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“Paris, over here!”

The wealthy heiress turned and posed for the camera. Several flashes went off, capturing the statuesque blonde standing with a hand on her hip and a smug little grin on her gorgeous face.

“Paris! Paris! This way!”

Recognizing the voice of an influential gossip magazine photographer, the socialite made sure to give the guy a great shot of her pouting at the camera. More clicks and flashes erupted around her. Smiling to herself, Paris was certain that picture would look fabulous on any magazine cover.

“We love you Paris!”

That came from somebody who didn’t have the clout to score a prime position in front with the major paparazzi outlets . Ignoring him, Paris instead turned toward a photographer that had always taken stunning shots of her in the past. As the pompous blonde worked her way through the fawning media and towards her waiting limo, she couldn’t get over how easy it was to make these lowlifes eat out of the palm of her hand.

Reveling in the media’s attention and the public’s never ending fascination with her, Paris’s ego seemed to grow ever larger. This may be, even though it’ll never be scientifically proven, why she transformed so dramatically that day. It truly could have been that her body was simply forced to expand in order to accommodate her gargantuan sense of self. Whether this was true or not, there was no disputing that Paris Hilton became a colossal tower of power in front of the cameras.

She had just exited an exclusive Los Angeles spa when she made the miraculous transformation from human to god. Every camera flash seemed to cause Paris to double in size...and there were a lot of flashes right then. The sexy blonde, clad in a neon green string bikini, with a towel wrapped around her delectable waist, morphed into a twelve foot tall amazon. Then a 24 foot giant...then a 48 foot tall titaness...

As awe inspiring as those heights were, they became quite insignificant in no time. She quickly hit 96 feet, followed by 192, 384, 768, 1536, 3072. In less than a minute, Paris surpassed the mile high mark, before plateauing at two miles tall.

Paris Hilton wasn’t just big, she was epic...

If she was frightened by her change, she didn’t show it. Instead the mountainous woman’s face assumed its trademark smug, slightly disinterested expression. Deep down though, Paris was anything but bored. Her lofty perspective and the awesome might that came with it, made the enchanting woman’s chest swell with pride.

She had become powerful in a way that went infinitely beyond the privilege that came with wealth. Even somebody as dull as Paris knew that. Already from her towering vantage point, she could see the first signs of panic erupt around the city. Seeing what effects her presence had on these people, even just by standing still, made her little smirk grow a shade bigger.

She was already in love with this.

“If these people...no, if these bugs”, she said correcting herself, “are scared now, I can’t wait to see what they do when I actually go out of my way to frighten them.”

Paris’s familiar, near emotionless tone echoed for miles around. To the millions who heard her words, the bored, casual way in which she spoke them, instilled almost as much fear as if she had laughed maniacally. Following Paris’s little announcement, real chaos started to erupt. The streets, especially major ones, became increasingly gridlocked. All over, people rushed blindly about, not knowing where to go, driven only by an instinct to do something in the face of such a nightmarish force. Still others fled into whatever building they could find, in hopes that there was protection from the giantess’s incredible strength.

While the world around her devolved into fear driven madness, Paris observed it all for a few more minutes, before taking her first step. Her long, shapely leg moved far too quickly for people to comprehend. To the frightened little world, something that big should have been slow and ponderous, but instead, the 12,000 foot tall woman’s gam took only a second to move one earth shattering step forward.

Even though nobody will ever know for sure, people still wonder how many died under Paris Hilton’s first gigantic foot fall. Measuring a quarter mile long and nearly 500 feet wide, her barefoot unquestionably doomed anybody who fell within its dark shadow. What is known though, was that when her foot impacted with the earth, tremors shook the ground violently for thousands of yards around. Any structure caught within that radius instantly crumbled to the ground, while whatever she stepped on was obliterated from existence.

In the overcrowded city, hundreds probably died every time Paris Hilton took a step. The casual, effortless way she destroyed knew no bias. The self centered goddess trod over everybody, without regard for social class, race, gender, or age. No matter who they were, the sum of their lives up to that moment led to them being thoughtlessly stepped on by a selfish bitch.

As thousands died, Paris’s ice blue eyes focused on the city’s downtown center. Located there were the only manmade structures that dared challenge her size. The tallest of these concrete and steel towers, while seemingly massive to the average person, amounted to nothing more than amusing little obstacles to Paris. To the pompous woman, the fact that these structures were referred to as ‘skyscrapers’ was laughable when they were compared to her towering grandeur.

With her absolutely perfect legs measuring a mile long, it took the tanned she-goliath only a couple of steps to reach her destination. Built to withstand earthquakes and other types of disasters, the skyscrapers didn’t topple like other structures in Paris’s path, but they did sway violently. Inside the doomed buildings, helpless people could only wait for spoiled colossus to destroy them.

Once Paris rumbled into the downtown, she delighted in how the largest buildings only reached as high as the middle of her shin. For several minutes, the giantess was content to simply admire how fabulous her calves looked in comparison to the surrounding towers. After Paris finally tore herself away from her self worship, she kneeled down and wrapped a massive hand around the nearest skyscraper. Then, with incalculable strength, she tore the entire structure from the ground.

In Paris’s mighty fist, the 500 foot tall building looked like a small soda can. Chuckling lightly, the arrogant titaness savored the feeling of power she experienced by holding so many lives in her hand. As her prisoners were shook about, Paris brought her “toy” close to her eye and peeked into it. While she could barely make out the speck like occupants, they had no trouble seeing her beautiful blue eyes and elegant eyelashes gaze back at them

Within a few seconds of grabbing it, Paris found herself getting bored with the skyscraper. As a result, she closed her fist around the building and crushed the it with ease. Completely free of any feelings of guilt, Paris allowed the pulverized concrete and steel to steam through her fingers.

Shortly after that, a second tower was plucked from the earth as if it were a lowly weed. Smirking, Paris slid the narrow building into the dark chasm that was her cleavage and snickered at the image. Trapped tightly between her massive, firm breasts, the tiny building was shaken rhythmically by the heiress’s heartbeat.

Soon after the skyscraper was placed in Paris’s skimpy top, its comparatively fragile structure started to crumble. Before that happened though, the gigantic snob began to squeeze her boobs together. The building actually resisted the incredible pressure for a few seconds, before it succumbed and exploded into a pitiful cloud of dust.

Proud of herself, Paris smiled as she wiped the debris from her chest.

From the corner of her eye, the sexy goddess saw the city’s millions continue to flee from her. Ever smug, Paris placed her hands on her hips, and said casually, “Stop.”

Instantly, frenzied activity throughout the city came to a halt. Despite the terror they all felt, not one person could resist the awesome power of Paris Hilton’s voice.

“Now...kneel”, she commanded.

Again, the masses obeyed Paris’s order. As one, they fell to their knees in a show of complete subjugation to the blonde’s might. Still smirking, Paris didn’t bother releasing her slaves, and instead, delighted in trodding over them with her foul smelling feet. Even though thousands would die a humiliating, painful death under the cruel giantess’s heel, nobody could leave their kneeling positions to escape.

Paris would have continued strutting over her slaves, but a small rumble in her stomach made her pause. Realizing that she had an army of helpless slaves at her disposal, she said sneering, “I’m hungry. Bring me food.”

As the city’s remaining population jumped to fulfill her command, Paris idly wondered how difficult it would be for the tiny world to feed a two mile tall woman. Never one to concern herself with details though, the heartless giantess dismissed the thought with a shrug of her lovely shoulders. Instead, she started to imagine how fun it was going to be, now that the entire population of the world existed soley for her selfish amusement.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Earth’s people looked on in horror. Billions watched on their televisions as Paris destroyed half of a major city with little effort, and then enslaved its population with only a couple of words.

Seconds later, after realizing that she was probably dominating the planet’s attention, Paris felt herself begin to expand again...
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