy his planet played over and over in his head. His weak heart was beating too fast for his body to handle and his nerves were functioning out of his control. He was mentally and physically losing control of himself to the fear of death. Weston knew he needed to convince her to spare him, he needed to put all his negotiating skills to use, otherwise his life will be lost in a manner of moments.

"Listen, I can give you riches beyond your imagination. You can kill me and the rest of the Elite 50, but then what? I can give you the recourses to have a rich, fulfilling life. Don't throw away all I can give you for no good reason."

"Shut up you miniscule piece of bug shit. I don't need your riches, all I want is to kill you damned wealthy bastards. You guys are at fault for my sister's death and you are constantly taking from us in the slums just to maintain your societies. I suggest you keep quiet, because nothing you say will save your pathetic little life."

Weston fell into despair knowing that the girl was all too serious about killing him and the other Elite 50. He looked down at the young scientist crying on the floor in a fetal position. There was nothing He could say to calm the cowering scientist, since he himself was infested with the terror of death.

"I hope you guys are ready because I am going to start my execution about... Now! First I will remove the sky from all the planets so that everybody can witness my gigantic body destroying their whole world."

Raquel tinkered with the tablet, following the detailed instructions that she recorded on her note pad. It wasn't long before the artificial skies that decorated each planet vanished, revealing the gigantic world that existed outside their tiny worlds. Aside from the leaders the populace of the tiny planets did not understand what was happening, they figured that the sky disappearing was just a malfunction of some sort.

Some planets had a good view of the gigantic teen, but they did not believe that she was dangerous since the only people who were supposed to be in the bunker were people who worked for the Elite 50. The only planets that knew she was dangerous were already destroyed. Raquel began to spy on the planets using the app on her tablet, she viewed camera feeds from many of the planets, but there was no turmoil like she desired.

Raquel wanted chaos and fear throughout all the planets of the Elite 50, but the reactions the people displayed were lackluster compared to what she had thought. She became angry but knew she had a way to make all the planets fear her. If she wanted them to be afraid there was nothing more simple than just letting everyone know what she had planned for them, followed by a display of her wrath.

Raquel used her tablet to send a message to all the planets. Every planet's visual and audio feeds were being controlled by her. Screens on all the planets projected a live recording of Raquel, the people were of course baffled.

"Hello out there tiny pests of the Elite 50. I am going to make my message short and sweet. I am communicating to all of you just to let you know that soon you will all be dead. No I am not kidding, I am going to kill all of you fucking little germs in the most fun and creative ways I can conceive. Say you're goodbye's, pray to whatever god you believe in, eat your final meals, do your favorite hobby, have a nice fuck, just do what you love now because soon it will all over for you guys."

Raquel was not subtle in any way about the fates of the microns, it was a clear-cut death sentence. All of the Elite 50 was in an uproar, terror was implanted into the hearts of billions of human beings who had just found out that their lives will soon be forfeited to a young girls whims. Raquel observed her tablet and looked at all the commotion that she had caused. People ran through the streets in a panic, others crumbled to their knees crying, some were unresponsive almost as if they couldn't believe that what was happening was real. Raquel was pleased with the reactions of her soon to be victims.

" Now to show you all how serious I am I will destroy a planet right now. You will all witness a display of my power and wrath, for you see I am a vengeful goddess and you will receive no mercy from me no matter how much you beg."

Raquel was seeking for a planet for to destroy. A small planet, similar in size to the one she crushed between her fingers, caught her attention. Not only did she want to show the tinies what she could do, she was interested in certain things about the planet, such as how strong the planets barriers were. She smiled at the tiny planet, Imagining the fear in all the tiny people looking up at her. She wonder how they felt, knowing that their whole planet was about to be destroyed and there was nothing that they could do about it.

The people were in awe of the gigantic girl, she was as she stated to them, a goddess. Raquel admired the tiny planet for a while, she was observing every detail her eyes could perceive. She could see the patches of blue which she accurately guessed was water, the patches of green were possibly vegetated areas, brown was either mountainous or a desert, but the patch that caught most of her attention were the gray patches. The grey patches looked dull, but she knew that they were flourishing cities which held the most life for her end.

The people who were on the planet she was targeting were beginning to think that maybe things would be okay and that she would reconsider her genocide, but in that instant the giant girl flick the planet with her right middle finger. The barrier dispersed in an instant, but was able to still absorb the shock, which prevented the planet from being sent flying across the room. The people watched as the barrier pop into nothingness as if it was a worthless soap bubble.

"So the barrier could only take one weak flick. I wonder how many flicks it would take to destroy the whole planet. Well let us find out, shall we my tiny victims?"

Raquel positioned her fingers for another flick. She released her finger from behind her thumb and flicked the planet with her middle finger. In an instant the entire planet exploded into rubble. She felt as the tiny planet was being smushed against her powerful nail. She was fascinated how the land splashed in all directions leaving chunky debris all across her pink nail and her cuticle. She was surprised to see that all she needed was a single flick to do the job, she was actually disappointed that the experiment ended so quickly.

The tines waited in anticipation for the flick. Those on the side of the planet opposite her finger felt that they would be safe from her attack since there would she would not be making direct contact with them, but they were wrong. The finger was released and in an instant all land masses that connected with her finger nail were being turning into rubble. Mountains were obliterated, cities were being turned into waves of crumbling grey mass and flames that danced across the smooth nail boring through the planet's surface. People who were hit by her nail were smashed into red particles. Others who were spared contact with her nail were simply crushed to death by various manmade structures and land masses that were destroyed by Raquel's assault.

Raquel looked at the tablet and she was surprised to see that the population of the planet she flicked, had not reached zero. The population was dropping at an alarming rate and she continued to watch hoping to see when it reached zero, but then a warning appeared on the tablet. She was receiving a notice that another planet had a warning of impending danger, she was clearly surprised since she had only destroyed a single planet. It seemed that the debris from the planet she destroyed was raining like meteors onto a planet that floated behind it.

The planet being bombarded by the debris was a fairly larger planet, the size of a tennis ball. The planet's barrier was eventually destroyed and the remains of the destroyed planet pelted the surface of the larger planet. Raquel looked in amazement of how the debris crashing onto the larger planet was changing it so much. She could see tiny craters being formed on the surface, which to her seemed minuscule, but to the people living on the planet the craters were thousands of feet in diameter and hundreds of feet deep.

She watched as green and gray patches were burning bright orange, to her it was like a light show, but to the microns on the planet it was an inferno that was burning away the lives of thousands. Raquel was happy to see the destruction she had caused, but wanted to destroy the planets in a more direct way, so she decided to end the burning planet herself. She quickly clapped the planet between both her hands.

As her hands were coming together there was a large shift in air pressure being formed between her two clasping palms. The air pressure was causing a massive storm that was shredding the planet's crust like paper. Tiny people were being sent flying at high speeds, where some died as they were being flung, by such a powerful force. Others were sent flying into structures, where they spattered instantly into paste. The high pressure caused some people to be flattened into the planet's surface. There were some survivors, but those who believed they were fortunate to survive, watched in shock as their entire world was being crushed between the girls gigantic palms.

She could feel the warm planet turn into mush between her palms. She eyed her tablet and could see that the planet that she flicked had no more survivors, but the planet between her palms still had some people hanging on to life and she would not be satisfied until everyone was dead. She began to rub her palms together grinding the remains of the planet. She watched in satisfaction as the number of survivors was quickly dropping until reaching zero. She spread her hands apart and looked at the mess that was once a planet, soiling her palms. She rubbed her palms against the edge of a control panel in the room, to clean off her hands of the destroyed planet.

"Well that was fun, but I want to get back to school and show Sophia and Reika what I found, also I can't make heads or tails about how this shrinking stuff works. I wrote down the instructions, but I still don't get it. I am sure Reika could figure out how to make the planets shrink, so I better get back to school before she leaves, but I still have more matter to attend to. Mr. Weston, I am not leaving until I end you first."

Weston ran from his home screaming down the street, thinking that he could somehow escape what was coming to him. He knew that there was no where he could go that he would be safe and that his running was for naught. Raquel  searched for the planet Weston on her tablet and was able to locate the marble sized world, seeing how small it was she immediately came up with a good idea about how to dispose of it.

Raquel stood over the tiny planet, her looming shadow turned the world dark. She then sat down and quickly began to remove her right sneaker and then rolled her slightly dirty white sock off her foot. Her foot was beautiful. her toes were long, finely shaped and has a healthy color. Her skin was smooth and looked pillow soft as did her whole foot. From her toes extended finely shaped, long, well pedicure dark pink nails. The ball of her foot was smooth and had a nice defined shape. Her heel was smooth with not even the slightest presence of a crack or dryness. Her sole was long, smooth and was decorated with a few sexy wrinkles that would grace one's eyes every time she would curls her sexy, slender toes. To a foot fanatic her foot would be considered perfection, so perfect that one would want to suck and worship them for all eternity if he or she would be allowed to.

Raquel wiggled the her toes, allowing her feet to breath after being kept in her sneakers for so long. Raquel extended her bare foot toward the tiny planet of Weston. The microns looked in astonishment of gigantic foot coming toward them. They watched as her insanely huge, slender toes spread and surround the planet. Her toes began to gently curl around the planet.

The planet was now jammed in the space between her second toe and the ball of her foot. Raquel looked was watching a live feed from planet Weston, she could see people running in fear and staring up admiring every detail of the gigantic toe holding their planet in a vice.

"This is amazing! My toes alone are enough to destroy thousands of human lives in an instant. I wouldn't even be able to crush that many ants under my second toe, I guess this mean that you guys are more miniscule than an ant."

Raquel began to add a little bit more pressure, she was enjoying the feeling of the plastic film like texture of the barrier rubbing against the pad of her toe. The people looked as her soft flesh was slightly conforming to the shape of the barrier being tightly pressed against her toe. The barrier was begging to spark and crack from the pressure. The microns could hardly believe that their whole world was nothing compared to even one of this girls toes. They could not help but to see every insignificant detail of the impossibly large toe. They could see the smooth ridges, which were so large that it would be possible to fit a small city between them.  They could see her natural oils forming from between the ridges and splashing against the barrier. The oil being pressed from her pours glazed the circumference of the barrier coating it in a clear liquid that was seeping between the cracks of the crumbling barrier.

Raquel was enjoying every moment of crushing the tiny planet between her toe, she then received a transmission from the planet Weston. She was surprised to see that the feed was from the scientist that gave her the instructions and info she demanded earlier.

"What is it that you want Mr... Well who cares what your name is, what do you want from me? Don't tell me that you are planning to beg for your life."

"M-my name is Simon and I beg of you goddess to please stop this. I will acknowledge you as my goddess and serve you forever along with the rest of the world, just please spare us."

"You want me to spare you? I already said that I will not be convinced, but you are brave and you called me goddess so I will give you and only you a chance to save the entire planet, but you need to work quickly."

"Please tell me what I need to do. I will do anything to live."

"Fine then let's play a little game. I want you to whip out your dick and jack it hard and I want you to climax twice, before I crush the planet."

"You want me to what?"

"Did I stutter, I want to see you rub your little dick until you come twice. I suggest you start now, because there is not much time before you die. Come on Simon, save the world. I mean all you need to do is jack off twice in about under two minutes and think about it this way if you don't make it in time, the last thing you did before dying was pleasure yourself and that is better than running around like a chicken with its head cut off like everyone else on your planet."

Simon had no choice. The task seemed impossible, but if he succeeded then the whole planet would be spared, he had no choice but to play her sick game. He quickly removed his pants and pulled down his boxers. He held his limp penis in his right hand and began to jack it off as hard as he could. He had no clear cut image of what he wanted to pleasure him in his mind, he was just hoping the motion would be enough. It was hard for him to imagine anything pleasurable, considering that he was moments from death. The world shook around him and he could hear horrific screams coming from every living person near him, it was difficult for him to perform the task given to him by the self proclaimed goddess.

"I have to block it out, block it all out! I just need to concentrate and get off." Simon said to himself franticly as tears rolled down his face.

Raquel was amused at how hard Simon was trying to pleasure himself. "Are you that scared that you are actually crying, while jacking it? What a fucking pussy, all you need to do is imagine a nice, dirty sexual encounter two times and you get to live. Maybe I should just end your suffering and just kill you swiftly. I mean I enjoy watching you rub your small dick in a frenzy, but it is also pretty sad to watch."

Simon was in a bad place mentally and physically. He could not concentrate enough to even maintain his hard-on and in a matter of moments the entire planet he inhabited would be nothing more than a sadistic teenager's toe jam. Suddenly he was hit by an overpowering image. All he could imagine was Raquel and heck she was easy to visualize since she was the one putting him through this hell.

He was beginning to moan as his face twisted with pleasure. Raquel was becoming fascinated with how much he was enjoying his masturbation session. Simon then let out a wail and all of a sudden he began to climax.

"I am impressed that you were even able to do it once, what the hell brought upon your change?"

"I simply imagine you my goddess. I imagined you sucking my dick, I imagined fucking your young pussy and bending you across a table while I rammed you until you screamed my name. I came because of you my goddess."

"I am flattered, but can you do it again? I was interested to find out if you would be able to do it or not, so I held back my strength, but now I will give it all I got. I say you only have a few seconds before the end of your miserable little life."

Simon was now more frightened than before, he needed to act quickly if he wanted to save the world. Raquel did not want to lose to Simon. She wanted every planet destroyed and she would be damned if she could not be able to destroy one because of some deal she made with someone who she considered a germ. She applied enough pressure to extinguish the barrier. Simon could hear as the barrier was destroyed, but he did not turn away from victory he continued to run sexual situations with Raquel in his head, until he finally came once again.

"I-I did it goddess!" But it was too late, the barrier was destroyed and the planet was now being compressed between the girls toe and the ball of her foot.

Continents were instantly turned into dust as her toe collided with the planet. Cities and towns was being compressed into the gigantic girls toe prints, where they would be eventually broken down by her sweat and oils and dissolve into nothing, but for now they were insignificant dirt particles lining the ridges of her toes. Some microns were crushed into juicy splotches that decorated the soft, sexy toe, while others were crushed by her toe into the planets crust .

Raquel moaned with pleasure, as she felt every cracking, crunching and popping sensation on her toe and against the ball of her foot. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. She felt every detail of the destruction taking place on her foot. She could feel the difference between a city crumbling into pieces, the smooth brushing of a forest against her flesh, she could feel the splashing of bodies of water and her favorite feeling was the feeling of a crowd of people and wild life being turned into a liquefied mess.

Raquel continued to squeeze the planet until it was completely crushed into a muddy mess between her toe and the ball of her foot. She giggled when she felt the planet, become wet and splatter, she also had a ticklish sensation when she felt the muddy planet contents trail down her long sole.

"I can't believe that so many lives, were ended by my toe. I feel so amazing and powerful, how many others could say they have done such a thing. I might have killed millions by now, I killed more people in minutes than most wars have done in years."

Raquel used her fingers to remove the destroyed planet from her toes and in that moment decided to run another experiment. She wondered how long a planet and it's barrier would last in her shoe while she walked. She gently picked up another tiny planet, slightly smaller than the planet Weston and lodged it between her big and second toe. She then slipped on her sock and placed her foot back into her sneaker.

"This feels uncomfortable, almost like a large pebble between my toes. I hope you become crushed before I get back to school. I wonder if my smell would kill anybody, or at least make everyone feel uncomfortable. I wonder if my sweat will do anything as well like malfunction the barrier or flood the planet. Well whatever first I need to get these planets in the transportation case."

Raquel packed the planets in the transportation case, which was about the size of a tackle box. She followed the instructions perfectly allowing her to fit all the planets securely and ready to be taken out of the bunker. She along with the planets and her handy tablet left the bunker and she made her way to school, to show her friends what she had discovered.

Planet count: 45


Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter will introduce a new character and Sophia and Reika will have some fun. 

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