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Author's Chapter Notes:

After reading at the reviews I'm continuing the story from what people voted they'd like to see.  I know the story is starting slow but eventually will get to the giantess stuff soon.  Think of it as you are expeienceing what the main character is going through. I tried to make the main character unisex so you can imagine either being a man or woman.  Again please submit any ideas, suggestions, any spelling or grammer issues, and critiques after you are done reading.  Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.  Thank you.

Chapter 1 

A message flashes on the door screen.


REALM Tours would like to thank you for choosing us for all of your off-world adventures.  In order for your experience in Titan Realm to be most enjoyable for you a list of choices has been provided below for your convenience.  Clicking on each choice will provide a more detailed biographical and situational location to which each one is currently.  Remember, you assume the role of the character you choose.  Enjoy your trip.


You gaze over the choices provided for you.  Each one is more amazing than the last.  You really don't know which you want to be.  Whether you're a regular size man or woman it would be interesting to see and hold a tiny person in your hands.  Better yet if you're a tiny man or woman how would you react seeing gigantic people everywhere?  You mule over which one would be the best pick.  Then you think of which one will impress your friends after you come back and it suddenly clicks for you.


You've always wondered what it would be like to be a woman.  Albeit a tiny one at that.  Choosing to be her would certainly be the most unique otter-realm excursion you could possibly imagine.  You already see the many looks of amazement and jealousy plastered on all of your friends faces.


You quickly confirm your selection.  You don't even take the time to read her bio or current situation.  You're excitement got the better of you.  If you only knew how much that fatal mistake will cost you in the days to come maybe you wouldn’t have been so quick to the draw.  Maybe.




The lights dim.  Slowly.  Your hands move away from the tiny screen on the door and you look around confused.  A high-pitched wheezing starts. Gradually it increases in pitch.  Its shrill tone rings tightly in your ears making them feel as if you're ascending altitude.  You pop your jaw. Then again.  Now your eyes start watering as you try in vain to cover your ears.


You slip from your feet onto your knees.  The sound so intense you cannot even hear yourself screaming at the top of your lungs.  As you reach up that's when you notice the transparency of your hand.  You blink your eyes hard thinking it a delusion brought on by the pain in your ears.


Looking again you witness your whole arm fade out to nothing.  You strain to concentrate through the pain as you notice your other arm begin to vanish as well.  In a panic you fumble to your feet only to fall back down on your side.


Your legs.  They too have lost their visibility.  You scream.  Nobody hears you. Not even yourself.  The air goes thin.  You can't breathe.  Your vision goes tunnel bright then begins to dim altogether.  You find it hard to focus.  Why didn't any of your friends tell you you would go through something like this? Why?  The pain!  Can't think!  To feel anything at all.  Everything goes numb as you lose consciousness.


Then nothing.


Back in the main lobby Melody was already at work scheduling a lovely couple for a trip to Dino World for a hunt when she received an update via a beep on her wrist com that you have been transported to Titan Realm.  Taking a brief glance at the holo-screen display on her wrist com she reads the details of who you selected to be.  A wicked smirk arose upon her pretty face.  She knew then that she'd never have to worry about you ever again.  


Her hand runs down the side of her lap feeling your Digi-card in her pocket. What a fool she thinks to herself.  Giving her unlimited access to all your money.  Or should she say, all her money now.  Melody makes a reminder to go back before she logs off for the day to erase your transport info from the REALM database.


Sounds.  Unidentifiable.  Unrecognizable.  Un-locatable.  That is what you first become aware of as you gain your consciousness from the limbo of abyss. The sounds grow closer.  Louder.  The begin to draw you forth into the land of existence.  The intangible wavelength reeling you into the tangible world like a lifesaver.


Part of you wants very much to tow that line.  To escape the unfathomable darkness.  To be alive in the realm of the living once more.  You conjecture this is how ghosts must feel.  Forever craving to return to life.  Yet the other part of you fears that return.  Electing instead to let go. To fall back into the embrace of the one true certainty.  The nothing.  Free from thought and form. Just pure unknowing eternity.


You try to ignore the sounds.  Yes.  There is more than one now.  Not voices but they are rhythmic.  A steady in and out like the dimming and immerging lights.  Lights.  Yes there it is.  Not a bright shine.  Just a low glow gradually illuminating the void.  Try as you might there is no fighting it.  A force of momentum has started that cannot be ignored.  A chain reaction cascading like domino's compelling you towards full consciousness has begun and will not cease for anything.  There is no denying it no matter if you desire it or not.


You are waking up.


The mounting feeling of dread compounds on you like dirt falling in a grave.  The myriad of sounds, smells, lights, and shadows assault your senses all at once.  The more you try to fight them the more vivid the sensations become.  Almost as if someone is stealing you from your own coffin.  Beyond the point of no return you focus all of your strength into escaping the vacuum of emptiness.


A soft whistling intermittent with a heavy rustling flapping against something is the first sound that you distinguish.  You've heard it before somewhere in your memory.  A gentle washing of cool air brushes against your cheek.  You've felt this before too in your memory.  The ambient light against your still closed eyelids dances with he shadows.  You again recognize this from long ago in your memories.  The fragrant scent of lavender assails your nostrils.  Another fond memory deep within your mind.  The soft yet warm surface which you lay upon rises then falls smoothly.  You do not recognize this at all.


Your eyes open.


You find yourself somewhere unfamiliar to you.  Wherever you are you know you haven't ever been here before.  A long view of a peached tanned surfaces extends far off into the sloped horizon.  You have never been one to panic or feel a fear of anxiety before.   Things are definitely different now and you start to feel that cold sweat take its tight grip on you.


"I'm a... I'm a girl!" you whisper to yourself realizing your body looks different than it was before.


It worked!  You're actually someone different than you were before.  You can feel the change.  Did you change?  You can't remember if you were a man or woman before.  In fact, you find it hard to recall anything what happened before you woke up here.  You try hard to remember your own name but nothing comes to mind.  Maybe that was the side effect of being transported between realities and taking the identity of someone else.  Perhaps your memories came to you slowly.  At least you hoped they would.  You run your hands over your new body.  Tight skin over a toned body.  Your hair is short form the touch of it so you can't tell what color it is until you get to a mirror but one this is for sure; you have a bountiful chest.  Whoever you were you were thankful they kept in relatively good shape.


But the one thing you don't understand is why you are nude.  Did your character sleep this way?  What was her name?  Where was she?  What did she do for a living?  What was her family and friends like?  A whole slew of questions raced through your mind.  Questions you had wished you answered when you had the chance to read her bio before selecting her.  Maybe going in blind was not such a good idea.  Most importantly beyond any other question you could ask yourself is where was she now?


You sit up.  The ground is soft and pliable as you push against it.  It bends and stretches like a waterbed yet it doesn't slosh like water beneath the surface.  No.  Beneath this surface it seems as though more putty like yet stronger stuff courses.   'Is that right?' you think.


You feel the surface.  It's cool to the touch yet feels warm all the same.  Smooth with a soft beating underneath.  It almost feels like... but that can't be right?  You lean your ear down to it.  Thump, thump.  A moment passes.   Thump, thump.  There it is again!  That was a heartbeat!


You scurry backwards fast.  The flesh beneath you impeding your momentum like running on a wet beach.  The ground rises as you fumble rearward and you fall back on your back.  As you tumble to your side your face hits something stringy yet course.  Grabbing it to stabilize yourself you notice there are more of them around you on either side of you going farther up behind you.  You turn around.  Following the golden yellow ropes up your mouth drops in shock as you realize what they are and where you are at.


You are holding the blonde hair of some girl as you stand in the middle of her back looking up at the back of her head.  Your heart sinks as you drop her hair.  Suddenly you hear a moan and the humungous body below you stirs slightly.  She takes a deep breath.  You fight to keep your balance on your feet as the inhales then exhales heavily.


"What have I gotten myself into?" you say to yourself as her giant head turns to look back at you with one eye open.


"Mmm... oh!  Good morning Mistress.  Sleep well?"


Which of the options below should I continue from here?


A.  You own the regular size girl.


B.  She in fact owns you.


Chapter End Notes:

Which of the options below should I continue from here?


A.  You own the regular size girl.


B.  She in fact owns you.


July 1rst new chapter will be added.


As of 6-22-15 votes are leading towards A.

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