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Author's Chapter Notes:
In this chapter, there is an unexpected game of hide and seek. Kai's hopes are ruined when someone decides to join him. Enjoy :)

I've been stuck underneath Celeste for twenty minutes waiting for her to move. The heat is pretty intense under here but luckily I can breath. The air is tainted with the smell of perfume.

Eventually Celeste leaves her position on top of me, freeing me from my prison inside this foam seat. I wait five minutes before climbing out, enjoying the warm air outside.

Celeste is nowhere to be seen, along with Jenna and her friends. I decide to look for Yasmine, given that I haven't seen her since we left the elevator.

I walk past the drinks bar, scanning the crowds for any sign of her. The whole place appears trashed compared to when I got here. Empty cups and stray clothes litter the floor everywhere I look. I have to step around a number of spillages and various articles of clothing.

The open-air swimming pool is brimming with people, all of which are either jumping in or hanging around the sides of the pool. I'm tempted to take a look out there but I can just see myself falling in and drowning, since I don't know how to swim.

Standing next to a group of people, I gaze around the appartment in the hopes of seeing Yasmine, until I'm suddenly knocked to the ground by someone's foot.

"Huh? Oh my god did someone bring their baby to the party?" A girl's voice whispers above me.

I turn around just in time to be lifted into the air by a pair of soft hands gripping my sides.

I'm immediately brought up to this girl's face and I note that she has blonde hair and blue eyes. I've been mistaken for a baby many times before, each time it seems to get worse and even more humiliating.

In the dim light of the room, she must either be drunk or unable to see me properly.

"Come here little guy, I'll take you somewhere safe." She cooes, the strong smell of alcohol present on her breath. She then proceeds to hug me to her chest while walking back towards the seating area.

A sudden anger takes over me. Maybe it's because of the way this party is going, or because of the way this girl is treating me, but I suddenly feel an overwhelming frustration.

I push off her breasts, shocking her into releasing her grasp. Then I swing my body from her hands and land on the floor, before running quickly away from her.

She calls after me, but I've already blended into the crowds by this point.

I stop running when I reach a clearing, then out of nowhere a voice resounds around the appartment through the speakers.

"Ok everyone! Thank you all for being here tonight! I hope you're all enjoying yourselves, but now it's time for us to play a game. We're gonna play a game of hide and seek!" His announcement is met with a loud cheer. "The rules are simple, you have two minutes to hide starting now. When you're found, you must join in with me and my friend Kevin who will be looking for you all. The winner gets a reward!"

People immediately begin rushing around looking for somewhere to hide, some missing me by inches in their hurry.

Hide and seek? This game was made for me. Is this what all parties are like? Because I'm beginning to enjoy it a little more.

Scanning the area, I notice most people run straight into various rooms on the bottom floor. The stairs to the second floor are right beside me, so I sprint up them as fast as I can.

A group of girls run past me squealing with excitement and arguing over where to hide. I run past them, heading for a door at the end of the hallway.

Glancing around the room, I notice nobody is in here, good.

"One minute to go!" The host shouts into the microphone.

The room is dark apart from the occasional flashing lights outside shining through the window. A wardrobe at the far end of the room looks appealing, so I decide to hide in there.

Footsteps can be heard out in the hallway, indicating some people still haven't found a place to hide.

I fit easily into the wardrobe, the inside is spacious and gives me more than enough room to move around.

As I sit there waiting for the game to begin, I hear someone enter the room, light footsteps looking for a place to hide.

They might go for my hiding spot, so I warn them that I'm in here.

"I'm hiding in the wardrobe, don't come in here." I shout into the room.

To my shock, the footsteps instantly get closer and the entrance to the wardrobe is bathed in a shadow. A bare foot, followed by a long feminine leg enters the wardrobe, then a purple skirt. The shadow looms over me in the corner.

I gulp, shaking my head in disbelief.

"No way! Not you! How did you find me?" I ask in complete disbelief.

"Shhh." She whispers, crawling closer to me. "I followed you up here." Jenna informs me.

Wow. She actually followed me up here, how didn't I notice?

The final accouncement sounds around the appartment. "Time's up! Here we come!" He shouts.

"Why did you follow me? Why are you so obsessed with me?" I question, wanting answers.

She has crawled right up to me and is now leaning over me on her knees in this confined space.

"It's fun, you're just so helpless and small." She giggles, prodding my head with her finger.

"Stop it! Get out!" I shout, angry at her for thinking she can push me around.

"Shhh." Jenna whispers, her breath reeks of alcohol. She places a finger over my face and slowly drags it down my chest, before landing on my crotch.

I squirm uncomfortably because she won't release her finger. Then she starts to press down in a circular motion, arousing me in an instant without even trying.

"Hmmm... you'd be bigger if you weren't so small." She teases, her breaths begin to increase in speed.

The space we are in suddenly got much hotter. I can't let her get away with this.

I make a run for it between her open legs, my sights are on the gap in the wardrobe door. Maybe with her alcohol influenced reactions she won't be able to react in time.

Almost instantly, her giant butt lands directly on my back, crushing the air out of me as she puts her whole weight on me for a second.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Kai you shouldn't try to run away from me. I was only trying to make you comfortable." If I could see her face now I know she would be smiling.

She grabs me from under her butt and begins to make herself comfortable in the corner, her breathing increasing by the second.

When she drops me down, she doesn't say a word for a few seconds.

I turn around trying to get my bearings until I feel the hem of her skirt brush against the top of my head. I gulp, knowing that ahead of me is the area she didn't bother covering up.

The smell hits me first, the musky scent emanating from her aroused sex. I am tantalisingly close to her vagina, almost a breath away.

I feel a hand on my back, pushing me further underneath her skirt, which has formed a canopy above my head.

What is she doing? This isn't right. Suddenly, a lust-filled command escapes her lips.

"Lick." She breaths, her fingers toying with my head and back.

Her smell becomes stronger the closer I get, clouding my vision.

I snap out of my trance and fight against her, realising what sort of position I'm in. Noises above me indicate that she is touching herself and getting off on my helplessness.

I spin to my right in order to escape her hand, but she lazily moves her hand with me, casually cutting off my escape.

She once again nudges me closer as I face away from her naked crotch. Her breathing becomes more intense. A soft moan reverberates in her throat, putting me on edge.

Now only an arm length away from her pussy, I do everything I can to free myself from her hold.

"Get off me Jenna!" I shout, partly hoping someone will hear me, but my voice barely travels through the material of her skirt.

"Shhh, just lick." She whispers, before pushing me fully against herself, my face colliding with her moist lips.

It's hopeless, she is much stronger than me and I have no way to prevent this.

Just then, her hand retracts for a second, giving me a free path to the wardrobe exit.

I take my chance, crawling out from under her skirt and then running as fast as I can towards the small slither of light.

Since Jenna is sat in the corner, she can't react in time.

"Get back here!" She shouts through gritted teeth, lunging at me as I gain some distance from her.

My feet hit the carpet and I run across the room. The door is shut. Shit.

Listening to Jenna fumble about inside the wardrobe, I take this time to find somewhere to hide. It looks as though it's going to be a game of hide and seek within a game of hide and seek.

To my left is a bed, but there is no room underneath it for me to hide in. Other than that, there seems to be no other places for me to hide. There is a laundry basket to my right, but it's way too high up for me to climb into.

With little time, I run around to the other side of the bed, hoping it will buy me enough time for someone to enter the room. Outside I can hear people shouting and laughing, but nobody has crossed this room yet.

Jenna steps out of the wardrobe sounding angry and frustrated.

"Kaiii, I wasn't finished. Where'd you go? Did my pussy scare you? Was I too big for you?" She laughs to herself.

Her words don't hurt me, but I know her actions can, which is why I'm hiding.

Within seconds she finds me, curled up in a corner against the side of the bed. I stare up at her body, towering over me as if she has complete control over me.

"I don't know why you bothered running away... we live in the same appartment and we sleep in the same bed... do you really think you can avoid me?" She asks condescendingly.

"Why are you doi—" But I'm cut off when she smushes her bare right foot against my face, silencing me and pushing my head against the bed.

"Huh? I can't hear you." She mocks, continuing to smear her foot over my face.

When I get out of this situation, I'm going to make sure she gets what she deserves.

Suddenly, we hear footsteps along the hallway outside. In an instant, Jenna grabs me roughly off the floor and walks briskly across the room with me on her hip.

"Put me down!" I shout in vain, swinging my arms and attempting to make contact with her.

Jenna doesn't reply, instead she opens up the laundry basket on the other side of the room and drops me inside.

I catch a glimpse of her smiling face before the lid closes shut, trapping me inside.

Just then, someone opens the door to the room.

"Hey Jenna I found you!" Yasmine's voice can be heard. My ears instantly prick up and I call out to her desperately.

"Ah! You found me. Come on lets go find the others." Jenna talks over me, before rushing Yasmine out of the room, leaving me alone and trapped.

Chapter End Notes:
Thanks for reading the chapter! The next chapters should be out soon and things are beginning to heat up.
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