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It was hot in the club. The dance floor churned as the sea of humanity rolled back and forth, bathed in undulating red and purple lights and revelling in the euphoria of the long awaited Friday night.

Lauren’s dress clung to her as she danced. The red fabric, cut here and there to reveal coy diamonds of bare flesh, accentuated her seductive shape and had drawn the eye of every man and several women she had met so far. Eyes closed, she held her arms above her head as the music washed over her. Despite the noise she was sure she could hear the cries of her tiny captives, locked in their cloth prison at the bottom of the small blag bag that swung from her shoulder.

A mix of vodka and a generic energy drink flowed through her, teasing a playful and dangerous smile across her full lips. She didn’t know why she had brought them with her but now she had them the temptation to do something reckless was overpowering. It was late and everyone was at least a little drunk. She had shrunk her captives to about half an inch, a few being slightly larger as she had had two glasses of wine before she started.

The club was full to capacity, the dance floor dark and the crowd around her lost in the music. Her friend Sarah danced before her, her hips swinging in time to the music as her hair swept about her smiling face. The blend of black and blonde shimmered like a strobe light. Sarah caught Lauren’s eye and grinned, the deep red of her lipstick complementing her friend’s dress and highlighting the small piercing that studded one corner of her lower lip. ‘Where’s that guy with our drinks?’ she called over the noise, ‘he’s been gone forever, I’m gonna sober up if he isn’t back soon!’ She pulled a wad of gum from her mouth and rolled it absently between her thumb and forefinger before dropping it onto the floor.

Lauren laughed; they’d smiled at a guy and sent him to the bar nearly ten minutes ago. They hadn’t paid for a drink all night and didn’t intend to start now, ‘the crowd is like a million miles deep, when he gets back we’ll ditch him and leave.’ Sarah smiled her assent and cheered as one of the songs they’d asked for when flirting with the DJs came blasting out from the speaker towers set either side of the smoke clouded stage.

Lauren adjusted the strap on her shoulder. She hoped Sarah wouldn’t take it too hard when she found out her boyfriend had left her. Aaron was one of the tiny people who were currently being tossed around in Lauren’s bag, fearing for their lives in the darkness. Lauren had lured him over to her place earlier that day; shrinking him as she dragged him from the hallway and into the kitchen. His phone lay in the top drawer of her bedside cabinet, a text to Sarah ending the relationship ready and waiting to be sent when she got home. She had never liked Aaron and looked forward to crushing his pathetic body beneath the sole of her new heels.

That desire alone was enough to persuade her to continue with her plan. Grabbing Sarah by the wrist she pulled her deeper into the crowd and away from prying eyes. A group of girls giggled next to them, dancing as they sipped bottles of brightly coloured alcopops with neon straws. They were far too drunk to pay attention to what was happening around them.

She ran her hands down her body, casually unfastening her clutch bag as she did so. She secretly wished she could hear the sound of their pleas and prayers but was thankful that the music would drown out any noise the tinies tried to make.

As Sarah turned away from her, swept up in the thumping melodies, she made her move. Her manicured fingers, tipped with blood red polish, dipped into her bag. Miniscule limbs flailed at her fingers as they curled around them, trapping fix or six of them within her fist. She brought them screaming from her bag, careful not to squish the fragile bodies in her grasp. Their world exploded as sound assaulted them, booming like muffled thunder through their prison of perfume tinged flesh. Lauren arched her back slightly and danced her way into a brief crouch. Her hand opened as she neared the floor and, with a flick of the wrist, cast them into the shadows at her feet. She watched them fall, knowing they would all be dead or dying within a minute of landing.

Aaron screamed in terror as he plummeted the six or seven feet to the floor. He landed heavily amid a mass of moving bodies. They groaned and whimpered, the sound barely audible even at close proximity, smothered beneath the intense poundings of the music that roared above them.

His entire body ached, the cramped and sweaty hours spent in Lauren’s purse leaving his naked body covered in purple bruises. Lauren! The evil bitch filled the world before him, her bare legs straightening as she rose into the heavens. She smiled down at him, her brown eyes bright with a toxic blend of alcohol and power.

Already many of his fellow captives were running, screaming in fear as they desperately tried to escape. The ground beneath his feet was slippery with a sticky mud that already covered the lower portions of his arms and legs. The putrid stench of grime, sweat and spilled alcohol assaulted his nose making him want to retch. The floor shook beneath the blows of gigantic shoes, each as large as the yachts he’d seen moored at the marina. They moved with impossible speed, their occupants unaware of the desperate creatures that darted among them.

Some fifty feet away a man in his mid forties had dropped to his knees, waving his arms as he screamed his throat hoarse begging for mercy. Lauren’s massive foot lifted, the pale arch and heel showing as the pillar box red stiletto moved gracefully through the air. He prayed frantically as the grey sole moved above him, his round stomach brushing the floor as he worshipped. A second ticked by like an eternity, the titanic foot hanging over the tiny human, swathing him in a mass of deeper shadow.

His final scream was short as the red platform fell upon him, grinding him into the black filth like a discarded cigarette. Even from this distance the force of the brutal blow knocked Aaron from his feet. Her toes twitched where they peeped from the tip of her shoes, the nails as red as the blood that pooled beneath her sole. Her laugher rang out above the music. Aaron looked up as he struggled to his feet; expecting to see her glaring down at him, selecting her next victim. Instead her attention was elsewhere, indifferent to the human life she had ended without mercy.

He craned his neck to take in the immense figure that stood above him, a slender young woman in a black dress. Her pert breasts obscured her face, platinum blond tips of hair jutting over them like the start of a distant waterfall. She was familiar, surely-

A boom sounded behind him as the girl stepped forwards. High pitched squealing tore at his ears. He turned to see a young girl, as battered and bruised as he was, flailing in a sticky prison of cream coloured chewing gum. Her hair was slick with saliva, the usually subtle scent mixing powerfully with mint as he ran forwards to help her. The gum fell in thick ropes about her as she thrashed, her struggles drawing her further into the deadly goo. She turned and screamed louder than ever, throwing her arms up as a black creeper style shoe descended out of the sky above her. Aaron watched impotently as it buried her, her screams muffled for a split second as the foot smothered her beneath it. The screams quickly turned to the sickening sound of human bones crunching beneath a thousand tons of female flesh, stopping only when the colossal shoe settled upon the floor.

Aaron stood only fifteen feet away on his scale so had no chance of escape as the second foot barrelled towards him. The creeper’s sole was taller than he was and slammed into him with what felt like the unstoppable force of a semi. It lifted him from his feet, breaking ribs and an arm as it threw him through the air. He cried out in agony as he hit the floor, his skin ripping as he skidded across the rough surface. The merciless foot followed him, drifting through the air with silent menace. He looked up as the girl stood over him. He recognised those slender legs, those black stockings, that lacy underwear, those hips wreathed by the fringes of a light black dress.

‘Sarah’, he cried as her foot slammed onto him. His leg disappeared beneath her sole, everything from the knee downwards exploding in an unseen fountain of gore as she stepped down. Her ankle twitched, tearing the stump from its socket. The loose limb rolled in a semicircle, bringing it under the tip of Sarah’s shoe. The smallest movement of her toe pushed the ribbed sole downwards, turning it into pulp.

Blood splattered outwards as it popped, dappling Aaron’s face as he moaned in agony. ‘Sarah, Sarah please,’ he croaked, pounding weakly on the grey sole as his lifeblood drained from him.

Lauren fought to stifle a squeal of joy as Sarah stepped down onto her boyfriend, unwittingly prolonging his suffering. She had to steal brief glimpses to avoid alerting anyone to the drama that unfolded beneath their feet. The tinies had fled in all directions as she knew they would. They had only been on the ground for fifteen seconds and already three were dead and Aaron would soon be the fourth.

She had killed the worshipper straight away. Some of her older slaves, men and women she had had for months or even years in a few cases, had taken to worshipping her freely. She was a Goddess to these bugs but despite that the majority only worshipped her when she paid attention to them; grovelling at her feet or praying to her for mercy whenever she ‘played rough’.  

The others though; they dropped to their knees, pressing their foreheads into the ground whenever she looked at them. She had heard them once or twice in the night, singing her praises and thanking her for what little sustenance and mercy she gave them. Perhaps they thought she would go easy on them? She liked to let them think that, let them feel safe and loved then take one or two of them out of the blue. They never ran. The pathetic things even thanked her as she destroyed them. Once, one even climbed into her mouth on command. She had chewed him slowly. At one point she allowed the others to see his mangled torso, barely alive and still screaming for mercy as he writhed on her tongue, drowning in blood and saliva.

She had no idea who her second kill of the evening was. At this size they were so easy to catch she merely had to step near them and they would be knocked over from the shockwave. She had stepped towards it, she couldn’t tell the sex of her victim in the darkness, and incorporated its demise into her dancing.

Unbeknownst to Lauren her victim had been a guy from the local pizza place she had picked up while he smoked out back. She had kept him for a few weeks. The fall had shattered his ankle but despite this he had still made a reasonable bid at freedom. Her stiletto heel had sideswiped him, tearing him almost in half. She would have been happy to know that he was alive, albeit only just, as the ball of her platform was lowered onto him. His mangled corpse had hung from her sole for a couple of seconds before being cast out into the darkness to be trodden underfoot another thousand or so times.

Sarah had made the third kill, that stupid bitch in the gum. Lauren loved the fact that Sarah had unwittingly trapped her victim before killing her. It was disappointing however that Sarah probably wouldn’t be as into this as she was, her friend was pretty kind at heart. Still, maybe in time she could be persuaded. For now there was the small matter, she laughed tipsily at her own joke, of Aaron.

Lauren snuck a peek at the tiny man lying helpless in the shadow of Sarah’s shoe. She hoped he could see her through the pain that must surely be raging through him. She winked down at him and wrapped her arms around Sarah’s waist. She drew her to her forcefully, her hands moving behind her back to pull her hips close to her own. Lauren looped her thumb through the thin studded belt that cinched her friend’s smart black dress to her waist. Their lips slammed together, fuchsia and crimson locking together as they shared a passionate friend kiss.

Aaron screamed Sarah’s name as her sole moved over him. The girl he had fallen in love with, for whom he had a ring hidden in his room at home, never felt a thing as she stepped onto him. The cruel ribbed surface, studded by tiny grey stones and coated by the layer of grime that covered the floor, pushed through his tiny body with no resistance. Her heel lifted as she shifted the weight to the ball of her foot, giggling as the pink mush that was once her boyfriend was liquefied beneath her toes.

‘You’re crazy’, Sarah laughed, pulling away from her friend. ‘You love it’, Lauren replied with a smirk, blowing an errant strand of chocolate brown hair shot with deep red from where it fell across her face. Sarah twirled away from her as a new song began. Lauren’s eyes shot to where she had once stood, delighting at the small splotch of deep brown that stained the black floor. The rest would be stuck between the grooves of Sarah’s shoe, she smiled at the thought.

Her attention turned to the three left alive, or was it two? They had been free for almost a minute now and she was surprised that, after a brief scan, at least two were still alive. She stepped towards the nearest one, an inch high human whose arms and legs pumped furiously as he ran through the mud.

An unknown reveller finished him off for her. He slipped on the grime as the girl stepped backwards, the words ‘All Star’ flashing as large as a billboard. The man fell on his face, swallowing a mouth of muck as the fall cracked his jaw. The heel fell on him, taking both of his legs, his hips and an arm as the giantess ground him beneath her. His pulverised flesh clung to the diamond patterned rubber as she moved her foot, lifting him free of the sucking grime before dropping him back onto the floor. He rolled onto his back just in time to catch a glimpse of a perfect calf, clad in tight black jeans that stretched upwards to where a perfect ass gyrated in the far distance. There was the tiniest of pops as her converse obliterated him, smearing him into the crud coated floor.

Lauren turned to the sole survivor with a satisfied smile. The only thing worse, she assumed, than being crushed like a bug is being crushed like a bug and not even noticed.

The ‘winner’ was vanishing into the distance, a girl in her early twenties; no older than Lauren. She had left the small space claimed by Sarah and herself and now ran amongst the still giggling group of girls beside them. Lauren felt a twinge of fear as one of the girls looked down, a startled look on her face. The crowd moved blocking her view in the press as the song upped its beat.

Lauren stepped into the crowd, pushing herself between a wall of bodies. She caught a glimpse of the started looking girl, a typical ‘beach babe’; tanned and blonde in a white, low cut top. She was still looking down, her perfect brows dipped in a pretty frown. The girl moved forwards. Her long bronze leg moved quickly, causing her tight denim hot pants to roll across her sculpted ass. She stomped down hard and turned back to her friend, laughing into her drink.

Lauren sighed, relief washing over her. That was probably ninety seconds in all. Her heart beat heavy in her chest, adrenaline weaving amongst the lingering alcohol. The rush of killing them and watching them killed in public was indescribable. It was a risk, a big risk, but it had been worth it.

Sarah looked at her quizzically, ‘I don’t think that guy is coming back. C’mon, let’s go find someone else to get us wasted.’ Both girls laughed, lacing fingers together as they danced into the crowd.


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