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Author's Chapter Notes:

Previously on Planet Tiny: Belle was off to find Emma, but instead Emma found Belle and got her into a car accident. She was put in a coma and it's now up to me to help her, so I shrunk Kevin and made a divise called the Membrain. I used it to make a portal that leads to a LEGO® city named Bricksburg and that's what you missed on Planet Tiny. Now in this chapter Kevin and I start our adventure, but first we'll need some help from the locals.

Characters, Roles, and Known Ages

  • Emmet: Master Builder #1

  • Kevin: Dylan's BFF/Partner

  • Dylan McFalls (17): Hero

  • Wyldstyle/Lucy: Emmet's Girlfriend/Master Builder #2

  • Metal Beard: Master Builder #3/Robot Pirate

  • Batman: Superhero/Master Builder #4/Wyldstyles's ex Boyfriend

  • Unikitty: Master Builder #5/Cat with a Unicorn Horn

  • Benny: 1980 Something Spaceguy/Master Builder #6

  • Bad/Good Cop: Former Villain

  • President/Lord Business: Former Villain

  • Vitruvious: Master Builder #7/Ghost/Blind Old Man/Wizard

Chapter 2: Attack of the 69¾ foot Belle and her LEGO® Duplo Army


Tuesday, June 17, 2014


“You know that's exactly what I said when the things from Planet Duplo came,” a young man said. “Who are you?” Kevin asked. “The names Emmet,” the young man said. “Hi I'm Dylan and this my best friend Kevin,” I said. “Where did you come from anyway?” Emmet asked. “We uh… came from Cloud Cuckoo Land,” I said. “Oh, well I'm sorry for the loss of your home,” Emmet said. “Hey Emmet I could use some help over here,” a young women said. “Sorry gotta go help my girlfriend,” Emmet said. “So who is that girl anyway?” Kevin asked. “That's Wyldstyle or Lucy however you want to call her,” I answered. “So what's the plan?” Kevin asked. “I'll tell you once I get the master builders, Bad Cop, and Lord Buisness together,” I said. “Wait isn't Bad Cop more of a villian name?” Kevin asked. “Actually Bad Cop and Lord Buisness are both former villians,” I answered. “But what about Bad Cop?” Kevin asked. “He's a bad and a good cop, but he lost his good cop face,” I answered. “So isn't he just a bad cop then?” Kevin asked. “No he drew his good cop face with magic marker,” I answered. “But…” Kevin started to say. “You know I would love to fill you in on everything in the movie, but we don't have time,” I said. “LOOK OUT!!!” a pirate voice yelled. Belle's foot came smashing down, but we dodged it before it landed. “Come on we've got to get out of here!” Wyldstyle yelled. “I've got an idea,” I said. “That's great sir,” Wyldstyle said. “Who are you guys?” Batman asked. “That's Dylan and Kevin they're from…” Emmet started to say. “You know our home realm isn't important,” I said. “Anyway I'm Metal Beard,” the pirate said. “I'm Unikitty. Yey,” a cheerful pink cat said. “I'm Wyldstyle, but if you want you can call me Lucy,” Wyldstyle said. “Hi I'm Ben, but you can call mr Benny,” a blue astronaut from the 1980s said. “I am Batman” Batman said. “I'm Bad Cop,” Bad Cop said. “I'm President Business, president of the Octan corporation and the world, but you can call me Lord Buisness,” Lord Buisness said. “I'm Vitruvius,” a ghost said. “Ahhh!! Ghost!!” Kevin yelled in fear. “It's okay Kevin that's a good ghost not one of those from the haunted house movies,” I said. “Got it,” Kevin said. “Okay now that introduction is out of the way let me tell you my plan,” I said. “Okay let's here it,” Emmet said. “Okay Belle can't stand the song Everything is Awesome,” I said. Emmet then gasped in surprise, “Who hates that song?” he asked. “Belle,” I answered. “I don't get how anyone could hate it,” Emmet said. “Anywho we have to get to the Octan tower and sing it. It's the only way we can stop her,” I said. “Ye all heard the boy let's get to the Octan tower,” Metal Beard said. We were off and was on our way to The Old West.


“Okay through the tunnel,” Wyldstyle said. We went into the portal and were in the western realm.

Chapter End Notes:

Okay so now that we've got the team assembled, do you think we can stop Belle?


Next time on Planet Tiny: We all go into The Old West and build something to get to the next realm, Middle Zealand.



If you have any ideas on how I can improve or about what happens next please place it in the review box below.

Thank you.

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