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Author's Chapter Notes:

I apologize in advance but this chapter is mostly story and contains little vore stuff, but rest assured, more graphic content is yet to come ... soon.

“Oh my god, Hannah, how are you still walking?” boomed a high yet impossibly loud voice. As the doors to the girl’s locker room opened, Jessica was brought back from her thoughts and into reality as noise filled the previously silent room.


“I don’t even know,” she heard Hannah reply, to the first girl, “But my legs are so dead.”


Jessica felt her whole world shake as humungous soccer players plopped onto the benches, sending shock waves through the sports bag.


“Why were you late?” asked another giantess, “I have known you for years you have literally been 10 minutes early for every practice.”


“Well, my sister held me up so …” Hannah began. That whore! Jessica thought.


“Jessica?” someone asked. “I heard she shrank or something,” added another. “Serves her right,” said a third.


“Guys, she can probably hear you. She’s in my bag,” Hannah attempted to silence them, but Jessica was already hot with indignation. How dare they? How do they think they are?


“Who cares if she hears?” spat a girl, “I hope you can hear me Jessica.” Her voice rose slightly and it was enough to hit the tiny girl full on, forcing her to cover her ears.


“It’s man-arms remember me?” she said, her voice rattling through Jessica’s entire body, despite her hands, “You’ve called me that since freshman year and honestly you’re just a bitch! If you want to take me, come at me you little prick!”


Even Jarred felt the tremors as the pissed off giantess stepped towards Hannah’s bag. There was more shaking as someone got up to stop the girl but Jessica could only stare up at the zipped opening of the bag, awaiting the moment when it would be opened and she would lay eyes on her doom.


“Jeanie, calm down,” came Hannah’s voice as she put herself between the senior and her bag, “I’m really not in the mood for this.”


Jarred was surprised by the fatigue in her words, each sounding like a labour. Jessica was confused by everything that was going on and couldn’t bring herself to move, instead standing on her sister’s folded towel, staring up at the top of the bag and waiting for it to open. Within seconds, the zipper swept across, allowing light to flood the inside. Jarred shielded his eyes but Jessica could only stare. Hannah leaned over the side of the bag, lazily pulling away and reaching down to remove her cleats. As her eyes adjusted, Jessica layer eyes on Jeanie, the girl who in her opinion had ugly, meaty arms. The giant girl loomed over her, standing taller than Hannah and much bigger. Jessica had to crane her neck to see the beast, and even so could only stare directly her crotch, hidden behind the tight soccer shorts. The massive columns of flesh that were her legs rippled with muscles far larger than Jessica. To the tiny girl, her thighs were like stadiums, which could easily reduce her to a little red stain. The senior still glared angrily at the bag, not noticing Jessica, but surprisingly did nothing. It seemed that despite being older than her, the senior listened to Hannah and stepped away. In addition to the light, with the bag now open, the chatter of the girl’s soccer team reached the two tiny people without filtration. 


Jarred dared to gaze up, seeing nothing other than the ceiling from his present angle. He started running towards the towel, his curiosity about seeing the inside of the girl’s locker room getting the better of him. As he reached the edge of the towel, a shadow fell over the opening in the bag and he looked up to see Hannah. Jessica waited for her sister to look down and acknowledge them, but instead, she stared at the wall in front of her and slipped off her shorts and carelessly tossed them into the bag. Jessica let out a tiny scream as the pair of sweaty soccer shorts fell over her like a blanket several times the size of a football pitch. Jarred dove out of the way but Jessica was thrown onto her back by the moist fabric. Jessica was engulfed by the odor of her sister’s transpiration. Unfortunately for Jessica, she lay under the portion of cloth that had been wedged between Hannah’s butt cheeks for two hours, and which had soaked up the most sweat. Her body was soaked in seconds by the fruit of Hannah’s efforts and she struggled to free herself from her prison. The cloth however was too far to large and slowly, the stench coming from the shorts was making Jessica dizzy. 


Jarred had recovered quickly from his dive and was waiting to see Jessica emerge from beneath the pants, but when she didn’t, the boy took a running start and dove at the fabric. He had a decent idea of where Jessica was so he hauled up a part of the cloth and stepped underneath it. It was heavy for Jarred’s tiny body, so he was forced to crawl on all fours, ignoring the smell and wetness around him, towards where he thought Jessica would be. As he reached the edge of the towel, he struggled to climb onto it with the pants pressing down on him, but managed in the end. 


Jessica screamed for help again to no avail, instead allowing a massive bead of sweat to enter her mouth. She swallowed, unable to spit it all out, and the foul solution stung her throat as the salty burned her insides like a slug. Her arms were failing her and she let the fabric fall onto her, effectively giving up and accepting her fate. The heavy cloth enveloped her and Jessica waited to asphyxiate. As she was feeling the back of her eyes sting, something touched her leg. She dismissed it as a hallucination due to her atmosphere, but then a head appeared beside hers and Jarred pushed the fabric off of her upper body.


“Jessica, you have to get out of here, you’ll suffocate!” he yelled, shaking her when she didn’t respond. The startled girl felt tears coming to her eyes and instead of trying to get up, wrapped her arms around Jarred. The boy felt awkward as her arms pressed against his bare back.


“Come on!” he yelled again and this time helped Jessica to her hands and knees and motioned for her to follow him. Slowly, the two forced their way under the pants, both silently praying that Hannah would not throw anything else inside to smother them. After a few more seconds, Jessica emerged from their prison and Jarred followed close behind. Jessica breathed a breath of fresh (relatively) air and almost yelled with delight. She turned around and found herself starring straight into Jarred’s eyes. Despite her sister’s sweat dripping from her body and the new hot atmosphere in the bag, she felt an impulse, and followed it. Jessica leaned in and kissed Jarred full on the lips. The boy almost immediately pulled back as she tried to push her tongue into his mouth. Jessica pulled back too, embarrassed but not regretting what she did. For some reason, she really wanted to kiss him, perhaps his rejection made him more desirable. 


“What the hell?” Jarred whispered under his breath.




Hannah was completely unaware the torment she was putting her sister and Jarred through … or maybe she didn’t care then. She pulled her jeans and jacket on and , deciding not to change her top, stuffed her tank top and shirt into her duffle bag. As the tiny people inside hugged the side of her bag to avoid her clothing, they thanked their stars that Hannah put her cleats in a side pocket. Jarred at least expected Hannah to check if they were okay, but instead, the girl absentmindedly zipped closed her bag and hoisted it onto her shoulder. The sudden motion threw him off his feet, but he caught himself against the side of Hannah’s bag. Jessica too was clutching the fabric for dear life as the bag swung vigorously: she never realized how stable she had been in her pocket until then, until she feared being thrown around the immense space. While Hannah’s clothes weren’t hard, they were heavy and Jarred motioned for Jessica to follow him to the corner of the bag, to try to stay away from the masses of cloth. 


“Bye girls,” Hannah said, pushing open the door of the locker room tiredly, leaving a cacophony of “Bye”s and “See you tomorrow”s. She left the school still scowling a little. Hannah was angry, she was tired and mad at her sister for making her endure such a punishment. She resolved not to talk to Jessica, and to let her anger subdue itself. The walk back home was brisk and silent. Inside her bag, Jarred managed to haul himself and Jessica into a corner, relatively safer than in the chaos they had been before, both still held onto the side of the bag for support, but they were a little safer now. Jessica however, still seemed scared to death, and Jarred could understand this sentiment. Hannah had not so much as looked at them since she went off to practice, and by the way she walked home, it seemed that she had endured a punishment of some kind. Then, the way she had thrown her clothes into the bag, it seems as if she didn’t care what happened to them.


“Hey, we’re going to get through this,” he said trying to reassure Jessica.


“Get through this? Where have you been the last few minutes?” Jessica retorted, a tinge of insanity in her voice, “She almost killed me! And I didn’t hear an apology. What’s stopping her from just getting rid me when we get home?”


“Jesus Jessica, calm down,” Jarred said, “Hannah’s your sister, she’s not trying to kill you.”


“Fuck you Jarred! I thought you were over defending her,” Jessica said, sounding hurt.


“What? Just because you tried to make out with me doesn’t mean I’m yours again,” Jarred replied.


“But … you saved m… Never mind! You probably only jumped under her pants because you’re a sick bastard!” Jessica spat, before turning away from the boy. Jarred was confused and getting angry at her tone, but he could see that she was shaking, not just because of the movement of the bag, so he refrained from confronting her further. He felt the motion of the bag stop suddenly, and almost fell, he guessed that they had reached the house. Hannah stepped into the house and almost dropped her bag before remembering who was in it. She sighed, her aching body screaming at her for still carrying the bag, but she was not a slave to her body. Hannah slipped off her shoes and carried the bag into the living room. She carefully placed it on the sofa and unzipped the top.


Light flooded into the space and both Jarred and Jessica tensed as they waited for Hannah to reach for them.


“Out,” Hannah said sternly and Jarred felt a shiver pass down his spine: she did not sound happy.


The two tentatively walked towards the middle of the duffle bag until they came into Hannah’s line of sight. They stopped in front of the looming mass of her bunched up shirt. Hannah’s hand descended into the bag and like a compactor, flattening the clothes as it came to rest in front of the two tiny people. They climbed on without question, Jarred having only to snap Jessica out of her momentary hesitation. Once on her palm, they were lifted into the air incredibly quickly. Jarred noticed that despite Hannah’s apparent irritation, she still cupped her hand to keep them securely inside. He was also relieved by the opportunity to breathe fresher air. Despite the activity, Hannah’s hands smelled a lot better than the air trapped in her duffle bag with her sweaty shorts. Jarred breathed in the smell of air-freshener and Hannah’s skin as Hannah turned to move. Jessica was still too scared to say anything and she let herself be carried out of the living room in her sister’s vast palm. Hannah grabbed her duffle bag in her free hand and climbed softly up the stairs in her socks. 


Hannah dropped her bag by her door and walked into her sister’s room. Hannah stopped suddenly in front of Jessica’s bed and lowered her hand to the level of the sheets. 


“Off,” she commanded and to Jarred’s surprise, Jessica obeyed, stepping meekly off of her sister’s hand and onto her bed. Hannah rose as soon as she was off and turned sharply. Jessica could only gaze up at the towering form of her sister, back to the bed. As Hannah started to leave, seeing her immense rear and legs moving away, Jessica stopped shaking. When her titanic teen had gone, Jessica was able to think. Hannah had shut the door and left her in near complete darkness, but it didn’t matter. Jessica didn’t even try to walk to her pillow, choosing instead to just take off her robes and lie down where she was. Jessica touched her injured stump and recoiled immediately, the pain still stinging. Damn, she thought. “I really have to get a grip,” Jessica whispered to herself as she shut her eyes and tried to sleep.


After leaving her sister’s room, Hannah walked tiredly to her bedroom. She sat down hard on her bed and began lowering Jarred towards the surface. 


“Uh … I’m really sorry, Hannah,” Jarred tried, gazing up towards Hannah’s face. Surprisingly, he achieved more than he had hoped for, as Hannah smiled tiredly. 


“Its okay. It wasn’t your fault. I’m just kinda tired,” she replied, letting her shoulders slump. Jarred remained in her palm despite her hand having reached the blanket. He lingered, looking over at Hannah’s leg, resting beside her hand, the smell of sweat emanating from them washing over him. 


“Come on Jarred, please get off my hand. I really need to take a shower,” Hannah whispered, looking down at the tiny boy in her palm. Jarred obediently crawled across the uneven skin of Hannah’s hand and onto her bed sheet. Immediately, the mattress shifted as Hannah stood up and Jarred tumbled onto his back. As he gaze upon her body, Hannah stretched with her back still to the bed, and bent over to remove her jeans. Jarred couldn’t take his eyes off her tight, round ass as the denim slipped off, revealing a pair of simple blue panties, sticking to her skin from sweat. Had he still been at normal size, Jarred would have been turned on, but from his current position, as Hannah straightened up, he could feel his penis harden, bulging noticeably from his loincloth. Her goddess like body towered like a shear wall of muscle over him. Jarred’s jaw dropped as Hannah continued to undress. She had a little more trouble peeling off her still sweaty jersey, shaking it off eventually. Jarred stared as Hannah’s hips swayed and wobbled as she stripped down to her sports bra and panties. She then turned to the boy and stepped a little to the side before sitting down. The boy watched her butt extrude as she bent over and descend onto the sheets. Her weight caused the mattress to sink and Jarred started frantically crawling away as the sheets threatened to guide him under her mass. His frightened actions made Hannah smile gently, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to sit on you, silly.”


She reached down and picked him up between her thumb and forefinger and dropped him lightly into her other hand, bringing him up to her face. Her expression became more serious, but Jarred could still see the tiredness in her, stunning emerald eyes. She explained what had happened in practice to Jarred, and the argument she had had with Jessica. They talked for some time, and Hannah didn’t notice the time pass.  


“I’m sorry if I scared you Jarred,“ Hannah’s breath wafted over him, “I just …”


“Hey, you don’t have to apologize,” Jarred interrupted, “We deserved what we got.”


“What do you mean?” Hannah asked.


“I mean, after everything you told me, you shouldn’t have to put up with me or Jessica the way you have been,” Jarred said, “I mean, I’m grateful for the way you’ve been taking care of us, but really, lets face it: no one is forcing you to.” Every fibre in his body was telling him that he should not have said that. He looked into Hannah’s eyes as she took in what he was saying, and was a little scared when she smirked and lowered him towards her lips. What she whispered next chilled Jarred down to his spine, “Maybe you’re right. I mean, who could help you if you … annoyed me?” Jarred was both confused and scared as he struggled to crawl away from her lips as the hand he was on brought him closer to her mouth. 


“Please. Hannah. I was just … I didn’t mean …” Jarred stammered before shielding himself with his arms. He knew it was useless, but as Hannah’s puckered lips fell upon him, he closed his eyes and prayed that she wouldn’t hurt him too badly. As her skin made contact with his, he felt himself being pushed onto the palm of her hand by the soft, yet incredibly massive lips. As his body sank into Hannah’s flesh, he was sure that he would not survive. Suddenly, with a slight pop, her lips pulled back and Jarred was carried away from her mouth. Hannah looked down on him and giggled. When she kissed him again, Jarred was less afraid. This time, as she moved closer, he lay down on her palm and let his body being engulfed by the soft, lush lips. she pulled back again with a pop, as his body was released again to fall into her palm. 


“I know what you mean, Jarred,“ she reassured him, “but I look after you two because to me, you’re still the same people you were before all of this.”


Jarred wanted to press the his point, that Hannah shouldn’t however let Jessica boss her around, but refrained, deciding for now to listen to the psychotic girl he had once loved and not get involved. He had been angry with her in the bag earlier, but, the she had kissed him, and years of yearning and desire and frustration rushed into him and for a moment, he felt like he was still an insecure sophomore, crazy in love with the girl with the hottest body (and surely the best personality) in his grade. He was still madly attracted to Hannah, but he couldn’t help but wonder …


“Well, I really need a shower,” Hannah said aloud, pulling Jarred from his thoughts, “I’ll be right back, so don’t get into any trouble.” 


Jarred nodded as he was put down on her bedsheets, and watched as the titanic 16-year-old stood to her full stature and walked over to her doorway. She turned back for a second and smiled at the minuscule boy staring at her body from her bed. Jarred blushed and tried to avert his gaze, which only made Hannah giggle. “Don’t worry little guy, I won’t think any less of you for staring.” Jarred guiltily took another glance at her ass as she walked sexily out of the room and towards the bathroom. Jarred fell onto his back, letting the magnanimously soft bedding cushion him and realized that he had a raging boner, threatening to tear through his loincloth. He tried to touch it, to push it down, but it wasn’t going anywhere. The bed was fresh, but the seductive, fruity scent of Hannah dominated the room and Jarred couldn’t help but be turned on. He tried to force himself not to, but in the end, his reptilian brain overpowered any sense of morality he pertained to possess and he pleasured himself. The cloud like bedding and aroma of the hot, young goddess who had just kissed him, were too much and he let out a stifled moan as he came into the bed sheet. Hannah would never notice such a tiny spot of Jarred’s pleasure, but the boy was unlikely to get over the feeling of guilt that now surged through his brain, promptly dismissing his momentary ecstasy. 


As he heard the shower turn on, Jarred found himself alone with his thoughts. not wanting to remain in the shameful heap where he had just cum, he struggled to his feet and started walking towards the edge of the bed. He looked out over the room, and the deadly drop to the ground in front of him. He sat back down on the sheets and tried to clear his head. He had to convince himself that he did not feel anything towards Jessica, as for the time being, he felt like he was unfairly leading Hannah on. While on principle he didn’t want to hurt Hannah emotionally, he was a lot more afraid of what she might do to him if he did. Screw her! He thought. How could she try to get him killed, and then just make him feel this unsure about everything with one kiss. Jarred cursed himself for his emotions and felt like a real jerk to both girls. He sighed, unable to help but wish that things hadn’t become so complicated. He wished he was still the tall, senior, about to go off to college, but he knew that his education was not something he could afford to be thinking about: there were just too many variables and uncertainties to form any coherent plan of action, so he chose instead to think of his current scenario, and how he was going to communicate with his parents. 


“Miss me?” asked a sweet, seductive voice, breaking the silence. Jarred looked up to see Hannah leaning against the doorframe in only a towel, which was stretched between her breasts and hips. Her round butt cheeks protruded from the bottom of the towel and drew his eyes to her gorgeously toned legs. Her facial expression oozed innocence, but at the same time, passion and Jarred was a little taken back, particularly given his current confused feelings: he was worried about what might happen, if Hannah was being serious.


“I’m just kidding,” she laughed walking cheerfully towards her dresser, to Jarred’s relief. That tiny stunt however, had gotten him hard again and Jarred cursed the revived bulge in his loincloth, however it was only just beginning. Hannah pulled on a pair of baggy shorts before removing the towel. With her back to him, Jarred couldn’t see her breasts, but just the sight of her bare back was enough to give his imagination a field-day. She pulled a loose t-shirt over her and turned to approach the bed. “Can I help you into your own bed Jarred?” she asked, throwing her hair back and pushing a hair-tie around it, into a cute pony tail. Jarred stared in silence at her gorgeous body for a few moments before she spoke again. She picked him up off the bed and put him in her palm as she slid her body onto the sheets. 


“Whats the matter? Do you want to stay in my bed?” Hannah asked him, cracking a gentle smile. It was all too much for the tiny boy, as Hannah’s gentleness and stunning body overruled his judgement and he nodded shyly, to which she smiled more wholly. She lay on her shoulder and pulled the covers over her with her free hand before carefully dropping Jarred beside her on her pillow. Jarred got his balance and upon laying down himself, gazed upon the teenage goddess’s face. Her behemoth eyes seemed to take in his very soul, while he could barley capture her entire face in his field of vision. His eyes followed her body down below her neck and his eyes stuck on her chest, where the cold weather was causing her tits to press out through the t-shirt’s fabric.


“You okay?” Hannah asked, noticing that Jarred was quiet.


“Uh … yeah, sorry,” he replied hastily, hoping she didn’t judge him for staring. 


“Well,” Hannah started reaching over the boy and turning out the lights, “Good night.” Her words washed over him in a warm and minty breath, that aroused him greatly. Hannah kept her face far enough away from him that her breath wouldn’t bother the boy and Jarred found himself laughing at the irony of his situation. At normal size, any guy his age would be ecstatic to be in a hot girl’s bed, yet there he was, and he couldn’t have been further from excited. All he could loo forward to now, in the near future, was getting to be around this beautiful girl and hoping that she wouldn’t’ get bored of him. With this dull outlook on his future, Jarred gave into his tiredness and let himself be carried off to sleep.


Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading so far everyone. I really appreciate the support and the reviews which are keeping me going right now. Cheers and until the next chapter.

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