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Story Notes:

Mike a macho wrestler at State University wakes up to a world where he doesn't belong.

Author's Chapter Notes:

The testosterone filled jerk gets his come-uppance in this one chapter short story.



Running through the grass,panting loudly Mike was in a great state of distress.Just this morning he had woken up to a world most foreign to himself.Thebed he fell asleep in last night was replaced by a pink alleyway.With no clue hoew he got there or why he was only wearing his boxers Mike began running trying to gather answers.He didn't have any sense of where he was or where e was going he just knew he had to get somewhere.


It took him an hour to get to the meadow he was currently in,and the sights he had come across in his hour trek frightened and confused him.Everywhere he went there seemed to be no sign of anything he could recognize.The plants seemed huge,the very grass blades he was walking across this instant were like trees to him.The world he was in reminded him of Giant Land in the Super Mario Bros. Game he played as a child.


Concentrated on his efforts to remain calm and confident despite being scared shitless Mike pressed on.To show fear was to be not a man but a pussy,these were the guidelines Mike lived by.The man code was not just a credo to him but a guideline.He was man and the world would bend to his desires and will.Mike kept repeating this to himself over and over again trying to convince himself.

BOOM...BOOM..BOOM...loud bursts of thunder interupted his thoughts.The thunder was downright thunderous and it was shaking the ground below his feet causing him to trip and fall.Mike looked up at the sky expecting to see dark clouds rolling around to accompany the thunder,but it was sunny and mild.There was no wind to speak of either."Now what the hell is going on here?"Mike asked himself

How could there be thunder with no storm coming,it could have been a jet or some government test but Mike saw nom plane or any signs telling him he was close to any closed land.How could this be explained,he had never heard or felt anything like that before.It couldn't have been an earthquke either Mike thought to himself.He had gone through a couple of those from his childhood in L.A.


With more questions than answers Mike was left a wondering fool walking alone with his thoughts.Just when he thought the mystery would remain unsolved he heard the sound again only this time much louder and closer....BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.Knocked to his feet Mike was nearly out cold when he was encountered with the strongest smell of vanilla sweet mixed with some mix of other smells he couldn't quite make out...it wasn't sweet but rather almsot sweaty but not terrible.The smell along with the sound was overwhelming his senses.


When Mike thought it could not get any more overwhelming his eyes opened slightly to see a mound ...no five huge mounds each getting bigger than the next right in front of him."Oh my God those.those.tho....."Mike blacked out from sensory overload.What he saw before he was knocked out were five huge peach colored mounds.These mounds were most pecilar though as at the top of them they were painted pink.


In all reality these five huge mounds were the toes of young Tiffany ...who was just stepping out of her suburban home getting ready to lay out and get a tan.Wearing only a two piece bikini Tiffany was about to lay her towel down on the short grass when she noticed something by her feet.It looked to be about three inches tall and resembled a tiny little action figure.Lowering her hands down to the figure she gently picked it up and noticed how lifelike it looked.She brought it up to her blue eyes and closely inspected it....when she looked closely she could swear she saw it breathing....."Oh my Lord...it's alive.Could it be a real life man?Mom told me there were only about 1,000 left in excistense and they were all at the breeding factory used to impregnate women and produce semen for storage.Could this one have escaped somehow?"Tiffany smiled a wicked smile and lowered her new toy to her cleavage.


Mike awoke to a sweltering heat and a strange new environment,surrounding him were two huge canyons of pink and below him was the same peachy landscape.When he felt the Earth around him move and a loud thumping sound around him he was thoroughly confused.Then to his sheer terror,causing him to wet his boxers he saw the largest face imaginable...one that could put the Licoln monument to shame looking down at him from the heavens above.It looked human and female most undoubtlably but far too large to be.When the large being spoke it almost deafened him the soundwaves being far too large for him.


If he could have comprehended what she said he would have heard this.."Welcome home little man,we're gonna have so much fun you and me...."



"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"!,Mike screamed aloud pounding the ground around him.Tiffany just laughed watching his puny struggles ...the laugh sending Mike tumbling farther into her cleavage..



Alas here is the tale of Mike the once former model of machismo and now the model of male servitude.Mike spends his days massaging Tiffany's nipples,asscheeks and pleasuring her clitoris.He has turned into a well trained submissive little boy to his master's whim.

Chapter End Notes:

As the Tables turn

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