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Issac trudged into the lecture hall and plopped down into his seat.  His lit teacher Mrs. Murphy was giving a lecture on Moby Dick, or The Great Gatsby, or whatever book they had been assigned.  Issac wasn't sure which one.  He honestly didn't care, because every time he was told to read it, he didn't, leaving him with spark notes and a barely passing grade.  It had happened so much that it had become routine.

So Issac tuned out the lecture, and focused on the true reason he even bothered to get out of bed.  Sitting right in front of him was his friend, Sarah.  Well, not really a friend.  Truth be told, acquaintance would be pushing it.  Any relationship the two had was merely for the purpose of arousal, and it was most certainly one sided.  You see, Issac isn't exactly like your normal college aged man.

While most men go crazy over boobs and butts, Issac's interests are...  further down.  He was into feet.  Now, don't get me wrong.  Just like any red-blooded American male, Issac enjoyed some breasts and some ass.  He just preferred feet.  Not just feet either.  It was the idea of being half an inch tall and under the feet that drove him mad with lust.  It was even better if she didn't know he was there.  Unfortunately for him, this kinda thing proved to be impossible.

While Issac did go through a period where he was sad because of the impossibilities of his dream, he got over it.  Instead of moping, he watches women and dreams.  So that's why he didn't mind this boring class.  Sarah, the girl who didn't know he existed, always wore the sexiest flats, and like clockwork, she always slipped her heels out just minutes after the class started.  Even though poor Issac couldn't be down there, he could enjoy the view as she swung the shoes off her toes.

However, the human mind can never settle for long.  What started as a survival instinct to ensure food supplies transformed into an unending greed.  This greed struck Issac hard, and he knew that staring could never satisfy him for much longer.  He began to plot, and to actually listen to his science classes.  Research led him to top scientists working on matter reduction and size compression, and before long he developed his own solution, having plagiarized the ideas of over twenty different labs. 

If Issac had been clever, he would have tested the formula out on rats before humans, but greed and lust blinded him to negative consequences.  Relying on equations that were hastily spliced together, Issac assumed he knew what he was doing.  He believed that if he took a 500 ml dose, he would shrink down to half an inch tall, maintaining cognitive functions and scaled density, gaining extra resistance and strength, and maintaining this state for 24 hours.  Over confidant in his work, Issac enacted his plan.  The night before the literature lesson, he would sneak over to Sarah's spot.  He would drink the dose, at which point he would crawl under the seat and wait.  It was the first lecture of the day, so no one would sit there before her.  She'd sit down and pop her heel, at which point he'd jump on in.  He would ride along with her, ground under her heel like the bug he wanted to be, until she finally went back to her dorm.  Then Sarah would take the shoe off, and Issac would crawl out to find a place to regrow, with a dream of his finally completed.

And so our protagonist found himself in an empty lecture hall at midnight, holding a vial of bubbling pink chemicals with a very awkward erection.  He was getting a little nervous.  This would be the first time he'd ever used it.  What if it kills him, or worse, it fails?  Issac pushed those thoughts aside.  If Neil Armstrong was too scared to climb out of the Eagle Lander, we would have never landed on the moon!  So, with bravery instilled in his mind, Issac chugged the formula.

The plan immediately went wrong.  His body started to tingle.  Slowly at first, but soon the tingles turned to burning pain.  He held in his screams, scared of drawing unwanted attention.  As the pain worsened, Issac collapsed to the ground.  His entire body shook, and as it began to emit a strange orange light, the poor boy fainted, possibly from the pain and possibly from the fear of failure.

He awoke to the ground shaking.  Clutching his throbbing head, he let out the scream he had been holding in.  As he finished, the ground calmed down and his headache began to subside.  His eyes took a moment to adjust to the light, but when they did, he didn't understand.  He was on a large black plain.  The ground was covered in scratches, and boulder of various colors were scattered around.  He struggled to recall what was going on.  Issac remembered the brew he crafted, but after that it was all fuzzy.  Did it work?  Maybe it had other effects too.  As he put his hand in his pocket to check for his phone, the ground rumbled again, and on instinct, Issac looked up.

Issac had desired to be shrunken, but only to an inch.  Sarah's flats should have stretched out to seven yards long, which would have been plenty to engulf his puny form.  However, either through a fault in his equations or his formula, they weren't that size.  Dangling above him were soles that were each as long as a football field!

Having spent the last few months starting at size charts, Issac ran a few numbers in his head.  If he remembered correctly, a foot at that size meant that he was about a thousand microns tall!  It sounds impressive, but it was only the width of a particle of dust.  Those boulders he saw?  The could only have been dust.  The gashes in the ground must have been imperfections in the polished floor.

As could be expected, Issac started to panic.  He could die so easily at this size!  If he wasn't careful, anything from a vacuum to a person could end his life.  He didn't want this!  The formula was supposed to give him extra endurance and durability, but it was clear that some calculations were off.

Issac took a moment to clear his mind.  Panic would only make the situation worse.  He could survive this.  All he'd need to do was wait for the formula to wear off.  But therein was another problem.  How long would that take?  A day?  A month?  A year?  As Issac tried to figure it out, he noticed the air becoming more and more hot and humid.  He was having trouble with the numbers, since he could only use his fingers, so he had no time to ponder it.

Issac was soon coated in moisture, but he figured it out.  Working backwards from the end size, he determined that the formula would wear off after only a week!  He could last that long, right?  As he stood up to think of a strategy plan, he suddenly realized that he was soaked.  A quick sniff revealed a musky, yet feminine smell...

Horror filled Issac's eyes as he realized that instead of addition, he should have been running.  He looks up and sees his fate.  Sarah had somehow managed to slip her flats all the way off without him noticing, and her feet were hovering meerly an inch above the floor.  Issac checked his phone.  Nearly 9.  If he could remember correctly from all the time spent watching Sarah...

On hot days, Sarah Williams hated having her feet cramped up in her shoes.  They could sweat something powerful, and her refusal to wear socks didn't help.  As the class wound down, she slipped her feet out and let them rest slightly over the ground.  She had beach volleyball practice later, and she had no desire to have smelly feet before it even started.  Mrs. Murphy, bless her soul, could get a bit boring, and so Sarah gently set her feet on the floor.  Instantly she regretted it, since the janitor often forgot to clean the area.

She grimaced as she felt the thin layer of dust stick to the sweat on her feet.  Sarah lifted her foot up to eye and saw the little grey particles stuck to her sole.  She let go of her pencil and was about to brush it off when the bell rang.  Her next class, Finance 101, was on the other side of the campus.  She absent mindedly shoved her foot into the flat, grabbed her books and rushed out the door.

Poor, poor Issac.  He wasn't dead.  Oh no, at this point that'd be mercy.  Instead, he stuck to the foot like the dust mote he is.  He could only watch as Sarah put her massive eye up close to him, and he was helpless as she shoved her foot into the shoe.  Even with his near invulnerability, the heat and pressure caused him to lose consciousness before Sarah was out the door.


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