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Chapter 2


           Kacie slumps down in a corner of the room, still struggling to comprehend that what she perceives as a room is in all actuality a shoe. Slowly Kacie breathes in taking in the putrid air of her roommates’ shoe, tears well in her eyes as she leans against the filth ridden wall, slowly slinking down towards the floor placing her head in her lap. Kacie can’t help but think how just yesterday things were so simple.

           Sometime later Kacie stands up and heads toward the sock blocking the only way out. As Kacie walks the length of the shoe she can’t help but notice the grunginess of the shoe, her bare feet sink into the grimy insole, the sides of the shoe feel rough while dirt and dead skin cells flake off the walls as she runs her hand across it, all the dirt and grime that have been beaten in by Tara’s foot now surrounds her, attacking all her senses. Kacie presses against the white cotton sock, her hands sink into the damp rancid sock as she tries to shove it out of the shoe. Tara’s sweat bubbles up and out of the sock running over Kacie’s hand as she presses into the sock. This causes Kacie to back away immediately waving her hands like a lunatic.

           Time passes dreadfully slow and the now frustrated Kacie begins to punch and kick at the sock beating it again and again with her fists no longer caring if it moves or not but just punching it again and again with all her hatred and emotion. It is then the floors start to moan and groan, while everything shakes and shimmers.

           “What did you want to talk about Tara?” says a strong masculine voice.

           “Well Kacie was saying it’s important to her that we hang out.”

           Kacie’s eyes perk up as she hears Tara speaking with Trevor. Kacie takes off running towards the toe end of the shoe which she perceives to be closer to the door but really has know way of knowing. All the way down she screams Trevor’s name. Upon reaching the toe end of the shoe she punched and kicks at it while screaming hoping to draw attention of Trevor.

           “Sorry my room is a little messy let me straighten it up quick.” Blurts out Tara a bit flustered.

           “Oh that’s alright, I keep my room the same way. Kacie always harps on me that I should clean it but it seems like such a hassle.” Nonchalantly says trevor

           “She harps a lot on me too but I just put my foot down the other day and put right in her place” says Tara proudly as she glances down at her shoe which have Kacie trapped in it.

           “Let me help you straighten up quick, than we can talk a bit or something. So where do you want all these shoes in your closet?” Says Trevor as he grabs the shoes Tara had lying out.

           “Oh wait you don’t need to do that, I mean you’re my guest you should just sit down and”

           “Its no trouble at all, your Kacie’s friend so it’s the least I can do.”

           Kacie was screaming at the top of her lungs as Trevor lifted up the shoe she was in. As he began to walk she was tossed about the shoe forced.

           “Trevor please!! I am in here!! Help me!” screams Kacie as tears run down the side of her face.

           “You can just put them anywhere on the shoe rack in the closet, says Tara a bit more confidently, but with her eyes still locked onto the shoes.

           “Trevor!!! Please!!!” shouts Kacie as she falls to her knees and pounds on the rubber toe end of the shoe, however Trevor completely oblivious to the turmoil mere inches from him puts one shoe on top of the other and slides them into the cubby hole like shoe rack.

           “That wasn’t so bad” says Tara as she tosses a pile of clothes into the hamper. “So how about we do something a bit more fun.” Seductively says whispers Tara as she pulls on Trevor’s collar.

           “You bitch!! Trevor just leave!” huffs Kacie

           “Kacie never has to find out, I have found you so hot for so long. I don’t want to hurt her or anything, she’s my best friend. This could be just something between us.”

           “Well…I ahhhh don’t really….” Stammers Trevor.

           “Trevor no!” Cries Kacie.

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