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I woke up too early. As I open my eyes I see Marie's foot being shined upon by the early rising sun's light. I hear a rooster crowing, alerting the neighborhood that it's time to wake up. Marie just moans and shifts, moving her foot away from me as she goes into a fetus position. I'm exposed as she moved the covers with her. Her room is dimly lit, the curtain on her window stopping most light from entering. I can see her pink walls and shelves of stuffed animals, along with makeup products. Across from me, to my right, a door stands. Locked, I'm pretty sure. In the opposite corner, my left, she has a pile of shoes. Sandals, flip-flops, boots, flats and more. Marie sure does love her shoes.

I stand up, wobbling at first. The bed is really soft and it's hard for me to walk. I walk around, attempting to earn my sea legs. Without warning, Marie extends her leg and her foot hits me. I remain on the sole of her foot, sliding until she stops, the momentum pushing me directly off the bed. I fall off the edge of the bed. On my descent to the floor, I close my eyes and yell. To my surprise I land on her jacket, which cushioned the fall. Disoriented, I just lay there and look up at the roof. Marie's foot dangles off the edge of the bed, her toes pointed downwards at me. Involuntarily, she flexes her toes, giving me a nice show of her power. I don't mind being at the mercy of someone else. At least when I know they won't hurt me.

Rolling off the jacket, I push myself up off the floor. I look around and feel intimidated. Everything is so big. It's not a sight I can get used to quickly. Anything can kill me at this size. Maybe even a cockroach. There's really nothing more I can do but wait for Marie to wake up.

"Marie? Are you awake yet honey?" A voice booms from behind the door.

I turn my head around so fast I think I might've pulled something. The door handle moves and begins to open slowly. I'm paralyzed with fear as I watch a towering beauty come into the room. A blonde, like Marie, walks in the room, gracefully and quietly, as to not awake her slumbering daughter. She stands at the doorway and smiles as she looks at Marie. I move an inch back and she spots me. Her eyes, almost like a robot, zero in on me. We share eye contact until she rushes at me. Totally by surprise, I stand there gawking at her. I snap out of it and make a beeline to get under the bed. Even sprinting at full speed isn't enough to evade her completely. I dive as far as I can under the bed, rolling a few times before I come to a stop. Her sandaled foot misses me by a hair, and the gust of wind pushes me back a bit. I come face to face with her big toe, painted a light blue. Her wiggling toes hypnotize me and I find myself unable to get up. The front of the sandal is clean, as well as her toes. Her foot is so dangerously close, if she moved it so much as an inch forward, I'd be crushed.

"Stupid bug." She mutters to herself.

I jump up to my feet and continue running, afraid that she'll look under the bed and catch me off guard. Thankfully, I find a shoe for cover. I jump inside and crawl to the toe section. The shoe's insole is dark with a footprint, and there are toe prints too. It smells faintly like coconut and perspiration. I feel something trickling down my leg. Oh god. Did I... piss myself? Was she that scary? The springs in the bed release making a metallic "boing" sound. I can hear Marie groan and shift again. Her mom retreats and I hear the door close after her. I pop my head out from the shoe, like a gopher, and scout the situation. She's gone. I take a breath of relief and slump down into the now wet sole of Marie's shoe.

My shorts are wet. I can't believe I peed myself. Don't I have any dignity? But then again, I'm only 3 inches tall. The reality of my situation dawns on me. What if Marie doesn't change me back? What it... god I can't even bear to think about it... what if she KILLS me. What if she gets so angry that... that she just ends me right there? All she'd have to do is just put her foot on me, and stand up. I'd pop like a grape. I can't trust her. She can kill me, whether by accident or on purpose, she can kill me. No one would ever know how, nor care.

No, now is not the time to be thinking about this. I need to get back on the bed, before Marie crushes me under her feet. But first, I need to get out of these pee-soaked shorts. I unbutton them and slide them off. The underwear I somehow had on are wet too. Damn. I'm going to have to run around commando. I peel off the underwear as well and roll it up into a ball with the shorts. I stuff them in the very end of the toe section of the shoe. After that, I clamber over the shoe entrance and walk out of under the bed. I look to my right and see some of Marie's blanket is touching the floor. Maybe... maybe I can climb it? The fabric seems just loose enough for me to fit my fingers through.

I walk up to the fabric and grasp it. Seems loose enough. I practice grabbing it repeatedly, as I would if I was climbing. This seems easy. Time for the test. I step forward onto the blanket and slip my fingers into the weaving of the blanket. Both hands are in the blanket. I lift my left arm and and slide my fingers in. Pretty easy, so far at least. I do the same thing a couple times until the blanket begins to tremble. My fingers clench into a fist and I hug the fabric. I shove my feet into some holes the fabric has. Before I can recollect my thoughts I'm hurdled through the air and I catch something midair. Almost instantly I'm slammed into something slightly cold and soft. My head is rocked and slammed into the mysterious surface as well. It turns out to be Marie's back, which is now exposed and cold. Most likely why she pulled the covers over. I lose my grip on the blanket and expect to fall. But I don't. My left leg is caught in the hole. I try to reach up to unhook it but everything starts to tremble again. All I feel is me going into the air and going back down. This is going to hurt. I close my eyes and brace for the impact.

What... what happened? I slowly open my eyes but instantly close my left eye. It burns like I got soap in it. I can feel myself swaying side to side. Am I still upside down? The vision in my right eye is blurry at first, but it fades away. All I can see is Marie's dresser, I'm looking straight across to it. I bend upward and see I'm on the side of the bed. My leg... my left leg. I stare at it until a drop of thick blood hits my face. My... my leg. It's... broken. Snapped. I can feel vomit rising up from my throat. My mouth opens and I throw up everywhere. Some lands on my forehead as tears stream through my eyes. My throat stings as it keeps coming out. After it seems like it's done, I sob. I can't bear another look at my leg. But... I need to know how bad it is. I bend upwards again and see it. The bone is sticking out from the shin. Most likely it broke from the force of the impact. I try to move my leg but instantly regret it as soon as searing hot pain shoots through my body. Instinctively, I scream as loud as I can. Marie shifts again, dropping the blanket a little lower. The drop unhooks my leg from the blanket. I drop to the floor with an thud, squarely on my back. When my leg slams into the floor I just lay there, too exhausted to shout in pain. I just sob to myself and look up.

Is this how I die? Bleeding to death at 3 inches tall? In the room of Marie Mayer? I refuse to die here.

Suddenly, a shadow looms over me. The terrifying grin of a girl greets me.

"Look at what I found!" She whispers to me.

It's... Marie's little sister, Mary. The last thing I see is her palm. God have mercy on me.
Chapter End Notes:
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