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Hannah relaxed, lying down comfortably in her bed and looking at the ceiling, oblivious to the screaming coming from between her breasts. Her final climax had pressed them together and in between them, caught Jessica’s arm. The tiny girl screamed and cried in pain as one of her arms had been reduced to a bloody stain on her sister’s flesh. The rest of her body was bruised but not broken: she was lucky but didn’t feel like it. Hannah slowly slipped off her panties and balled them up in her hand. Jarred thanked his luck for being covered in the sticky juices as he remained on her body, while the wet cloth that had held him there previously was peeled off and unceremoniously tossed into a basket in the corner of the room. As he lifted his head, he could finally take in his surroundings. He looked straight up the length of Hannah’s body, beyond her abs lay her breasts, slightly higher as she leaned on a pillow. Had she been lying flat on her back, Jarred would not have been able to see her face, but due to the slant he caught sight of her delicate lips and deep, mysterious eyes. Hannah didn’t seem to notice him, to her he was just a spec in her vaginal juices.

Hannah glanced at her pussy and shivered a little as she felt her cum slipping down the insides of her thighs. She caught herself smiling in her mirror and made her best sexy face at her reflection. Jarred saw her gaze shift and he took looked at the mirror to the side of the bed. He couldn’t see himself from such a great distance but could see the gorgeous girl almost in her entirety. Hannah was completely naked except for her bra, her tan white skin had a dullness to it from dried sweat and her blonde hair was messily strewn around her shoulders and pillow: she looked every bit a naughty little girl and Jarred could feel himself getting hard again. Had it not been for his entire body being soaked in cum, he would have noticed the wet spot on his pants where he had lost it in the midst of Hannah’s self-pleasuring. He tried to ignore this and focused on a new plan: survival. Even though her had clawed away the juice covering his face, it was still had to breathe in the hot, humid region in which he was lying, so with all the strength he possessed, Jarred began crawling up Hannah’s body. The fluid he was lying in was ludicrously sticky and it was hard to move, but despite everything, he still had the will to live. He willed himself on thinking: I am not going to die like this! After a full minute of arduous effort, he reached Hannah’s waist line, he rested for the briefest moment before continuing his travel, but just then he felt something shift.

Hannah, still enjoying the after-effects of her orgasm hadn’t paid any attention to the dripping cum on her thighs, but something felt odd. She could feel a single droplet, somehow moving up her body, completely defying gravity. She cringed a little and sat up to see what it was. Her motion was like an earthquake for Jarred and he once again thanked his sticky situation (cringe) as he felt the girl was on move what seemed like an enormous distance to sit up right on her bed. When everything stopped, Jarred dared to glance up and what he saw filled him with both fear and joy. A pair of green eyes were fixed onto him and the trail he had left from Hannah’s vagina and observed him like he was some kind of insect. Every instinct in his body told Jarred to move, to run away, but he couldn’t. He was trapped in those impossibly dark green eyes, as if they were a forest and he was lost in it. For some time, neither being moved and then Jarred made a decision.

As Hannah watched in sheer amazement, the creature she had thought was bug on her waist stood up. Hannah was a smart girl and even at such a small scale, she could have sworn that the thing moved like a human, first getting onto its knees and then rising to stand on two feet. Puzzled, Hannah moved a hand towards it. Jarred screamed when he saw her arm rise and a hand the size of a football field hover over him. He fought it was over, Hannah must have thought him a bug and was getting ready to squish him. He screamed for her to stop, knowing full well that he was as good as dead. But he wasn’t.

Even as Jarred continued to scream, two enormous fingers descended on either side of his body and squeezed him uncomfortably. Hannah picked up the creature, which couldn’t have been much taller than half a centimetre/quarter of an inch. She pressed him as gently as she could between her thumb and index fingers and lifted him up. The bug was a little wet, probably from her fluids, but Hannah was able to carefully lift him in front of her face. For Jarred, he was carried higher into the air than he would have liked. He was almost completely pinned between the two ridiculously sized finger pads but managed to crane his neck and see himself speeding past her abdomen, then her breasts and then up, impossibly high above the giantess and then to her face. Jarred looked up her, passing each ginormous feature slowly: her lips that could easily contain a bus, her nose and then her eyes. Each was like a portal into some alternate dimension, the emerald color giving them a natural, almost mystical presence. He saw the pupils dilate, like huge black holes opening up to swallow him, and the he was rocketed away from the face, almost thrown.

Hannah had brought the bug close to her eye for inspection but in a second recognized it and almost threw it away, refusing to believe it. She was able to it but didn’t understand what her eyes were telling her. Hannah gently dropped the bug into the palm of her hand and held it a bit further away. Jarred landed roughly on the vast plane of her hand and curled up, his reptilian brain taking over and telling him to get away from danger, to hide from the God-like countenance above him. Hannah was looking down at him like some divine being, literally holding his life in the palm of her hand.

“J… Jarred?” she tried, the sound pummelling the tiny boy and causing him to cover his ears, her voice much louder to him than she had intended. Hannah retracted, afraid she had hurt the … boy in her hand.

“Jarred, is that you?” she tried whispering. The boy slowly uncurled, Hannah could see him shaking as he tried to get to her feet but ended up falling onto his back. Hannah’s eyes scanned his body as he tried to force his terrified mouth to open. He was still wearing his varsity jacket and jeans but was completely covered in Hannah’s slimy vaginal juices, which were still in the process of drying. His hair was a mess and his body seemed red, bruised.

“Hannah, its me,” he replied. He expected her to laugh or to faint, to think it was some kind of trick, but instantly, Hannah’s expression changed to one of concern, her eyes widened in shock and then horror, putting together the information she had just observed and reaching the conclusion that she had put this tiny boy through hell. Jarred could see her eyes dampening as she struggled to hold back tears.

“Oh my g… Jarred … I’m so sorry, I… Did I hurt you? Oh my God,” she stammered but the boy cut her off.

“No, Hannah, please, I’m fine. You need to get your sister …” he struggled but stopped as he felt the hand he stood on tremble.

Hearing her sister mentioned sent a chill down Hannah’s spine and she almost yelled at the boy for not getting to this information sooner, “Jarred, where is my sister? What happened? Did she shrink too?”

Jarred sat back down frightened by the shaking but managed to crawl to the side of her palm and point down. Hannah’s eyes widened further as she hurriedly unhooked her bra with her free hand, oblivious to the tiny boy watching. As the fabric fell down her stomach, the teenager’s behemoth breasts separated still youthfully firm but now opening up the gap between them. Hannah couldn’t help putting a hand to her mouth to stop herself from crying. On her left breast, stuck to her sweaty flesh was the minuscule body of her sister, one arm smeared red, ending at the shoulder. Hannah reached for her and peeled her off her prison. Jessica screamed as her sister’s fingers pressed on her wound but this was soon relieved when she was dropped into her waiting palm. Jarred swallowed his fear and ran to her as Hannah watched, still too much in shock to react. He reached her and instantly saw that she and lost some blood through her missing arm. He ignored this new development to him and threw off his jacket. Hannah watched, overcome with guilt as Jarred tore off his t-shirt and tied it around her flailing sister’s shoulder, closing the wound. Jessica, instead of thanking him, slapped him for having caused her more pain to save her.

“Jessica, its okay, I closed it. I stopped the bleeding,” Jarred explained.

“Ahh, its still hurts!” Jessica yelled back at the boy who now didn’t know what to do.

Hannah snapped out of her trance at the right moment and got out of bed, making sure to keep her hand still to not drop the two tiny people on it. Without thinking about her clothes, she ran out into the hall way and then to the bathroom. Acting with decisiveness and a vehement determination, she tilted Jessica and Jarred onto the counter by the sink and reached for the medicine cabinet. The two tinies had just felt what it must have been like to ride an airplane on the outside: impossible speeds as they were carried through the fantastically enormous house and then dropped onto the counter. While Jessica screamed as she landed, Jarred felt that Hannah had been careful as he could have fallen much harder.

“Jarred, how tall are you?” Hannah asked, finding a box of painkillers.

“Um, I don’t know, like a quarter of an inch,” he tried.

“I mean normally,” Hannah said with the slightest bit of irritation in her voice. Jarred felt it and almost fell, starting to shake again, the fear flooding him being faced at the wall that was Hannah’s abdomen that cast a shadow over them for what seemed like miles.

“Uh, 6’1”,” he stammered.

Taking a single pill into her hand, Hannah looked up from the tinies and calculated how much she should give her sister. After a quick calculation, she placed the pill on the counter, some distance away from the tinies. She then made a fist and smashed the pill. She hit it hard enough to crush the tablet into powder, but in doing so shook the surface on which Jessica and Jarred sat. The girl stopped screaming and both of them froze. As Hannah stroked a tiny bit of the powder with her pinkie, both tinies reflected on what they had just seen. The pill was like a boulder to them, and in one quick motion, Hannah had crushed it. Jessica started shivering, she couldn’t understand it , or rather refused to believe it, but she was genuinely afraid of her gargantuan sister and the power she had just inadvertently displayed. When Hannah had just enough powder, she pressed her pinkie down onto it and moved it to her sister.

“Jarred, pick the powder from my finger and give it to Jessica,” she instructed.

Jarred did as he was told and presented the pieces to the injured girl. Jessica refused to take it and Jarred struggled to make her.

“Jessica. Take the pain killer. Now,” Hannah said with a firmness that shook Jarred down to his bones. Her face was close to the counter and he could feel her eyes, swallowing both him and Jessica in their entireties. Jessica took the medicine without further complaint and instantly felt the pain in her arm dying down a little. The medicine having a great effect on the diminutive being.

When Hannah saw this she relaxed, putting her hands on the counter for support, she leaned against it and the tinies heard the creak as the surface took some of her weight. Jarred kneeled next to Jessica and looked up at Hannah’s face, eyes closed, hanging over them. The 16-year-old was thinking what she should do. Should she call the police, or their mother, or someone? No, her mother was too far away to help and any other giant people may not be as gentle to the very delicate creatures as she was, but she and to call someone.

“Jessica, Jarred, I’m going to call an ambulance,” Hannah said and was about move when her sister interjected.

“No Hannah, don’t you dare call anyone! Do you know what they’ll do when they see us like this? Simple, they will take us to a lab and cut us up of research or something!” the tiny girl yelled.

Hannah would normally have ignored this, maybe it was the fact that it was her sister telling her not to do something, but she stopped and opened her eyes again, looking down on the two tiny people before her. Jarred was looking away, clearly trying to avoid starring and Hannah realized for the first time that she was completely naked. Seeing her sister still clearly in pain, her eyes welled up with tears again and her voice cracked.

“What should I do Jessica? I just … don’t know what to do,” she said, almost crying.

“Jesus Hannah! Don’t start crying now! Go get something to patch up my arm better. And for God’s sake put on some clothes you whore!” Jessica spat.

Shit, Jarred thought, That girl is going to get us both killed! But instead of crushing Jessica like her thought she would, Hannah nodded obediently and ran out of the bathroom, her ass bouncing as she went.

“Jarred,” Jessica whined, “Stop looking at her like that!”

“Like that? I swear Jessica your sister is the last thing on my …” Jarred began.

“Oh shut up!” Jessica cut in, “Don’t even try to tell me you’re not attracted to her! You just got rubbed around her pussy and you’re still covered in the whore’s cum. But I’m a decent person, I’m going to ignore all that, but I swear to you Jarred, if you don’t start paying attention me and not her, I will have her crush you!”

“You’ll what?” Jarred asked confused and shocked at the threat from the injured girl.

“You heard me,” Jessica replied cooly, “You saw how she does anything I say. What makes you think she wouldn’t crush a bug like you if her big sister told her to? Face it, I’m still in control so you’d better do what I say.”

The threat stung him like poison and an anger rose up inside Jarred’s belly, How could I have ever thought I loved this … this evil being? Despite this, he his his anger, the threat of death sounding very real and leaned over to tend to her. Hannah returned wearing sweatpants and white t-shirt. Jarred only had time to stare for an instant at her breasts which pulled the clothing tight, and her nipples, still hard, pushing through the fabric, before she set down a first aid kit. For the next few minutes, Hannah meticulously cut out thing strips of gauze from a bandage and Jarred replaced his bloody t-shirt covering Jessica’s wound with cleaner material. He carefully patched up the wound despite the hatred he felt for the girl: he knew better than to potentially anger the goddess above them.

When they were done, Jessica had to think quickly. She couldn’t give Hannah time to think about what she was doing. She had to make sure she kept control.

“Hannah, I’m hungry. Take us down to the kitchen and give me some dinner,” she ordered and Hannah, obedient as she was, nodded again and picked the tow tinies up with ease. Dropping them into her hand and walking out of the bathroom she headed towards the stairs. Jessica starred dead ahead at their gigantic house, head held high, but Jarred glanced backwards to look at Hannah. Far above him, her face held a faint smile: her eyes showed relief and something more, a hidden sadness maybe. He didn’t have long to think about it as the 16-year-old skipped quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Chapter End Notes:


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