Chapter XVI: The Best of the Southwest
Okay so now that you know about my adventure back in time, now let me tell you about Team McFalls's cyber adventure inside Belle's phone.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Inside the closed portal in the middle of nothingness Amanda was floating in the middle of the dark space with only a few things floating around her. “Very disappointing!” Amanda yelled angerly. Just then an idea to destroy Team McFalls came to mind. “I have an idea. I think I'm in another dimension and according to that sign it's called The Phone Dimension. Anyway I'll go into Belle's cell phone to spy on them and find out what all their weaknesses are,” Amanda thought. She typed in the code in the key pad near her which was 17331 Belle.
“Thanks for the amazing birthday party yesterday,” Belle said. “No problem,” I said. “Who's plan was it anyway?” Belle asked. “I'll give you a hint his name starts with a D and ends with a N,” I said. “Dillon McBro?” Belle guessed. “No try again,” I said. “Don the guy that thinks he's Spanish and always says he's from México?” Belle guessed. “No. Who are you asking?” I asked. “Oh it's you. Yeah I totally knew that,” Belle said. “Did you? Did you really?” I asked in a sarcastic tone. “Well anyway we have school tomorrow,” Belle said. “Yeah I can't believe that school started on September 22 this year,” I said in amazement and confusion. “Well it was supposed to start on August 25, but some idiot was inside playing around with the stove and started a fire,” Belle explained. “Well let's not worry about that, let's just be glad that Amanda is finally gone,” I said. Just then Belle's phone was starting to act strange. “Weird my phone is acting weird,” Belle said. “Well maybe it'll be better in the morning,” I said.
Monday, September 22, 2014
In the morning we went to school in South Western High School. “Wow you were wrong my phone is still acting weird,” Belle said. “Well let's just go to first period,” I said. We went to Belle's history class for first period.
3½ hours later
It was lunch time and Belle put us on the table. “Mmm what's that smell?” I said. “I think it's Carly's lunch,” Ferrari answered. Carly was sitting right next to Belle and was putting ketchup on her spicy chicken. “I have an idea. Last one to the chicken is a smelling witch,” I said. We ran over to Carly's lunch and hopped on it. Carly was about to take her first bite until Belle started talking to her. “Hey Carly,” Belle said. “Hey Belle,” Carly responded. Carly then took a bite with us in it. We were standing on her tongue and everyone was angery with me. “Nice move genius,” Emma said. “Yeah that's a really stupid idea,” Ferrari said. [Gulp] Carly swallowed us and we went down her esophagus and into her stomach. “What's your plan to get us out of this mess?” Ferrari said sarcastically. “Okay the reason I had that idea to get eaten is that I wanted to use my powers to see if I can control someone from inside their stomach,” I said. I then chanted “Control ye oh Carly.” Carly then started to do everything I did. “What are you doing?” Belle asked. “I don't know,” Carly answered. I was acting like an idiot inside Carly's stomach. “Now have her burp,” Ferrari said. I made Carly burp by burping. We all flew out her mouth and landed on the table. “That was awesome!” I said in excitement. “Are you telling me that you were controlling Carly from her stomach?” Belle asked. “Yeah wasn't that awesome?” I asked. “Yeah that was just amazing,” Belle answered. “That power could really come in handy,” I said. Belle's phone was acting weird again. “Hey do you think you could see what's wrong in my phone?” Belle asked. “Sure I think I have a spell that can allow the six of us to go inside it,” I answered. “But there's seven of us,” Belle corrected. “Yeah only the six of us can go inside it,” I said. “Sweet we're like ‘The Six ¾ Inch Friends,’ awesome,” Ferrari said. “Well plus one beautiful red haired giantess,” I said. “Aw you think I'm beautiful,” Belle said. She then gently kissed me on the head and then the cyber journey began.